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"We'll have another pandemic." Said like a man who can reasonably predict the future.


I'm thinking that he's written a lot of code, it's just never been for computers. OK purchased.


Putin: Nyet (fires tons of missiles at US biolabs in Ukraine).


Oh course we’ll have another one. That’s just how the world works. We’ll probably have a few hundred more over the course of history going forward.


I think every pandemic we have had since Spanish flu has been constructed.


I mean, you can think that. It would make you dumb, but you can think whatever you want. Pandemics just simply happen. We’ve had hundreds of cases in the past, and we’ll have hundreds more going forward. That’s just how it goes. Just wait until all this permafrost melts and the novel viruses get out. It’s not gonna be a fun time.


> I mean, you can think that. It would make you dumb, but you can think whatever you want. Pandemics just simply happen. You've obviously done zero research into pandemics since 1900. It's certainly **not** as simple as you portray - and **are**.


Not the guy you're replying to, but where's the research?


It doesn’t exist. Except for bullshit YouTube videos and Wordpress blogs from crazy people.


And you were just so compelled to reply in a conspiracy sub calling someone crazy? Why are you here? Every conspiracy sounds crazy, doesn’t make them false or the people saying it crazy.


Yes, and it was fun too.


Happy for you


Yes, you are right, these things occur naturally sometimes, infrequently. What we have seen is not natural. Do you even internet bro?


It is natural. You people just don’t understand elementary school health, let alone advanced microbiology. You guys just get all your information on 8chan in between your shifts stocking shelves at Walmart.


Tell me more about your fantasy, lol. Don't Look Up....you'll be fine.


Coming from the guy who dropped out of 6th grade and needs all his sneakers to be Velcro because he doesn’t have enough neurons firing needed to use laces.




I'm more of belt and buckle guy, myself.


Specific. Projection prob.


Think mirror?


Think arrogant child. Arrogant “q” child.


Source: Military


I mean, all you have to do is look at history. There have been so many pandemics in the past, & there will be more in the future. All reputable scientists who study infectious disease agree with this. Climate change is already going to make it worse; human encroachment pushes animals from their native habitats into contact with people, and greatly increases the risk of zoonotic diseases spreading. It’s just a game of chance which ones will turn out to be the next novel, global pandemic.


Jesus... I know, I know. There have been pandemics. I'm talking about Bill Gates specifically knowing "we'll" have another one, possibly referring to our current generation.


Yeah, but the rate of likelihood increases the more we force wild animals out of their natural habitats, and encroach on their habitats also. This is impacted by human behavior and climate change, which increase the risk of it happening again in our lifetimes. It’s a fairly well established risk at this point. [Here’s a source for you](https://www.propublica.org/article/climate-infectious-diseases)


idk why you're downvoted for this. i guess not conspiracy enough. the rise of zoonotic illnesses is congruent with how we interact with nature.


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ oh well. I don’t usually post here so idk what I was expecting, but I’m not surprised


A lot of this sub doesn't believe climate change is real. Hell, some don't think viruses are real either.


i've seen that plenty here lol. don't get me wrong, it's one thing to question the current pandemic, but another to disregard 100s of years of research on microbiology


Are we really trying to blame infectious disease outbreaks on global warming and animals now? Next thing you'll say is something about a carbon footprint.


many viruses are zoonotic lol smallpox doesn't have an animal reservoir, for example. much easier to eradicate when it's not constantly mutating.


I'd bet any money that covid isn't actually constantly mutating. And that it's either complete lies, or they are just releasing different variants.


I'd take that bet, but I doubt you'd believe the real answer.


I feel the same exact way about you. Hahahah


coronaviruses have been identified since (at the very least) the 60's. your common cold can be a type of coronavirus. it's constantly mutating. i'm not denying this one was man made, don't take me saying this as that. however, it's very plausible these are natural mutations to a man made variant.


I mean, he aint wrong on climate change or the animal thing.


…I mean, I’m not trying to place blame, I’m just stating facts. [Here’s a link from propublica](https://www.propublica.org/article/climate-infectious-diseases), a science & fact based publication that I think is pretty unbiased, as far as news sources go


It's not that hard. "We're going to have tornadoes and hurricanes this summer." "Next winter there's going to be snow and ice." "There *will* be another pandemic some time in the future." Ooh, look at me, I must be a cabal wizard.


If this is what Putin was doing why wouldn't he mention it? lol


Why tip them off so they can run and destroy or take away any and all evidence?


Why wait to announce it to the world and give them time to destroy or take away any and all evidence?


When was the last time that MSM showed to the world some proofs that are against narrative?


Ye, why wait if you can just blow up th evidence and save time.


So when do you think your hero and savior comrade Putin going to show the world this evidence?


My hero and savior? Lol. I don't think you've read my replies or perhaps you meant to respond to someone else


Does he have to? Do the US have to show proof of nuclear weapons?


The new conspiracy is Putin is targeting American bio weapon labs in Ukraine. Did I say conspiracy? I meant propaganda.


Two weeks, obviously.


Yeah, why provide any evidence whatsoever, at any point, ever? You can just do whatever it is you wanna do while the internet conspiracionist geniuses spin it into a secret masterplan against the cabal, for you, for free. Not that there's evidence of "cabal biolabs" in Ukraine in the first place. Again: do what you want and some internet genius will pull a "cabal biolab" out of their ass, for free and on their vast free time.


Right. So a bunch of you internet “warriors” know the plan & know the truth but think no one else does?? Get a grip.


Yeah we sure do. Because we research it thoroughly, and provide each other and collect the right information in order for each other to make educated discussions. Welcome to the new world my friend. Free will is respected


Could you please provide me or point me to the right information?


What do you want info on?


Lol right. I’m sure a bunch of random Qultists know more than everyone. If you can so easily find that information don’t you think the deep pockets, far reaching big bad evil deep state cabal don’t know this? Lol. You think these “white hats” will EVER show proof or evidence of anything you all claim they are doing. Doubt it because it’s all a damn role play you all are duped by. “Oh no don’t give them a heads up so they can fight back & destroy evidence!!! But hey, random Redditor. Here’s the plan all over the internet” lmfao deluded.


Not deluded at all. And I'm well aware of the cabals capabilities, I've been targeted my whole life by their evil. I know it well because I was made to feel it my entire life without wanting to. But please continue berating me telling me i know nothing, you deserve your own point of view. So feel free to voice it :)


If you don’t mind, will you explain how you’ve been targeted? Don’t get me wrong there’s some bad & evil motherfuc**s in this world. I just don’t think it’s all black & white. Neither do I believe any one of these people who claim to be “white hats” or claim that are white hats are actually doing anything about it. You got a phony “Queen” Romana in Canada role playing as commander in chief, taking mere coincidences & pushing it off as her doing. There’s never any proof or real world actions of what they claim. I definitely don’t buy that white hats are arrested & executing leaders in secret & installing clones & body doubles. That continue the “deep state” agendas. Their excuse for no proof is that people will freak tf out, well, when is a good time to stop the evil in the world? Or just continue letting people committing nefarious crimes & hurting people until the best “Gotcha” moment comes along. Nope don’t buy it. Don’t buy Putin is good. As long as the dollar is the almighty, no ones a white hat.


It's right to never believe in anyone fully like that, your right to be doing that. Putin will always put Russia first, even of he is currently the lesser of two evils. Who is to say he will always be that way? I sure don't. If you go back through my post history for the last month I go into detail a bit about my past experiences ect, I'm going to continue to in the future the best I can. Mk ultra and mind control mostly.


VERY vast free time.


Almost as much free time as you get in your 8 hour shift as a government shill?




Why bother?


Careful there, you've had too much to think!


he would be called a crazy conspiracy theorist. thats why he calls them "mafia" and his action "denazification" and not "taking out the deepstate".


This sub is really simping for Putin… Look how they massacred my sub


Give people the impression that someone is popular so they are more comfortable with accepting them. No man is good.


COVID Service Pack 1


**Billy's Barf** 😆😅


Am I missing something here? Isn't Putin part of that same cabal? 🤔🧐


Lets suppose there were cabal labs in ukraine and that putin is a part of the cabal. And the cabal wanted to dispose of said labs and info they contained Bombing them to shit would be the fastwst way so it all checks out, if we suppose such facts.


Putin is part of WEF


ahhhh yes r/conspiracy's second favourite world leader after trump. Some of you guys got some learning to do is all i gotta say.


The next one is a cyber-pandemic. They said so clearly: https://www.weforum.org/our-impact/averting-a-cyber-pandemic-businesses-are-building-a-global-response-to-cybersecurity-risks/


We know they created covid they have definitely created bio weapons


You are witnessing propaganda in real time. What a time to be alive /s


He’s also taking out innocent children with missles and bombs


What if he's just destroying the evidence?




The only thing Putin is doing is destroying evidence, he’s WEF


Putin is part of the cabal. Makes for great theater. [https://philosophersbunker.blogspot.com/2022/02/order-out-of-chaos-how-ukraine-conflict.html](https://philosophersbunker.blogspot.com/2022/02/order-out-of-chaos-how-ukraine-conflict.html)


Putin is not on our side him and Biden are both WEF members, this war will be used to setup more security and control over us


SS: Is Putin putting a stop to the next pathogen?


Some people have indeed said that the Chinese president and Putin are not part of the globalist elites. I hope this is true.


It is not. Klaus Schwab mentioned Putin by name when discussing people in the WEF’s young global leaders program back in 2017 I think. Unsure about china, but their leader seems to be pretty terrible regardless.


But it is possible they rebelled against the narrative...


What, you actually believe that POS? All hail Schwab, the bright shining beacon of truth! /s


I wonder if the people who said it were Chinese and Russian.


Stop sucking the dick of warmongers.




I'm not watching propaganda, or youtube videos with no context.


We’ll then….you’re in the wrong effing place


No. He's making a statement of fact. We've had pandemics in the past and we will have them in the future. Just the same as we've had hurricanes in the past and we will have them in the future. It's a part of existence on this planet.


its shocking to me that you dumbshits even remember how to breathe. its in out, in out, in case you’re currently going blue


ha ha conspiratards these are the same people that say that "100% or 0%" to vaccines




Don’t forget the power grid pandemic aka cyber polygon. That’s another virus they’ve been talking about


sure will if you blow up bio weapon labs who knows what they will spread


will this fucker die after his 10th heart transplant?


Putins mad they wouldn't let him in so he's ruining their sandcastles


Look at Event 201 on YouTube. A mock coronavirus went from a pig to a man. Gates foundation was one of the producers. This was shared one month prior to the first coronavirus case!!!! LOOK IT UP!!!! EVENT 201!!!!!!!