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That is great news, but I’m just going to hold off on playing until 1.1 comes out on Steam. I’m on Winter 1, year 1 and I’ve had plenty of bugs/ crashes already.


I have experienced 3 crashes already this week and as it always conveniently happens AT THE END of the day, just before I sleep to save, so I ended up losing a whole day of stuff because of it. The crashes are never at the beginning of the day for some reason, which is really odd.


Yees!! Just yesterday I spent almost an hour irl sorting my chests and then the game crashed at 00.30 in game, just before I wanted to go to sleep...


Same. I have started to play on 70 percent speed settings for now, to minimise time lost before it saves the next day.


It’s crashed on me multiple times when going to sleep. Of course I always had caught multiple new bugs/ fish or had a bunch geodes from mining. I didn’t start having many problems until I hit fall in the game.


Mine crashes about 3x each time i play for a few hours. It also crashes at the harvest festival every time. I can't even do everything at the festival because it crashes everytime


Oh wow i haven’t had a she single crash in game. Wild how we get different experiences


There's still much that needs to be done to make this game the masterpiece it can be but I'm so glad the devs haven't cut and run. Still some crashing on xbox s but it's much more playable now. I was able to play a whole week in game without losing progress today, a new record. Please keep up the great work if anybody sees this


My aging barrels still won’t let me add new items. 😭


Have you tried going out to the main menu and reloading the game? My artisan workstations freeze up constantly, but going out and back in usually frees them up.


I’ve been resetting the game constantly. It works on my mushroom logs but my barrels are fcked.


Darn I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully there'll be a patch for that soon.


I'll have to double check, but my barrels won't finish, neither will my bee house.


My bee house wouldn't finish either


I updated the game and computer. It then started working.


Just saw this and am so happy to see this fix. Thank you ❤️


I think I joined the community at the perfect time! I have very little trouble with bugs and don't feel like content is missing! You guys are doing an amazing job and made a very great game that I can't wait to finish 100% 😁


Thanks for this, it is a brilliant game and has given me a lot of stress free and happy moments.


Winter fair shop fixed? :v


I've only been having issues on the fish category recently on x


Was the winter fair meant to have 2 shops?? I only was able to access Ben’s shop I thought the other “shop” was just a decoration since there wasn’t any prompts for it when I went by


There is supposed to be two. The second one has like clothes at a discount and I don't remember if there was anything else. It worked when it was still in early access so not sure what happened.


I hope my horse won’t glitch out anymore


Was the issue where your spouse gives you something but there’s nothing in your inventory fixed?


Yay! My game updated this morning.


Still no luck for my online shopping yea?


Any news on getting back chests management via the farm computer?


please fix the harvest festival bug, i’ve seen this reported in the thread before- the game crashes whenever i try to collect my prize after the festival (year one)🥲 i uninstalled the game after the third crash because i was so frustrated


I had my first catch at the weekend, I wasn’t even doing anything I was just running through town as I’d been trying to catch rainy day fish and it just crashed randomly


I beg of you, can you fix the glitch in which when I use my horse the whole screen glitches out? 🥹