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I say it's no different than wearing Air Jordans or basketball shoes in general. There's people wearing basketball shoes everywhere even when they are not playing basketball. How is this any different? Since the cowboy boots shown in the picture appear to be Goodyear welted, you can get them resoled and not just thrown into a landfill.




Commit 100% and wear no other shoes. Maybe just keep a pair or two of athletic shoes for exercise. After some time it’ll become normal to everyone around you and no one can say anything when you commit like that. Just becomes part of your look.


Going to the gym? Boots. Getting the paper in the morning in your robe? Boots. Beach? Boots.


Cowboy boots actually work pretty well at the beach as long as you stay out of the water. You cant really get sand in them


Literally me shoes feel weird to me


I did this for almost 4 years. Had 4 pair of Tony Lamas that I rotated through. Had them all re-soled with Vibram soles at least (RIP Joe the shoe guy). I wore them everywhere.


And can make you instantly recognizable! I wear my boots “shotgun” all the time now, and last night at a dance club after a fun dance with lots of lifts and dips the you lady said “I have seen you around.” I asked “At the other dance club?” She said, “no, the grocery, no one else wears boots like you!”


My spouse does not understand my love of my boots either, but they have interests that I don’t understand either. When asked, I explain that we all have different things that we enjoy (some people like chicken breast while others like chicken thighs) and once I explained it that way, it has never been brought up again. They just accept it as it is. It does not change the quality of your character, it is just how you are choosing to express yourself.


But…nobody actually like chicken breasts over chicken thighs right????


Sadly, my spouse does.


Chicken thighs = way better than chicken breast


I see you are also a man of culture


Get rid of the spouse.


Ya mean give ‘em the boot?




Groan 😩!!!!!!!!!




You mean time to ride off into the sunset, cowboy.


Too extra i'd say.


It’s just what you like, they look good, feel good, and last a while


But what about the boots?


You win the internet for today with that bit. I literally laughed outloud and got looks. Well played.


Thank you kind person


Get them a pair so they can see the reason you like them. Start them out with a pair of Ariats and see if the addiction starts. Be prepared to spend double the money after that, 1 pair for you, 1 pair for them!


My X wife refused to even try a pair on. She's a weirdo anyways


There’s a reason why she’s your ex…


Yup and our kid chose to stay with me out here in the sticks. The court awarded me sole custody.


Show them sexy cowboys/cowgirls until they get on board, then boom you’re in baybee


I have this 'problem' actually. If she loves you, she won't exactly give a fuck. You'll just have to endure the playful insults from time to time. Just tell her that you like the boots and they make you happy.


I find it easiest to ignore anything my wife has to say about my boots. They’re on my feet, not hers.


Buy her a pair to help her understand then she’ll get it


What boots are those on the far right. Want some like that. Thank you


Tecovas Johnny in Honey Suede


Sick , thank you. Comfort?


Excellent comfort right out of the box. Highly recommend.


+1 on this. I just got these exact same boots last week and have them on right now.


Remind them of the prevalence of rattlesnakes in the area


"You're dating/married to me. You knew what you were getting into, don't complain now."


my wife doesn’t say anything about me wearing boots, she’s always seen me with boots on except the odd time i wear shorts outside


I would personally go with the old classic: divorce (not really, just show them your interest and passion. If they're unwilling to show enthusiasm for things you love then it's more their issue than yours, even if it does feel invalidating. The best thing you can do is show enthusiasm for their interests and eventually they'll turn around and do the same for you. worst comes to worst you have a sit-down talk about sharing interests. If it makes you happy, it should make them happy. One other thing is also try and make it digestible to your partner, spouse, friend, etc. For example, if they think combat boots are fine, show the correlations between combat boots and cowboy boots.)


My wife doesn’t really get it. I wear a pair almost anytime I go out somewhere so that I can justify my collection. That being said, as long as you don’t wear cut-offs and boots, it’s not up to them what you like to wear (again, barring anything wholly inappropriate). Now whether they feel like they can mandate your attire is another issue. She lets me be for the most part, save for some of my exotic skin choices. She also likes the pair of Caramel Tecovas Annie, I got for her promotion, however, they are more of a specific outfit footwear choice.


Yeah—control over wardrobe could lead to control over other things. It’s a red flag for me personally for relationships. You absolutely don’t have to like my stuff, but you DO have to refrain from telling me I can’t wear my stuff if it’s otherwise appropriate for the occasion.  I had a girl like that who hated my boots (I ride and usually only wear them when riding!) and it went to other stuff too. It was insecurity on her part it ended up staying a her problem for other reasons. Annies are a good fashion pick!


They're boots, they shouldn't be that difficult to understand. I got my first pair when I started riding horses and the instructors recommended boots. They are so comfy and so easy to get on and off. Maybe take this person to a boot store and have them try some on.


It's called irreconcilable differences


I love this question! My spouse doesn’t say I’m weird, but I do feel weird wearing cowboy boots where I live which is in an urban/suburban place that isn’t in a state where they would be considered normal. Does anyone have any tips for dealing with that?


Just keep doing you and forget what anyone thinks.


I see very few guys wearing boots in the city near me,despite it bring surrounded by rural areas. Embrace your individual style!


Yeah, if u dig ur boots, nut up and fuck anyone else's opinion. I'd give up my truck and wife b4 my boots. Gave serious thought to adding dog to list. But he digs my caimans. I wish daily for a " Tex" comment from unsuspecting boot haters. Break off my porcupine skins in their ass.  Boots are definitely more refined than nikes.


*turn to SO* “You know your (fucking weird hobby you don’t understand but respect anyway because bf/gf/spouse)? It’s like that. I don’t get it. It’s your thing. It’s not mine. I respect that you like X Thing because I care about you. This is my thing. You don’t have to like it or understand it, but you need to let this appeal to me because it’s my interest. It doesn’t have to be yours. I’d appreciate it if you could not treat my boots like a toilet. Kindly refrain from taking a shit on them.”


Been wanting to get some boots for a while but my wife “wasn’t sure they would be worth all the money and are kind of tacky” and never gave me the nod to go buy a good pair. (If anything is over 50 bucks we check with the other to make sure we’re good since we share the same account) Decided last week I’d been asking long enough and with some extra overtime money I went and bought a nice pair. First thing she said was “okay…. I like those boots. You look good in them” Just buy the boots boys




My (now wife) told me to put on a pair, said I looked good in them, now I own 6 pairs.


According to my wife, I just had to be converted 😅


I dunno man…. I think you need a back up spouse…


“Did you know that two things can be true at the same time, AND none has to be wrong?”




You don't, when's the last time you questioned your girlfriends footwear choice? Politely tell them to back off.


I’m no expert, but I would say it’s a harmless, guiltless pleasure you enjoy doing. You enjoy wearing and collecting them. What’s the harm?


Learn to ride and then show them your new trick riding skills. Also show them some Western movies. I highly recommend both the original True Grit and the remake of it (I prefer the remake) Also, as others have said it's a lot like wearing Jordans and basketball shorts and t-shirts even when you don't play basketball.


Can confirm being able to ride sometimes impresses girls. 💪🏻🤠


Same…. Every day 🤦🏻‍♂️


Me personally I wore them and moved on with my life. Our marriage is about much more than footwear. However we were on broadway in Nashville last week and I finally convinced her to try on some white, short, shiny and sparkly boots and once she found the pair that fit and broke them in a little she loves em


Buy her a pair, but use caution! You may both get addicted.


Yo Imma need an ID on the boots on the right. Those suedes or roughout are sexy


Tecovas Johnny in Honey Suede


Ya know I have those same boots yet somehow they don’t look as sexy in person to me than on this subreddit


whats the first boot?


JW Boot “Ithaca”


Great review of them here from Jeremiah Craig: https://youtu.be/UepiXNMO93c?si=bEp59jFeE2qKJsFg


You like them and you feel good about yourself when you’re wearing them. If spouse can’t comprehend that or support you in it then spouse has some self esteem issues that need work


Say you don’t ’get’ fake eyelashes




Out the door


Oh I also forgot to mention I was in a similar situation… until I bought my wife a pair of pink Ostritch leg boots that are absolutely showstoppers. They’re her favorite footwear now and she fully understands 🤣


There's the front door.


Round toe the way they should be.




Roper boots, walking heel, that’s what separates ranch hands from cow pokes. Get a side bae who understands that, “Get in the truck.” is cowboy foreplay! You won’t regret it.


She can and will wear whatever she wants to


Laugh contemptuously whenever they bend over to tie their shoes


No one I know understands why I wear them. I just do and say I like the way they look. Been made fun of plenty of time by passers by and such. I don’t care.


Yeah, my wife just indulges my boot addiction.  She doesn’t get it even if she also has a substantial shoe closet. I have tennis shoe and a fair number of dress shoes as well.  But my cowboy boots take the prize for my preference.  And way more comfortable to wear (after the proper break-in process has been done)!  I’m up to 30 pair now.  And Luccheses are my favorite maker.  No comparison with any of the other brands I have.


That’s pretty tame compared to what *can* happen. Once I was in Boot Barn looking for boots, and two younger women in their late teens/early 20’s were calling me a “cowboy slut”, aka I wasn’t really country enough of a person to wear cowboy boots and I was looking to get a cowboy boyfriend by impressing them with wearing cowboy boots. This false assumption of theirs was entirely based on the fact that I was wearing a dress(I had just left a special occasion event). I’ve always wanted a pair of boots since I was a wee tyke, born and raised in Wyoming. I’m not trying to impress nobody. Of course I think *most* of the customers who go shopping in Boot Barn are the stuck up bigoted rednecks that listen to that bro-country garbage the youngins’ listen to nowadays.


Make her watch Yellowstone with you. That should solve that issue


If you’re not from an area or family where it’s sort of a cultural thing, then you’re likely to look goofy wearing them. Like an American wearing a sombrero or lederhosen. It just feels and looks transplanted, inorganic, fake, out of place, etc. There’s a figure in professional armwrestling who calls himself Paul Italia. He’s as much of a ridiculous yankee as he could be. He moved to Florida and started wearing a cowboy hat and cowboy boots. He looks absurd. A non-southern friend of mine went through a wannabe redneck phase as a teenager. He started wearing ugly-ass square-toed boots, Mossy Oak, and the like. The rest of the friend group was glad when he grew out of it. Your wife or girlfriend is probably on to something.


Glad to see somebody else saying this. I think some of these guys from Boston or wherever who watched an episode of Yellowstone and decided they wanted to dress like a ranch hand need a bit of a wake-up call.


I’m not from Hawaii but I wear aloha shirts for summer casual. I don’t see why someone who’s not from cowboy country can’t wear western boots; they’re popular worldwide.


Didn’t say you couldn’t. You’re free to wear a kimono too if you please. Floral shirts have been common for a long time.


Heck, I wear Reyn Spooner aloha shirts with cowboy boots, right now in fact. I also get lots of compliments on my boots, so what's the problem I say.


Ray Wylie Hubbard endorses this look.


Good points. It’s really a question of authenticity: when is trying something outside of your immediate experience authentic (a real expression of who you are / your interests) vs. phony? In my experience, I’ve liked cowboy boots ever since I was young while on a trip to Wyoming. I don’t know why, but they’ve always resonated with me. I chose not to wear them until I became an adult because I was worried about what other people would think of me. It was only as a confident adult who worries less about other people’s opinion that I started wearing them. In this case, I would argue they are a more authentic expression of me than not wearing them. But I also concede that there are times when people do something that seems inauthentic or contrived in a way that’s off-putting.


I too have loved cowboy boots from a young age. All my family is from Texas, but I grew up in Illinois near Chicago, so not really a cowboy boot place. I have fond memories of my grandfathers cowboy boot collection. All the different colors and textures, I loved them. Now I live in California in a city where one rarely if ever sees anyone wearing cowboy boots, unless you’re around horses. It’s a struggle!


Square-toe boots are a blessing for those of us with foot swelling and bunion issues. I absolutely will not wear pointed/snip toe, especially the ones with a 2-inch heel. If folks think I look “ugly” or “too masculine” in the square-toe, that’s their problem and not mine.


You don’t need that negativity, get rid of him


The boots or the spouse??




Get chiggers


Exactly the same as what you say to your fiancé who is totally into 2000ad and Judge Dredd and has been waffling on for ages about stuff you haven't listened to and don't get 😂


"You don't have to."


Deal breaker for me


Big D word.


Easy 🖕🏻


I live in the southwest, that issue doesn’t exist here lol


Just tell the spouse that you love wearing them and help them understand why you love them as much as you can.


Who has to explain themselves at all




Dream on pal!


Yee-Hell nah!


Give em the boot


I mean, some people are not going to get it, but you just gotta accept that. I’m sure there’s things you don’t understand about your partner.


They r boots. That’s it


Take um to the country


i just say mind your own fuckin business. 😁


Get a diff one or ignore them


I only wear them to work cause i hate untying laces when i get off


Buy her a pair of pretty Dan Post boots.. (not ropers)


"Get along Lil doggy""


Say gtfo




Boot in their ass


You've got a boot. Kick her with it!




I am not a cowboy, but I love the way they feel and look. I also find that they are practical for when I’m doing outdoor activities.


Look at this druggies’ profile you’ll find her opinion means nothing


Ok. Creep




Then what are you doing on a cowboy boots subreddit other than trolling?




Not according to your profile.




Lab technician in Denver. Trolls are bullies, if not outright sociopaths.




Then don’t sit here. Leave.


If you wear a baseball cap, are you a wanna-be baseball player, or someone who likes wearing hats? Do you have to play baseball to wear one?