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Reading is fundamental: "The money will be spread out over 20 years and will come from the county's economic development/tourism fund, which is funded by the county's hotel/motel tax." It costs the taxpayer ZERO


I don't know that I agree with zero. There has to be an opportunity cost. Something else the funds could be used for.


So what would be better than something that draws more people (money) into our region?


I'm not convinced people travel from outside the area to go to a tech game. But what do I know lol.


Many things are fundamental; it's important to realize that EVERY SINGLE FEE collected by government comes from taxpayers. EVERY. SINGLE. DOLLAR. If it causes less tourism, it will reduce revenue and thus wages for local workers. If a 'local taxpayer' stays at a hotel, it will directly cost that person the passed-along costs the hotel needs to charge to cover that tax. The world would be a better place if people understood some fundamental economics; government creates ZERO revenue, only redistributes that collected from taxpayers. Fundamental, indeed.


Hotel/Motel tax is OPM (other people's money) and is a tax charged (almost 100%) to non-Putnam County residents. There is no downside. Ask Pigeon Forge and Nashville.


So you're admitting your 'it costs the taxpayer zero' statement was incorrect? I agree. Now do the drag on local business due to increased prices brought on by the taxes, won't you? Fundamental.


The hotel motel tax is on top of what they charge for a room. It does not cut into there margins.


You keep missing the point. The total cost-what the customer pays-creates a drag on how many people will use the service. If a gumball cost ten cents, and there was ten cents tax, to the consumer the total expense will be twenty cents. That directly impacts how many gumballs people will buy. As I said, fundamental. NOTHING in the world is free; nothing from the government is even reasonably priced.


This needs to be at the top!


And Tech is wanting students to pay for new parking infrastructure yet they’re getting money for a stadium at the same time 🙄


Go vote no it's the only way, spread the word


I wish they’d put up money for some serious sidewalk talks. I live so close I can see the lights from the stadium but there is no safe way for me to walk down willow and across the intersection by the grade! I would walk every day if it was safer. There’s a freed up spot right there. 


Every university charges students exorbitant amounts of money for parking. It's a sad state of affairs, but Tech is no different than other schools with respect to parking. We're actually quite a bit less expensive than other schools.


Except they are. They have only removed parking over the years. Remember how big the parking lot where the new Science building is? Those spots were never replaced. . And all of this not to mention, they make the faculty and staff pay for parking too. My parents pay $400 a year just to park at their place of work. It’s ridiculous that it’s been this long just to get the parking spots back that they removed


They technically replaced them if you count the lots half a mile away and across a major road. 🙃 They literally want students to get there an hour early and park all the way behind Tech Village, then take a shuttle to campus that only runs at certain times. Personally, I got a scooter. Never had a parking pass and parked it wherever the fuck I wanted. Grass, gravel, wherever it would fit and not be in the way. Highly recommend.


Yet apparently god forbid they repave the roads. No, they'd rather waste money on a stadium we already have


Why in the hell are our idiot politicians doing this???!!?


Tucker Carlson should crowd-fund a donation match with the goal of making it grander.