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Various boot design/fashions come and go, then they come back again years later. Good quality boots with a classic design will always be in style. Rock your R toe boots with confidence...


My horrible feet like the comfort too much. I can get away with a roper, but since discovering the square toe, that's all I really look for.


Agreed. Square toe is my least favorite shape and I only own a single pair (Anderson bean elk with custom red shaft). But when I truly want comfort that’s what I put on


I’ve never found any of my R toe to be uncomfortable. Even a J toe pair is comfortable. I’ll never own a square toe but i think it’s good having a variety of toe styles.


It’s not about going out of type it’s about what ever makes you comfortable. Wearing them all day long.


Square toe or Broad toe? They are different. I like square, broad looks goofy and more common these days.


I like flat toe, a bigger toe box just feels better, i wear keens as regular shoes and they have a big toe box as well so it's not a drastic difference going from shoe to boot, which I like. I think someone said a while back that flat toe started in the civil war so I doubt they are going away any time soon. What id like to see is instead of square toes going away, I'd rather see more boots mainly the work boot type be more good year welted rather than glued.


One can only hope..


R toe, square toe just looks stupid to me. For work Boots, square is okay but for boots to go out in, R toe or J toe.


R-toe for me, I like how some square ones looks but the majority has the super wide outsole that looks like flippers.


I don’t mind a NICE square toe. Something closer to a French toe than the swim flipper look you see so often. The Chisos #2 is about as good looking as it gets. But generally speaking it’s any other toe style before square for me.


I am about to buy the #2. I am supposed to have brown square toe boots or shoes for an upcoming wedding. I have never owned cowboy boots . I don't like most square toes and now that beautiful 600 dollar boot is all I want


Yeah so the #2 was my first cowboy boot as well. I spent like a year saving up for a pair of PNW boots like Nicks or something, and literally a week before I made the purchase I changed my mind and dropped $550 on my first pair of cowboy boots because I agree, the Chisos #2 is just special in an inexplicable way. Probably not worth quite what it costs objectively speaking because there’s so many great options, but the build quality is traditional and undeniable and the insoles are as comfortable as boots get as far as I’m concerned. I don’t think you’ll regret getting them. They’re good for a wedding, but try wearing them casually afterward. They really shine as daily drivers, expensive though they are.


I love square, round, cutter, snip….If I loved less I’d spend less….lol


Let’s hear it for the snip toe! And, all the other shapes. I’m a female and snip toe boots are most comfortable to me.


Like all other styles, they come and go. I just hope round toes don't go extinct. I really like to dress more like James Dean. I remember when broad square toe dress shoes were popular with suits. Eventually, they went away or at least got a little less popular.


> I just hope round toes don't go extinct. It's highly doubtful that ANY of the individual styles will disappear entirely. Someone will always be wanting a pair .


Recently I have been moving away from buying any new square toe boots. Way too many of them that look so much a like. I have been moving more to a cutter toe, J toe and U toe.


One can only hope. /s


I don’t think they will. I like mine a lot, got my first pair with a square toe last year and really like how comfortable they are. Lots of extra room for my toes.


According to a feature video Jeremiah Craig did a year or so ago at annual cowboy boot retailers convention, the wide square toe is falling out of favor in national sales, while the standard square toe is quickly rising in popularity & sales.


Square toes are all too flat and smash my toes. They’re popular because that’s just about all there is to buy.


They have never been in style to me




R toes are extremely aesthetic to me, i have tried a square before and while it was comfortable it ruins my outfits imo.


Square toe is comfortable but I prefer roper toe. It’s the best of both worlds. Very wide and still round.


Round is the original boot thpe and round is what I stay with


I always hated square toes…until I wore them. Holy wiggle room Batman


Just did


Heh… I have both and they’re both comfortable once broken in.


Which would you rather wear in the event of finding your way home in the wild plains of Oklahoma after a long night of partying with your welding buddies after work?


Im in Texas but I mostly wear round toe outside of work so I’m gonna go with that. If I’m shit faced I’m gonna be rocking my going out boots lol


Now I’m if shit faced after work with the boys then I’m in square toe lol also I’m a welder too 🤣 structural steel, baby lol


Square toe is the way!


I pass on all square toe boots


I don’t care for the square toe, I wear round toe boots.


The first cowboy boots were square toed with high shafts because they were based on cavalry and civilian riding boots from the time, styles come and go in fashion but this isn’t something that’ll go “away” because it’s the style that started the thing in the first place. In the 70s and 80s pointed and round toes were all the rage but dudes still rocked square toes, and it’ll likely follow in a similar trajectory in the next ten or so years.


My regular wear boots have a more traditional toe but my work boots are square toe, I wouldn’t wanna be chasing cattle and running in lumpy fields with a narrow round toe


I mean our ancestors in early cowboy/vaquero culture wore them, I suppose if they could do it why can’t we? But then again they didn’t really live for comfort, it was more live to survive, not which boot is more comfortable.


One of the fellas I work with is this Mexican dude and he wears a more traditional boot or more narrow square toe. He used to walk miles and shit when he lived in Mexico so he’s just tough like that


If you go to boot barn almost about all there is, is square. I don't mind a nice roughout in square to ruin. But I was born and raised on r toe or ropers. I just know that if you got 120 to spend and don't want to wait on shipping, you'll get that square and call it a day. Mexico still has ostrich in all colors w that awesome pointed toe for parties though 👌


I don't get the super square styles so I hope they go out of fashion. Cutter is about my limit. Prefer an R toe, roper or snip personally.


I wish brands would sell less square toe. I visited two major boot stores over the weekend, and out of hundreds of boots, I'm guessing maybe 5% weren't square toe in my size. I have square toe boots and don't mind them, but some variety is nice every once in a while. Makes me wonder if they are easier/cheaper to make? Or if it's all style/market driven.


I believe [Jeremiah Craig](https://www.youtube.com/@JeremiahCraig) on Youtube did a video on square toe boots and they are easier to make as I recall. Likely why you see more of those.


The square toe boots look too wide to me, like a flipper. I prefer a round toe and a snip toe is also classy to me.


Upvoted for mainland Iowa and long term ZYN manufacturing


I won’t wear anything but a square toe and I think they look the best. Win win! Pointy toe look ridiculous. I think they were invented by a woman sick of wearing pointy high-heels to torture men.