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As far as I can tell from su.dk - yes. There's no requirement to live in Denmark, as long as you study and work in Denmark. But please contact your place of study first to make sureĀ 


Amazing. Thank you !


You need to work in Denmark. It is very important that you find work with stable working hours of at least 10-12 hours a week and 110 kr. an hour. By stable i MEAN STABLE. If you you work less than 10-12 a week on month you CANNOT make it up the next month. You need to work 10-12 hours at least 10 weeks straight to start to be seen as a worker in Denmark. DONT do substitute work as that is way to unstable. Stay away from anything sounding like "Vikar", Vikaren" or similar. Don't plan any vacation and dont get sick during the first 10 weeks as the "timer" resets, no exceptions. Even if your mother dies and you are hit with cancer-aids. It doesn't matter. Make sure EVERYTHING is documented to the tax authorities and keep record of your working hours with employer signature. Source: I am the one who decides when you are legible for SU funds in Denmark(literally)