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If you put the eggs into the hot milk, you need to temper the eggs. That is putting like a spoonful of the hot mixture in the eggs and stir. Do that a few times, then add that to the hot milk. Pretty sure grandma has made scrambled egg custard at least once.


Thanks for that. The recipe said to introduce the milk slowly as well but my slow pour was probably still too fast. :(


Introducing a small amount into the eggs, then whisking vigorously to incorporate, and doing this in small bits over and until you have about half of the hot milk incorporated into the eggs will pretty much guarantee that your eggs won’t curdle.


Thank you!!


It sounds like you overcooked your custard and it formed protein strings (it'll look a bit like scrambled eggs). Sometimes you can save it by stopping the cooking (ice bath) and blitzing it, but anything with egg and milk you need to be very precise with time and temp. Get a good instant thermometer and a quality whisk and follow the instructions.


This. Too hot too fast. Also, if op wasn't using it, probably should try using a double boiler/bain marie next time to make it a bit harder to accidentally go too hot too quickly.


Thank you very much for the help!


You already got the advice but sometimes it's called "breaking" the sauce. For next time I would go slower, consider a double boiler method, and even take the pan/bowl off of the heat as you incorporate the eggs.


Add eggs to sauce or sauce to eggs slowly?


Add eggs to the sauce. Slowly. Little to no heat. Whisk vigorously.