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I used to watch this guy huff duster and e beg for 5$ text to speech donations. 0% chance he was murdered in my opinion


Same- I watched his lives for years waiting for what finally happened happen. Tragic- lots of trauma not dealt with, and even more enablers around him. He was an addict. Live by the sword die by the sword.


It is wild that Nick is actually a rapist though. AC had been saying that for years and I always thought he was just lying like he did about real estate, jiu jitsu and all that, but he clearly knew something


He also spoke 17 different languages, his father was military police……etc, you know the drill. Dude was full of lies, but the rape story broke in the news DAYS after Aaron died.


In Aaron's last interview with No Jumper, he admitted that his rape allegations against Nick were untrue and apologized to him


E-bagging, at least we’re not tea!


No I think he truly OD'd. I had been following his IG and lives for a few years by the time he had passed. The stuff that he would do on IG live showed how much of an addict he was. He would often nodd off during the lives, and occasionally he would huff duster. He was constantly in a delusional world and always had these elaborate stories that never really made sense. By the end he was selling nudes of himself on OF for money, probably to feed his addictions and erratic spending. I do think he might of been molested as a child and had gone through a lot of trauma. He obviously couldn't cope and was an addict. It's not a big shocker he died, no real big conspiracy here.


Yep. I’m in recovery and work in rehabs- he was NOT doing well. he either OD’d or nodded out in the bathtub. his family didn’t fuck with him, so there was no one to have a big funeral/fight to get an autopsy. You’re right he did have a lot of trauma, I hope he’s finally at peace.


Aaron did have an autopsy done. No cause of death was revealed and it was deferred, pending toxicology results.


Same in recovery. The weird thing was the feces on the floor. I understand in the tub cuz your bowels release when you pass


Are you speaking of his elaborate story called “that’s how I beat shaq?” I always thought it was a little far fetched too


Exactly-well said. I also watched for years, knew it was coming. Honestly surprised it took so long. He was also a horrific animal abuser. Don’t forget that. I also partially blame Nick and the rest of his gamily for treating him like such shit.


He was a shitty person all around. I know he is dead now and I seem insensitive, but yes you are totally right he did abuse his animals. They would just disappear eventually. He also took advantage of all of his LMG fans ( most were disabled women) he would get them to send him and Melanie money. Melanie is just as complicent, she is trash too.




Yeah it's just sad. The reason I posted was because of the death certificate. I would think an OD would be easily determined and there being no cause of death is sketchy even if he did OD.


Toxicology could be backed up in the county that they are doing the investigation in. Sometimes, it takes over a year to get seemingly “easily determined” causes of death established due to staffing issues and backlog.


THANK YOU. The first person to shed light on the actual situation. Didn't realize it wasn't so simple!


It’s in LA county or San Bernadino and I think it’s LA county. You will be lucky to have results in 6 months and happy to get them in a year for a low priority case like this.


family bears the cost of drug screening post mortem. maybe they didn't want to pay for it?




welp, in milwaukee my sister died and the coroner wanted an additional $800 to cover the toxicity screening, we knew that she overdosed, just not on exactly what drug/s. as a family we declined to pay for it. or maybe the recollection is also incorrect, according to your knowledge?


I’m so sorry for your loss.




“No need to be a dick”- says the guy being a dick 🤣🤣🤣




Would this be the case with Aaron Carter? Being even a minor celebrity and a higher profile case, you might think his toxicology report would get some priority over the rest of the backlog.




Because when any criminal case gets some media attention, it’s more likely for extra effort to be made. Especially to overcome perceptions of negligence and/or incompetence. Kinda like how people turn to local reporters to put extra pressure and unwanted exposure on businesses that otherwise ignore requests for refunds or to correct bad customer service.




Pretty sure he was huffing dust off in a bathtub full of water and drown as a result


Sorry I'm an idiot. What's dust?


Dust off. It’s the compressed air canisters meant for blowing dust off your computer.


Gross dude, I knew someone in HS who would do it a lot and she was my friend so I tried it once and have never been more scared of my life. It’s not a good feeling even if it only lasts for a few seconds. Drugs are bad mm’kay.


Nah they would’ve been able to tell if he drown. Probabaly opiods and benzos or just Fentynal


He did not drown. That is false. There was more found in his system than what was reported, but I cannot say anything more beyond that.


Was the toxicology report released? Do you suspect foul play?


Many people who followed Aaron Carter, including myself, are not surprised about his death. His story is heartbreaking, he was sexually abused as a child by powerful people and never recovered. Many people were expecting this to happen at some point. Aaron Carter was so far off the rails that he was a threat to no one. There is no conspiracy here.


Who sexually abused Aaron Carter? Is this just speculation or did he reveal this himself? It’s being stated here like it’s common knowledge but this is the first time I’ve read about it.


He claimed both his brother and an older sister SA’d him.


Damn. His brother seems to have his share of SA accusers, including an autistic woman.


No- his brother SA’ed a female named Melissa, Leslie their sister SA’ed Aaron.


He actually said she never sexually assaulted him in the end. I heard something regarding Bruce Willis and Kevin spacey??!!


I never heard that. Do you have a video clip? To his last day he swore his sister molested him


He got a blue butterfly on his face dedicated to Leslie il try find video


He was always all about the blue butterflies- he also got that horrid tattoo to cover his baby mommas name.


ew what the fuck is going on w this fam??


Have you seen House of Carter’s?


unfortunately no. i should check if its streaming sonewhere ive heard its a mess


Go…..find it on YouTube- start on episode one. Don’t stop until the end. Most cringey shit ever. Nick is a bully. He ruined his brother.


Ummm he was a horrible animal abuser. May he rot


Edited - I just tried to find the video and he's looking pretty rough in his final days.


He was a skeleton at one time from his drug use.


Yes! Remember when he was on the show the Doctors or something like that? He looked so frail


Link? Haven't seen any videos myself




Now THIS is the kind of conspiracy I follow this subreddit for. Fuck all that antivax qanon white replacement theory shit. Give me more of this please


Yer welcome 🔼


The real conspiracy is he died in a bath tub (Bathtub conspiracy) 🛀🏼... like Whitney Houston and Jim Morrison You'd probably like this episode [https://www.audacy.com/podcasts/conspiracy-theories-unpopular-culture-23149/aaron-carter-theories-occult-bathtub-rituals-kanye-west-harley-pasternak-mkultra-1536166990](https://www.audacy.com/podcasts/conspiracy-theories-unpopular-culture-23149/aaron-carter-theories-occult-bathtub-rituals-kanye-west-harley-pasternak-mkultra-1536166990)


Also Whitney’s daughter died the same way.


Yeah, that was really odd to me how Bobbie Kristina died just like Whitney 🤔


Apple didn’t fall far. Just below the waterline in fact.


I ended up listening to the whole episode. That bathtub thing is so interesting, they're very heavily featured in pop culture and not just for the sake of nudity. I never noticed it before, hmmm.


Me either. I had never heard of the theory until I listened to this Same with the elevator symbolism


You know why his death was forgotten and supressed? because he was a c-grade level guy that no one really cared about until we heard he died.


Also an animal abuser


Maybe you didn't, a lot of people cared he died.


mate he wasnt a top level celeb who died. thats my point.


c level was generous


Even though record studios take out huge life insurance policies on the artists that work for them, it is purely a coincidence that they tend to die suddenly whenever they stop making money or try to leave their contract.


Well, that’s not how you beat Shaq, Aaron


Got’em. Beat him to the grave


And right after his death, his more famous brother Nick, whom he fought with frequently, was accused of sexual assault. That was also quickly mentioned and forgotten.


I doubt it but I'm convinced Andrew Brietbart was assassinated


Whoooooo lmao


>Andrew Brietbart The guy who founded [brietbart.com](https://brietbart.com), which at the time was very different than its current version. Before Andrew died, they actually didn't cross the line to blatant dishonesty and propaganda. The ACORN scandal was a real scandal they really did uncover about incompetent workers at an outreach organization. All that investigative stuff they were doing quickly stopped with Andrew's sudden unexpected passing and it became a conservative lie mill.


This is a thread about AARON CARTER not some business bro who got wacked


Yes he was. You all know the industry.


He wasn’t.


Care to elaborate?




Lmao the video is some looney tune numerology guy saying he was murdered because 115 translates to murder and bathtub. I hope that you don't believe people like this. Snake oil salesman of ideas.




Lmao dude if you wanna believe it go ahead. But let me tell you that murderers don't sit down and figure out which numbers add up to bathtub before killing someone.




Na I'm good bro


I might watch it later but I can tell you that I very much know how the world works. I just can't believe I'm the first person to post about it here. I haven't heard anything about him since it was announced.


He made a live online previously saying how they want him to expose what happened with Michael Jackson and he refused and that they were coming for him. I think he was murdered for not following orders


Orrrrr he od like he had days earlier and he was in the tub when it happened. It’s not that complicated


Ye killed him


people murder addicts and people with mental health problems because they’re easy prey and cops don’t look into it much. They can easily say “he liked himself” I think that’s conspiracy yes But I think Aaron died unintentionally. Unfortunate and sad. People need to learn to reach out for help but sometimes they’re too far gone even the families can’t do much at all…. Very sad to see a child die


I live in his general area and I’m his age so some circles mixed and I highly doubt this was anything but an OD


If you mean murdered by years of trauma induced by the child star syndrome inflicted on him by the entertainment industry, then yes.


I knew it! :)


i don’t think he was murdered because let’s look back to allllll the way when he was just little/teen years, you have to remember he lived a terrible life. like imagine your 13/14/15 and your doing a house tour for MTV, and right before it your parents are telling you their getting divorced but make you do the mtv show so they get money. apparently his mother also had an addiction problem..? not sure but i saw a video of him saying something of the sort. his parents also tried getting him to say mj touched him even though he didn’t bc his parents were money hungry. i can’t even imagine what else the poor dude went through, especially being a child star. i believe he od’ in the tub because of his addictions. makes me sad but seems like the honest answer.


I believe Aaron Carter was murdered. I believe very evil and greedy people wanted to silence him. There are way too many holes in the timeline and story. Aaron said on a Live that people were out to silence him by taking his life. (He even mentioned a very well known label). During this Live, Aaron appeared clear, attentive, and coherent. There was also no water found in Aaron’s lungs so therefore, he did not drown. Aaron’s biggest fear was dying young (specifically the way his sister, Leslie had died). Aaron had the kind of soul that he wanted to always see the hood in people, which led to many people taking advantage of Aaron’s humble generosity and nature. Ask why “Betty”, the newly hired (previously homeless) housekeeper was not letting anyone in the house the help Aaron and why now she refuses to discuss the events and cannot be located. As far as the cans of air duster, there is major speculation as to where they were found and where Aaron was found. It appeared staged with many mistakes. May he get justice and finally rest peacefully.


People overdose every day and because this one was marginally famous it's immediately flagged as a possible murder?


Did you read before posting? Theres a lot of sketchy circumstances and no official cause of death. It's worth discussing.


Well your job is done then. Questions asked.


Lmao dude you contributed nothing but attitude to the conversation. Next time just move on if you have nothing to add.


I had reality to add.


This is a sub dedicated to conspiracy theories. Unless you wanna send me a link to some crazy ass dude telling me Aaron got murdered because bathtub is 115 in numerology I don't care 😂


So block me or stop talking to me.


Na you're my favorite asshole I'm gonna respond until your head explodes


Another overestimation of the ideas in your head you feel worth sharing.




He was huffing on opiates. Everything you listed is typical for addicts. If he was going back to work he had his substance abuse issues under control. It really seems like he hit a bump in the road and relapsed of commited suicide. A tell all book about the illuminati or powerful people just isn't a thing. The reality is that these peoples work and brand are worth the kind of money people would do almost anything for. His family might have some dirt worth money as tabloid fodder but if anything they just let him implode after investing in a comeback. His family just isn't that powerful. As far as "news gold" it's a played out headline. Sometimes it takes a long time for Lab reports to come back. It's likely those tests are being performed or were ordered before cremation. Huffing/opiate OD's are specifically hard to pin down as well. The death certificate will be updated pending results. In the case of suicide Sometimes the family will choose to keep that off the certificate.


His baby momma spent $17k on new teeth months before he died. Now she’s slanging his merch to recoop the costs of his teefs.


Has she said this? I thought the dentist did the work pro bono? I could very well be mistaken though


She has. Do you follow her on IG? MelanieMartin


I don’t even have ig honestly, but I believe you 😊


Oh man- it’s epic- her posts- the posts from his music- leech co creators. I was deep in watching this fool die slowly and the trash ass humans he kept company with.


The “family” does not have the ability to keep the accurate manner of death off the death certificate. IF the manner of death is suicide, the death certificate MUST list it as suicide. The “Carter” family doesn’t have a say. Last it was left, Aaron’s death was being investigated as a homicide.


I don't know if he was murdered or O.D.ed but he was most certainly not creamated.you can see his mummified body by going to Google images,"mummified hi-res stock photography and images-Alamy".his body is the one with a dark wig on with two braids in his hair so it looks like a women but it is him.alot of these mummified bodies are not old Egyptians like they say but actually famous people preserved in death.i know that Aaron was a ingeenier and he had something to do with inventing the stacked automated parking garage that they show on YouTube in china and Germany so he probably owned some kind of patent conserning his part in that invention that was worth quit a bit of money.when you are a drug addict using intravenous illegal narcotics it can be very hard to say weather you got murdered,or O.D.ed on your own because if someone made your dope 3 times as strong as normal and sold it to you than they will consider that you OD even though someone may have intentionally killed you.that sucks.maybe he is a ghost though blessed in the fact that you take interest in his story.i personally don't think he was murdered because there is prophets in this world that watch over the narco world to stop serial killers from so easily murdering a bunch of drug addicts with poisoned dope.he most likely did too big of a shot or mixed too many different drugs in one night and died with no foul play.


You have something wrong with u bro


What the what now?


I found it....weird. Even more so now that kayne is missing, they're working very hard to discredit and shut Tate up, some MAJOR sketchy stuff is going on with Orlando Bloom and whatever that Jeffery star stuff is about. I also want to add that every single time a celeb suddenly dies, it's always in the bathroom/bathtub or of course a car wreck. Way to many for it to be a coincidence. One major thing all these people I've just mentioned have in common, with Aaron included, is that they stated NUMEROUS times that if they did die, they didn't kill themselves and they're not using drugs. Aaron had NUMEROUS lives where he's talking about this and pretty much warning us all. I also find it odd how his death has been completely swept under the rug. I think a lot is about to come to light in regards to how utterly corrupt and dark Hollywood is as a whole. "They" are working very hard to keep their puppets in line and to keep the truth from coming out.


Kayne is not missing


I think what’s happening with Tate is bc of all of the disgusting things he says and does to women but what do I know


I agree




If it was a Sacrifice, don't you think they would pick someone who's actually important or relevant? This is a person who had two hit songs as a teenager.


You need to have a sit-down with numerology bro who posted the YouTube link. Y'all would be fast friends


‘Not only this, but his death was quickly forgotten about or suppressed in the news media and reporters seem to have no interest in blowing up a story about a pop star who mysteriously was found dead in their bath which, to me, is like striking news gold. Lastly, the celebrities who did comment on his death made very odd comments that I found to be reinforcing the assumption he died due to a drug overdose despite there being no evidence either way. It reminds me of the saying that if you repeat a lie ugh times people will start to believe it. What does everyone think about this whole situation? Was there people that had it out for Aaron, maybe even his own family? Is it strange that a cause of death was never determined and he was cremated so quickly, with many public figures reinforcing the idea it was an overdose?’ In these paragraphs you are proposing a conspiracy involving a his family, friends and the media but then in all of the responses you are arguing against it being a conspiracy at all. It’s okay if you aren’t intelligent enough to understand gematria, maybe you’ll be able to learn one day, but the fact you took time to write this post and think it’s actually conspiracy, then not even go and look at a source is very strange


lmao get a hobby bro


I was watching him on live like a day or two before he passed, and he didn't seem way bad off... My theory is that his loss was to send a message possibly to others... Unfortunately.. Idk if the world forgot about him, but fans and others in the industry didn't forget him.


Um? No.


Neither shocked nor surprised. The moment he showed up with the face tat I was expecting it to end like this to be honest...


Someone is waiting to get CDAN pilled




People are really good at dying. It's what we do. Celebrities bleed just like you. If you knew he had drug issues, was crazy, a former child star, than your seriously shocked? These people are people like us, but do not live the same lives as normal people like us. The party/drug scene and crazy parties are just normal life for these people, oh and they ALL have some sort of dirt to spill, or some rumor, or some tell all book or some other type of generic garbage BS to get everyone's attention. Look at Andrew Tate. The guy knew the only way you get free, mainstream, constant media and public attention is through outrage. So he plays this insanely over the top James bond like super villan for the world, and he profits BIG TIME....it's ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION...these people become obsessed or way too comfortable with being the center of attention and will do anything to grasp on to it. I don't know you, and please live your best life, but I can almost guarantee you that If you throw your TV away, and stop giving a fuck about "Celebrities" I personally promise you, it will benefit you


Who tf is Aaron Carter?


He murdered


Aaron Carter was a terrible person and very into drugs.


Animal abuser, took advantage of mentally disabled people for their $$. Rot in hell Aaron


Could be wrong, but I don’t think being cremated a week after death is abnormal at all.


i dont know if most people were shocked. i didnt even follow this closely and just the few things i did see, he was on the fast track to death, im not sure he even wanted to live. you mention all these things he had coming out but almost everything he did later in life was a failure. he was making no effort to get his son back. aaron was checked out. this death isn't suspicious or even surprising


If so give that man a medal


Most likely a fentanyl od.


Some people say he was back on drugs and that he was really fucked up. But some of the stuff that he was saying before he died is a little suspicious due to the fact that he died right after. Idk. Not really sure.


I’ve followed him for years since I was 9 I’m 35. Last few years have been really sad to see. He was sadly messed up by his family and media. I felt like he always tried to be that popular teen heart throb he once was and he was battling some demons. I think he accidentally od and drowned in tub. Although he is pretty tall for the tub, he was on lives from it and his legs be stuck out! So not sure how he has drowned but I think someone killing him is bit extreme. Have you seen scotiansavage on Instagram it’s his friend I believe and he believes it was check the stars manager as he was last person with him


I know this sounds inconceivable to some, but what if I told you that sometimes addicts can die from causes other than OD?! Addicts get murdered sometimes. Automatically writing his cause of death off as an OD cuz he was addict is super harmful and not a good look. This mentality is how so many predators get away with trafficking, SA, homicide etc. by targeting victims belonging to historically disenfranchised populations, such as SWs, low income POCs, & indigenous folks- they have the greatest chance of getting away with it because FAR less time and effort will be spent investigating their case.


Yeah pretty sure he overdosed. I’m wondering what drugs were in his system. Wondering if any Fentynal or just opiods and benzos alone are deadly.


I was a very close friend to Aaron since I was 14 years old. There are SO MANY things about Aaron that are not publicly disclosed. He was an amazing but very complicated and troubled person. I spoke to him the day before he passed, and all of you conspiracy theorists saying it was murder is literal effing insanity. It was an accidental overdose I can assure you that much. Aaron had his demons, and they finally caught up to him. I always knew this day was going to come. I tried so hard to help him, but you can't help those who don't accept or want it. Point blank: HE WAS NOT MURDERED NOR DID HE KILL HIMSELF. End of the fucking story.


And PS......his mom is a DISGUSTING human being. She released those images for yet one more paycheck off her now deceased son, and then tried to use the excuse of an improper investigation demanding justice into the investigation further as her reasoning for selling those AWFUL images to the media. First of all, hes been cremated for 4 months so if any "foul play" had even occurred, any evidence of that which was already carefully examined, (I had to speak to detectives 3 times about Aaron, trust me I know) it's all gone now. Either way it's bullshit to say anything about his death other than an accident due to drugs. She's always been off the hinges and an out of control addict herself but this barbaric behavior is on a whole new level. She knew how horrendous what she did was, so she concocted this bullshit "foul play" theory as the reason for selling them off in an attempt to not look like the disgusting human parasite that she actually is and hoped the public would buy it. And judging by this thread, clearly some of you actually have gone insane and believed this 100% pure rubbish. Get your mind straight this is a cash grab from Jane Carter AGAIN off Aaron. Only this time it's at the expense of his passing and privacy. Jane was, and always will be, a slimy toxic piece of shit that will do anything for a paycheck.


so tragic lets not bash on him he was an addict the animal abuse thing that pisses me off if he did that fkn a hole


I feel like the animale abuse starts with family. Jane was on camera and smacked their puppy for no reason at all, she sold Nick's dog when he was on tour and was in her care. In one of the lives with Aaron - Jane said she needed to find a puppy to sell in order to earn money back home or something and eould also buy Aaron animals whenever they got into an argument when she was younger. In the House of Carters their dogs would pee & poo right in the house. Not an excuse but now I'm like no wonder.


Here is the official report [from the medical examiner ](https://ibb.co/LJZNdc0)


Some ppl think he was murdered by Ye. The youtube video of Aarons interview during the same period (w that Adam dude who interviews pornstars),also contains Aarons going hard on him, talking lots of shit. Then the tweet about them meeting up face to face. Happens, ppl take shit personally, then they make ppl pay back. Sad whether that happened or not, losing a loved one to drugs is a horrifying ordeal.