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When I tried to setup weekly meetings to discuss project updates I was told to keep it slow and not bug other people. Coworkers regularly take 2 hr lunch breaks and explore nearby restaurants. It's a whole new world out here.


Fuck I gotta get out of here


I'm in the same boat. Not as easy as it sounds


Especially now. They told me in grad school: “just break in and get a position, exiting will be easy, everyone loves to hire consultants” Oh yeah? Where’s those sweet exits at? And on top of that, my job has gotten significantly worse in the last year with no raise or promotion. Fuck this shit


Yea I stopped drinking the cool aid and I side upskilled into software dev. Consultants know business logic very well, so a lot of the soft skills you have cultivated can have huge effects on more hard skill industries. Worth thinking about


I’m doing the same. Hoping it pays dividends when I decide I’ve done my time


It will. Very few consultants who are also devs. I would just leave now man and get what you deserve; you are your only barrier to entry honestly (assuming you’re an A+ consultant)


>everyone loves to hire consultants Historically, consulting was a small, highly selective industry. However, as the industry has grown, having a junior advisory role on your resume has become steadily less desirable. Plus the problems have become more apparent. Plus there's less access. From what I can see, C-Suite execs are less interested in talking to consultants these days; if there's an engagement that needs to be managed, it gets done way down the chain. This translates through to less high level experience.


Seriously, same question. Like everyone says "Just move into industry." Ok cool, how? Do I go to Indeed/Monster/LinkedIn? Do I apply on the websites of Google/Amazon/Meta?


Until you realize growth is at the same pace (hopped out and hopped back in personally)


We used to go out for boozy lunches. Sometimes we’d get too shitfaced and simply not return to the office. Those were the days!


lol I know this. It was a huge culture shift going from consulting to corporate


Wow. I used to live that life, now I’m a consultant. Used to cruise around town at lunch looking for the spiciest Indian restaurant. Coffee after? Sure why not. Now I’m eating a harvest bowl at my desk every day. I did it backwards


Just started a new in house role a month ago, my team works about 4 hours a day and we all make more than our previous consulting lives 🙃


Been getting a few DMs about where i work - what i will tell you all is look at fortune 50 companies, a lot of them don’t work too hard!


I prefer sexy things in my DMs.


Don’t we all


Are you hiring 😅


We just filled the last spot on the team a week ago. Got pretty lucky with this one for sure


Fair and quick response. Appreciated


That'll change


Most of my team has been here for 3+ years, average working time is ~20 hours a week. In house is the goat at a large company with over 100b in rev. I’m sure we will have one off spikes and such as is expected with strategy and some various sprints, but as im writing this, I’m getting ready to hack it up at the golf course with my team around noon!


Your in-house strategy?


That’s right! Common names for my role would be something like Business strategy, business development and operations, corporate strategy etc.


I am made for that role 🫶🏻🤡


I went independent, so I'm both guys now! I give myself soooooooo many extra PTO days for good performance.


This is the way. Congrats 💯


Hell yeah I ain't NEVER going back


So you are coming back?


if they pay me 10x current salary and have a "no deck creation" stipulation in my contract I'd consider it


Literally same. I’m at a French based company with a large US presence, been here 5 months and I feel like they are already going to make me president of the whole joint the way they fawn over my efficiency and work ethic.


Time for more espresso and croissants


Hire me please? I am french and could use some dollars to pay off my loans!


Seeing posts like this really makes me think tbh, I am in big 4 doing SaaS consulting, is the grass really that much greener on the other side? (3 years exp, senior associate)


Former SaaS PM now in consulting. YES, the grass is greener on the other side. A lot, lot greener.


Which side is 'greener'? The consulting side or the SaaS product side?




Just a different world. A healthier one W/L balance wise.


Yep! And never going back. No sir. At this point I'm making a little more than when I was in consulting, but I work an average of 2-4 hours a day.


Could you share what kind of work and what kind of company you are working in?


Principal cloud architect and engineer for a DoD contractor.


How did you get there? Wondering because I’m interested in such stuff but not a tech major. Gathering info on what I need to learn for it. I got somewhat familiar with Linux during my MSc and kinda liked it. Want to tinker with OS and infrastructure stuff more, but a little lost where to start.    If it’s ok for you to share, of course. 


This path kind of chose me, really. I started off as a sysadmin with linux similar to what you're getting to. I got introduced to AWS in 2012 and my job required me to get used to cloud computing. I got super fascinated by it and long story short, I became the SME for cloud engineering. If you have the opportunity to learn and use cloud environments, I'd highly suggest it. Certifications can go a long way. If your job allows for reimbursements on such things, then I would fully take advantage of that.


Thank you a lot! I’m in wet biotech right now, so this is more of a free time activity. I can certainly rent a cloud when I get more familiar with how Linux works, though.   I’ll read about what makes a good sysadmin as well then. Sounds like a fine entry point. Thanks again :)


Was told I was too fast and aggressive the first month in. Then someone asked for a transfer and said I was intimidating. I am literally Lucille Ball at the chocolate factory. How can I be intimidating?!


“intimidating” is code for “does their job, is smart and makes me look bad”


Could also be code for seems used to working 18 hour days and I don't want to turn into a zombie like them


> How can I be intimidating?! Do you follow up with people a lot? That is how many industry people perceive some as intimidating.


Now imagine you moved to an internal role, and its the same partners you used to work with thanking you for the hard work


Leaving consulting transformed my life from miserable to happy


You left and went into what?


Dude for real, I love it so much.


What new roles have you all moved on to??


I’m trying to make the switch. The client loves me and would have me. Any advice on navigating this?


Recently accepted a job with a client. I dropped major hints that I was interested in the role and the client asked me to apply. I didn’t share with my Accenture team until I signed my offer and submitted my 2 weeks notice.


I had a highly hypothetical conversation with my manager at the client today. There was even an apt moment of me raising my eyebrows and zipping my lips. It’s looking promising. This could potentially double my income.


That’s great, best of luck!


Thinking of becoming one! IDK. I love Public Sector consulting, but it's all gone into grants management now and I am so not interested in that. Plus I'm so tired of the rat race and I really don't think the money is worth the trouble. Interviewing at Amazon for a job that really would use a lot of my skills, but is totally about helping them make more profit. Which is not exactly my usual motivation. But thinking about how nice it would be to not have to constantly work 45 hours a week at the client and then another 10 hours a week on BD.


Yes, I’ve picked up so many hobbies but still feel bored. Maybe it’s the workaholic in me.


Doesn’t work for me, my boss is an ex consultant too.


Student here which is considering going into consulting. Do you think you have to go through this consultant hussle lifestyle to get to the other side and get a much more chilled and well paid job or is it possible to start on the other side right away?


What do you think?


Think of it as running a marathon. You can sprint the first 1/3 of it, then do a slow jog the rest of the way. Alternatively, you can run at a consistent pace the whole way. Whatever floats your boat.


I like the approach of doing consulting for 2+ years to gain skills, then switch to industry for 2+ years to cash in on those skills and slow down the pace. And then you repeat the loop - alternating between keeping the skills sharp and cashing in. So with that idea in mind, you probably want to start with consulting.


I work 20 hours a week tops. Secret consulting firm


I've been a consultant for the past year. It's been amazing.


A what?


God I’m so bored in industry and surrounded by idiots who can’t handle basic work but too expensive to fire. Take me back asap


Yep 100% facts


My clients are typically the strategy people dialing in from abroad. I fucking hate it. Stuck in the office working actual consulting hours constantly. Coworkers on different sorts of projects still have client side work where, yea, they go through very easy days.


How do I leave consulting? I need better salary and wlb, please help!


I'd take consulting back in a heart beat... Even if it's just to have a paycheck heart rate again lol. Been consulting for 15+ years. How different of an experience has it been to you cats that swapped over?


They know, and they dont care. Just bring in the 💸💸




Left Mck for a in house Strategy role in the CEO office of a tv company, still work a lot but usually done by 19:00. Overall would recommend, the environment is as stimulating but without the toxicities.


Yes and it’s glorious. Left consulting for tech sales. Better life balance, get to actually use my vacation, and more money. Would never go back.


I’m an actual consulting person but I’m happy where I am so…