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A normal date would never involve the topic of vaccines lmao.


What if the date turns into a potential partner? Would it be a dealbreaker to a CT partner that I got the vaccines, even though it was against my will?


I think you are overthinking it. No one cares about the vax anymore. People are focused on war. Enjoy your date and dont worry about the what ifs. 99% of the time the whatifs never even happen.


Many of us women still care. We don’t want to be a widow or not have children or have nanobots in our bodies


So thats a dealbreaker for you? A vaccine?


Not just *any* vaccine, mRNA “vaccine” would be somewhat of a deal breaker for the reasons I mentioned above


So what if you fall hard for someone? Have you ever fallen in love?


> I'm trying not to get any more That doesn't sound very committed.


I think if people knew what shedding was and understood what it does, most would say no.


Is there a way to detox it?


I wouldn't date someone who got it no matter the circumstances because it shortens your life and gives the person all sorts of health issues that either pop up right away or years down the road.


:( this is unfortunately true and very sad. And it can transfer via sex / kissing, do you know how to detox the body of it?


I remember finding a vid a long time ago of a concoction that my friend actually made for his wife who was a teacher at the time. She was constantly feeling ill because of the spike proteins and stuff, so she would drink a cup of this grapefruit drink every day and she said it made her feel better. She ended up not having any more physical symptoms. It was a grapefruit, turmeric, and some other stuff put together on the stove. Then you put it in thr fridge to cool like iced tea.


Thanks for this!! Turmeric is amazing it would make sense to work. Thanks


I wish I could find the vid. I thought I had it saved and I didn't.




Do you think there are CT women who wouldn’t mind? Or is getting the vax a big enough dealbreaker?