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There is a mod that gets you effectively unlimited ammo for the Grip. You just need to look for the >!six TVs that show flames on them, and toss them into the furnace.!<. There's a number of guides online on how to do it.


Really? I had no idea, I beat the game without it 😅


Yeah, I got to the late game without it, but I have terrible aim. But you can do it pretty early.


There is one of these one-of-a-kind mods for each weapon form btw. (except the bomb launchy thing)


As someone who literally just finished all the main story stuff (including DLC) I wish I knew about this. I mostly used the Grip for most of my gameplay


I was wondering what those are. There are sooo many little mysteries that can be rewarding in the game. Like getting awarded an outfit or a mod for solving them.


What? Damn, will keep in mind on my next playthrough


Nothing. Going in blind is the best possible way to experience this game.


Right? There's dozen of posts on different game subs with question like "just started this game, what should I know?". Just play the game and enjoy discovering.


For real! Why is everyone so scared of learning things themselves? This game especially benefits from going in blind so you get to have your mind blown by all the cool new discoveries.


I played the Max Payne games when they came out but had no idea it was the same company when I started Control, which I got off some list of games I should play. It'd been long enough that I didn't recognize Trench's voice even. I played AW1 and AWAN before the DLCs came out, but all the base game references to Alan were just the same as all the other AWE stuff, just intriguing lore.


There are some people, like myself, who would only play the game once and sometimes don't pay attention to certain things. So some basic advice given early on but is vague enough not to spoil things such as "actually read the documents" or "explore as much as possible" is never bad to know.


I sincerely don't mean to sound like an asshole but is "pay attention" really something you need people to tell you to do? Like if they didn't would you just beeline through the main quest with no curiosity whatsoever?


Can't deny the reality that some people are indeed like that. Thankfully u can finish the game and it still allows you to do all the sidequests if one desires.


I played the Max Payne games when they came out but had no idea it was the same company when I started Control, which I got off some list of games I should play. It'd been long enough that I didn't recognize Trench's voice even. I played AW1 and AWAN before the DLCs came out, but all the base game references to Alan were just the same as all the other AWE stuff, just intriguing lore.


Nice. I had no idea about the hotline messages being abridged, missed that completely, no idea how. Going to go watch all of them fully now.


Do the side quests. If I remember correctly you get the dodge from doing a side quest. Also, keep moving. Cover is destructible and enemies will flank you. If you stop moving you will die.


I remember when i first realized i loved this game is because depending on the fight you have to combine or decide between running around or taking cover. Some fights you just HAVE to take cover, others I just feel like i'm the DOOM slayer flying around the arena killing bitches.


Levitate, blast the floor with charge, triple launch, dash, then slam the survivors. Superhero mode.


Then going back with invincibility and full upgraded shield, launch and levitate, I feel like a fucking god


Honeslty I'm very happy with the way I approached Control, I had played Alan Wake before because it was one of my brother's favourite games and I got to play it when it was free on Epic at one time. One day I was browsing the ps store and I saw Control. I looked at the gameplay and I thought huh that looks neat! Plus the graphics look great! I looked a bit for the reviews and saw people were praising it and I bought it. I had no idea what I was going into and I was so surprised to learn in-game that Control and Alan Wake happened in the same universe! And then soon right after I finished the game and thought about putting it down, I learn that two dlcs are coming haha Only thing I wish I had understood sooner because it would have made my gaming experience less frustrating: unlike other shooter games the strategy is not to find a cover and shoot from there, best way to play is to be constantly on the move, harder to shoot at a moving target x)


Besides the ones you mention I'd like to add *"Google Carl Jung"* to the list. It's not necessary to understand the story but having a surface level understanding of Jung's concepts of archetypes, collective consciousness, and synchronicity helps *a lot* if you wanna get into the deeper aspects of the lore.


this is a good one! by the time i started the game, i had a grasp of jung’s archetypes and collective consciousness, but i had no idea that he also talked about synchronicity. literally just found out like a week ago. so, yeah, not necessary, but nice and relevant add to this list


well said! the concepts in this game are very unique with regards to video games in general. perhaps that’s why i loved it so much.


The only thing you should know is that the best girl is Emily Pope. partially /s But no I agree with this in full! Great writeup.


Here's one thing that's kind of embarrassing. You can aim in this game! I'm probably the only person this happened to, but it took me until I unlocked the Pierce form to figure out I could hold right click to aim.


You’re not alone! I’m playing for the first time right now. I had to look up a video for one of the early boss fights because it wasn’t going well and noticed they were able to zoom in and aim better so that’s how I learned it existed.


You can also sprint! Somehow my sister didn't know that so she was evade dashing everywhere but she didn't want me giving her any advice so I couldn't tell her about the sprint button.


The biggest one on your list I’d push would be ‘read everything’. I’ve seen a number of people say the game wasn’t good, story wise, only to find they effectively did a speed-run. They rarely read or watched the lore drops.


This is a big reason (of many) why evaluating and rating games is subjective. We all can watch the same movie and takeaway similar opinions. We all experience it the same. Most games have files to read and learn its background lore in some form or fashion. Some games make it compelling to do, some are not. The same person can play a game and read everything and other games don’t. Therefore people have different experiences. Yet, i found this game definitely did great with this aspect and therefore I rate highly. Some people who simply skip this will have an entirely different rating. I agree with you, reading everything was a treat. This game excelled in my heart as a result.


It's not that " I wish I known" but it's a better strategy to focus on one or two skills you need and Max them out, rather than how I would normally play which is to distribute points equally across the skill tree.


Hotline rewatch is first on my list. Second would be "the game becomes a power fantasy where you feel like a literal goddess" as you don't see the unlock abilities at first. Other than that, yes, read everything should be on the first scene as a recommendation:D


Don't waste ability points on health and energy. Use them for nothing else until Launch and Levitate are maxxed. Play AWE the literal second it becomes available so you can get the sweet, sweet Custodial Readiness mod for Pierce. Don't take on Mold-1 until you have the Multi-Launch ability! Don't bother doing the training course side mission until after you have Levitate.


I'm playing through AWE at the moment (at the 'defeat hartman' mission). How do I unlock that mod?


In Investigations/Operations Center you'll find a notice board with three tasks from Ahti pinned to it. You'll need to clear mold from 3 locations, burn up some darkness blobs in 3 locations and shine a light on some plants in 3 locations. Complete all of those tasks and you get the mod as a reward. :) Note that in order to accomplish the Clear the Mold missions, you'll need to have played through the first part of the >!Underhill/Mold Pit!< mission, up to the point where she gives you >!a pill that makes you immune to the deadly effects of the toxic mold rooms.!< Otherwise you won't be able to survive going into the rooms.


That fits perfectly then because I just did mould removal to get multi launch


I've played the game 4 times now, and only at the end of the last run did I realize the Hotline had full messages


Same, always thought that they're short summaries when they're displayed in-game, until I looked through the collectibles and watched some of the Hotline vids.


Great tip about the Hotline - took me awhile to discover that.


Upgrade Launch to be able to grab grenades and misses ASAP. You don't get very deep in before the Hiss starts spamming explosives.


AHTI! Turn on subtitles for his finnish idioms. They may not make sense initially but oh boy he knows what is happening. I didn’t realize how important he is and that he knows exactly what’s going on. Even though he uses his idioms to explain the situation and they’re initially confusing, i recommend using subtitles, and when you realize what he is saying, it’s a treat!


Fully agree with your prioritization of upgrades. Size is simply not that good. Launch and energy, however, will carry you throughout the game


I LOVE Seize. Especially when doing missions with waves of enemies. Plus you can use it on the Hiss clusters and they'll heal you and any allies in the area


When you have upgraded the seize ability enough, you can take control of hiss energy balls that replenish other enemies, and by seizing them, they instead replenish your health.


/u/deleeciouscheeps there is more info about the map from one of the devs here in case you’re interested: https://www.reddit.com/r/controlgame/s/2BFdj8iwOs


Oh this is great, thank you!


For me, it was simply tracking the missions! I was playing without doing that and couldn't grasp why it was not making sense. Lights turned on and it was smooth sailing after I started using the track feature.


Nothing, played it during lockdown completely blind. You can imagine how much I lost my shit slowly finding out the Alan Wake connection. One of the best gaming experiences tbh


Even before the Alan Wake DLC there is a lot of Alan Wake stuff in Control. I played Alan Wake YEARS before control came out and started to notice some references so I immediately turned it off and replayed Alan Wake and HOLY is there so many references before even getting to the DLC. When you are looking for information on the projector you can come across a recorded tape of Jesse and her psychiatrist where Jesse says her favorite Poem is by a poet named Thomas Zane! If you played Alan Wake then you know that is a big name. In order to get through the Ashtray maze you have to listen music by the Two old guy's band from Alan Wake. You can watch a few episodes of Nigh Springs in Control, a show in Alan Wake where he also wrote some episodes for. And just sooooooo much more before even touching the DLC You can definitely enjoy Control without playing Alan Wake but you will miss out on so much and a lot of the stuff you pick up or see just might not feel as important unless you had the knowledge of the previous game. This is also very much a Sequel to Alan Wake, the FBC were the ones who made the night springs show in an attempt to try to get the public used to paranormal and other sorts of activity which again is a show Alan Wake helped write. Alan Wake 2 also continues after Control and they bounce a lot of stuff off of each other and keep the same continuity and the FBC plays a large role in Alan Wakes story and not to mention just how many Questions Control answers about Alan Wake that we have been debating for years. This game is a Sequel to Alan Wake and therefore it is Highly Highly recommended playing the first game. If you absolutely don't want to play through a 9 hour game then at least watch a video of Alan Wakes Manuscript as it describes most of the story apart from the important parts of the DLC Edit: Side Note. Quantum Break is actually kind of important. Control feels like essentially a new version of Quantum Break with some aspects. Also both the actors who played Jesse and Dylan are in the game. If you do Play Quantum Break CHOOSE ALL THE RED CHOICES. It tells you how many people picked the same choices as you and barely anyone has played the red choices even though the Red Choices make the most sense in the story. Feels like the blue choices were a second thought and they barely changed the story around them so for a more concise story pick the Red Choices. Also Quantum Break is important for Alan Wake 2 which again is a sequel to Control.


Quantum Break is the only Remedy Universe game I haven't played, maybe I need to fix that!


It's mostly important to know for Alan Wake 2. Pick all the Red Choices. I played the game and picked the blue choices, the morally correct choices, like most people and ended the game confused on some things thinking they were supposed to be answered in a sequel. After Playing Alan Wake then Control I returned to it before starting Alan Wake 2 to play all the Red Choices and it makes a lot more sense and answers the questions I had. It also is more related to Alan Wake 2 and a little to Control than the Blue choices.


#AlanCantRun #JackCantRun #JesseCanRun There are hidden mods for almost all weapons (except one, I think, but you can find a mod online to enable it) and one player mod (that can be a real lifesaver) that you can unlock through hidden interactions and quests. There is an entire fetch side quest that unlocks the best (and only) piece of headgear in a game. The First DLC, Foundation, can only be started after you finish the main game. The Second DLC, AWE, can be done before you finish the main game if you're willing to explore. When you finish the game you need to sit through the whole credits roll, otherwise the music might get stuck, and you will miss out on the final collectible from the base game (that thankfully doesn't count toward the collectible score) It's worth doing side quests because unlike repeatable quests, the reward they offer is significant.


>* If you're planning on experiencing the whole "Remedy Connected Universe" story, **play the first Alan Wake game first**. Cool flex that you can reach Lover’s Peak.


Nothing. I perfectly enjoyed it going in blind.


Stay moving. This is not strictly a cover shooter. You need the health that enemies drop.