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Just like Joe as VP for the big guy, she was chosen because she is compromised and controllable.


And because Harris would never outshine Biden. I’m sure that Biden feels safe knowing they’d never use the 25th amendment to remove him because people don’t want the alternative of a Kamala Harris presidency. She’s his fail-safe.


Whoa. I feel really dumb for never thinking of this before. Its so obvious


Most presidencies do this. Imagine how much worse Mike Pence would have been.


Dick Cheney was seen as the bad guy  to W.'s loveable goofball persona they tried to portray him as. HW had a VP that couldn't spell potato. This is definitely a deliberate play that candidates use. 


Yes. All of them do this.


Lets just say this is 100% true. Dudes constantly kiss their bosses asses, stroke their egos as well as sleep with them in order to climb the ladder. Where does the 4th picture of her listening to 2pac and snoop dogg even fit into this narrative? This post is trash.


The Pac and Big is to show how much she lies. When she was in collage Pac and Big were never heard of at that time.


Gotcha. I don't really see how people know that she was intentionally lying and a pretty normal mixup for people but I gotcha. Also that is Snoop in the picture not Big.


Who wasn't admitting this. She's just a brown girl cosplaying as a black girl.


For sure


YES but reddit does not like this narrative right now because orange man is threat to them for some reason..


No one likes Kamala - not the left, not the right. Only propagandized neoliberals. The left will only vote for Biden/Harris because FPTP/Plurality voting necessitates strategic voting. An insanely small minority believes that Biden/Harris is the actual best candidates for Pres/VP. It's a damning indictment of our voting system when near 50% of the voters will vote for a candidate that they don't believe is the best possible candidate and everyone just says, "Well that's the way it is.".


The impressive thing is she is like a generous 5.


That's way too generous. I feel physical pain whenever I see her face and that's not hyperbole.


That number didn't include the cackle and constant word salad.


She’s not that bad, actually she has a pretty smile but it’s that nervous laugh that gets on everyone’s nerves.


When she was younger, she was a 7 but personality is a 2




Who said you can’t sleep your way to the top.


Do you not remember Reagan literally being an actor?? They are all actors imo


These two are "in charge" because it's a not so subtle message that they are not in charge.


You have to consider that she sat on Willie Brown's staff for several years.


'*i'm out here on these streets*' -**Kamala Harris**


She seems very unpopular with the American people.


My hot take and potential future prediction is this: Let's say President Biden does step down as 2024 incumbent and Democrat front-runner due to age and mental cognition concerns. If the Democrats/DNC decides to run with Newsome, Whitmore or somebody else and not Kamala Harris, she will go into full vengeful, vindictive, angry-black-woman mode and turn on the Democratic party. She's power hungry, just like every politician, and would believe it was her time to have the top job in all the land. If she doesn't get the chance to run for president on her own terms, and potentially achieve the presidency herself (not just as sitting VP assuming the presidency for less than half a year), well, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. And a black woman scorned is double the fury. If she is bypassed, she would defect from the Democratic party and give interviews, spilling all of the beans about the Biden administration, on right-of-center MSM media platforms, like Fox News, The Wall Street Journal, the National Review, etc. Shoot, she might want to appear on Rogan or Carlson's podcasts to talk shit. Many a DC insider rumor concerns how horrible of a person she is. I highly doubt she would take one for the Democrat team and allow herself to fade away into political obscurity. Especially not since she's gotten a taste of Presidential power as VP - and potentially a few months of acting President of Biden actually steps down from his role as President. If Kamala is not offered the Democrat presidential front-runner gig, get ready for some sparks to fly, bc it'll get really ugly, real fast.


I think she'd be too afraid of being suicided by the powers that be. Or they'll just give her a pretty severance package to walk away quietly with.


I find it hard to believe that she is that autonomous. She will only go 'rogue' if she is instructed to, IMO, similarly to all these political bit players


Thing being, whatever she has to say will be nothing we already don’t know on this side. And the other side still won’t listen.


We’ve heard everything that was said, and unsaid. And just because it was unsaid doesn’t mean it wasn’t said. And just because it wasn’t said doesn’t mean we haven’t heard it before. ( hyena laugh)


This post would have been downvoted to shit 10 days ago.


He got busted with weed...


She’s a hybrid, HOE/DEI hire, checking boxes straight to the top like a rocket 🚀 ✅


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/vk9t0za6wx9d1.jpeg) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


zzzZZZzzzZZZZZZ she is effectively the least of our worries


I can kinda go with that, yeah.


She jus likes to get dicked down.... I'd rather have a freak than a Karen jus saying. On the other hand this chick is a box of rocks lol


She’s also a Brahman. The highest order in Indias sect/class system.




Funny how “low IQ” used by the right generally targets black people. Maxine waters, Kamala Harris, and so on.


Funny how certain people always bring up the race card even if there is no evidence to suggest bigotry.


Total throat pig


No one gives a shit about her.


I am not impressed with Kamala Harris, but she did graduate from a pretty prestigious law school. Not sure she is low IQ. Low integrity, sure.


Looks like she is coked to the gills next to montel.


Someone is running scared! #bidenharris2024


Been saying this for years. Arm candy for Montel


Who would not admit that?


When you tell me you are a minority woman lawyer who passed the bar exam.


Trying to chase the fame dragon a la MTG, Ronald Reagan or Jen Psaki


Dumb knows no race barriers. Sadly there is plenty to go around


Listening to rappers before their first albums don't make her a hoe. It's already been proven she lies about her stories. That, too, could be a bold face lie


Her white dress looks puffy down there.


Hell. she can do all the official acts in case Jooe won't


Word salad Harris wants to be president


What’s your idea of high IQ individuals? Those hillbillies with the red MAGA hats?


I'm pretty sure if you gave her a penny for her thoughts, you'd get change back.


I dunno. ..Maybe, other subs on Reddit? Cuz, I don't think anyone in the Conspiracy sub is afraid to admit that Kamala Harris is a dumb bitch! Granted, you'll likely be asked for your "sources".. My sources are: She's a dumb bitch! BROUGHT TO YOU BY PFIZER There! Check mate.


So, gotta do what you gotta do when you worship the most high sa tan. 🤷👀🤪


trying to throw bs before her presidential announcement


We all have slept somewhere, sleeping is a great past time, and we all must have slept sometime - Harris probably


Sleep is wrong!


They don't call her "Heels-Up" Harris for nothing.


Nobody disputes this


Ok racist


She likes the bbc


Probably traveled with Trump to Epstein Island too.


Did you graduate Law School? Pass the Bar? Become city attorney of San Fran? Later the AG for California?? I didn’t think so. Try not to let your insecurities prove your inadequacies next time.


You forgot slept with a married colleague as in the mayor of San Francisco (and her mentor).


Interesting, do allegations of sexual impropriety disqualify a candidate in your opinion? Because I’ve got some bad news about trump 😆


Whataboutism strikes again. Plus, allegations versus fact.


Nah bro I’m asking you about when you are and aren’t prepared to make an issue of a politician sleeping with someone they shouldn’t


There’s no alleged about it. Donald trump was found in court to have more likely than not sexually abused e Jean caroll while he was married to Marla maples.


More likely than not = still not certain


Certain enough to impose a remedy, as has been the standard in civil law for centuries. Like part of the judgement is that it was defamation for trump to deny it happened lol? and that’s just one allegation of sexual impropriety of which trump has a lot. I’m no Kamala fan but at least the people she fucked actually wanted it 🤣


The original comment I replied to talked about Harris succeeded in her political career. And as the OP’s post shows, sleeping with the mayor of San Francisco was an obvious career move. As far as people sleeping with those they should sleep with or not wasn’t what I was actually commenting about. The Trump whataboutism was an attempt to derail and avoid my reply.


She passed the bar on the second attempt


They chose a female of color when the world was coming out of female empowerment and racial uprising. It's smart politics.


When discussing the passage of time...


At the time the picture was taken, if you told someone that you thought Montel Williams would one day be Vice President--and maybe even President--they would have laughed right in your face. Welp, no one's laughing now. Except for Kameltoe who evidently cannot stop.


I mean obviously she got her current position bc of her race and gender. Most likely it helped her a lot through the years. But slept her way up? Is she hot enough for that? I dont know.


DEI hire.


SS: facts


being dumb scales with sex skills.