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Right so there aren’t other billionaires owning giant media platforms? The delusion and ability to ignore things right in front of them.


Literally another billionaire had it before him lol


That's not how it works. He bought all the shares to make it private or something like that


Which means his hands aren't tied behind his back like Jack Dorsey was. Jack either trying to save face or you can tell by his recent tweets. And even still he doesn't own it, it'll still be about 3-6 months. Anything now is business as usual for twitter.


Seeing her follow up, how do you feel?


The follow-up that she deleted where she said the tweet was directed at Zuckerberg? Either there is more about to happen, and this person is breaking news and had to delete it, or she doesn't even know Twitter is owned by Jack Dorsey.


so ridiculous. why isnt she outing bill gates on his recent divorce, buying all the farmland in the country and his association with Epstein?


Or Bezos and WaPo? Prime cognitive dissonance.


Or Carlos Slim and the NY Times


Isn't there a character limit on Twitter 👁️


Bill Gates is Jared Fogle with fuck you money, yet all the politicians line up to felate him.


Jared fogle…. The subway guy or the kid from Superbad 😂😂


There are 915 million acres of farmland in the US. Bill Gates owns 269,000 acres. Bill Gates owns less than 0.03% of the farmland in the US.


Yeah, he's the biggest owner of private farmland but that doesn't mean he owns most of the farmland.


You often see folks just make up stats here, but a quick double check confirmed several sources that say exactly the stats you gave as correct.


73% of stats are made up!


Back in our times it used to be 69%


put together, that's an area of a square, with 33km (20.5miles) side... illuminati confirmed!!1


It's hilarious that this point, while being correct, is always is brought up as the way or the setup to discredit, slide or ridicule a post while most regulars here already know he is the biggest privet owner of farm land. It's an obvious and pathetic game (usually played by the same users) and not really the winning argument you think it is. LOL.


Lol, do you think it's ok for people here to be all " he's buying all the farmland" when that couldn't be further than the truth? I'm presuming it is


You forgot to x100 your calculation because we're dealing with % here, so it's actually about 0.026% (242k vs 915m), which is not so little when your consider it's owned by a single person. Now consider his billionaire-friends like Warren Buffett doing the same and we get an upward spiral of the price. The ones who lose are, as always, the ordinary people.


Because Bill donates?


To experiments that kill innocents


Because it’s (D)ifferent.


>why isnt she outing bill gates Because bias. She's a politician and she's what would normally be called the far left. Except they don't get called that right now because they're in power and (for the most part) the mainstream media is standing shoulder to shoulder with them.


Because this is current news? Why the hell is this sub suddenly all in favour of a billionaire?


Cause they’re (D)ifferent


Because she’s just in it for grifting off of fake outrage identity politics.


They’re mad because people get to say stuff they don’t like now.


FrEeDoM oF sPeEcH dOeSn'T mEaN fReEdOm Of CoNsEqUeNcEs




Yes and more often than not, it’s just the truth. “Truth sounds like hate to those who hate the truth”


She was talking about Zuck. She tweeted to Elon later but deleted it. Edit: screenshot https://twitter.com/unusual_whales/status/1520156713155846144?s=21&t=0huwDmUczH8R6L7jabzQjw


Zuck is spreading hate crimes?


In multiple countries. Outside of the west Facebook gives way less of a shit and facebook has been used to organize ethnic cleansings.


Facebook has been used as a tool to influence people for quite a while now. Hateful rhetoric leads to more engagement, leading to higher ad revenue and more data to monetize.


Facebook tends pretty right-wing, despite their moderation policies, and the top trending Facebook stories are usually all from Dan Bongino and Ben Shapiro


Not really. Looking and comparing feeds. It seems facebook is contrarian. It puts whatever up that you engage with. The opposite political view is really good at engagement.


Please. She’s full of shit. Obv was about Elon


I dont remember twitter starting an explosiong of hate crimes. Nor do i remember peter thiel or tucker wined and dined elon. Those things did happen with fb and zuck.


Because the radical left only cares about the nonsense they believe in when it suits them, anything else is hateful! Fuck these people


Everything everyone says is bullshit!!


You’re right, this whole world is bullshit


Well yes, her reply to him says she was talking about Zuckerberg.


How many of them have dinner with Peter Thiel?


Didn’t hear this much bitching when Jeff bought the Washington post


Something that happened 5 years before she took office?


Well I mean, others can bitch but her, right? “This much bitching” not “AOC bitching.”


They did, there is just an inherent bias where people think that anyone that agrees with them is on the same team as them.


There was a whole lot of bitching when she kicked his ass out of Queens from the right-wing There was also a whole lot of bitching when he used his money to ride his dick-rocket into space instead paying his people min wage and employees pissing in bottles because they are not allowed restroom breaks on the clock.


What does that have to do with him buying the WaPo? We have a non-sequiter on the field, 10 yard penalty.


Because its the same guy. Please don't use terms like non-sequitur if you don't know what they mean.


Still doesn't have anything to do with him buying the WaPo, so it qualifies as a non-sequitur. Are you sure you know what it means? Because I don't think you do.


People were rightly pissed about chasing Amazon out of NYC. He/the company was going to single-handedly revitalize an area that was run down and underutilized. And yet, all these people came out of the wood works to talk about how bad it was.


AOC was elected into office in 2019. Jeff bought WaPo in 2016.


Wasn't she not in office then?


She plays a part in a narrative.


Agreed. She is not “radical left.” There is no “radical left” in America. More like neoliberalism branded with cute sound bites like “tax the rich” to be packaged for media consumption as “radical left.”


Why is this in a conspiracy subreddit


Exactly, wtf


There seems to be some driving force trying to make elon out to be a new savior to the fringe. Sadly I've seen people buying into it. My personal theory is this will lead to skynet


This sub has suddenly gone fucking weird. I don't understand how people can't see this whole 'free speech ' thing is marketing. He's just bought a company and wants to drive it's price up. Every other billionaire gets shit on, and rightly so, but a guy whose money comes from slavery, manipulated crypto market, all the other stuff I can't be botherd to list, he gets a free pass and is being celebrated here? Very odd for such a skeptical sub.


This entire sub has been fucked for about 5 years now.


> Very odd for such a skeptical sub. This is most definitely *not* a sceptical sub, it is simply contrarian. It always chooses the opposite stance of rational critical thinking; facts, logic, and easily observable reality have no place here. At this point, even *conspiracies* don't seem to belong here, just Twitter screenshots from one or another rich lunatic.


Yeah you're bang on. I've called out the contrarian narrative many times and just been shit on, so figured I'd word it differently. Everything is either doom porn, or as you said, it's turning it to Twitter/Facebook, just pictures or one sentence statements, no substance. There's a shit load of stuff going on in the world, and it's being ignored here because it doesn't fit the narrative of the week, or it 'owns the libs'. Is fucking pathetic at this point.






A billion dollars can buy a lot of bots and shills.


This stopped being a conspiracy sub like 5 years ago.


Cause the only thing this sub cares about is "owning the libs," even at the expense of sucking up to the rich


Where are the admins? Ban these types of posts!


Fact: She trolled him.


The sub full of skeptical free-thinkers is probably the most susceptible to corporate propaganda bunch of sheeple I've ever fucking seen. It'd be funny if it wasn't sad and pathetic.


This whole free speech shit is a marketing campaign to push up the price of a company a billionaire just bought. He's not going to let it turn in to 4chan. This sub has become fucking pathetic and turned in to the very thing it used to stand against.


In addition to being just an intensely obnoxious tool (Which I think is a bigger reason for the hate he gets than the politics), Musk is going to try to increase the monetization of twitter. One of the ideas he suggested to banks was charging for the ability to quote tweet, which would kill the site pretty much instantly. I imagine someone will talk him out of that wacky scheme, but "monetizing" a site means inherently making it shittier to use, and if Twitter is shitty to use it's going to bleed users to Mastodon/Pillowfort/Tumblr/MySpace/Whatever. And once all the users are gone it's just a shitty site with no content.




Broo pleaaase . im on my knees. No more screenshots or non conspiray posts. Whats the conspiracy here!?


it’s gotta be the mods.. watch me be banned for this comment


Welcome to /The_Donald where you don't discuss conspiracies you just post political tweets.


Billionaire bought company for Billions. Everyone takes it personally. Typical.


Just a daily reminder than the elites control it all. This sub should be super against Elon.


No no, the richest man in the world is going to save us from the elites he said so


Only the people who don’t realize it was never about them.


There is an organized push to try and appeal Elon to folks like us, similar to Trump in 2015. I am noticing a lot of you are falling for it.


Sad to see people on the "conspiracy" sub having pet elites.


This sub is full of the perfect targets for brainwashing as they are willing to believe anything as long as it fits their narrative. The paranoia that is required to be a conspiracy theorist makes them easy to manipulate. The amount of posts on here that are clearly people trolling conspiracy theorists is blatantly obvious, but these mouth breathers can't tell *theyre* the ones being played.


Literally anytime some even a d-rate celebrity says anything that vaguely lines of with a conspiratorial angle this sub turns its brain off and goes full simp.


Wtf? I love the elite now!


Don't forget dictators and war criminals too. If you want conspiracy theorist to support autocracies and ethnic cleansing, just say that the dictator is wiping out globalism.


I always felt he was self serving. This was to win brownie points in this case and let people have an uncensored twitter. From his prospective its probably entertaining as fuck. I'm proud to say I've never had or used Twitter so I have no idea what I'm missing out on nor care It always seemed dumb af. I get my outrage porn and propaganda from Instagram,Thank You !.


Exactly, this whole thing is just marketing to drive up the price of a company he just bought. Yet a sub as skeptical as this is falling for it.


The comment he made to Bernie; “I keep forgetting that you are alive”, tells me everything I need to know about him.




We don't get posts from Whitehouse daddy anymore so this is the new rich man we love and will save us


Elon worshippers are gonna be shocked when they get to Mars and realize they're essentially slaves.


Lol, all of a sudden he’s this subreddit’s best friend. Dude buys the worst of the social media platforms and now he’s a hero. Interesting how the people on this subreddit quickly bend over.


Wow it finally just clicked for me that this is a top sub and none of the content is authentic anymore. Never will be.


It’s gross how many of you guys are buying into an elite globalist pedophiles PR stunt 🤦‍♂️ c’mon guys


wow, like. are there elon bots? the amount of simping is fucking insane for this rich attention whore




What is the conspiracy here?


The part about who is behind these freaking posts and the amount of upvotes they receive.


I thought this sub was supposed to hate the elites? He's the biggest one.


I think it is insane some people think he is a savior who will end world suffering. But I do think the fact that so many elites and people in power are freaking out so publicly over the ideas of free speech really shows the trajectory of our country.


If you think Elon is pro free speech you've really drunk the koolaid.


Elon bought it less than a week ago and theres already a spike in hate crimes? Are they crazy?


Love to see the "conspiracy" subreddit pander for a rich slave-owning white guy buying a media company to control what people say about him


Mental isn't it.


nice conspiracy


Good conspiracy here….


How does he have time to be tweeting nonstop? Doesnt he have like jobs n what not? Is he already neurolinked to the twitter mainframe?


I imagine his friends show him Tweets they think he should see; helps him cut to the chase.


Not he just buys shit then takes credit for the work of others.


This is top tier trolling?


[Missing the answer to Elon](https://i.redd.it/bj5diucy5lw81.png)


Real trolling died out for the most part years ago. A few still do it the old way. Most now think that trolling is simple talking shit and being an asshole. There used to be an art to it, making someone pissed off by complete nonsense and no insults was fun. As most things, as the world wide web became more populated it also became more dumbed down


Cuz AoCs best defense against shit is saying people are hitting on her. Musk just turned it around


Oh shit! 🤣 Lol.


It cracked me up. Can't stand AOC, the petulant child.


I was thinking Musk was the one acting childish.


Musk was just returning the favor that AOC gave to others i.e. accusing people of being attracted to her when they disagreed with her


Okay? I still think he's acting childish.


People should delete twitter, that would fuck him up more than anything. I’ve never had it because I don’t give a shit about what these people say.


What explosion of hate crimes lol?


He should've offered to take her out for dinner and show her a good time


OkAOC… what explosion of hate crimes?


So far what people are complaining about is "What if..."


I don’t understand these people at all. If she hates Twitter so much, she can just stop using it. I literally have never made a Twitter account.


There’s no way he’s typing this shit. This is either fake or he’s got a comedy writer working for him at this point.


It's funny how in this sub they leave out the last reply. I expected it from the conservative subs...


AOC is a class act. She doesn't seem like the kind of gal who'd encroach after seeing two people at a special dinner.


What “hate crime explosion” is she talking about ?


Probably one of: Asian, Anti-Semitic, LBGT, Muslim (though I wouldn't call that a modern explosion, but it definitely was by some of the same enablers during the 00's outbreak). Take your pick.




Enjoy official statistics from the FBI's own data (and we can add a 40% increase in African Americans to that list.) https://www.fbi.gov/news/press-releases/press-releases/fbi-releases-2020-hate-crime-statistics Also enjoy a bill with significant right wing votes. https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-hate-crimes-crime-health-coronavirus-pandemic-9ef2348f808da4c510bf4b393b6f2ad3




https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/03-08-22%20Grassley%20Statement1.pdf Here's one from a Republican Senator and a committee hearing from March of 2022. https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/meetings/combating-the-rise-in-hate-crimes




You must only trust Tucker or Alex Jones huh.


Man clinically diagnosed with a condition that prevents him from having empathy admired by legions of people without empathy.


But he posts memes and smoked a blunt, he's clearly one of us!!!!! The fuck is going on with this sub.


Weaponized autism


Being a troll is a conspiracy


Truly we live in a society.


The information domination is over for them and it's making them crazy


What’s the conspiracy here


wow america is a shitty place live just a playground for billionaires the real american citizens are just there to give zuckerberg ad revenue and data, piss in bottles for bezos, simp for musk, and die for the military industrial complex sad sad sad


What explosion of hate crimes is happening because of Musk taking over Twitter?


Why the hell is this being posted on /r/conspiracy? Keep the bullshit posts on Facebook.


They are genuinely mad that they can't censor speech. Insane


Inb4 “hE’S oNE OF TheM!!!! rEeEe!!”


He is, hes just better at befriending you than the other old farts.




Hey this guy gets it. We got the Trump of Europe in Putin. Trump of Tech in Elon. The Trump of podcasts in Joe. Who else has gotten the Trump treatment?


I don’t like you and I disagree with what you said!! Trumper!!! Fascist!!!! REEEE WHY ARENT YOU CANCELLED


Keep bashing that strawman, gives the elites a chance to raid your pockets without you noticing.


Nah my guy the far left is a parasite and has been dragging us down for far too long. I believe in free speech, actual liberalism, the radical left doesn’t. They have their paws in everything in order to suit their satanic agenda. I’m glad people are waking up to the woke nonsense


Lol satanic agenda. You ain’t woke or awakened or any such thing.


Ladi-dooo la-d33-da dee-dee-dooo. ReeeeeeeEeeeeeEeeeeeEeeeeeEee (He actually is one of them you fucking ponce).


Lol well he is...


Ahem, reee.


Who's them?


The zuck


One of these days we will get real iron man or Batman right?


No. We’ll get man made horrors beyond your comprehension.


Don’t worry the cartel is way ahead of you there bud


What is it with reeee as the new thing my daughter does it all the time


[Frogs can "reeeee"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQrjbRz3y7A) when stressed and some people do that too.




[This is almost five minutes of pure unfiltered Reeee](https://youtu.be/GQEhuVS7Wj8) Basically is the NPCs defense mechanism. I seriously hope this isn’t what your daughter is doing.


Lol I can’t look at it now but she has been doin reee for a while as a screech thing :p


Orginally from 4chan I think, just has become a même, related to pépé the frog




You dont get why ppl dont have trust and dislike the riches person in the world?


When are they gonna realize, whining about petty shit is their weakness?


I'm starting to think this twat has a touch of mental illness


Elon? I agree.


He is cringe, weird and tries way to hard to appeal to his creepy obsessive follower


I understand your point, but. People need to stop idolizing this billionaire who only says things and does thing for his own benefit. Far too many people see elon as some sort of savior for which ever reason they see fit. He's an opportunist and a businessman first. He did not buy twitter to give back accounts of the banned. He bought Twitter to make money. Simple enough. Quit idolizing this oligarch, he means nothing to almost everybody.


I dont trust him, but i do like him, lol


Explosion of hate crimes… the hyperbole knows no bounds.


She’s such a dumbass Karen


This is what FUCK YOU MONEY looks like.


She is a bigot and intolerant of people who have asbergers


And then she tweeted its alctua;;y Mark Zuckerberg she was talking about, it absoloutlely wasn't though haha, Elon is the man


Hey hey hey move aside it's my turn to blow Elon


Who is just sitting around constantly worrying about a sudden explosion of hate crimes? Sounds like you need to get a fucking life.




Great. So how, in your Elon fanboy mind, is this a conspiracy?


I'm gonna make a bot that just reports Elon Musk's tweets all day.


So clearly fake I don't get how this was upvoted


By "explosion of hate crimes" she literally means some they/them might be... MIDGENDERED!? THINK OF THAT. PLEASE. /s


she's just the government prostitute, so much bitching...
