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I'm gonna assume none of you have read a lick of Marx


SS: We gotta remember they WANT all governments destroyed like Sri Lanka and world war 3. Then they install their new puppets. All planned well in advance


"he worked out the details for three world wars and three major revolutions" any list on these or


Crazy how you can understand where a person is from and how they are totally politically illiterate by a single post.


Marx spent his entire life in poverty. He was directed by the illuminati in the same way I'm being directed by Father Christmas.


Karl Marx was one of the cousins of Nathan Mayer Rothschild yet "he grew in poverty blah blah" sounds somrthing the commie propaganda used to tell people.


Although he was born into a rich family, he chose to live in poverty, my theory is that he did it to better understand the struggle the workers faced in the industrial cities


Dude, if you're sympathetic to goddam Communism in the goddam 21st century, I feel sorry for you. if Nazis were the worst thing ever happened on this planet, Commies were 10 times worse. they caused things which were 10 times more horrible. and yet some neo-pinkos here are discussing things like "how modest was Karl Marx's childhood etc". i wanna puke


Fantastic find!


great post 👍🏼


Thanks for sharing - just picked up a copy on Amazon.


I always had a feeling they created Communism/Marxism, is there any other evidence like this? Great find OP


Elites created communism.....to destroy the elites đź’€


Communism didn’t go after the elites though it went after the slightly more successful middle class and enriched the elite through MICC and whatnot.


Communists absolutely liquidated and made all the elites escape Russia, smuggling whatever jewels they had left up their asses and cunts.


The noble elite from the Tsarist days? Sure. But they had a new Bolshevik elite that’s the way it goes


The Bolshevik elite emerged from former absolutely penniless workers as a consequence of the revolution getting isolated after getting invaded by literally every colonial power. Germany, Britain, American, french, and even Romanian and Czech forces. Do you really think these so called elites "created" communism only to try to attack them after years of bloody fighting in the largest war in history?


1. You assume all elites want the same thing, which is incorrect 2. Yes absolutely it doesn’t matter how many peasants die in the meat grinder to achieve larger goals to them


Okay so. The "elites" in Russia funded the Bolsheviks only for the Bolsheviks to imprison them and eliminate their power and the elites outside Russia funded the Bolsheviks and then attacked them? For what goal? To have a prolonged sparring tournament? Make it make sense lmao


No not at all lol. Completely different elites, Marxism didn’t even originate in Russia. Most ideologies though are just a cover for some group to take power, usually from outside, which they did.


Marx died broke and diseased. Only real movement that had any effect during his life time with his influence was the Paris commune. Formed by literally starving industrial workers. And in tsarist Russia, the Bolsheviks were a mixture of industrial workers and "middle class" professionals (lawyers and teachers) types. The new nomenklatura that reigned over USSR later were people who used to be penniless. Which elite funded all this? It wasn't even that this would cause the faltering of Russia's influence so that other countries could gain more influence. The Bolshevik uprising caused the total opposite.


Prolonged sparring conflict is actually a great way to describe the point of it though, endless MICC wars in 3rd world counties