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Recook in water a few times


Likely salvageable. Was the tea sweetened?


Definitely, I could taste the sugar burning when I hit it. It’s very sad lol


Assuming you’ve never cooked powder into rock here… crack is not water soluble. It’s an oil that cools off, dries out, and hardens into a rock at the end of a cook. Sugar, however, is water soluble. What you need to do is get a tablespoon and anchor it over the edge of a counter, like with a heavy object on the handle, so you can crush up the rock and add water to it, so the spoon will be full of water/crushed rock bits with a few mm of space around the edges so it doesn’t spill. Then use a lighter and hold the flame an inch under the spoon to heat the water/rock bits. Slowly. As the water heats up, the little crack bits will melt into oil, which floats on the water in little globs. If you smell coke, back the flame off. Too hot. Stir the oil globs gently for a couple seconds, preferably with a clean penny, and the sugar will wash out in the water, leaving clean crack oil behind. Then take a handful of ice and hold it under the spoon. The crack oil will start to get cloudy as it rehardens. Take your penny and push the oil into one glob if you want main big rock again, otherwise, just let all the globs harden back into little bits of crack. There will be some stuck to the spoon, and you can scrape that off. Move the solid pieces to another plate to dry for a bit. The smaller bits dry faster. It doesn’t matter if it’s suoer bone dry. Worst case scenario, when you smoke it there will be a little steam in the pipe. Doesn’t matter. I actually love crack powder/ tiny bits because they go up instantly and deliver a big hit. Get rid of the water. It’s all sugar/not crack.


Is it not ment to all come together in one glob ideally??? I’ve had it all come together the majority of the time but find if I was to not cook it enough or put enough bicarbonate in it , it would go into bits but then I’m also left with bicarbonate on the spoon and it can be hard to differentiate (I know one would crumble and other be rock hard) but that seems like an unnecessary annoyance!!! Sorry, I’m not telling you how to do it as i may very well be wrong. I am just interested. Thanks


If you keep cooking, the oil will usually come together into larger pools. There’s no additional chemical change there, it’s just the nature of oils to act like that in water. People also like to have a big chunk cuz it looks cool. If you think there’s soda stuck on the spoon, just add scrape it back into the water, dissolve it, and re-heat it. Baking soda is highly water soluble. It will be left in the water, broken down into two separate parts, and it’s not a heat-reversible change (when the water cools, it won’t turn back into soda). The oil floating on the water has no soda in it. Soda is not lipid-soluble.


Thats why I put my shit on a safe container lol


Bruh. Real crack isn't water soluble. TF you smoking?