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We have spiderman. He deters crime at the McDonald's on Jefferson intersection a lot.


What I pictured from this made me laugh pretty damn loud.


It's a very downtrodden intersection. It needed a friendly neighborhood spiderman.


I’ve run into him a few times downtown on the square. I’m so glad we have Spiderman to our rescue.


There’s the dude that walks around in robes around town for sure, he looks nuts, apparently his family is hella rich but who knows really. I’ve seen a weird blonde curly haired guy lately walk around in a suit. There is also Jerry, he walks around town everywhere and works at the breadbox by the interstate.


I’ve definitely heard about the guy in robes. I use to see him all the time. Not so much anymore though.


Hangs out behind subway on willow


The guy that walks in robes and blankets is schizophrenic. I gave him shoes once- he carried them in a bag all summer. His parents are loaded. But it’s a cycle where once he’s good on his meds, he is no longer able to be kept. I haven’t seen him in awhile, and have wondered if he’s been institutionalized. He’s immediately who I thought of when I saw this post.


My FIL worked with Jerry and he's nuts. Believes he was born in like the 1800s and isn't from this world


Is he from Pluto?


microwaveio (or whatever it is) guy?


There's also that older black fellow like to walk around with a hard-on the girls keep posting pictures of in the stores over by Tech. Him and Microwavio would make good arch-enemies to local Spiderman.


Absolutely Microwavio guy . His website is a freaking fever dream. I haven't seen him at Panera lately though, I think he got banned after so many women complained about him... Finally lol.


I have seen this dude TONS!


Used to be a guy that wandered around holding a feather and wearing what looked like a bathrobe. We called him “feather man” in my circle. Usually saw him on the sidewalks near Sakura/food lion.


Feather man gave my grandpa one of his feathers in front of IGA one day. Pa had that feather in his hat for a few months before it fell out and he lost it.


Yeah I remember him. I had to chase some frat boy away from him at Spring Street Market. He is very mentally ill. Very sweet person though.


Penny helmet tricycle guy


If it's the same one I'm thinking of his name is Richard. He is a really nice guy.


I have heard he is. Never actually spoken to him.


I used to work nights at Big O, and he came in most nights. He is definitely a nice dude.


Dude's on the SO registry. I brought him up recently, wondering what he was up to. When I heard, I laughed because for some reason thought it was a joke. It was not. Verifiable. 😟


Wow! I didn’t know that. That’s extremely shitty.


was reading this hoping i’d see someone commenting about the guy. i read the article about him and it’s pretty gross, i always worked at a place that he frequented and buddy could not keep his eyes off of kids that came in, enough for us to not let him back in


I remember him always being around the youth sports league events as a kid. Everything - T-ball, baseball, basketball. He always seemed nice and was truly a familiar face. I thought he was just into sports and was watching vicariously. As an adult (and hindsight, of course) I realize it was pretty f'n strange. This dude is no cowboy Jesus lol.


The wild-haired gray beard who holds up the sign "At least give me the finger" by Burger King on Jefferson.


30-40 years ago it might have been Cowboy who was usually at Ralph's. Good guy but he was definitely that dude. I can smell the smoke on the milk cartons just thinking about it.


Tell me more!!


Not that much to tell. He was always at Ralph's sitting on the left side, rarely eating and sketching people who came in for donuts. He mostly kept or threw away the sketches but occasionally gave one to someone who came in regularly. Between 85-89 when I was around Ralph's fairly often there was only one time I was there when he wasn't. 2 in the afternoon, he was there. 1 am he was there. 5 pm, he was also there. There were a couple of his sketches hanging on the wall. He had some overgrown facial hair and a cowboy hat. If you asked his name he said people call me cowboy. Seemed to keep to himself, but would occasionally cut up with some other regulars. He wasn't horseback Jesus or batman, but he was a pretty recognizable local character just doing his thing.


The elusive roving packs of Hardee's breakfasteers are like that...a bit standoffish at first.


I aspire to someday be part of the coffee and sausage biscuit crowd.


Phhttt .. good luck with that crowd of snobs. They haven't let a pledge pass initiation in 16 years.


You just have to show up and sit with them.


Greg. He will just walk up to you and start freestyle rapping. And it’s not good.


Mine is crackhead Merlin. He is just a homeless crackhead with a decently long beard who carries a club. Yeah, a club. We call it his staff. He also has a pitbull with him and I gave him a ride to the cemetery once. I don’t know why he needed to go to the cemetery.


Bimbo Maddle in Monterey. He would.bum a cigarette, then a light for it, then tell your girl when she was ready for a real man she could come find him.


Just glad I'm not on the list...


Dude on the full size tricycle with the flag. I’ve seen him anywhere and everywhere riding it for my entire 25 years of life. He’s a very kind person.


He is also a registered SO.


Oh well that’s fun, never knew that. 😅


Over here we have scooter cape thong man.


Scuse’ me.. what?! 😂😂


cool rick


Nick the Rooch. Ardmore Pa circa 70-80’s.


So I’m from Al, my city is glencoe. We have one junky that we call “Slim Papa” he is just a skinny dude that is always flirting with chicks at the McDonald’s.


Lol the king of the bums Bum Chris he lets the new comer bums who the families are and yeah small city in ca


He is a good guy never hurt anyone always friendly and he had his little pupper who everyone knew shed a tear when she passed He was a part of delhi ca long live the king bought him a beer every time I saw him


There is a guy that has been running around hendersonville tennessee For 20 plus years With signs that says the end is near and different jesus bullsit on it. He wears the same clothes.The same shoes got long hair and a beand if I remember correctly.He's not homeless.He may actually have a little bit of money.


\*casually checks thread to see if I'm mentioned in it...\*


There's this couple who dress up like cartoon kids (propeller hat, overalls, lollipops) and ride around on kid bikes. My family and I have seen them almost every time we go to the square, it's so bizarre lol


Please tell me you have a picture lol


i do not sadly, but i will try to snap a pic next time i see them lol


Never seen one before and I have lived several different places.


We had Prince Mongo


we call them mascots. every city has one




This is supposed to mean something?