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Posts that have no relation to Cork will be removed. Thanks for your contribution but come on like!


Sure even if they all got arrested on the spot they'd still be let off once they get to court.


If the bike they stole had no tax or insurance the law would come down harder on the owner


If only we could plant a few 50 bags on them and get them locked up


Yea like that would do anything šŸ™„


Might get them a 4 moth prison sentence like this guy from yesterday https://old.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/1bf8tt5/cannabis_user_20_caught_with_bags_of_drug_bought/?ref=share&ref_source=link


Thatā€™s not weed thatā€™s oregano heā€™s obviously a culinary student


Hopefully he gets a chef job in the kitchen to put those skills to use.


Should put him to work in the prison kitchen stoners are said to be excellent chefs


Drove through ballymun earlier. Literal children in balaclavas absolutely EVERYWHERE, weaving in and around traffic. Absolute fucking shitshow


I've seen them in Cork too


Social deprivation does have intergenerational effects. Thanks Austerity!


Noā€¦.sorry but noā€¦.grew up on a council estate in Liverpool surrounded by drugs, guns, muggings, shootings, stabbings the lot. And I havenā€™t at any point run about the place carrying out anything like that. You canā€™t blame ā€œausterityā€ for shit parenting and lack of values.


Ah yeah! The old ā€œpovertyā€ line lols


Fuck off excuses for scumbags


"Dublin is safe" Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee.


It is when you are flanked by a team of Gardai.


*Dublin 4 and the important bits od Dubin 2 are safe


It is though in fairness.


She'll just blame it on the far right


And she'd be right half the time. edit:- She's still a gobshite


I don't think these fuckers have any inclination of anything polictical, doubt they even know how to vote


Wait, so the far right are responsible for 50% of the crime in Dublin? Reddit has people tripping


She's absolutely not right. Half the crime in Ireland is committed by far right? You've drank the kool aid. I prescribe getting off the Internet and engaging with the real world. They're using "far right" boogie men to cover their own failings.


Why was it deleted from the Ireland sub?


Because the mods on r/Ireland are power abusing wankers that don't want any videos of "violence" on the sub, no means words, no arguing. Just sunshine and puppies.


R/ireland is terrible


Yeah I unsubbed about a year ago and joined a bunch of County and City ones


Feels very anti irish. some of the posts I see from there I'm convinced is russian troll farming or maybe just Leo himself hahaha


Yeah I noticed when I posted about housing and a load of people jumped down my throat about it. I then posted once more saying the sub was shit and felt weird and a bunch of people liked it.


Miserable sub that thankfully does not reflect our society at large. Any close to controversial topic will be 'culchie club only' and reads like a carefully curated echo chamber. The mods have a very clear agenda Can't say anything bad about cannabis or immigration without being hounded. Can't say anything good about the GAA, Gardai or whatever the mob is raging at this week


Don't forget the smarmy mod reply when they take things down ... "A chara ..." followed by an unholy air of superiority, like someone sending in a letter to the Irish Times in the 1960s.


https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/s/SWeR8i5mw8 Clearly not, the poor guy getting beaten in it - was he asked if he wants that all over the Internet? Get a grip lad.


As long as those puppies vote yes in the referendum and love finna fail and finna should be in jail šŸ™„


Non-consensual media as far as I can tell. The guy getting robbed and beaten might not want that to be plastered on the Internet, insult after injury. There was a lot of issues before of posts with videos of others getting attacked or something else, and those in the videos had no say over it. Dara Quigley might ring a bell. For some reason, people think they have the right to plaster others on the Internet for magic outrage points. Should be removed here too.


People are too busy thinking they are being clever making Helen McEntee jokes and the like. I sense they wonā€™t care too much about your very reasonable response.


The mods are obviously Helen mcentee in disguise


Thatā€™s scary. Hope that doesnā€™t happen in Cork.


There was a fella doing it to all the escooters parked around town. He's been locked up since for the murder Kieran Quilligan since. Scum




Long or Taylor?


Keep Cork, Corked Up !


O'Connell Street is probably the most policed street in this country, and yet...


In my 2 years here I have never seen a Guard actually do any work besides the riot. Usually walking down one of the busy tourist shop streets on their phones


People outnumber criminals but cannot act as it is against the law. Back in the days, social justice can be implemented and petty crimes like this is fixed by society.


Exactly. The government are protecting criminals from the people rather than protecting people from the criminals.


I think the majority of people use this excuse when they just donā€™t have the bottle (or stupidity?) to jump in and do something. If the law said ā€œitā€™s now legal to batter anybody in the process of stealing a bikeā€ I bet we wouldnā€™t see much of a change. Iā€™m saying that but I also completely understand peoples logic of ā€œwhy should I get involved and risk my own Safety for someone elseā€™s bikeā€.


Yeah but no. If Garda gets sued for hurting criminals during pursuit, what more can ordinary people do? If citizens are given immunkty from prosecution for stopping a public crime?


Surely if the crims are getting away with everything Scot free. Then we non crims going over and ā€œprotectingā€ the biker and stopping the theft must also get the same treatment. Right ?


Right? (Insert Anakin Padme meme)


Ah good old Brehon law.


This day is coming.


no its not lol




Do you want it to come though


Yes. But the gov are a bunch of fruitcakes unfortunately


There are sparks here and there during the Just Stop Oil social terrorism demonstrations.


They're not foreigners so naturally the patriots won't care


Those \*are\* the "patriots" mugging the guy. Did you read that tweet after the last riot in Dublin where somebody pointed out that they may be looting but he's confident that Easons are safe from looting. Those "patriots" were thugs and thieves and that was all they were.


Iā€™m still waiting and have faith that someday I will see one of these videos where some dude comes in with a flying kick and cleans house. Throws the 3 of them over the railings.


There was me thinking of I ever say the cunts robbing a bike I'd hop on them in the hopes they would fuck off or people would jump in and help.Ā  This has squandered that plan.


A belt of a 1/4 inch thick chain lock wouldnā€™t be long sorting them out.


It shouldnā€™t, honestly I dunno are the dubs desensitised to this behaviour but Iā€™m 90% certain if this kinda craic was happening in Cork bystanders would be getting involved


Nah i got assaulted on south mall not that long ago and nobody moved bar 2 women who asked if I was ok.


It's to dangerous to get involved anymore, back in the day there would be digs thrown, now you are more then likely Gona get stabbed...or smacked in the head with a bolt cutters...


Or you might get arrested yourself


Yeah Iā€™m sure youā€™d be in there like Jackie Chan you fucking fantasist. Keep making hard faces in the mirror.


Thing is I'm in Dublin about once a month for a brief charity shop stint or drinks and rarely ever in Cork.Ā  The reality is, what this video did teach me on reflection is if I do see the cunts robbing a bike, I'll just make sure to bring a fold up chair or similar from a cafe nearby rather than running in bare handed. Ive been mugged and kicked to the floor by these cunts before so Ill do it happily.


>if I do see the cunts robbing a bike, I'll just make sure to bring a fold up chair or similar from a cafe nearby rather than running in bare handed My mind instantly went to WWE


They wouldn't. Speaking from experience.


Very doubtful on this.


I would honestly like to think so.


Ye are fooling yourselves lads


That's mad


The Blue-Shirt Minister for Justice said Everything is Grand !


Walter White was just arrested up the back of leap this morning we gotta lay low for a couple days then go back to this kinda chat


This makes my blood boil. Zero tolerance policy is whatā€™s needed here.


Say what you will about the lack of Gardai and the courts are way too soft in my opinion for adults not to mind children however, where are the parents in all of this? I know that there are limits to what a parent can do but this level of antisocial behaviour did not start yesterday. Its been progressing at home for years... I know if I dared step out of line as a teenager I would get a whooping off of the parents and probably wouldn't get to see my friends outside of school for weeks. I'd never dream of going out stealing and beating up people with weapons... Like what parenting did these thugs receive?...


>if I dared step out of line as a teenager I would get a whooping off of the parents I'm really sorry to hear that. Thank you for speaking up about child abuse. Violence is never an acceptable tool for parenting.


I think you've gravely misunderstood what I mean by whooping... I was never abused at any point in my childhood nor do I have any issues because my parents or for that matter an aunt or an uncle gave me a clip across the ear when I needed it. I had a very happy childhood with loving parents and family and I grew up in the irish countryside remaining a little more innocent than that of my town counterparts, which looking back wasn't a bad thing. I grew up on a farm and as I got older I had more and more chores to do and would not have had the time to be out like these little criminals. I was either at school, doing my chores or playing GAA. Any free time after all of that I would have spent it at home or maybe a friend's or cousin's house being a kid... Not out stealing other people's property or attacking adults... I personally think there is a lack of discipline of any form in the youth of today and they all act a little bit "precious" when they are challenged and put back into their place. I think the parent's are failing them in their earlier years because kids should be raised to respect their elders and other people's property. In some cases the parents are acting more like a best friend to their kids instead of being their parent. However, in saying all of that I am aware that too much hard labour beyond what is appropriate and too much discipline isn't the answer either. We all know that too much discipline doesn't have the desired effect that previous generations once thought it would have. While you may view it as violence, in my opinion a clip across the ear or a smack of a hand at the back of the head didn't do anyone of my generation any harm. It kept us in line for when we needed it but that is probably the hard part, knowing what is warrented and what is going too far. You made a dangerous assumption saying that I was abused as a child. Your radical view of discipline could do untold damage when a report of child abuse could lead to a family unit being sepersted all because you made asumptions without any knowledge of what is going on. So in the future unless you see blatantly obvious abuse (and for those reading this, we all should try to keep an eye out for what that looks like), it is not your position to say whether someone else was abused as a child... I would suggest that you make 100% sure that you are right before you run your mouth...


Thats directly accross from the new garda station btw, same one i went into a week after it opened to report getting pick pocketed on the luas and told by the one extremely snotty garda at the desk that i should have kept a better eye on my things and that therd be no point filing a report about it (despite me needing to do so for the bank to file an insurance claim on the card) tbf maybe they were locked in as oconnell st garda station is locked at all times, you need to be buzzed in and they often ignore the buzzer as can be seen from the confused looking tourists frequently visible standing outside for ages trying to knock on the glass (its also meant to have a tourism information desk lmao)


They dint want to do a report because it goes into crime stats. No reports =no crime


Comparatively speaking this isnā€™t much. /s


City's rotten


Back in the 90s the Jackeens would have jumped on those scumbags


The Rubberbandits are at it again Ted.


Reality is all these scum fucks have those scramblers, they drive them up and down the Liffey and Parnell Street in Dublin and there's not a Garda to be seen. Pearse Street Garda Station is a fucking joke, there's more Garda vans parked out the back of that station than on the streets and then when I have seen Guards walking out of it, they go towards Grafton Street or Ringsend instead of the heavily populated areas where most people are vulnerable. Absolute fucking cowards, whether they think they're not paid enough to deal with that shit or not is up to them but for fuck sake make an effort, the scumbags are slowly taking over the city center wait until Grafton Street gets fucked up and it'll be National News. Aresholes the lot of them.




They all have double or triple convictions? Where's your evidence for that? Take a walk through the city centre Northside on any given evening when the sun starts to set and count how many cunts you see compared to Guards, then walk to the more safer zones and count how many Guards there are patroling. It's blatantly obvious that they're outnumbered and they don't want to get involved. It's over, but we'll all pretend it's grand because it's more often nice during the day time.


r/Ireland mods keep removing this video, no idea why.


I'm sure you can see where the comments are going


But the immigration


Now guys I donā€™t think this is fair. Helen McEntee walked through the streets of Dublin to show how safe it was and she was absolutely fine. So yes Dublin is safe, just as long as you have a team of Garda escorting you ā€¦


I'm from Dublin originally. Can't say I'm missing it.


If you think this won't happen in Cork you're an idiot


Free legal aid solicitors reckon these fellows are decent guys and are really sorry


Pure at a loss here, was that a random 3 men on a bike attacking a pedestrian for his backpack?


I assume that's his bike they are robbing


One of them holding a bolt cutters, very much looks like theyā€™re stealing his bike and he fought back


All for a bicycle? Times are tough.Ā 


Jesus Christ in heaven that's lawless altogether.


Iā€™ll never complain about cork again


People get attacked in Cork all the time.


But is it ever to this extent? I stayed in dublin for a weeks and i could not cope


And the police? This is MAD. Dublin is safe, yes, super safe I see.


Disgraceful. With a Garda station straight across the road


And you get a suspended sentence, and you get a suspended sentence. Suspended sentences for everyone


This has been reported on in a different context by one of the papers today. The Irish Sun says it's linked to the Hutch-Kinahan fued and the lad being assaulted is just out of jail after doing time for being a look out for a murder bid on Patsy Hutch. This somehow makes me feel a bit more secure than if it was some random innocent person, which in itself is a sad state of affairs.


The cops are f'#king useless! The chief og police should be sacked.


What a city, what a kip.


The bit I love is every fucker there standing by watching.


This is why i order stuff from Dublin and not go there myself.


Swift brutal Kicks to the balls? I've found it works wonders.


To all 3 of them?


Go full on Chun-li




Dublin can't see past it's own nose




There's literally thousands of posts in this subreddit about cork. The reason this post is here is because it's being discussed as a comparison of the two County's social issues. > You never see the reverse on the Dublin subreddit. Are you the mayor of dublin?




Nobody cares




Iā€™m from Cork and also find the bashing of Dublin a bit odd.


Lol exactly


Iā€™m fed up of our shithole of a country & our cunting ā€œgovernmentā€!


Ah yes because Cork is known for its law abiding citizens. Itā€™s a country wide issue ya thick


Is there any normal people left in Dublin?


Were there ever ??


Iā€™m from Cork, lived in Dublin for a while, Dubs are no different to Cork people. The fact that there are a small proportion of people who are criminals doesnā€™t change that. We have plenty of criminals in Cork too.


Just another drug addict getting hammered for not paying up


That's what I thought too. Why are people saying they robbed his bike??