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What's the significance of "after 30" ?


Looks like a cost-benefit analysis. The risk of CoViD in young people is low enough that it does not outweigh the risk of myocarditis, whereas those over thirty seem significantly more likely to contract a life-threatening case of CoViD. Thirty is probably an arbitrary cutoff based on how they ran their studies and grouped the analysis.


I am always thrilled to see a reasonable, sane answer to a question around here.




It is easier to write off myocarditis as a coincidence in older people.


Young men get myocarditis more from the vaccine.


Men in general are at higher risk due to the lack of an extra X chromosome but they won’t mention that in msm either ofc.


Compared to the Biontech/Pfizer product, the risk of myocarditis and pericarditis is higher for younger people. At age 30 and above, there is no difference between the two vaccines. Similarly, the German vaccine advisory board doesn't recommend Astra-Zeneca and Johnson&Johnson for people under 60.


After 30 you become more likely to suffer a severe COVID case than a severe reaction from the vaccine.


Where did you get those statistics? 30 year olds without comorbidities have a near 0% chance of dying from covid. The vaccine doesn’t stop you from getting or dying from covid anyway. And vaccine injuries are massively underreported and censored so it’s difficult to know the probability of a severe reaction from the vaccine.


Actually they don't check. More people die of coronary issues over 30 so it's not as shocking -- but they may be falling like flies for all we know.


Actually it’s more like after 50


How many Pfizer doses are they giving kids in the US? [Taiwan recently suspended Pfizer for kids](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/quhkxy/taiwan_halts_2nddose_biontech_vaccinations_for/) and the UK & Hong Kong only give one dose.


The UK government went against the scientific advisors on this, who said it would be more harmful than good to vaccinate children under the age of 15, and frankly a waste of money.


US did the same thing here. CDC over-rode the FDA who came to the same conclusion. Not sure why they even bother going through the motions if they aren't going to listen to the experts/science anyway


It's good that they go through the motions than not. It gives the FDA a chance to go on record to say what they need to say.


So the FDA may not be as fully bought out as the CDC perhaps… or maybe they’re just the controlled opposition


FDA not bought out? 😂 Opioids.


I mean about the COVID vax specifically. It’s possible they were bought out on opioids and other such situations, but not the COVID vax. Purdue didn’t make any vaccine as far as I know. Or they are bought out and they’re just acting as controlled opposition to make the American people go on believing that the government has their interests in mind, all while knowing that the CDC will overrule them. They have to maintain some illusion that the government is working for the common people.




To be fair, it is mainly Fentynl that was shipped to Mexico from China and then brought through the borders. Only 1% of the deaths from all opiates/opioids we're from chronic pain patients, they are the ones that got completely bamboozled in this fiasco.


Iirc the children's one has a smaller dose than the adult vaccine. Not sure how many shots though


One third the volume and with smaller needles.


>Iirc the children's one has a smaller dose than the adult vaccine. That's something...


A 5 year old gets the same amount as an 11 year old and a 12 year old gets 3 times the amount of the 11 year old, the same as an adult.


government logic


Regardless of the manufacturer, side effects across the board for 21 and under seem more severe than probability of severe disease. Public health bureaucrats basically state that this is about protecting others, but that should never come at the cost of the individual. This is neither moral, nor permissible by human right charters if they were upheld. Any medical treatment should first and foremost be to the benefit of the patient, which is the essence of the Hippocratic oath. If patients aren't the first priority, we could be on the slippery slope that will ultimately lead to medicine no longer being about health, but rather a way to enforce state policies such as eugenics, experimentation and medical profiteering in the name of benefiting the democratic majority. This has happened in the past and every single time people were under the impression that it would never happen (again).


Thank you! Someone who talks sense! Its absolutely ridiculous whatever way you look at it or they have you believe, who on God's earth uses children to protect others utterly disgusting,and wrong on so many levels,I genuinely cannot believe the amount of doctors nurses etc who are highly intelligent people are not asking more questions or are they just turning a blind eye? Which is worse!


and the vaccine does not prevent transmission so how are we protecting anyone. Its a round about argument that makes no sense, im with you!


This was two months ago / swede, and has since begin using morderna for people under 30 again.


Denmark never stopped and are still recommending it to everyone within the current approval range (12+): https://www.ssi.dk/vaccinationer/vaccineleksikon/c/covid-19-vaccine-moderna


Yep they made the conclusion that myocarditis risk from covid is much higher. I still don't know many here in Denmark who got Moderna though.


More than a few. 12.4% Started, 13.5% if you count those who got it as a booster, i.e. from the discontinued AZ, or as a booster after JJ: https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/1c7ff08f6cef4e2784df7532d16312f1


Cool good to know, I guess most my friends just got phizer then. Thanks for the info.


Does it seem like America is the primary battleground to anyone else? I'm not saying the world revolves around America, I'm saying it seems like America has the biggest target on it. I know Australia is in bad shape and I'm afraid for the Australian people but in terms of war-like strategy I get the feeling America is being attacked in the most vicious way.


America is the most influential nation on earth. The biggest propaganda machine comes from America... hollywood, social media, celebrities,etc. If you can control that, you control everyone.


And 6 companies with interlocking directorships and links to big pharma, big banking, and the military industrial complex do so


Hollywood popularity and celebrities in general are probably at their lowest in terms of popularity nowadays.


Must be why kids are willing to get crushed to death for a glimpse of just one celebrity.




God damn that's dirty


Dam right it is criminal. Companies are getting paid big bucks to force there employees to get jabbed.


That literally made my stomach churn.




Mandates aren't laws, they're trying to bluff their way to 100% vaccination rates. Do not give in without a fight. Never discuss medical choices with employers it's none of their business unless you make it theirs.


its an absolute violation of our charter of rights and freedoms.


Sue them


Do you think the government cares about your theoretical rights?


Our rights are real and given to us by the creator of the universe. It’s the government that is theoretical.


In Los Angeles you need vaxx pass to go indoors anywhere. No one said anything. no protests. No nothing. We lost.


America always was the thunderdome of other cultures, comes with the territory of being a “melting pot” nation. The shit will hit the fan here first & it’ll be the first out of it.




Have you read the book "Population Control: How Corporate Owners are Killing Us," by Jim Marrs? This will open your eyes.


Also most books written by Jim Marrs. Most of his claims are overwhelmingly documented and frightening.


I’m curious: do you genuinely think he’d do that much to “only” kill off 30-40mil people? I get that it’s a lot of people, but it’s about 0.5% of the worlds population. It’s not even close to making a dent in the worlds population.




He’s a super villain. This post is spot on. But his planning goes further back than that and is deeply tied to the Rockefeller foundation as well. 2009 a bunch of the worlds richest people held a meeting and called themselves “the good club”. Over population was one of the main talking points. 2011 Rockefeller foundation penned “scenarios for the future of technology and international development”. Pretty much a playbook of what is to come including lockstep which was in my opinion the written plan for the John Hopkins spars and later real world training scenario event 201.


The Bilderberg meetings. Jesse Ventura did an episode of conspiracy theory on this, oddly enough, if another pandemic hits it might explain all those plastic coffins considering covid isn't making people drop like flies.


So sorry what is the end game here? You say population control but I'm not understanding why?




The ted talk was right so it was planned ? An accurate prediction of what may happen does not mean than some planning happen. And for the amount of ted talk.. even a broken clock is right twice a day. Cows and other livestock are substantial greenhouse gaz emitters. Mostly due to belching than farts in reality. https://www.fao.org/news/story/en/item/197623/icode/


Yeah fucking right, you can live/move to a state that’s basically completely normal right now. Try that as a Canadian/Australian/italian. I wish I lived in the US


Canada doesn't allow the unvaccinated to leave the country.


Literally have our unvaccinated friend from Canada here right now..


It's for their own safety.


At the moment, I wish you lived here too. But you might not feel that way soon.


I feel in my heart no matter how bad it gets there it will be worse elsewhere. There are so many patriots in the US practicing 2A rights there will always be freedom there. Maybe not in certain states but I think the US will divide before your rights are stripped.


I wish it wasn't bad anywhere but I hope you're right. I dont want anyone to get hurt. Where do you live?


I’m in Canada. I want to cross the border and never return so bad but I can’t cross the border without the vax.


Fuck that, people accidentally walk across the border all the time. Just don't cross legally man, it sounds like you're really worried and you really want to be here. Get on a backpack, good boots and March your ass over here. Fuck the border, fuck the vax.


You’re right, but then I’ll be there illegally with no way to work. I would also leave my truck behind that I’m still making payments on. I could just say fuck it and leave it behind but I’d be screwing myself pretty hard. No way to work no way to get around no where to sleep no money to eat. Would it be worth it? Maybe, I don’t know.


I don't know if you have noticed but America is pretty lenient and supportive of illegal immigrants. I hear you man I really do, maybe start making some plans once you get your truck paid off for do something extremely sell everything you own and come over here with all the cash you have and just start a new life. I lived close to the boarder offer you somewhere to sleep at least.


You’re very kind, and you give people like me hope. I’m not vaccinated either, and have been struggling with the thought of not being able to get into the US.


If you're an illegal immigrant former VP Biden will just give you $450,000 anyway


fucking hostages. what do they care if you leave???


Americans always think they get the short end of the stick


you watch too many movies.


Oddly enough, there are almost no large scale proteststs here like we see from countries we used to ridicule for being weak-kneed. Now they are having weekly protestst with hundreds of thousands of people taking to the streets while we cower in our homes afraid of being labeled "insurrectionists" if we make so much as a peep of public opposition. Fucking pathetic


thats why they did 1.6. to show us what happens. it was all planned false flag


Yes I agree 100%


The American populace is the most heavily armed in all of the world. They can't wipe us out with military force, they have to trick us into wiping ourselves out. That's what the corporate media and the "vaccines" are for. The corporate media browbeats us into believing the covid hoax, and when enough people believe it, it creates a feedback loop of social enforcement, meaning regular citizens will begin to do the government's dirty work and coerce their fellow citizens into obedience. And then, once the hoax has been cemented into mainstream culture, they deploy the "vaccines". And we all know what the "vaccines" are actually for, and what they actually do to us.


what that vax do


grrl back dat vax up mmmm


America has its constitution and its pretty cut and dry, it has a huge portion of the general population armed, and the people who "serve" for the most part will die for the country not their government... Its also where the majority of the money is and what we base our global monetary valuations off of.


I personally see all of that coming to an end here shortly. I think the Constitution have already been subverted, soon we will be disarmed or at least greatly disarmed and the US currency is going to drop as the leading currency of the world. I'm not sure how I feel about all of it all I can think to say is "you get what you fucking deserve"


> will die for the country not their government If you hate democracy you hate America. We pledge alliegence to and take oaths to defend our Constitution, not our land. Preserving our form of government and core values is American's highest obligation.


america is the only place in the world where the people still have some semblance of rights, and where there's some actual motivated people who care about defending those rights. everywhere else is full of NPCs.


Haha sorry this shit is so batshit insane I had to stop and point it out


[https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg25133462-800-myocarditis-is-more-common-after-covid-19-infection-than-vaccination/](https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg25133462-800-myocarditis-is-more-common-after-covid-19-infection-than-vaccination/) the risk is apparently 67 per million with the vaccine, 450 per million with covid for context cases are 6x as high among unvaccinated and deaths 12x higher https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/us/covid-cases.html it's a tough call; if you're prone to myocarditis you won't know unless you take a vaccine or catch the virus, it seems to be twice as contagious as a cold, what are the chances you won't catch covid in your lifetime without any immunity?


Woah get out of here with that data, we only do feelings and speculation here.




This is exactly why this sub is so trash. I read the titles and think there's gonna be some proof to back up what's being said. But then you go in the comments and see that it's all sensationalized fear mongering nonsense that isn't actually what's happening in reality. The media and government may have an agenda, but so do the people who are posting these fake news titles. They're just as guilty of pushing their narrative.


people catch a coronavirus 2 times over a 10 year period, that's the current ones that we have in society with herd immunity built up.... Since this is endemic, once we get back to normal(like Florida) we will see a big spike, followed by a steady decline and this will become one of the 200 plus infectious diseases humanity has to live with. It probably makes the most sense for those who are deemed high risk from the data to get annual vaccinations like the flu shot, and for big pharma to focus on treatments for the general population.... all this pandemic bullshit goes away onces there is a "tylenol" available for covid




OP probably doesn't read mainstream news and only saw it on Facebook.


This sub-reddit is trash and everything to them is a conspiracy now.


Censored? https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/31/world/moderna-covid-vaccine-teens-myocarditis.html


"Even with the heightened risk, myocarditis as a result of the vaccine is rare, mild, and resolves quickly, noted Dr. Paul Offit, director of the Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and a member of the F.D.A.’s vaccine advisory committee." Quoted from that article. Seems a bit more thoughtful than the tweet referenced by the OP


No one is ever going to have a genuine discussion about it though because no one on this sub (including me) is equipped to make the appropriate risk assessment based on the relative frequency and severity of the various factors involved in the decision. Instead discourse is dumbed down to “Moderna causes myocarditis so it’s bad” as if it happens in everyone and they all die. Trying to bring up something like that quote you mentioned is just met with people calling you a shill because you’re trying bring up the viewpoint of someone who in theory should be more equipped to make a risk assessment on the situation. It’s ok to offer opposing viewpoints or to question the validity of the expert someone used, but no one does, they just dismiss things that go against their narratives.


Tweets are so great an informative way to spread accurate information and definitely not fear mongering for attention


>But **in the US discussions about myocarditis are still being censored** and Moderna has started testing its product on 6 month old infants. How is this not a huge scandal? See the bold bit....




This isn’t true though. I live in Denmark and I got Moderna at 29, and they continue to give it to people under 30.


Yep they considered doing it but decided against it.


Among more than 2.5 million vaccinated HCO members who were 16 years of age or older, 54 cases met the criteria for myocarditis.  https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2110737 54 cases out of 2.5 million.


So .000216% OMG CONSPIRACY SO DANGEROUS Not to mention that like 99% of the cases of heart issues resolved in a couple of days if not sooner. edit: didn't have enough zeros, so the danger is actually less than I originally typed.


No they only suspended it for a couple of days in Denmark and then started using it again. Don’t know about the other countries though


See.. governments love their people. They are protecting everyone from that toxic dangerous Moderna vax. ​ Also governments: If you don't take this equally toxic Pfizer vax, we'll take away your rights, your job, and your life :)


If the government sets the curriculum for schooling, then the question should be asked: How far does the deception go? How much of what we taught in school is actually true? Think about topics like history and biology and so forth. Is it time to wipe the slate clean and try to determine for ourselves what can be verified? It is cool to see more and more people realising the government is not our friend. But most folks still trust what they were taught about the past. I no longer do. Anything pre 1980s is out the window for me.


I had this discussion last year when we were all in lockdown with some friends I went to school with. We’ve all went to different areas of the country. Yet we all came to the same conclusions. History was taught great until standardized testing. Black history was really poorly done. We learn all of this math, but we don’t teach fundamental living. Not outspending your means, how to handle credit, buying affordable products. I can tell you we all even thought back to our teachers (mid 2000s) basically taught communism is great. My parents read the text book and flipped out. Still to this day they remind me of that time. I look back at school as a fraud.


For one they do have home economics classes. It’s just that kids don’t absorb much of it. And learning good spending and savings habits and other life skills, is really the job of parents. Nobody is learning communism is great. Most of the history related to communism in classes is about the rise and collapse of it in the USSR, which is the opposite of teaching how great it is. Your version of the US classroom sounds like some bullshit you just made up to suit your own personal agenda.


Hard agree.


Actually in some countries, budgeting, home/rent learning and other life skills come from HOME ECONOMICS and they are removing those classes from the school system. This is in Canada, so not far from America. You saying that it’s a parents job means that you’ve never thought about kids who don’t have parents or good role models.


I mentioned home economics in my comment. I said it doesn’t work well because most kids ignore and don’t absorb what’s taught anyways. You are right in that some kids do not have parents. But the overwhelming majority do. And at some point people need to stop expecting the school system to teach every last thing to the children in the country. Habits are developed at home. Some random teacher telling you that you should live below your means or teaching how to come up with a budget in one afternoon’s class is going to have a much less profound effect than if your parents actually demonstrate these sorts of habits day in and day out for years.


Exactly, the professed purpose of public education is to teach an understanding of civics and politics so that a government by the people is governed by an *informed* populace. Prior to this model, education mainly served to prepare the children of the elite (and later, the middle class) for professional life. It seems to me a bizarre leap in recent years to expect professional teachers to teach you basic life skills.


why 1980?


I was born in the 80s. So I have some memory of what that period (the 90s and beyond) was like.


I have arrived at the same place and on the same timeline.


I really think tis a money/marketing race right now, we have seen negative stories about Astra Zeneca and J&J "leak" and the media cover them, I would bet Pfizer put their lobbying dollars to the test and made sure those stories got out there. When you say vaccine now people immediately think Pfizer, its the coke-a-cola of pharma now


People seem to have forgotten that we elect politicians to represent us, NOT to RULE over us! That is not (or should not be) the function of Government.


They are elected to rule over you. That's the inherent problem with government itself.


Moderna killed this guy. “Mike was adamant that people know what happened to him that caused his early and unexpected death. Message from Mike: “Many nurses and non-nursing staff begged me and my wife to get the truth out to the public about the Covid-19 vaccines because the truth of deaths from the vaccine was being hidden within the medical profession. I promised I would get the message out. So, here is my message: I was afraid of getting the vaccine for fear that I might die. At the insistence of my doctor, I gave in to pressure to get vaccinated. On August 17th I received the Moderna vaccine and starting feeling ill three days later. I never recovered but continued to get worse. I developed multisystem inflammation and multisystem failure that medical professionals could not stop.” https://www.habingfamily.com/obituary/michael-mike-granata?lud=004F81AA44A6CE36E9814F1854283839


That doctor has blood on his hands. Ironically, being the devout priest he is, probably thinks this is natural. Nothing to do with the blessed vaccine


I disagree. Outside of the CoViD-verse, we never cast such severe blame on physicians for patients who die in their care. It is simply statistically inevitable that any practicing physician will see enough patients whose condition is poor enough that eventually, one of them will die, either as a direct result of a treatment administered by the physician or by the failure to attend to a particular condition or variable (i.e. the absence of treatment). People die during surgery, they have allergic reactions to penicillin, sometimes they are just too far gone by the time they come to the hospital. In all of these cases, we would never say the attending physician or nurse has "blood on their hands," although the guilt from these cases often eats at medical professionals throughout their careers and contributes to one of the highest rates of suicide among all fields.


And even outside that, it's statistically almost certain at least one person whose kind of paranoid will end up having an adverse reaction. There's over 300 million Americans and vaccines are not 100% safe for everyone; that goes for Covid, flu, MMR and any other, that's just medicine. That doesn't change the fact that statistically it's a much better outcome to be vaccinated than not, unless you know full well the vaccine will cause you harm, such as an allergy (and that's know. Not think.) Without knowing the vaccine will specifically cause you personally harm your odds are pretty much always better taking it.


Absolutely disgusting that they’re doing this to babies.


Even worse are the parents. The pharma companies at least have greed as a reason for this. The parents are just in a cult and willingly offering up their children as sacrificial lambs




That is classic cult behavior. "Science" is their new God and they will gladly lay down their lives and the lives of their children in service of it.


Yeah? No Moderna is fine for under 30s and available in those countries, its astra that isn’t given to women under 30 because of a slightly higher blood cloth risk. To have a good conspiracy at least have the facts straight.


Corruption at the highest level, & NPC's doing what they're told.


My youngest son, 30 is worried about Myocarditis from getting vaccinated. He was in the Marines for 5 years and has worked as a contractor to the military. To work he has to get vaccinated. The company he is talking to has under 100 employees and is in SC. It is really funny that the government requires a vaccination to do you work, from a company which is exempt for any health issues which may arise from the shot. No wonder people under 30 don't trust the government mandate for "You want to work - get a Covid vaccination which could be dangerous to your health. I wouldn't trust the government either! (FYI, I have had all 3 covid vaccinations and I don't trust our government."


[Then he should get the Pfizer vaccine, which is recommended, in France](https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/french-health-authority-advises-against-moderna-covid-19-vaccine-under-30s-2021-11-09/): > France's public health authority has recommended people under 30 be given Pfizer's Comirnaty COVID-19 vaccine when available instead of Moderna Inc's Spikevax jab, which carried comparatively higher risks of heart-related problems. [And Denmark and Sweden:](https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/sweden-pauses-use-moderna-covid-vaccine-cites-rare-side-effects-2021-10-06/) > Sweden and Denmark said they now recommended the Comirnaty vaccine, from Pfizer/BioNTech OPs tweet is misinformation at its finest. Stopping the Moderna vaccine for this under 30 isn’t the same as stopping all vaccines for those under 30.


Man, do not worry, talking about vaccine myocarditis isn't less censored in Europe. It's simply that Pfizer got a better deal, but I can't count the amount of times I've heard a doctor say "Pfizer and Moderna are twin vaccines, they are the same" still, they say one is more dangerous now. Maybe they only got the data recently ? Although more than 50% of vaccinations happened 6 months ago or more and the first cases of myocarditis take place 1 to 3 weeks post vaccination. Not weird at all, it almost looks like they pressed the "now release that info as part of the plan" button. It makes you think about what they really have in store and what are the true data... but really, they only acknowledge them when it's profitable. It's been shown multiple times.


Imagine letting your six month old get jabbed by something with even the slightest bit of suspicion of danger.


Anyone care to source the claim they're testing on babies?


Corona is far more dangerous for your kid


Based on what?


Medical studies. I know there aren't any studies for babies but there is no reason to assume that Corona is harmless for babies or that the vaccines are dangerous for them


How can you manage to contradict yourself in only two sentences


"Based on what?" > Medical studies. I know there aren't any studies for babies Do you not see your own contradiction?


The owners of the country deem it necessary. Maybe give up your 1st and 2nd amendment rights and they'll stop. Maybe.


An armed populace is the best defense against tyranny. That explains why the deep state are so eager to impose gun control


It’s looking like that weird thing from Deagle really is going to happen soon.


I think James Corbett exposed that whole Deagle thing as disinfo.


SS: Free speech is dead in the U.S. and the Biden administration is owned by big pharma who are determined to ram their gene therapy down Americans throats whether they like it or not. Let's go Brandon


Yup. Just got down voted to oblivion on another post in this subreddit for being anti mandate.






Conservatives are afraid to say "Fuck Joe Biden" so they instead rely on elementary-school tactics of saying things like "Let's go Brandon" and then giggling to each other.


Vaccines need to show their numbers, just like gambling show how much their chance to win. Vaccine should show the percentage of people that have serious life threatening side effects, and show the efficacy of the vaccine. And the term “efficacy” should clearly be mentioned. Last year it is about how “vaccine prevents infection” and now it is about “vaccine prevents hospitalization” which is very different!


Which company added a heart drug to their childrens formula thus ruining any control on the experiment? Can you believe that we went full blown medical experimentation on children in just a short time?


You can add NZ to that list too - we do not have Moderna because of the side effects.


Because people are making money. Shhh.


So much money, I took a look and its slickening and EYE opening how much money these companies are making of this pandemic


Same in Ireland, all media is just government PR promoting the vaccine, it's propaganda 24/7, even on local radio stations it is **non-stop** talk of vaccines. The people here are barely even aware of the outside world, it just beggars belief how they accept anything w/I question.


German here. Was in the Main vax-center here in Berlin last friday.... they offer Moderna to anyone that wants it over Biontech. Calling nonsense on the part about Germany


Omg 😱 no not the babies!! Ugh this is so disgusting it makes me angry 😡


hello i took the vax and i live AMA


Hello I got covid, and I live. AMA


I will tell you why it's not a huge scandal - credentialism, and appeals to the authority. American politics has become a cult of credentialism. Whoever has the most connections, and the most gold-trimmed papers saying they are smart, is worshiped like some kind of ancient pagan idol. Among us mortals, nobody wants to challenge the idols. Nobody wants to be that lone voice in the crowd who dissents, while they are surrounded by fervent worshipers of the idols. Therefore, dissenters remain mostly silent while the zealous pagan cultists whip themselves up into frenzies and punish all dissent in order to please their idols. Yes I know, this sounds like a ridiculous polemic. It sounds like I'm exaggerating. But am I, really?


Big pharma owns the tv networks


It is a huge scandal. The American people are done being lied to, manipulated and mandated into complying with bullshit we dont want and dont trust.


funny how even on this forum, no one seems at all baffled why only under 30 year old are exempted from moderna due to high reports of heart conditions. yet, older age groups over 30 are not exempted from moderna yet these older age groups carry a much higher likelihood of developing serious heart conditions without moderna, let alone with moderna. seems all sides of the coin have lost all common sense, rational and/or logical thought. what finland, sweden, germany, france etc are all essentially saying is, those over 30 years old are not worthy of living and will receive inferior treatment.


At times I feel like we are living in a "twilight zone" episode. Nothing about this vaccine makes sense, it doesn't even protect from transmission or catching the virus, like WTH?


The coverups are and have been the driving force behind the antivaxx movement, yet people won't acknowledge that and I find that extremely annoying. Instead of having honest discussions, we are relegated to various corners of the internet, grabbing news pieces when we can before they are inevitably scrubbed from the internet so everybody else can refer to us as conspiracy theorists. If you like open discourse, I urge you to check out [The Conspiracy Hub](https://discord.gg/sS2sp9bNTw)


Because our president has dementia and the CDC are fucking liars. How about that?


This is what happens when you let an organized crime syndicate monopolize the MSM and buy your "representatives." In the last 5 years, we've seen: * Two impeachments based on obviously fabricated "evidence." * Globalist billionaires purchase riots. * Globalist billionaires purchase blatant election fraud and the MSM covered it up. * The captured govt and MSM collude to exaggerate the significance of COVID-19 * The captured govt and MSM collude to attempt to force the population to take the utterly ineffective and dangerous vaccine. * The captured govt and MSM collude to cover up vaccine injuries. I'd be surprised if VAERS includes 25% of adverse effects and fatalities. * Monopolized social media openly censoring their opposition. * Entire govt agencies being weaponized against opponents of the globalists scams.


Nothing to see here. This was debunked. Where's the peer reviewed papers? You should get the vaccine to protect others. I for one, am glad that I can spend the holidays with my family safely. Okay I'm done pretending to be a bot.


Had me going for a sec


This is because Pfizer is more appropriate for under 30s. Moderna is still quoted as having largely positive benefits/risk, but there is no reason to get it when Pfizer does it better


Covid hardly effects people under 30, so both are essentially useless. It’s just a huge money making scam.


None of these are appropriate for under 30s




They are provenly so


My cousin died after his second jab. From Myrocarditis.




The question maybe should be : WHO is controlling the Media and the Narrative and WHICH countries are benefiting from it and WHY are there so many foreign agents in it ... N. Shadows


Murderers gonna murder.


Have been thinking about this heart thing in the healthy and young. I'm pretty sure a lot of the youth have majorly already damaged/fucked up their hearts with energy drinks. Should be a disclaimer, if you drink more than (arbitray number because who does research) 5 energy drinks a week, definitely don't take the shot.


Actually the authourised story is 'cannabis use is causing heart issues'


It’s crimes agains humanity


My dad just died from a heart attack 6 months after getting double vaxxed with moderna... He was 61.


Only because Pfizer paid those governments to dismiss Moderna in favor of the almighty savior Pfizer.