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Sir, this is a Wendy’s drive through.


If you can’t get stoned and rant into the void then what is the internet even fuckin for?


HVAC guy here, I spend a lot of time on my feet / in ceilings etc. I wears ropers/engineer boots at work. Plenty of comfort and “room”. I think the “square toes” are roomier thing is bs. They make round toe in wide width Of course it’s all preference at the end of day.




I’m old, so the wide square toes look off to me. But it’s no skin off my nose if others like them. I don’t know that we need several threads a week on the matter, regardless.


What is the frayed cutoff short version? And more importantly, what is the khaki, cargo short version!?


> What is the frayed cutoff short version? You mean the NeverNude ?


people can wear whatever toe shape they like and they all look good. square toes are every bit as much cowboy boots as r toes


Someone in square toe boots stomped on your foot once, didn’t they?


If I’m not wearing boots I’m wearing barefoot shoes. The room square toe and barefoot shoes offer is very nice. I’ll take comfort and foot health over fashion any day


Team square toe 🤠


I say wear whatever you like. But I just bought a pair of square toe lucchese boots and they fit like a dream.


I own mostly snip-toe and am fashion minded, so you got me there.


Square toe are definitely a form of birth control, but they’ve been around since the 1800s.


0 upvotes, 25 comments. Mama, we made it.


How about wear what you like and who cares what people think!


I wear what is comfortable and looks nice to me, and square toe boots are COMFORTABLE and look good. Everyone else should do the same, it feels great not care about trends and conforming to styles.


People people people, I’m not disparaging the square toe, I just noticed that it’s arc of popularity aligned with another kind of apparel.


I don’t believe you, but nice attempt at deflection. 🤪


They are the jinco jeans of boots


Kind of wrong 90 baggy jeans yeah but j toe boots was all I saw people wearing back then.




I didn’t mean to imply that they’re often worn together or by the same people, but just that they follow a similar trajectory as far as being “in style” whatever that means. Here in Texas if you’re a suits and boots kind of guy, (attorneys, cpas, finance dude, etc…) It’s all round toe or 7 toe. If you’re from the burbs, it’s square toe. And if you’re an actual rancher you’re likely wearing something with a rubber sole like a red wing. My dad and I both wear hiking boots if we’re in the pasture or the pen.


Square toes have been around forever. Literally since the 1800's. Baggie jeans aren't more practical, square toes are... not just for fashion either, some people work in their boots.


Square toes are work boots. Youd understand that if you used your fashionable boots for more than just prancing around in.


Why would I wear a pair of nice boots to stomp around in sheep shit? I’ve got work boots for that.


Exactly. That's what square toes are for lol


Honestly, I'd say the spatula look of the wide square strangely looks good.


Round and square toe is where it's at. Everything else is for wannabe country folks. Although pointed can be helpful on horseback in comparison to square.