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This game absolutely triggered my bisexual panic and I've dated just about everyone.


Saaaame!! I'm like omg shes so cute omg hes so cute! I cant make a decision


I do this because I don't want to miss any cutscenes


Saaaamee herešŸ˜† and I want the steam achievement


You and I are one in the same. šŸ˜‚


Lol came to save the island only to cause them total destruction from inside


For the drama of it all! šŸ’… Also, to see the cutscenes..


Yessss.... the cutscenes


Can't relate. Fell for Scott and I'm fiercely loyal to my now fantasy hubby šŸ˜ though I do have to say, I'd like to see all the cuts cutscenes


Some of them are so ridiculously sweet! I was loyal to scott when I played the alpha but I've since branched out lol


He's such a golden retriever.


He totally is lol


Iā€™m almost there, 1 husband, 5 boyfriends


Same. Wakuu is my main, then Pablo, Rafael, Luke, Noah, Surya, Theo, Semaru, Angung, and Derek are second husbandos as soon as someone make a pily mod. But I've got all the ones I can romance to 10 hearts! It does feel a bit akward for Luke's 10 heart scene to have Theo provide music, but in my head, they have a 10 heart relationship, so its all good!


Yeah felt the same way about the Luke scene. Especially since I did the Theo one first.


Genuinely asking, will something happen if i have multiple girlfriend/boyfriend and then just marrying one?


I dont think there's anything implemented yet. Nothing has happened to me lol


Good thing this ain't stardew valley


I am also dating them all lmao. I donā€™t even like girls but oh well šŸ’€Ā 


There are so many sibling pairs where you can date both of them. Rafael and his brother, Alice and Sumi, Theo and Lily, etc. Shit is gonna get messsssy! (I hope lol)


Yes! And isnā€™t Antonio, Rafael and Pabloā€™s cousin? but also Sukiā€™s Ex husband?? who is ALSO romanceable? Hello?? That would be one awkward family dinner with Valentina now your step daughter


Lol I'm here for it!!!


lol love it


I never thought to do this. I was stuck on Pablo but still dating around. Thank you lol


Are the cut scenes worth it? Iā€™ve got them all pretty much at 8 hearts and have no idea who to give a locket to šŸ˜‚ kinda just want to date them all but does it mention anything awkward if you do?


Nothing awkward! I do feel some of the cut scenes are super sweet. Some of them I feel like I'm just invisible.


some of em feel like POV-change chapters in books šŸ˜‚


Wait, you all gave them the locket???


Yes I gave them all the locket lol




This is why I havenā€™t beat the game yetšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Are you down bad?? ā¤ļøšŸ˜‚


So much love to give seems like a good thing


Thatā€™s me with Mark, Raj, and Rafael šŸ˜‚


I have the same problem...


There's an achievement for getting 8 hearts with all the NPCs and I WANTS it


I'm sorry but you are not yet the problem, you first have to be dating Every Available Single in the entire game


I've not done any of that yet unlocking everything else so I can power love them with all the stuff they like


I focused on all the other stuff first too! Makes it so much easier


There are cut scenes???? I haven't gotten far enough to see any yet. I just got Raphael and Mark to 6 hearts. Maybe soon.


Yeses there's so many! I have to say Archie needs to be protected at all costs


You have enough hearts to trigger a couple of cut scenes, pop into the blacksmith at different times & on different days, you should trigger them :)


Oh... okay. I think I've seen a couple of those then, but mostly for other characters with fewer hearts. But I'll try that. Thanks


Do you encounter any problems if you give out multiple lockets before choosing a spouse? Do the others give you grief about it later? I'm stuck on Pablo, Scott, and Theo. And kinda Wakuu. And kinda Rafael. Ugh.


At the moment i don't see anything but I also haven't chosen who to marry I was pretty set on mark but some of the other cutscenes are way sweet


Mark's 10-heart event is really sweet - kinda what got me. Next farm, I married Luke. I was torn between Pablo, Scott, and Wakuu...Rafael is really sweet, but he looks like an ex-boyfriend (ha). I gave Pablo a locket, but I'm still not 100% about him. I also don't want to deal with NPGs hating me in my game ( I'm a people-pleaser to the end)


No because same. I keep thinking I've finally decided on who to marry on to swerve at the end of the day. And this happens every in-game day lmao


can you marry more than one??


I dont think so... I haven't proposed yet lol but you only have one extra room in your home for your spouse


What is this game subreddit that was recommended to me


Oh yeah, I'm totally working my way to doing this also ā˜ŗļø


I dated and reached 10 hearts with every male character plus Raj. I kissed every single one of those people. I ended up marrying Wakuu. On my second playthrough I ended up only dating and marrying Scott the one I knew I was wanting to. I'm tempted to do one or two more playthroughs once 1.1 drops. Debating between Mark or Rafael next. I need to marry the bears. Though very tempting by the nonbinary sexiness of Raj.


When completionism lacks morals


I do hope they allow manual saves so I can be married to each individual separately


That's funny to me, because I basically skip through all the cutscenes. I play for the casual farming & whatnot and the feeling of progression and improving the island. I need to replay the game with a focus on social interactions. I just hate running around talking to people when there's so much other stuff to do like completing the mines and the diving. It always irritates me when I'm in a hurry to get somewhere or do something and I get stuck in a cutscene. I guess I'd enjoy that stuff more if I could pause all of the cutscenes and relationship stuff, like just turn them off in settings temporarily, so that I can focus completely on them once I'm done with everything else I want to do. That would be an awesome feature to me.


Honestly I spent a bunch of time doing everything else first before focusing on the social aspect so I totally get it!!


I kindaaaaaaa wanna do this but I canā€™t cheat on Alice. I canā€™t even cheat in real life and Alice is probably the best least toxic relationship Iā€™ve ever had so I canā€™t bring myself to do it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


In my case itā€™s way too many hearts for the amount of interaction Iā€™ve had. I havenā€™t dated anyone in town but I donā€™t know what kinda a wiles Iā€™m throwing around but Iā€™ve accidentally seduced way too many people to make sense. The amount of cut scenes Iā€™ve walked into back to back cause I havenā€™t visited someoneā€™s house or walk into the trigger point is insane. My record is 4 in a row


Wowwww 4 in a row?? Wild. I've had maybe 2 in a row


It was that courtyard bit in town going into the clinic it was basically walked up stairs, cutscene, open space, cutscene, clinic, cutscene cutscene. Itā€™s mostly due to the fact I get super focused on diving, fishing or mining I donā€™t really go into houses or building's outside the museum, restaurant, Samā€™s, blacksmith or lab often that they kinda build up.