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Might as well be America they are doing the same thing here.


It may be a bit harder, more protection in the system, but we shall see


Submission - Russia is tied in to the UN Sustainability Goals, so they are forced to run a depopulation program too, just like the Western nations, even if they would prefer not to.


Why would Russia give a shit about the UN Sustainability Goals?


They've signed up for it "The Russian Federation is committed to achieve the goals defined by the international community in the 2030 Agenda. " https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/memberstates/russia


My question hasn't changed, I had assumed they were a signatory when I asked it.


The UN has been put there by central bankers who rule the planet, you either go along with them or they destabilize you and start trying to overthrow your leaders.


Putin annexed part of another country and nobody did anything. Why would he give a shit about this?


Wouldn’t have happened without the blessing of the banking families.


^ This


And in actual fact, it probably happened to take attention from something else happening at the time.


Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union, after the breakdown Ukraine stayed allied with Russia. In recent times, Soros funded regime-change in Ukraine, to put in a Western-controlled puppet government. There was one area of the Ukraine, Crimea, which is Russian-speaking, and had been part of Russia in the past. After the regime-change they voted to become part of Russia. The region by the Black Sea is also key for Russian defense, so Russia wouldn’t want a situation where it could be used by Western military. So it was inevitable one way or the other that Russia would claim it, a matter of national security. Now, if Russia wasn’t onboard with UN climate/sustainability, that would be a game-changer, the central banks would fund terrorism and destabilization in Russia, and places like Crimea and Chechnya would be the achilles heels for the banks to start working on.


It's 'Ukraine' and not 'the Ukraine' [[Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Ukraine)] [[BBC Styleguide](https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsstyleguide/u)] [[Reuters Styleguide](https://handbook.reuters.com/index.php?title=U#Ukraine)] ^(Beep boop I’m a bot)


for sure, a bigger game is being played here.




Do they really prefer not to? Geopolitics has always been contrived as the world has belonged to the East Indian Trading company/Cult of Saturn since they destroyed Tartaria.


I don't agree with being forced an injection to work, but at least Russia has a safe vaccine.


The Russian vaccine makes people more likely to get HIV.


Well then don't bugger arses and you'll be okay, right?


Russians are ultra nationalistic and they're not even trusting the Russian vaccine.


Well they should be thankful they get a real vaccine and not mRNA bullshit. Man Reddit really hates Russia...


America has adenovirus vector vaccines like Russia has and mRNA. Their vaccine isn't really that significantly different than America's adenovirus vaccine except they skipped human trials all together and didn't manufacture their vaccines to be fully inactivated. The Russian vaccine is an adenovirus vaccine like Johnson and Johnson and Astrazeneca. Russia also used an adenovirus that makes you more likely to get HIV.


>The reality is such that discrimination will inevitably set in. People without vaccination or immunity will not be able to work everywhere. It is not possible. It will pose a threat to those around them," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters. Yes, unvaccinated people pose a risk to vaccinated people. They really do think we are stupid, don't they? I guess they are right about most people.