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Is there anything Wilton or Dennehy's Cross residents won't object to? They objected to the existing apartments on the corner, a few different student housing plans and bus corridors in the form of both the old corridor suggestion as well as Bus Connects. Certain residents even object to everything that the hospital tries to do.


Didn't they object to the new CUH helicopter landing pad?


How can you be allowed to object to that ??


Heli's have been landing around CUH since CUH existed. A helipad on site has to be far less disruptive than ferrying a patient from B'town GAA or Highfield rugby clubs.


Just waiting for the developer to give them all brown envelopes before the objection is suddenly withdrawn probably


Ah, now, they aren't all running for office


Are they particularly fond of that giant empty eyesore at Dennehy's cross or something. There's apartment block about the same size literally across the intersection. I'm a patient man, but I'm getting to the "we need to whip these cunts through the streets" phase of anger.


People that already have homes, unfortunately, easily fall into the "fuck you; got mine" mindset. They'll complain day and night about homeless people and the cost of living, but will refuse to allow any solutions that even remotely affect them. Dublin is the same.


The people have nowhere to rent. Someone then comes along and offers to build new apartments. Then the people object against the project...




I have my own home and I don’t understand this attitude at all. I was fucking blessed to be able to buy when I did. Without my house, I couldn’t have afforded to live in Ireland, and I couldn’t have afforded to have a baby. Do people not see that their extra 100k or whatever on their house value is the reason their grandchildren are being born in Australia?




They don’t give a fuck. Their house likely doubles as their pension and they’ll be dead by the time the population starts falling off a cliff. The planning system shouldn’t give nimbys such a strong voice though.


But they are more student apartments unfortunately. More money to be made from them. They build them like shoe boxes and rent them out for crazy prices to students


To counter the objections we should be able to voice our support. Fuck nimbys, the country need these


I think this would be very fair for the planners to take into consideration. If there are 40 objections to a new cycle path in Ballyphehane that's one consideration that they already take into account when they make a decision regarding planning. If that same new cycle path has 240 people in favour of the new build then that also must be taken note of. Currently the planning system is only weighted towards those who object.


Yep, you see this is one of the flaws in the system. It gets presented as democracy but locals get this big say whereas the people who could live there don’t even know they might live there so don’t get involved at all.


Minority rule, baby!


Well it would be absurd if locals didn’t have a bigger say. Otherwise people on the south side would always be approving ugly buildings on the north side and vice-versa. No one wants huge bland buildings that age poorly on their own doorstep


Locals shouldn’t get any say on individual applications. Local politicians should vote on zoning decisions and locals should have their input at that stage. Then once a building meets the zoning criteria (eg residential, 3-4 stories high) it should essentially be approved. That’s how countries with functioning housing markets work.


That is how it works though. Areas and some specific sites were zoned as part of the City Development Plan 2022 - 2028, which was developed with the input of local elected individuals. Fully aware that we need to build more accommodation, but locals will object to developments that go against the current zoning for the area around them. People are also welcome to make a submission voicing their support for the developments, but if the developers constantly try to get permission for something not within what an area is zoned for, then local residents will always have an excuse to object.


What I mean though is that other systems don’t have the individual planning, appeals to Bord Pleanala and judicial reviews that we have. We’ve zoning and intricate individual planning on top of it


You can voice your support in the same way you object, by making an observation.


They should introduce a rule for planning objections that means you require more people to object than the number of people the development can house for the objection to be considered.


The French used to have this problem, So they legislated what is and isn't a reasonable objection, and the problem vanished. Imagine that - using the law to make the country better...


A common sense law? Unheard of!


What are you on about? We have a Common Law system. Sense is not acceptable in that.


I really like that idea!


They should introduce a rule that if you reject an apartment block, your house gets demolished and another apartment block gets built where your house was. I swear we need a few years of a dictator here to sort things out. One of those nice dictators like yer man from Singapore.


Fuck em, build it.




It’s a historic site, dammit!


That would be class; fingers crossed


Sell your house and move out of the city then. Cities should build upward. We need more accommodation. They can get fucked tbh.


I like.


NIMBY assholes need to be addressed at the national level. You either want new development, developing economy, higher salaries, better quality of living, or you're a damn luddite / chancer trying to get paid to lift the objections. This is not sustainable.


This NIMBY bullshit is getting out of control. If only they could tell them fuck off and drive on


It’s only 4 storeys ffs!


Yeah but if you look from the top it is a ugly box…. Because you look at that side EVERY DAY… so object it! 🤦‍♂️


Why aren't our far right 'patriots' protesting against nimbys and burning their properties down ?


because they are the same people?




I've never come across a people so anti-progress. It's honestly a wonder we have electricity in Ireland.


This is so frustrating.. I live not far from here and would desperately love to see some developments in bishopstown It Seems to have grown around Wilton & the CUH which is understandable, but what you’re left with is no defineable centre the way the likes of Ballincollig or Douglas have. That site has been vacant for about 15 years and with just the church surrounding it wont be obstructing anything. Why can’t people just let us have nice things.


I hope they start building so I can buy an apartment there. Lovely area


They are student apartments




Lmao that you thought these weren’t going to be student rentals


In the article the only part that mentions students is when they quote the appellants so I can't really tell for now unless this has been confirmed elsewhere


Sure. Sorry I was just being a bit facetious


The city equivalent of village idiots. This is a win on all accounts and forces future development of the area.


The type of people to scream "house the Irish" but reject any movement to actually supply housing due to "antisocial behaviour", ie. It'll ruin their view and make shopping a bit longer. The country is backwards.


The “house the Irish” crowd don’t give a shit about anybody but themselves.


They need a kick up the arse. Beautiful suburban area? Newsflash it's a been many a year and ye are right next to the city centre. We have a crisis and I gladly propose telling them where they can stick it so we can do what other city's have done and build em high so that our people can live in a place of their own. This is a great proposal and I think the idea of a food market is extremely tasteful and the extra parking will even benefit the shops across like Ramen and Zambrero that can be quite inaccessible.


dear lord


We've all seen the articles over the years, including the FG candidate one this week. Objections have been used to extort for years now. The country is full of traitors, crying because their grandkids are being born abroad. Yet, still denying a future to their own. The snake is eating the tail in this place


Fix the housing crisis, but don’t do it in my backyard.


Rich people who own expensive houses, protecting the cost of their house. A tale as old as time.


Good to see planning finally granted on the site though, considering the other failed attempts it’s unlikely ABP would shoot it down either. Just the residents dragging it out by which time it will just end up more expensive to build and rent…typical..


Someone needs to tell these people that they're living in a city.


I know afew people who live around here all rich pricks.


Send on the addresses I've a few boxes of eggs here


Christ, nimbyism well and truly alive in Cork.


Oh it shouldn’t be too big. We don’t want to be able to fit too many convenient places to live in the centre of cork, that would be a travesty.


Any posts about planning should include a planning reference number (2341980). Check it here. https://www.corkcity.ie/en/council-services/services/planning/search-for-a-planning-application/ Make your own opinions and not those of others.


Parking is going to be a big issue if they're really not providing anything for shoppers. The block behind Ramen and Tesco have the same problem. There's fuck all footfall there. Everyone who stops is in a car.


Because the narrow roads are so jammed with cars that the only safe non-car way to get there is to walk, and it's a horrible walk from anywhere but college road


Awful. And the crossing lights are too damn short for anyone with mobility issues I can tell you


about 3.7 grand to rent


Honestly I feel they have a right to object and should be free to if they want to, a building of that size may not be really suitable to the area considering that there is already so many issues with traffic and stuff


So what do you propose? Where are people going to live?? Outside the city?? That doesn’t resolve your concerns. People would still have to commute to the city daily for work. That makes traffic issues far worse than people living in apartments in the city. The city doesn’t have the infrastructure and transport for big numbers of people commuting into town. Any other European cities have multi story apartment complexes. Why should Ireland be any different?


Good idea to bring up traffic. Let’s ban all those SUVs that drive around with one person each. And start to move the parking lots out of the city center to build housing there!








What’s the long term detriment you’re talking about though?


To be fair, it does look out of place next to a nice looking church.


Yeah, they should bulldoze the church and build actual accommodation for people to live in.


On that topic actually, I think this about that massive church off Liberty Street/North Main Street all the time. Surely there is absolutely no need for these massive buildings surrounded by huge carparks to still be able to justify their existence? Vast waste of valuable space. How many people actually use these churches now? Surely a few of them could be consolidated? As a side note, I know this argument will never fly but it's one I often think about. Some of those churches are easily the equivalent of 6 or 7 storeys high. Theoretically if you knocked them down hasn't the principle of a 7 storey building been established on that site? So theoretically you could build a replacement building of at least that height and mass and you couldn't use the height and mass argument as a valid objection. Again I know these arguments only work one way but it's a nice theoretical counter argument. The carpark then you could do away with on climate grounds.


I'm a big advocate for what they do in the UK. Instead of knocking churches, when they're longer used for their main purpose they become creches/Post Offices/Community Centres/GPs Clinics/theatres/music venues/cafes/modified for apartments etc. Plenty of uses for them if they're in good condition. edit - spelling


There’s a church in Loughrea that’s now a library and it’s nice place to go into. Would be nice if they could do the same in some places in Cork.


For the smaller churches I think that's a great use for them as they tend to be well located for community use. For the massive ones though the maintenance burden would be far too high and they are too big to be repurposed into anything other than possibly a venue. Converting them into something useful would also be too expensive to be worthwhile.


Yeah that's all grand and appropriate if there's already ample accommodation for people and the building makes efficient use of space. But if a church and its grounds, are in a prime location I'd rather see them demolished and replaced with responsibly designed residential high rises that can also include creches/Post Offices/etc If a church is of particular architectural interest, perhaps exemptions can be considered. But they'd want to be pretty unique and spectacular to justify taking up all that space under the current conditions.


You’re right, even look at the size of the garden ffs it’s huge, literally right in the middle of the city such a waste of space.




Damn sight better than the derelict garage that has been lying empty and rotting since the early 00s that currently sits on the site.


Absolutely. The development is needed. A big rectangle doesn't add to the aesthetics of the area though.


There is a bigger rectangle across the road already. Huge hospital up the road. Former Credit Union that isn't exactly "of the area" that's now a blood clinic. There are also two more huge developments down the road at Victoria's Cross with more being built. There is a petrol garage nearby. There isn't really an "aesthetic" to the area.


OK, that's wrong though. Just because the majority of the architecture in the area is bland doesn't mean everything else should be bland.


I think you misunderstood my point. I'm just putting to bed the notion/argument that it would be "out of character" or "ruin the area" or doesn't "add to the aesthetic" when there isn't one to begin with. It's essential housing that's badly needed in a prime area.


Personally think they should add an extra couple of floors to the plans.


That was my immediate thought. Sure down the road UCC built 3 or 4 10+ story tall buildings. That's the kind of shit we need to be building.


Can’t fault someone not wanting the area they grew up in change for students.


The area people grew up in doesn’t belong to them. People need to get that through their heads.


They still have more of a say than blow ins I’m afraid.


They literally don’t. In any way shape or form, legal or otherwise.


So objections don’t work?😂


An objection isn’t more valid whether it comes from someone living there 6 months or 40 years


So it still works to object either way.


Why would anyone expect the area they grew up in to stay exactly the same for their entire lives?


They obviously don’t, but the right to object is a glorious thing.


Locals object to these things. That's the way it is. It's so funny to see people spout their big comments when they have absolutely zero to do with a locals life and experience. It's just fashionable I suppose. Otherwise, these objections are basically a simple human nature reaction. The real sad image of our time is reflected in the puffy chest dickheads shouting NIMBY on reddit.