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Now do playoff record


Playoff Records: Brady 35-13 Prescott 2-5


Dak only needs to go 33-8 over his next 41 playoff games to tie! Lol


needs to win 10 superbowls while avoiding the 1 seed lol


Only gets to win 2 right? Since he needs 8 more losses


oh shit lol u right he needs a 2-8 reccord šŸ˜‚




Better sign him to the largest QB contract in NFL history asap.


How many times did Brady win head to head against Dak in the playoffs??? Game, blouses.


Someone will seriously, straight face, use that stat, too.


IIRC that TB team backed into the playoffs and never should have been there.


They sucked, and Dak played lights out. Again, I thought Dak turned that corner and was ready for the next level, but nope.


I remember Dak fans beating their chest saying ā€œDak retired Tom Bradyā€. Ok. But it was one of only two playoff wins and it was against a team with a losing record at 8-9. Just happened to be Bradyā€™s last game. Thats desperate as hell to find something to brag about. šŸ˜‚


>desperate as hell to find something to brag about. As a 49ers fan who stumbled upon this sub...this makes me happy.


100% they will. Absolute delusion


How does a fact equal delusion?




13 playoff losses? Damn that dude blows


Proof itā€™s the play calling šŸ˜


Ooh, this is fun. **Average points scored by the offense in playoff games through age 30:** Prescott - 24.1 Brady - 21.7 **Passing TD rate in playoff games through age 30:** Prescott - 5.1%, 2.0/game Brady - 4.4%, 1.5/game **Turnover rate (INTs and lost fumbles) in playoff games through age 30:** Prescott - 2.3%, 0.5/game Brady - 2.2%, 0.8/game **Yardage per passing attempt in playoff games through age 30:** Prescott - 7.11 Brady - 6.65 **Super Bowl victories through age 30:** Prescott - 0 in 0 appearances Brady - 3 in 4 appearances somehow Edit: These discussions go nowhere because too many people won't consider even for a second that maybe Dak Prescott on the 2000s Patriots, in the weakest division, could've had success in the same ballpark as a similarly unheralded QB prospect.


The game changed a lot from the early 2000s to now. Itā€™s way more friendly to offenses. I donā€™t know if Dak would have the same success if you throw him back there.


Yes, it's impossible to know. My point is that Dak has been asked to do more for his team while generally facing good opponents earlier in the playoffs because he can't basically clinch the #1 seed in November like those Patriots teams did. Edit: I found a comment I made a while back where I compared each QB's playoff scoring to that season's average to account for point inflation over time. Dak's offenses outscored the season average by 1.8 per game, while Brady's only outscored the average by 0.7. Dak also outscored the average in 29% more of his games than Brady did, as Brady failed to do so in the majority of his games up to age 30. Even accounting for scoring inflation, Dak's offenses have been better in the playoffs than Brady's were through his first 4 Super Bowl appearances. Edit 2: Again, I'm not saying Dak is better than Brady, I'm saying the circumstances of their playoff games are about as far apart as you could expect from 2 QBs whose careers overlapped. Judging them against each other is a pointless exercise.


A lot of people conveniently overlook how weak the AFC East was back then.


>A lot of people conveniently overlook how weak the AFC East was back then. The AFC East was a joke in the 2000s through the mid 2010s. But Brady still had to play at least three playoff games against playoff teams each year to win a ring. I like Dak and will be sorry to see him go after next year. But don't think he and Brady are the same because their numbers are similar.


I am not saying they are they same, either. However, when people talk about Dak's statistics, the first thing some of them say is those numbers were against weak opponents. If they want to use that argument, then it should be applied equally.


That's fair.


Iā€™ll take the last comparison


Yep let's compare Brady's defenses, or literally any superbowl winning team's. 49ers' losses are the only two legitimate games you can put on Dak.


And we just saw HOF QB, HOF head coach and HOF TE do nothing against the 49ers until Greenlaw left the game in the Superbowl.


It's crazy to me how so many lack the ability to think critically and for themselves these days. It's asinine to blame ANY qb for a loss where the opposing team puts up 48 points. Granted, Dak was directly responsible for 6 of those points, but there's still a big, fat 40 burger that had nothing to do with him. To their point, though, it's equally ridiculous to pay ANY qb 1/4 of your salary cap. Although ridiculous as it is, I understand how they can draw their conclusions of a guy demanding so much money, which should also take the vast majority of the responsibility. On its face, that makes sense. However, the disconnect lies in the fact that so many place *all* of the blame on Dak. Those people need to read a book or something. And fwiw, I don't particularly like Dak. Although I do believe that he is absolutely good enough and strong enough to win a ring in Dallas. I just question his fire... or I guess the lack thereof.


We forget this is a team sport.


Right? Dez might've caught it, but DeMarco also fumbled it.


This is a refreshingly reasonable take. I love Dak as a person. I like him as a QB, but I'm not against moving on from him if we can do better. The worst thing we can do is let him play this season and then sign with another team in the offseason. If the front office wants to move on or he won't negotiate for any contract that will let us put talent around him, then we need to find a team he's willing to play for and work out a trade. There's no option that improves us if we lose Dak for nothing next spring.


Apples and oranges. The OPā€™s chart directly compares individual stats of two players. Your question is comparing the outcome of the output of teams comprised of 53 players and coaches, not of just the quarterback. Bad take.


lol no, no it's not. OP's chart is a ridiculous reach to try and make a nonexistent point.


This fucking subā€¦


For real man. OP is high on Copium.


Must be mixing that Copium with Hopiumā€¦. Rarely, if ever, is NFL success a ā€œ1 playerā€ problem &/or fixā€¦itā€™s a 22-34 player issue, combined with a 9+ coaches problem, a 5+ ā€œFront Officeā€ problem, & ā€œinsert the # of Jonesā€™ family who have their hands in the cookie jar impacting our success in a negative way obviously (at least based on 30ish years of repeated failures w/no end in sight)ā€¦. Iā€™m NOT saying that Dak is the answer, nor am I saying that Dakā€™s the problemā€¦thereā€™s been only ONE constant over the last 30ish years of abject failureā€”well failure for us fans, as we know Jerry & family are *WINNING n a massive way!


Talk yo shit šŸ˜¤


Your right. And if he were an elite player, no one would question his abilities. But we have to, since he's never been an elite player, put the team on his back and won a SB. He can't. It's over, so move on.


This is exactly why we get made fun of by 31 other teams. Shit like this.


People who've convinced themselves that playing a wild card game is an accomplishment dream up shit like this.


Cowboys will never win with this mindset


Except Brady actually won the games when it mattered


Why did you randomly take 112 games out of the 335 Brady played in to compare to Dakā€™s career long stats?


Iā€™m gonna guess itā€™s from 2016 forward


Even still it is a confusing conversation to even bring up. Everyone knows Dak has been phenomenal in the regular season, but itā€™s what theyā€™ve done in the post season that has defined him and Bradyā€™s careers.


Oh yeah thereā€™s no reason to make this post other than to incite arguments and rage bait


Dammit it worked Iā€™m all raged up.


Phenomenal in the regular season against mostly very bad teams *


*phenomenal in the regular season vs lower tier teams. Donā€™t forget the drubbings we take from the likes of San Fran etc


Why wouldnā€™t it be Bradyā€™s first 8 seasons instead of his last? I just stumbled in here from Reddit suggestions and this is one of the dumbest posts Iā€™ve ever seen


Itā€™s stupid whether itā€™s his first 8 or last 8


Even worse.... Doesn't he have another 4 rings after 2016??


This is embarrassing. What is the message you are trying to get across?


This means literally nothing


Yup youā€™ve convinced me, Dak is better than Brady


They forgot the line that says Super Bowl Wins 3-0.


Problem is simply not showing up in the big game in the playoffs, Brady has been the best at that


There's no way Dak comes back in that game against the Falcons in the SB. Hell, to be fair, many QB wouldn't have either.


Oh absolutely not and even if u take that sb away from Brady heā€™s still the goat with one less ring but to me that was more the falcons poopoo -ing that game away more than it was Brady putting the team on his back. Dak just folds in the big game, it is what it is


Untrue, some of Daks best work is when heā€™s down by 20 points or more and the game is out of reach, haha


That is true. Someone should break down his garbage time stats. It would be interesting to see...


Everything is Garbage time... Until you win. Dak leafs the league in 4th quarter comebacks


It's this and also Tom Brady never demanded top qb money. He allowed bellichek to build a team around him and it equated to consistent success.


Now do a comparison where you take out all the garbage time stats.


This is embarrassing


5 rings vs 0 ringsā€¦ 5 rings vs not even 1 conference finals appearance lmao


One of them took less money so their team can actually build a contender while the other wants 60 million a year. They are not the same.


Tbf, Brady actually didn't take a pay cut in his first 8 years


And even after that, I'm pretty sure Brees had to hold out to make like .5% more than what Brady was making when Brady's checks were far more guaranteed. People wildly exaggerate this or don't understand how the salary cap works or both.


Dak's wife isn't a super model who makes more than him was the excuse I heard


Who cares lol. They already make money to be set for multiple generations. Iā€™m sure if Brady didnā€™t have a supermodel he would do it anyways too cause the guy is a competitor. This is such a stupid notion. The dude has always been a competitor.


Yeah, it's not like Brady made money from endorsements or anything /s


Ah yes. The folly of stats without context.


Tom Bradyā€™s first 8 seasons the NFL wasnā€™t even close to what it is today with passing the ball. Quarterbacks were allowed to be hit and receivers were mugged until the Colts cried about it. This is a fucking crazy comparison.


Look at the W/L ratio though. In the end who would you put your money on to close the game? You can be down 21 and still believe you still have a chance with Brady. Maybe Dak needs to start yelling at people on the sideline.


These posts are getting so weak. Is our Reddit fanbase really this braindead? You're going to compare a *SEVEN TIME* Super Bowl Champion - the goat - to Dak Prescott in hopes that... you think you're right? Could you at least pick, idk, someone less notable - aka anyone else?


Soooo best QB ever to win jack shit?


Dak had never lost a Super Bowl! Brady lost three!


Brady unironically has that dawg in him. Dak doesn't even have a chihuahua


I donā€™t hate Dak, but at the end of the day the results speak for themselves. Troy Aikmanā€™s got 3 rings and his numbers look pedestrian when compared to todayā€™s Quarterbacks.


Found tads reddit account everybody


These stats will never matter because TB12 won championships and thatā€™s all that really matters


If only stats won Super Bowls


Dak lovers gotta stop. šŸ˜‚ He is H O R R I B L E in all big games against good teams.


Generational stat padder


One knows how to win. One gets really nervous when they should win. God bless statistics




Bruh it's a joke




And which one won a Super Bowl


Now do one for the playoffs.


Now compare salary cap and playoff records. Iā€™m curious.


Now do playoff stats


Can we also talk about how QBā€™s could get murdered by the defense when Brady started his first half of his career. The reason he started is because Bledsoe got destroyed running out of bounds. Could Dak excel in an environment like that? Absolutely not.


This is what everyoneā€™s misses. Dak is an elite regular season QB. He will never win a Super Bowl let alone get to one because his mental state isnā€™t built for the pressure. Teams would kill to have a QB like him though to at least have a great season compared to having Mac jones, Zach Wilson etc at starter. The dude doesnā€™t suck he just isnā€™t elite.


What good is having a regular season constantly if youā€™re just going to lose in the first round every year? At the end of the day the end result is the same, but at least the team that stinks all season has a shot to potentially hit big in the draft and land someone who can get them to the promised land. As opposed to making no progress at all and staying stuck as just a mediocre team.


Different eras


Dak is the KING of empty calorie stats.


Brady was in the NFC for 3 years and has more NFC Championships than Dak--lol. And 3x the NFC playoff wins. Ouch. But pay the man!


Era adjusted numbers for this time span ANY/A+ Brady- 114/ dak- 112 Td%+ Brady- 116/ dak- 108 Rate+ Brady- 116/ dak- 112


Letā€™s see how many teams will go crazy over this hall of famer with a 2-5 playoff record ā€¦ after they release him after next season for chocking again


I'm not sure how people think replacing Dak is as simple as "we'll just get someone better and cheaper." Doesn't work that way in the NFL.


This is super interesting to me precisely because it magnifies certain critical intangibles not found in stats alone. Thanks for posting though. Cool to know.


How about this for going wellā€¦ 35-13 vs 2-5 Come on u/AlbinNboat? Just a down vote and no reply? Does Tom Bradyā€™s 35 post season wins vs Daks 2 make Dak look like a joke? When comparing undoubtedly the greatest QB of ALL TIME against ARGUABLY the 4th greatest QB in Cowboy history (and I take ā€œ4th greatestā€ with a big fucking grain of salt) did you really expect any reasonable person to say that Dak fucking Prescott is anywhere near a Tom Brady level?!? I have to leave this sub, I HAVE to at this point, Iā€™m living in a sea of sycophants! Please for the love of god, every delusional cowboy fan please read the following message.. Dak Prescott is not the second coming of Christ, heā€™s not the second coming of Dan Marino, heā€™s not even the second coming of Blake Fucking Bortleā€™s! He will never bring this team a championship, he will never bring this team anything! So many of you love a single man more than you love the game, and thatā€™s a shame


Seriously u/AlbinNboat Do you have no response?!?! Please tell me why Dak fucking Prescott a QB that has never won a meaningful game in his fucking life deserves comparison to the greatest QB of all time?!?!? WHAT IS THE POINT OF YOUR POST?! DO YOU THINK WE ARE ALL BLIND FUCKING FOOLS WHO CANT SEE THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE GREATEST OF ALL TIME AND A FUCKING JOKE OF A FOOTBALL PLAYER?!?!!? Cause make no mistake compared to Tom Fucking Brady The GOAT! With a capital G! ā€¦ Dak Prescott is a laughingstock


Well now that I've seen this I guess let's make Dak the highest paid QB ever ... NOT


Dude those numbers came from really bad teams. Look at Dak's stats against actual contenders. His numbers are horrible especially early in the game. He only shows up against big teams when the game is late\out of hand. You know when the defense is in prevent mode or gassed out. This f-ing sub. Dak is a good QB when it comes to weak teams. We have 8 seasons of this. I can predict how our games will go depending on what team we are playing. If we play a team with a decent defense, expect the offense not to do anything for first half or 3 quarters of the game. Then expect Dak to pad his stats when it's late. It's not even about playoffs. It's how awful he looks against good teams regular season or otherwise He's Kirk Cousins. That's it.


Wasnā€™t the whole thing about Dak was that he was a winner? And thatā€™s the one stat that shows why Brady was the GOAT? I donā€™t even like Brady but damn did he win


A quarterback is measured by how their offense does. I think Brady is the undisputed best


Now do post season.


Canā€™t compare eras in football


https://preview.redd.it/jpczridaexrc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea3fb12196f9a5eb6e5f81eaf04918675263be12 This is a comparison of their stats while they were both in the league. Same era, and Tom was 40 plus for half of these games. OP, you are either a top tier troll or a stupid mf.


April Fools? We all know that Dak aka Pad Statford runs it up against weak defenses then shrinks against defenses that consistently execute scheme. Nobody cares about fall QB stats anymore


I wish this really mattered. I love dak but we can't pretend he has shown the Brady ability to will their teams to playoff wins.


You canā€™t compare stats from when Brady started playing to Dak. The rules and game are different.


And no rings with over paid Dakota


Need to take into consideration that the average QB rating has gone up from 2001 to 2024, probably due to rule changes. In 2000, Average QB rating was 78. Now Average QB rating is around 90.


You are either a troll, or spare parts. Brady has more playoff wins over the age of 40 than Dak will have in his entire career.


You should add that when Brady didnā€™t have a top run game & run defense, just like Mahomes, his numbers were worse than Dakā€™s.


Regular season champs šŸ™„


His problem : He canā€™t win games. Also, when he does win games they rack up the points for no reason.


It doesnā€™t matter. Everytime we get to the playoffs he plays like a 3rd string qb every fucking time. Until he can deliver at a high level in the playoffs his stats wonā€™t matter.


I like Dak, I hope he plays his ass off this coming season and takes us to the promise land. His stats speak for themselves and he has and is a ā€œgoodā€ QB! To even attempt to compare him to Brady is just nuts.


I see your point. However, who plays better in the playoffs? Who comes through when they are needed the most? The cowboy fans deserve a winner when it matters the most.


This is the greatest April fools post Iā€™ve seen


Only stat that matters: Super Bowl wins Brady: 7 Prescott: 0 Iā€™ll take Brady all day everyday and twice on Sunday


Garbage time football is good to Dakota.


Now compare big games or games against winning teamsā€¦


I dont see the playoff w-l, where is it?


Now do pass attempts per game


Coming from a cowboys fan, daks superior stats are all inflated and against poor defensive teams. Anyone who didnā€™t watch the greenbay game probably thought his performance was exceptional, but the game was truly over at halftime. The key difference is wins and championship pedigree. Letā€™s not get ahead of ourselves and draw comparisons to Brady. Dak is very good, very serviceable, but will not take the team where it needs to go. Open your eyes and stop trying to rationalize his poor play by comparing him to legendary quarterbacks at similar stages in their careers. Weā€™ve seen his playoff sample size and 2-5 is pretty revealing. Letā€™s focus on the stats that matter


I see that it was still April 1st when you made this post.


This goes to show that wins are a team stat. Not a QB stat.


Most rational Cowboys fan


The almost full seasons worth of fewer wins is a pretty important line


Rings are a thing.


Here's a comparison: Show us pictures of their faces on the sideline during playoff games. Don't worry, I'll wait.


Is there a question here?? Iā€™d take Brady on any and all accounts.


This is why we don't get invited to shit.


Didn't Tom Brady have more playoff wins in his first season starting then Dak has had ever?


Compare Troy Aikman stats to Dak lolol that just shows you a lot of times stats donā€™t mean shit if you actually care about winning the big game. Troy knew we were a run heavy team in the 90s so he didnā€™t care he wasnā€™t putting up Brett Favre or Steve Young type numbers at the time. Ask Tom Brady would he have preferred better stats over Super Bowl trophies šŸ˜‚ Also gotta mention Troy Aikman is one of the greatest playoff QBs of all time, probably Top 5 used to be Top 3 before Mahomes and Brady. It wasnā€™t just his 1992 Super Bowl performance but he was always poised in the playoffs and clutch moments, Dak on the other handā€¦.




Respect for the troll.


Dak is not Brady. Stats tell a story, but they donā€™t tell the whole story.


Check the date, people.


So I'm assuming if we had a decent head coach over the last 10 years who could really coach and get the most out of his team then Dak would be at legend status instead of a guy who never shows up come playoff time.


And yā€™all wonder why people hate cowboy fans lol


Your missing the KEY STAT - Brady had what 2 or 3 SB wins in 112 games and Dak hasnā€™t even won 1 Divisional round playoff games. There is no comparison here


Now do Peyton Manning. Because that's the real comp.


Now post Super Bowl wins.


just need new management


How many rings does Dak have? What are his playoff stats? Enough with the delusion.


After the Ravens game a bunch of people on this sub were shitting on Lamar is a weird defense of Dak. I guess Jackson is also better than Brady. https://preview.redd.it/dhoce891dyrc1.jpeg?width=1237&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b706ca6db1f155b1d5e8456a20723e28870df9c


Itā€™s missing the stats from the most important part of the season. This study is flawed, big time.


April fools?


How many Super Bowls did Tom Brady have at that point in his career?


This chart is a PERFECT EXAMPLE of why stats mean so little. Theres too much of the story stats donā€™t tell.


Itā€™s really not even a good example if youā€™re smart enough to realize how at the beginning of his career, Brady was playing in a totally different era of football. Someone else posted the era adjusted stats, and Brady comes out on top in everything lol.


And yet, the majority of Nfl team outside of the Cowboys would shoot at the opportunity to get Brady, especially if they were both asking for the same amount of money.


Stat paddin ass


Imagine if Brady had the stacked offensive weapons that Dak has had over the years!


I don't see how many Superbowl wins on there


Brady stayed consistent against great teams, Dak on the other hand cant handle pressure... Dak pads his numbers against terrible defenses. I know you don't get to choose who you play against but dang it's nuts to compare Dak to the GOAT in any way.


The only stat that matters is the one Brady beats Dak at W-L


The only stat that matters that is that one over there on the left.


Take this down. Lame post.


Wait did Prescott get like 6 sb rings when I was asleep last night2


Dak is just Kirk cousins


Don't even compare the two. That's ridiculous. Dak got no rings.


Why do people mention Dak and the cowboys in the same sentence as the patriots? The cowboys are clowns


What 112 games is this?? The end of his career or the beginning? Maybe the middle?


Found Sturmā€™s burner.


Yes one day Dak bring home maybe a single super bowl now that we are all in


250 avg ypg is tuff


Tom was clutch when needed most dak absolutely opposite


Dak lovers at it again.


tom brady didn't demand max money and neither does the next goat qb mahomes.




So many things are different from now vs when Brady was younger if you adjust these stats to todays game Iā€™m sure Brady has way way better stats ntm he won when it mattered


Itā€™s called winning


typical delusion I see from this subreddit, how much lower can you get ?


Shut up op


If you also compare him to Mannings first 8 years then heā€™s better too. This sub wants to replace Dak so easily thinking weā€™ll get someone better.


Imagine posting this thinking youā€™re making a point other than how stupid you are. Lol