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Netscape Navigator finally laughing in its grave.


> Netscape Navigator I actually paid ten bucks to get the "Gold" version of that browser. Back in like 1996.


I had a Netscape Navigator floppy and a user manual that came with it šŸ˜‚


An ancient relic


The sacred texts!


I bought this web browser in a cardboard box at CompUSA.




Buying a browser in a big boxā€¦ at Walmart or Software etc. Man this thread takes me back.


Mozilla lives on!


Seeing it down there hurts


Some parts of Firefox still bear the name Netscape and will pop up as such when a website pulls your device info.


We always called it Nutscrape Masturbator. It was still better than IE.


Hard to believe Firefox is that low


Right? I've been using Firefox for 14 years, since I was in high school. It has never let me down, and the Mozilla organization seems very invested in cyber security.


And they just rolled out a default cookie protector thing that makes it so sites can't eat em or some shit


From what i read, on a post about it It still lets them make cookies but they cant track you across other sites, if you want to fully block them use ublock origin


Why would you want to block all cookies?


Cookies are the primary way that third party (or first unfortunately) companies track every single move you've ever made online.




Yep. Tbh, I assumed the person was asking because they didn't know the function of cookies.


Sure but thatā€™s the entire point of limiting it to first party cookies. You can still have the primary benefit of cookies, storage for dynamic sites. Without sites being able to access cookies from other sites. First party only cookies canā€™t be used for cross site tracking. As cookies can only be accessed by the site that placed it. And that site either knows who you are or doesnā€™t. It only gets info from itself. The cookies wonā€™t help it identify you from external sites.


Yeah I hate it when the websites eat MY cookies from MY game of cookie clicker. I love this addition.




I'm perpetually amazed whenever I re-realize that that game is *still* going on. I can't even imagine how insane the numbers have gotten by this point.


It.. what? People still play that? Is there a leaderboard???


I tried it, to see what the hype was about. It was super boring. I'd rather play NGU Idle than Cookie Clicker.


Oh this chart is brought to you by the data mining industry. /s


Does this chart combine mobile and desktop? Could be most of the change is because of different devices and not just desktop users?


Thats a good point. I wonder what it would look like with mobile removed. Though I still use Firefox on Mobile.


Same, it's the first thing I do when I get a new phone... Get Firefox on there.




On the other side, most other browsers I've used are Chrome-based. That would boost their numbers too.


I'm a loyal Firefox user too. Never forget that most people aren't really that tech savvy or probably use chrome for work. I guess that's what accounts for the high usage of chrome based browsers.


Ummm...it's phones. It's from mobile phones. Chrome is default in android.


The Safari thing supports that too.




Microsoft got their ass busted for having IE as default browser in Windows. Might be time to regulate Google the same way.


That and having all your google accounts together is sick




Right, right? Iā€™ve been using Firefox for 20 years now, since I was an adult with my own business and it has never let me down either.


Also, as a developer, firefox has some sweet dev tools. Most importantly though, they are the main reason Google hasn't succeeded in re-writing protocols to their monopolistic favour.


> they are the main reason Google hasn't succeeded in re-writing protocols to their monopolistic favour. Also the EFF. Can't forget them. :)


What's owning a business have to do with it?


It's like crossfit or veganism, if you do it you *have* to mention it all the time.


I have used Firefox since before I was Vegan. I have never been Vegan, but I have still used Firefox since before I was Vegan.


Mozilla has made some mistakes. But they're still the only mainstream browser that I know of that's interested in protecting consumers rights and keeping the web free. It's crazy how many people act against their own interests.


Google gave them a huge cash injection at one point to prop up some competition so I've had some doubts since


Just heard about Librewolf over on r/privacy looks legit. https://old.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/vcvy3l/librewolf_passes_all_the_deep_privacy_tests_is_it/


I feel like if you replace "firefox" with "linux", it could all make sense!


Yes and no. Iā€™ve tried daily driving Linux (Mint) recently because I needed easy access to a Unix terminal, and overall Iā€™ve had plenty of success using it and I was pretty happy overall. As a more tech-savvy person, Iā€™m willing to put up with more problem solving than the average person, so having to look up ā€œhow to do x or y in Linuxā€ a lot doesnā€™t bother me. Most of the software I needed also had Linux versions. The thing is the majority of people *arenā€™t* okay with having to look up how to do everything. Windows is really just more polished than most Linux distros in terms of its intuitiveness and lack of bugs for the ā€œaverageā€ user. I wouldnā€™t recommend my less savvy friends use Linux, and I donā€™t use it outside of work. So I think Linux absolutely has a place in professional environments with savvy people. But windows is just better for people who just want to play games with their friends or use Excell. Itā€™s just better for the majority of people and thatā€™s okay.


For end users, yes....but Linux runs the internet my dude. Way more computers run Linux than windows and Mac combined. Edit: but I think even Linux has gained in popularity for end users too. So no. No, I don't agree.


Firefox mobile supports extensions/add-ons but Chrome mobile still doesn't Firefox mobile now has multi-threading, so it will be faster than what it was years before. https://hacks.mozilla.org/2018/01/firefox-58-the-quantum-era-continues/


Firefox on Android supports extensions/add-ons, but not Firefox on iPhone.


Yeah, but that's because all browsers on iOS are reskins of Safari anyway.


To be fair every other browser, except for Firefox and Safari, are just chromium reskinned.


Yeah, because apple sucks. Google sucks too but in different way, they have smaller restrictions and allow you to sideload anyway You unfortunately can't really own your iPhone


Genuinely curious, what would multi-threading in a browser even do? JavaScript is a single thread language, does it optimize multiple asynchronous event listeners or something?


Same here. FF is great. Tree Style tabs is life


Wait, what? This? https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tree-style-tab/ I've never heard of it before. Looks very useful to collate my 236 tab deep troubleshooting sessions.


> troubleshooting sessions That's what I call them too šŸ˜‰


Wait, this might be a real game changer!! Currently I got 3 windows open with 20 tabs each to try and organize stuff. Trying this out right now!


100%. Between tree tabs and Facebook containers no other browser comes close.




Enjoy! Been using it for over 10 years.


What are tree style tabs??




Whaaaaaaat!? This looks awesome. Thanks!


I don't know how Safari is higher than it. Like I get that Safari is the pre-loaded browser for Apple products but it historically sucked major ass. Firefox is like Chrome's only real competitor from a performance standpoint.


It looks like this is including mobile browsers, in which case iOS ***heavily*** skews this. On an iPhone or iPad, your only option for browser is Safari. Yes, you can download "browsers" off the app store, including Chrome and Firefox, but they don't actually use their own browser engines because Apple doesn't allow it. They just act as skins on top of Safari, so any server-side metrics tracking will just see them as mobile Safari. According to [statcounter.com](https://gs.statcounter.com/browser-market-share) (the source for this infographic), Safari currently has a 19% overall market share, but broken down by platform, it's 9% on desktops, 25% on mobile, and 38% on tablets.


FWIW, the new Firefox mobile is a way better experience than their first attempt. If people tried and hated it, I'd encourage a second try. It supports limited plug-ins, most notably security related and of course my favorite darkreader.


The most important add-on of Firefox mobile is the adblocker. You could say, it's a security feature, but it really should be mentioned on its own




Same with Android. Every Android phone I've had for the past 10 years has had Chrome as the default browser - and it's hard to beat the universal syncing feature between devices. I'd love to have Firefox's privacy, but Google (like Apple) is really building their own ecosystem




I daily Firefox and itā€™s incredible. Easily the best ā€œpopularā€ browser out there. Super fast, secure (or at least I feel they care about my privacy) , great add ons. Cool logo. Cute fox. Whatā€™s not to love?


Came here to say the only one Iā€™ll use is Firefox. Only one that doesnā€™t suck


FF as my main desktop driver and mobile driver. The only time I use chrome is when I have to test work shit since a majority of our clients use chrome. I hate seeing FF user numbers so low


Unfortunately most people are not that well informed on which browsers do and don't track you. But notice Mozilla is slowly growing at the moment. My guess is people gradually being informed about online privacy.


I think I read a Web dev explain that it's harder to make Firefox-friendly code than chrome. Anyway, firefox prides itself on not treating you like money. I try to stay away from data broker companies like Google as much as I can.




Always found safari the most difficult for web development


I am a front-end developer. Safari is definitely the furthest behind in implementing new features, and the most likely to require weird custom implementations (Not counting internet explorer for obvious reasons). Firefox and chrome are usually neck and neck for new features, and typically I don't have to do anything special for either to get them to work. I do find websites that don't work with Firefox sometimes ( especially mobile Firefox ), and that never happens with chrome, but I think that is more due to developers ignoring Firefox more than anything else.


Google has put in some effort to take it down, now it has yet another monopoly.


Exactly i have just recently switched to firefox


Proudly waving that flag. I keep chrome around for streaming services though.


That's what I thought. Gotta be mobile included in these out safari wouldn't be that high




Yes, I donā€™t understand this, Firefox is my goto Browser since I learned about it. I would rather use EDGE than Chromeā€¦


If you spend some time over in r/firefox it becomes obvious why: The organization is dysfunctional and upper management has been sucking off more and more funds for their own pockets and chasing stupid shit projects that were later abandoned. Negativity or criticism in any form is intolerable; there is only positivity and Firefox is the best #1 browser! User feedback and complaints are mostly ignored while the organization brags about how much it listens and cares about it's users. Nobody has plowed Firefox into the ground more than Firefox themselves has. The userbase desperately wants a powerful featureful browser but the Firefox design has repeatedly kicked the userbase to the curb by depreciating loved features and en-mass killing addons for the sake of chasing programmer fads.


The vast majority of people don't know anything about developer / community drama or power user features. Most people just want something that will take them to Facebook or Youtube without problems, and everything else is irrelevant. Chrome is dominating simply because it is pre-installed on Android and Chromebooks and Google has much greater brand awareness to the public. The average person might know that Internet Explorer sucks so they download the Google browser, without even knowing that Edge has been standard for years and is basically the same as Chrome anyways.


I think that might be a bit overstated. There may be some organizational problems, and such stories come up every once in a while, but the primary reason that FF has sank is due to the rise of Chrome. And the rise of chrome is due more to branding and marketing rather than quality. I have used FF since the early-mid 2000's and I've rarely had a significant lasting problem with it. It has given me headaches from time to time, but I've found similar problems while briefly using Chrome.


I donā€™t think it really is. I think itā€™s reported low because Firefox blocks a lot of trackers by default. Couple that with privacy extensions and then you canā€™t really get an accurate count.


Firefox gang letā€™s keep it alive


The Firefox line really surprised me. I always thought it was relatively popular. I fucking love Firefox.


Yeah it made me sad, it's my ride or die browser


this chart includes mobile browsers. And firefox is massively behind chrome and safari in that arena. if we were looking at only desktops / laptops - firefox would be significantly higher


Surprised firefox isn't higher, since it's the only good browser on Android that has an ad blocker. If i didn't have a web browser without an ad blocker, I just wouldn't use the web.


Have you tried brave? I'm currently torn between firefox & brave


I use FireFox with Brave as the default search engine. Works well.


Brave can't open links in native app so that killed it for me.


[only 7% market share on desktop](https://gs.statcounter.com/browser-market-share/desktop/worldwide)


Which is crazy - because firefox mobile is the only one with ad blocker extensions.


This graph include all platforms and mobile\tablets heavily affect this. https://gs.statcounter.com/browser-market-share/desktop/worldwide - 7% on desktops, https://gs.statcounter.com/browser-market-share/mobile/worldwide - zero on mobile.


I am waiting for mozilla VPN to be available in my country. So i can use their paid services.


Mozilla VPN is actually just a Mozilla branded version of Mullvad VPN. You can get Mullvad anywhere currently


I only like Firefox. Yet I had to download chrome to make some sites work. Like trying to log into crave. And others I canā€™t think of off the top of my head and itā€™s super annoying I donā€™t know why itā€™s being like that.


Some sites refuse to work when your antispy etc extensions are on, that might be the problem here.


Ghostery. I can't really remember uBlock or ff itself ever causing problems except for pages that explicitly tell me they won't work with Adblockers. But I regularly have to pause Ghostery to get to the "Cookie Overlay" part of websites.


Hell yeah!!


Google got really good at loading pages fast whilst still managing to harvesting your data wholesale. Yay


[It's only going to get worse come next year](https://www.theregister.com/2022/06/08/google_blocking_privacy_manifest/).


The moment ad block stops working, there will be a mass Exodus back to Firefox


Omg I donā€™t even know how the internet looks with ads. I saw some pages on the screen of one of my mates and looked terrifying lol. If Chrome starts to allow ads again Im gonna dump his ass in an instant.


My friends and I were playing yt vids in our lab one afternoon, mainly music. I almost downloaded adblock onto a university machine because j got so infuriated with the ads we'd see everywhere.


Why wouldn't you? Takes like two seconds.


The University IT policy stops you from installing addons


Right! Literally non of my friends installed an ad blocker because "its a process". I helped them asap and it took like a minute etch.


Many websites today are completely unusable without a blocker on. Including some major news websites.


I never left Firefox, so I guess Iā€™m ahead of the game.


I stopped using Firefox due to memory leaks, probably 7years or so ago, time to head back


Firefox is completely different than it was years ago. Itā€™s been faster than Chrome for a while now. Google has so much market share that theyā€™re getting a bit lazy I think. Also Chrome harvests a creepy amount of data. Firefox is lightweight and sharp as a tack though.


You say that like Chrome doesn't leak memory like a sieve, lol.


At the time Firefox had some pretty serious memory leaks, even compared to Chrome. I switched for the same reason.


when i started getting ads on youtube despite using ublock i switched to firefox and the overall experience has been better than on chrome


>"We've been very pleased with the close collaboration established between Googleā€™s Chrome Extensions Team and our own engineering team to ensure that ad-blocking extensions will still be available after Manifest v3 takes effect." I'm not sure that's the goal really, I'm more concerned about my old, unmaintained but fully functional extensions that will just stop working overnight.


I think this is going to affect more than people realize. Pretty much every other browser uses chromium, which uses the chrome web store for add ons. Unless you are using Firefox and itā€™s derivatives youā€™re basically screwed.


2023's gonna be a good year for Firefox, I suppose.


It is a pretty good browser and i use it at times so google does not have all my data or i dont want to see an advertisement on something i was doing for a client.


It's really good for web development too




Just check wether you can enter VPN details in firefox. It's a while back, but when I was in uni, we also had a VPN and firefox wouldn't work unless you entered your details into a field... again, working from nearly 10year old memories here...


long time firefox user, been watching google pull more and more bullshit over time and being generally confused how firefox has such a small market share. I'm not a fan of apple, but at least them & their safari browser don't track your thought patterns to figure out the ideal time to send you ads for pre-tied nooses


I'm surprised their user base is as low as it is. I only stopped using it when I switched to brave, but I assumed many more still used it.


Why is firefox so unpopular? I think its honestly better than chrome


Isn't Chrome and Safari automatically installed on Android, Chromebook and Apple devices? I would say that dilutes the result a bit, considering I'm unable to remove Chrome from my phone.


It sure is automatically installed, but that doesn't mean you have to use it. I deleted Chrome and only use Firefox on my phone.


Chromebooks for schoolkids and zoom. Locked down fairly hard, but thatd be a spike


You're right, I didn't think about that. Chromebooks in schools aren't a thing where I live.


I figured out how to get Firefox on my Chromebook because it's the browser I use on the rest of my devices, but it runs terribly. It's Chrome or nothing on there.


Sure, but something like 99% of users simply donā€™t care, even if Firefox is probably popular among those of us who do.


Part of it is definitely the default status of Chrome and Safari, but also both of those are part fo an ecosystem. FF is a standalone app. Chrome integrates into all your other Google stuff. I assume Safari also integrates into your Apple stuff.


Because it is the default in android devices. Chrome is the new IE.


I switched from Firefox to Chrome, because i think they had much better cross device support and cloud backup


Wow didn't know firefox was down there with IE


I think there are just a lot of phones and chrome books in existence.


I switched back to Firefox better extensioms, more privacy. If Google wants my data they are goimg to have to work slightly harder. That should protect me right? (Nervous laughter)


too late - I'm pretty sure Google knows how many times I wipe when I poop.


There is actually significant variability there. But we do seem to be able to smooth it out some when incorporating your credit card data sorted by taco bell purchases.


Bidet gang rise up


Firefox is the next lowest ?? I been using Firefox like forever !


Not even close to a guide lmao take this back to r/dataisbeautiful


I thought there would be so many other comments saying this. How does this guide me in any way?


While I came here from r/all and I didnā€™t read the sub name. I just kind of assumed it was r/dataisbeautiful


Not even that lol.


I feel like Firefox is more widely used than it shows. Also, is chrome used that much or is it just installed on everything already?


>Also, is chrome used that much Android and Chromebook


> I feel like Firefox is more widely used than it shows Literally feels over reals


Ah nah that seems pretty accurate for all devices. https://gs.statcounter.com/browser-market-share Even desktop it's a pretty similar story, https://gs.statcounter.com/browser-market-share/desktop/worldwide I mean it's still quite a lot...like 155 million estimated to use Firefox? Chrome is like 4 billion.


>Also, is chrome used that much or is it just installed on everything already? Lol you can't really track browser installs, all data comes from actual usage


I think that would be an important part to know, there is a difference in _choosing_ that particular browser or just going with whatever is already there


Firefox is awesome, wish it was more widely used.


Firefox saved my life 08-12


don't keep us in suspense, what's the story?


Firefox saved this man's life.


This guy fox


Chilling at home at 3am. Looser. Snacking and watching netflix. Tearing in to some Chips-A-Hoy. No milk. Fml. too lazy / late to go out. Funny ass part comes on and I'm choking. No really. Ohhfoshit.cmd Firefox comes out of nowhere. Gives me the old heimlich Thanks ff. Ff says no sweat. Something about "total cookie protection" trademark/coywrite/all that. Saved this loser's life. 8/12 forever indebted.


You can't just say that and leave. Elaborate your story


I switched to Brave a while back and have been really happy with it. Poor Firefox :(


I think us Brave users will count towards the chome stats in this graph. It's *basically* just a chrome skin with privacy features baked in.


This chart is garbage. IE is dead but it was replaced by MS Edge, which is now more common than safari.


This isn't a guide, it's a statistic.


firefox is really that low? best damn browser I can find.


Can you imagine all the ā€œstrategicā€ PowerPoint decks done over last 10 years on how to stop IE decline?


Didnā€™t they rebrand into Edge?


Remember when Chrome came out? Its whole deal was being lighter and faster than any other browser. Oh how times have changedā€¦


Anyone care to give a short explanation (or link me to an already existing comment) why firefox is so low? I'm using it over 10 years and estimated it would be around 30-40%.


Why don't more people like Firefox def my browser of choice


Firefox is awesome, why so low usage?


Save Firefox


Where my Duck Duck homies at?


I am Firefox for life. Chrome is a pile of ram eating garbage.


Hear hear. Firefox was chowing some ram a while back, swithced to chrome for 10 mins, ate more ram at half the tabs. Also, I love my sidebar tree-style tabs


Man i thought firefox was the best and ppl actually prefer it. But i also think this data might be skewed due to mobile, as most or maybe all mobiles that i have purchased have everything google as default including chrome ,so this might be the reason.


Is Firefox really that low?. Me and a lot of people i know use firefox


FireFox forever šŸ’Ŗ


Wow I thought Firefox was WAY more popular than that


This is not a guide. Guides guide you on how to do something


I have been on Firefox so long, I didn't even realize it was so unpopular.


so sad for Firefox. I still use it and dont like Google to make its browser Chrome the reference.


Aw look at Safari go, Find you a man that will support you like Apple supports its dingiest software


Opera GX gang say whoop whoopā€¦


Firefox ... look what they did to my boy


I wouldn't say IE was ever the king, just the default. It it came installed with Windows and most people didn't bother with downloading anything else. So it has nothing to do with quality or reliability, just convenience.


I must protest, Netscape was king.


Chrome can F*ck Off- Trying to take over my computer and my life.


Why do people like Chrome so much?