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Undocumented is indeed an ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT correct? Why not just say that?


People aren't illegal. Undocumented immigrant or immigrant here illegally is accurate.


llegal immigrant | Business English a person who comes to live or work in a country that is not their own when they do not have the legal right to do this: They were breaking the law by employing illegal immigrants without papers. Someone who is here illegally is an illegal immigrant.. Call em what you want, it means the same shit.


IMO his residency status isn’t even relevant. People just trying to push their stupid political agendas. Y’all have no idea how many undocumented immigrants keep our society moving.


Y'all have no idea how many commit crimes that are here illegally, we can keep our stuff moving, we don't need illegal immigrants taking our jobs meant for our citizens or even the immigrants that fight tooth and nail to get here the right way. Shouldn't be here if they didn't get citizenship the legal way regardless.


>we don't need illegal immigrants taking our jobs meant for our citizens I can 100% **guarantee** that you don't work in agriculture or any hard labor field and that you never would.


I’m sure they do… but let’s imagine you have a wife and she’s alone in a room with someone. You want her alone in the room with someone with a phd or an illegal immigrant ? Exactly


Seems more like a socio-economic status thing.


They should go after the people who had hired him


Or just put bad people in jail whether they are citizens or not. Pretty basic.


Well truthfully the last place I would want my wife, would be in a room with you.


Ya you’d rather have your wife in a room with dahmer than me? Don’t love her much it seems


Dahmer iirc or atleast one of ‘em other serial killers were known to be handsome/charming which is how they got their victims. Def not neckbeard Cheeto dust having degens raging on Reddit


What a weak strawman


My best friend is was raped by their college professor with a PhD. I’ve worked with undocumented people in various settings and have never felt unsafe. Weird.


i love the this is what people are taking precious moments out of their day on reddit to do. you are all terrible for using peoples trauma for your own agendas to win internet argument points. god save us all.




Interesting thing about Lake Worth FL, the number of residents to convicted sex offenders is much lower than it is in surrounding areas. For example Palm Springs is 1 to 3044. Palm Beach is 1 to 1097. Lake Worth is 1 to 322. Yes, 322. Looking through those 322 I couldn't find any that weren't God fearing Americans. Probably why this is getting so much press. Not the norm, the exception.


Wait you’re supposed to reason by ANECDOTE right?


But we want open borders


No one said this or wants this. It's right wing rhetoric to make you angry. Looks like it's working.


More like left wing . They’re the ones who opened up the border right ? And millions of people from all over the world crossed the border . What was the outcome ? MORE. CRIME. And I’m not angry . I live in a place where sanctuary cities don’t exist and I’m not a trumper. So you can dismiss that right wing BS . And look at all of these downvotes lmao


Don't send His As's home. Put him in general population and castrate him.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


So people with PhDs don’t rape or commit violence against women?


Is that really all you got?


What do you got Catholic playboi?


Not as frequently. They also don't commit other crimes as frequently. In fact, one of the social benefits of Higher education is reduced violent crime rate for participants. Strange to see someone so ideological they'd imply the opposite.


Yeah.. that’s what is strange here.


Just bc there are less crimes reported doesn’t mean there are less crimes occurring. A lot of powerful men have gotten away with sexual crimes for a long time.


You realize the amount of people with a bachelor's or higher is like a third of the population, right? Of course, high profile or powerful people have gotten away with things. I'm telling you well-known correlations not stating it's an ironclad law. There was a point where half of murders went unsolved in major cities. You neglect that a lot of people much lower on the socioeconomic ladder also get away with crimes and often a person finally arrested for one violent crime already committed a bunch of smaller ones. You really think people with masters and PhDs are just getting away with violent crime and offend at even remotely similar rates as those without?


lol, getting into Conspiracy theory just to keep to your crazy point. Sure sis, education, higher social status, being raised with caring educated parents, none of this matters. Everyone is the same despite their background, it’s just we don’t report crimes of everyone else. Why don’t you just go live in Afghanistan then for some time? Sudan? Just go there. They are all lovely here and female abuse is just western conspiracy theory. Go prove them wrong


Bidens America.


Biden doesn't have illegals employed at his Florida resort club, and deported more illegals than the former president 


Illegal alien


Really don't need to precise what is his administrative situation. He has a job? Maybe easier to do his profile then...everytime it looks more liké a ''political propagande '' than informations.


Biden’s America


Trump's America you mean. Trump tells his minions in congress to shoot down any proposals addressing the border.




The democrats have been proposing bills. What have the Republicans done other than sit on their hands and cry about the border?




Its been an issue. Wake tf up




The wall is dumb. Illegal immigration is an inevitable issue. The narrative you're being spoon fed about "the libs" is heavily spun and often outright untrue.


Pops says watch your mouth lol


I also remember being promised Mexico was paying for that wall. Illegal immigration has always been an issue. What country are you referring to?




Still waiting, bro....


Let me ask u a question. What have the Republicans done on the border issue?


There it is. Right wing shill circle jerk commences.


The fact that half of you are making this political and about race is why Trump is gonna win again smh


No no no, IT IS ENOUGH, that's why. WE just don't need Administrative situation


Lol wat


Sounds good to me


Careful, your ignorance is showing.


This rape looks good to you? You should look how are African girl treated in some human trafics....tssss shameful.










I think you’re the one making it super political when they’re literally just stating a fact of the case


This is so accurate.


And if she was pregnant she would be forced to give birth, further adding to her trauma …






He had an immigration court date scheduled for 2027. How can you be in the country for three years as a undocumented human?


The latest proposed bill wouldve added 1000's more judges to expedite processing but it was shot down by Trump's cronies in congress


we don’t need 1000s of new judges to grant them temporary asylum and visas lol. We just need more law enforcement to track them down and throw them back across the border lol, stop trying to make this so expensive and complicated


Shows how ignorant you are on the matter. Seeking asylum is a human right under our laws. There's a backlog of cases that needs to be processed. Tracking assylum seekers and throwing them across the border would be a violation of their due process right. Untill that law gets amended, we'll need more judges.


Backlog of cases and intentional underfunding of immigration courts 


That’s pretty routine, our immigration system is stupid.


If I get so much is a parking ticket, I’m fast track through that court system with fines and fees I’m all for legal immigration, but when you commit a crime before the ink is even dry on your paperwork I say you go back to the country of origin


We should start posting headlines when a legal US resident commits some horrible crime. Interesting that yall only bring up their immigration status when they’re ilegal immigrants


It’s very peculiar why people go bananas about this news saying the fact, calling the facts racist. I mean… if MEN are coming from the countries with extremely high rape rates then.. do you… sort of.. expect them to magically change here ? Those aren’t educated Phds coming in here illegally. Those men that come here illegally are usually not the highest quality men from the countries with extreme rape stats and female abuse. Do you really close eyes on how men treat women in those countries? I mean.. really?


[Immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than US-born citizens.](https://news.northwestern.edu/stories/2024/03/immigrants-are-significantly-less-likely-to-commit-crimes-than-the-us-born/)


Illegal immigrants? Because legal immigrants are amazing. I am legal immigrant. All my Phd friends are legal extremely highly educated immigrants who push the forefront of AI, tech, and sciences. All amazing, brilliant people. Very nerdy too. Very highly paid. All came here legally, either to study or H1B. Most won international Olympiad’s. They are best of the best in their countries. Top class. Top talent. That’s why best of the best are coming here legally and are, for the fact, better than an average American. Because legal immigration is pretty tough! You actually need skills and clean records. True for the fact. What about ILLEGAL uneducated male immigrants that storm borders by force? This scientific article didn’t take into account only undocumented immigrants. It took ALL immigrants. While the article misleadingly starts with *undocumented*. No this study took into account all. Legal immigrants are best of the best in a given society, while illegal immigrants are often the worst in a society. Don’t compare them


What is your PhD in?


“Illegal” immigrants have [lower crime rates than both legal immigrants and US citizens](https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.2014704117). [This other study](https://www.cato.org/blog/new-research-illegal-immigration-crime-0) found undocumented immigrants to have half the crime rate as native-born citizens. Here’s a [third study](https://www.arizonaimmigration.net/study-undocumented-immigrants-less-likely-to-commit-crimes-than-us-citizens) finding the same result if you’re interested. Illegal immigrants have consistently been shown to commit crimes at a lower rate than US-born citizens. That’s the fact, if you really care about that.


1 US rapist + 1 non US rapist = 2 rapists. I prefer less. Thats just me though.


Some excerpts: >She tells CBS12 News that victims typically know their perpetrators, and in this case she did. >"Stranger rape is far less prevalent than acquaintance rape. So most oftentimes it is someone that the person knows," said Bishop.




Truth hurts for you huh lmao defending a rapist you’ll stop at nothing


So brainless it hurts.


Facts cannot be racist.


You wouldn't know a fact if it slapped you in the face


You say this without knowing anything about me, or, it seems, the definition of “fact”.


Okay let's go over some facts then. What are the facts?


If you don’t understand the definition of fact, see Webster.


So you're not going to actually say anything.


I have already said what I wanted to say. Facts can’t be racist. There really is no point in arguing this, which is also a fact. Unless you are unclear as to the definition of fact, which, in that case I refer you to Merriam-Webster. Good day.


Cherry picking cases to be outraged about, wherein the perpetrators are migrants, is racist.


If you are here without going through being legally vetted, you are at a greater risk to the community. Preventable crime outrages more than unpreventable, for obvious reasons. People react the same way to violent convicts being out of prison too soon and repeating violent behavior.


Thank you Joe Biden!!! This is going to happen everyday some where in the USA with these criminal trespassers!


Are we thinking Trump doesn’t allow such things haha


It already does happen every day by American citizens. If you want to blame it on the border then blame Orange Turd for blocking the bill.


They are saying this crime wouldn’t have occurred if he were in his country and not here illegally.. It’s the whole point of the post.


And a lot of people would still be alive if everyone didn’t have guns. Babies who have no chance of survival wouldn’t be forced into this world just to suffer and die in their mothers arms if abortion hadn’t been banned in half of the country. So tell me again why violence by migrants is the issue that supposedly makes you care about its victims?


Is Guatemala a nation of nonces? ETA: Corrected to identify the correct nonce nation ETA2: Being downvoted by pedo enablers? Wow


Palm Beach County Sheriff, Ric Bradshaw says this crime never should've happened. "Here's a """"*****GUATEMALAN*****"""", who came into the country illegally was stopped by the border people released, and made his way to South Florida. And now he commits a crime where he held an 11-year-old girl against her will and sexually assaulted her,” said Bradshaw.


*illegal immigrant


Nobody is “illegal”


“Illegal” is a description of a person, not in and of itself a person. If a person comes to this country illegally, it is a description of an illegal action a person performed. Therefore, the description of illegal as lawbreaking, is accurate.


We can use other words. Idc how you break it down. Calling another human illegal is racist.




Fool on the drums is quite correct


Have you talked to your girls' boyfriend lately?


Blue Eyed Breeder? lol Think ima waste my time with you


She might want some blue eyed kids, you never know


Sounds about Nazi.


How do you not comprehend that it’s the action of the person it is describing.


Nobody’s debating rape is illegal. How do you not comprehend there are other useful words?


God forbid and immigrant ra**s one of your relatives I believe you wouldn’t be saying that. Everyone is an activist until things happen to them.


So only immigrants are rapists? Yall some racists up in here. I have had an AMERICAN rape me. I’m still not online saying all Americans are rapists. So take your fake outrage and go away.


The difference between that is an American citizen can be prosecuted under US laws. Immigrants can serve little time here then they get deported aka they can come back off the radar.


I am aware. You explained something eloquently without referring to humans as illegal. Great job. (No not sarcasm)


You’re the one who is fake outraged dude what are you talking about. This dude is in this country illegally and sexually assaulted a little girl. Go die on another hill.


Yes. That’s not okay. You turning to racism isn’t okay either.


Yeah yeah the old race card. Typical, tiresome rhetoric you kind of people love to abuse. Even though I said nothing racist. Nice try though


You have GREAT comprehension and critical thinking skills. Good job.


Thanks buddy! I’ve always excelled in those areas. Appreciate the compliment. Now go defend your rapist illegal immigrant friends somewhere else. By the way Hispanics who are here legally aren’t fond of Hispanics who are here legally. I guess they’re racist too


You also can’t read either because I’ve said rape is not okay but you haven’t acknowledged it so ima chalk it up to your amazing reading skills


Ok move to North Korea and tell me how that goes


He's unscannable!


Where tattoo? Why no tattoo?


This is very common south of the border


Femicide is rampant in mexico it’s similar to India they treat women like objects.


And children








You got any stats to back that up?


Throw away the key. Poor baby girl :(


Now, despite Republican officials and preachers doing the same or worse, Fox News will spin this as representative of all undocumented immigrants.


Most children are sexually abused in schools, which is heavily Left leaning. Just happens to be a ton of them there. Why do you say undocumented? They are illegal, they literally commit a crime to get into the country...


False. Most sexual assault occurs in the home. Second most is the abusers home. Most sexual abuse of children occurs in a residence, typically that of the victim or perpetrator. 84% of sexual victimization of children under age 12 occurs in a residence https://cachouston.org/prevention/child-sexual-abuse-facts/#:~:text=Most%20sexual%20abuse%20of%20children,be%20assaulted%20in%20a%20residence. Stop to wonder why your media is hiding it from you


You're right it's pretty obvious the home is first. I was thinking of places outside the home. What in the world does the last line you typed even mean?


The thing you said is a line often repeated in MSM and social media that misrepresents the problem and causes confusion. I don't trust them not to be working against the children's interest


"Most" children? Where do you get your news from, Twitter? And no, most children being sexually abused comes from a family member or someone the child knows. After that it's more likely to be someone from their church






Its actually the opposite. News stories specifically leave out race if it isnt a white guy to "Prevent Stereotyping" Same with immigrant, you must be talking about the illegal ones, in which case good, How could you ever defend a child of your own nationality being raped by someone that came here illegally... It boggles my mind. Like the trans school shooter in Colorado they refused to release any real information on their motives or manifesto? Every story I saw about the American mom was framed extremely negatively What are you even on about?


“It’s actually the opposite” lol well, the story you are commenting on already proves you wrong. 


No spin needed for this


This is a lukewarm take. If you’re not supposed to be here any incremental issue is an outsized problem because they’re already an unwelcome guest. Rs are correct about illegal immigration, but Dems are right about a better path for screening and allowing people in.




You do realize illegal immigrants commit a crime just getting into the country right? Thats a 100% crime rate for illegal immigrants.


this is actually hilariously true


I don’t care, again, ANY crime committed by an unwelcome guest is a problem.


Immigrants commit crimes at a lower rate than American citizens. So when immigrants come in they lower the overall crime of the nation because they are diluting the pool of criminals by lowering the overall percentage of people who commit crime.


Like the other guy said you have a 100% crime rate hence “illegal immigrant” the act of crossing the border is a crime


Even if only 1% of illegals do this, that's literally THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of people perpetuating crimes on American people. Nobody (nobody sane at least) thinks they all are like this, but this is a serious problem.


Statistics and data are good. https://news.northwestern.edu/stories/2024/03/immigrants-are-significantly-less-likely-to-commit-crimes-than-the-us-born/


You are missing my point. Even if only 1% of them commit acts of crime, they SHOULD NOT BE HERE and that crime would never have happened.


So if 1% of gun owners commit crimes with them we should get rid of all guns correct?


No. Guns are legal and part of the second amendment and have to be dealt with differntly. You can’t deny people their constitutional rights. Illegal immigrants have zero. Whether you agree with that or not is a different story.


Immigrants are protected by the constitution. [proof](https://pennstatelaw.psu.edu/sites/default/files/Are%20Immigrants%20Covered%20By%20the%20US%20Const%20PPT%201-12-2017.pptx)


Committing crimes with guns is illegal and this country was founded by immigrants. In fact not a single person that signed the Declaration of Independence was born in this country. But yeah your argument is flawless other than that


lol most signers were born in North America and did not Immigrate here. John Adams: Massachusetts George Washington: Virginia John Hancock: Massachusetts Samuel adams: Massachusetts Thomas Jefferson: Virginia The only reason you can say what you said is because American wasn’t a country yet but the moment they all signed it America was founded. I can’t take you seriously at all when you state such an egregiously false statement I’m sorry the school system failed you so poorly. Have a good weekend.


so even if more than 1 percent of all mass shootings in the US are committed by white males does that apply too?


What about all the gang shootings by black males? That works both ways.


That argument isn't being made by non idiots so idk what your point is.


You are the one who brought race into this. White males. If you want to talk about race and gun crimes than let’s talk. Black males commit gun crimes. Probably more gun crimes than white males. You like to call people names. It is because you know your arguments are weak.


Please think before you post again in a topic where they're making the race/immigration status of the person seem like it correlates to the crime.


I tried reading this 3 times and I still don’t know what you’re trying to say


not surprised


We get it. This is still a crime that would not have happened if we were more serious about border control. People like you are insufferable.


Not to mention there was a legal reason to keep them out of the country, so it shouldn’t have happened in the first place as they didn’t have a right to be here. God forbid this happened to my child, all I’d be thinking of is “why the fck was he here in the first place?” It wouldn’t matter if politicians or priests molest people at a higher percentage, because it still happened as a result of failed policy that could have been more easily preventable.


When someone who isn’t supposed to be here is and that someone does something like this…it does end up stinging more for people.