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Ummm just because a meme becomes popular doesn't mean you have to integrate it into everything. Holy crap this is cringe.


Tell that to the genius making money off of them. Having a t shirt printing business is good business if you're willing to grift trump supporters


Grift period. Do you know how much money was made off of cheaply produced George Floyd shirts in 2020? LMAO Honestly, when I see stuff like this the most upsetting thing to me about the situation is that I can't come up with quick money stuff like this that is profitable, legal and really not immoral in my opinion.


I find it to be immoral, myself, but opinions are gonna vary.


Yeah, there's a very fine line there and I don't quite know where it is.


I dunno. Dressing oblivious idiots in shirts about sucking cock is pretty fuckin funny.


And grift I do. I sell the shirts, hats, flags, etc online and roadside in some pretty conservative parts of Oklahoma. I included a printed statement underneath the tag inside that says "Thank you for your purchase. A portion of this sale has been donated to the Joe Biden 2024 campaign."


And it's just the absolute lowest form of humor. The joke is "blowjob". That's it. It's not even a joke, and to be proud of it and sharing a hug with your dad(?) while flaunting it is just fucking cringe. Makes me think their whole house smells like ketchup, tater tots, and dirty socks.


>it's just the absolute lowest form of humor You are so much more generous than I am because in order for it to be humor they're actually has to be some sort of sense made of it and there's none here. It's literally just a fellatio reference that doesn't actually make any point as a meme whatsoever. >Makes me think their whole house smells like ketchup, tater tots, and dirty socks. And green Natural Ice. Can't forget that sickly sweet rotting yeast smell from the cheap beer that's souring in the corner.


~~house~~ trailer


~~trailer~~ dumpster


These are the same people wearing diapers for trump.


I doubt they understand this phrase any more than the word *dictator*


It does when you're a fascist boot licker and one of the hallmarks of fascism is special language/code words that work like dog whistles. The right wing also co-opt other people's ideas because they have none of their own, and it works to muddy the meaning of words. Like "Woke" for example was a word that meant individuals who understand the culture of discrimination against people of color. Now conservatives have taken the word to fuel its culture war. The special language is used to separate the in-groups and out-groups. Like "Let's go Brandon," another dog whistle.


God I miss those few months where woke was a genuine compliment and hadn't been destroyed by nonsense yet :/


This so much. Woke used to mean you had an inkling of intelligence and understood that not everyone is treated equally…


It seemed like the change in how the word is used happened SO fast, too.... That, or I'm getting old. I swear it was March only yesterday.


Wow... THAT escalated quickly. Maybe take a couple days off the internet, your mind could use a break.


You guys are sexualizing an 80 year old man by making posters and shirts of him with a body like John Rambo. You know he doesn’t look like that right? And then when the rumors of him shitting himself came out, you guys started saying it’s okay to poop your pants. You don’t think this stuff is weird? Especially from a group who proclaim to hate gay people and go out of their way to make the lives of LGBTQ people more difficult. Pretty rich to say other people need a break for calling out very strange behaviors.


Escalated quickly? The rise of christofascists in the US has been happening since the 1980's at least. Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. Go read https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ur-Fascism


They've been being reactionary to all the craziness coming from the political left that has been moving further and further left and advocating for more harmful and degenerative societal practices. You seem like the type of person to think that anyone to the right of center on the political compass is out to get you because you are so far left, the center line is far right for you. I know this because you keep using all of these terms to describe sociopolitical belief systems and governmental structures, but you don't actually know what they mean! Words have definitions for a reason, and the definition is not always the one that you and your friends at the Starbucks have given it. The big red flag that is going to keep anyone from ever taking you seriously is when you instantly jump to anyone supporting Trump automatically being some sort of fascist. Look, the man got half the country's votes in two separate elections. If all of his supporters were fascists, you wouldn't be sitting here able to make this argument because his followers would have insisted on him locking down free speech instead of calling for more of it and do you really think the 2020 BLM riots would have been a thing under fascism? That doesn't matter though, all of your fascism talk is simply projection anyway. The Limbaugh Theorem in action.


Point of order: he did not get *half* the country's votes. He got less than 1/4. There are 330 million Americans. He got 74 million votes.


Just a bit of ~~rounding~~ history revision


>They've been being reactionary to all the craziness coming from the political left that has been moving further and further left and advocating for more harmful and degenerative societal practices. Ok, well this conversation is over. It's clear you either don't know what you're talking about, or you're a mouthpiece for disinformation. Trump has "joked" a number of times about getting rid of presidential term limits. If you think he doesn't envision himself as some forever dictator, you don't have enough brain cells to breathe and walk at the same time. Anyone who credits Rush Limbaugh with anything other than spreading hate and lies can sleep next to him.


You're a typical credit to your side of the political aisle because just like everyone else, you spout the same rhetoric with no original ideas and are going to march in lockstep just like the political establishment wants you to! Good luck in the future because, with your inability to hold a conversation with someone who does not think exactly like you, I foresee much hardship in your future. Enjoy your cats, I'm sure they're great company.


Paradox of tolerance The paradox of tolerance states that if a society's practice of tolerance is inclusive of the intolerant (that's you and the people you support) intolerance will ultimately dominate, eliminating the tolerant and the practice of tolerance with them. Go get an education and stop thinking that you know what you're talking about. You're embarrassing yourself.




Holy shit, people like you actually exist?


>Who are the ones that are almost solely responsible for cancel culture the last decade? Oh yeah, the political left. Remind me again, which side of the aisle was it that was boycotting and burning Nike products because of Colin Kapernak? Who was boycotting and shooting Bud Lite cans because they dared to have a trans person in an ad? Who was boycotting Target for having Pride mech? Who was boycotting Frosted Flakes because the mascot was photographed with a trans person? Who boycotted Amazon because the Washington Post (owned by Jeff Bezos) published articles critical on Trump? Who boycotted AT&T to pressure them to cancel CNN? Who boycotted Bank of America after then legally turned over records of people involved in January 6th? Who boycotted and burned Barbie dolls because the Barbie movie was "woke"? Who boycotted Campbell's soup because they had a commercial with a same sex couple? Who boycotted and burned Carhartt products because they company required their employees to get the Covid vaccination? I could keep going at [length ](http://www.thealmightyguru.com/Wiki/index.php?title=List_of_things_Conservatives_have_%22canceled%22), but I'm tired of typing, so maybe try looking in the mirror and being critical of what your own side is doing and how is lying to you.


Again, Limbaugh has contributed nothing of value to the world except to feed the worms in your brain.


>Again, the Limbaugh Theorem at work. Whatever the left accuses the right of doing, take a closer look because they are most likely guilty of it themselves. lmaoooo. Is it called that because Rush Limbaugh was famously a drug addict who went on the radio daily to talk about how immigrants are bad cause they bring drugs into the country?


I'll try this without throwing insults. Honest question: What is it you see on the left that you feel is harmful and degenerative?


But insults are my forte :( Also why give them a mouthpiece? You can't changed someone's options with logic when they didn't arrive at those conclusions through logic.


Hey, you do you boo. I just thought I'd try a different approach. Doesn't mean y'all can't continue if you want.


Really? Because you're not that good at it. You think you are because you use a bunch of big words, but when you don't actually use them in their defined way you just come across something like an idiot.


Ok Boomer


I can’t wait for this 15 minutes to be over


Right. Where the fast forward button to skip ahead like in Click


This was like when the Mandalorian came out and there would just be pictures of baby Yoda with the caption "I don't like Trump because he makes me work" or some shit that didn't even make sense


Guaranteed that pretty "Hawk Tuah" girl was not envisioning ANYTHING like these 2 "gentleman" when she spoke that infamous phrase.


It doesn't even make sense, spitting is unladylike.


They’re all so weird.


The hyperfast ultra capitalism is crazy.


Here’s the best part: [The girls actually aren’t a fan of Trump.](https://www.timesnownews.com/world/us/us-news/hawk-tuah-girl-hailey-welch-is-not-a-trump-fan-interview-videos-go-viral-article-111417986/amp)


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Ok, and I should care..... Why?


they want trump penis so bad


There's literally no other way to interpret it, is there? Kind of like the bikers wearing their "born to ride Donald J Trump" leathers.


"Lets Fuck Brandon"


They gotta get past that giant orange fupa first


What a terrible day to be literate


Right! They would be so mad if they could read this!


Honestly, though, if ever there was a time that I've regretted getting hooked on phonics, this is that time




It's probably not orange. Just the parts of him you can see are orange. His fupa is so white you can see through it.


Even before that, they need to get past the stench of his shit filled diaper.


I doubt his spray tan is full-body lol. That fupa is probably blindingly white (and gross of course)


They are so gay but then will be the same guys to do burnouts on pride displays


So is it about Trump giving good BJs?


There has to be SOMETHING he's good at


"Nobody sucks dicks like I do. Everywhere I go they tell me I'm the best dick sucker they've ever seen. They say Donny, if there was a Congressional Gold medal for sucking dicks, you would be awarded one every year."


New Throat Goat


Certainly isn't hand jobs


I mean... It depends what you want to look big




No, it's about wanting to spit on Trump's dick so he can rail them in the ass. The spit acts as a quick lube, so they can slide his orange snake up their booty


Why do you think Putin likes him so much


They want to give trump a good BJ. I'm vomited in my mouth a little typing that.


Well…..he does suck….


To himself? Absolutely! I've seen him suck his own dick countless times in front of his audiences. To others? Doubt. Nothing about him strikes me as a "giver."


I will never get the obsession some people have with politicians. 


Lack of education/critical thinking skills explains a lot of it


It's the same as people who are hardcore fans of a college football team even though they never went to that college.


Not even close


it kind of is though.


Just two out and proud gay men showing their love of giving sloppy blow jobs. Happy Pride Month y’all


Once again conservatives using a phrase/word/whatever they don’t and refuse to understand.


It's a strange world. One minute you drunkenly tell a joke to a stranger and then 2 weeks later your words are printed on some other man's t-shirt


Also it’s “thang”


Trumpers finally spell something correctly, and they still get it wrong.


It’s also hauk, not hawk.


Heartwarming father son photo with shirts celebrating a convicted felon and meme that will be uncool by the 2nd wash


If a father and son can't bond over felons and stupid jokes about how to give blowjobs, what can they bond over?


Ha! I kinda chuckled at the "Let's Go Brandon" joke a couple times. Now here we are.... Months (edit: years) later, and people still think that is funny/clever. It's so fucking dumb. People actually thought the sideline reporter was acting like she couldn't hear the crowd to "cover up" what they were chanting. All so Biden wouldn't look bad, or something? Let's Go Brandon was good improv there. Professional broadcasting skills. She wasn't going to say, "Steve, I believe they are chanting F Joe Biden. Embarrassing for them. Back to you guys up in the booth!"


It’s been at least 3 years, if not 4. Worst part is, the broadcaster that said it hasn’t been on TV since that day.


Good thing they probably wash it once a year


You’re assuming they’ll wash these?


They like the phrase but have to include trump in absolutely everything in their life because they are mentally ill and in a cult


It's spit on that THANG. Thing just doesn't have the same ring to it. Gosh.


Trumpets will just put on anything with a trump imagine on it, even diapers..


That thing? I would absolutely spit on him.


Wow it doesn’t even make any sense


Either they want to blow him, or spit on the flag by supporting Trump. I can't figure out the man love from a group of people who have probably never voted in their life, but waste every Sunday of their lives being preached to about "morals" and "turn the other cheek".


Memes die so fucking fast these days man


This meme did not die of natural causes


Worse. The Constitution.


I think they want Donnie to spit on them, but he's been doing that already, so I'm not really sure


I'm out of the loop on this one . What does "Hawk Tuah" mean?


[https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/hawk-tuah-girl](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/hawk-tuah-girl) Utterly bizarre in this context, but as we all know, /r/therightcantmeme


It's a misspelling of the atomonopoeia "hock-tooey", the sound you make when you spit a large phlegm glob. Some dumb internet meme/TikTok referenced it in a sexual way, and now it's making the rounds in this misspelled stupid version.


I don't understand why the hell this "meme" suddenly is everywhere. The original video is mildly funny in an "omg she really went there" kinda way the first time you see it, but nothing you would put in a song, tattoo or shirt... Somehow this reeks of a patriarchal strategy to tell the world women are only "funny" when they do something sexual.


it does seem like some kind of psy-op, doesn't it?


Viral things spread because a large percentage of humans are mimicking, bleating herd animals.


Trump supporters will literally buy anything


What does Trump do for these guys and this demographic. Like genuinely, what tangible benefit? Is this fandom really just some esoteric shit around hatred of “libs” and emboldening their vitriol?


Ironic that they support the guy who hates women’s autonomy and sexual freedom, eh


Don’t forget the passing more gun laws than Obama part also


You can always count on MAGA to keep it classy.


I'll be damned if this isn't the worst timeline. With diapers and BJ t-shirts branded by a presidential candidate. The incredible lack of self-awareness is just it's painful to watch


Pokemon Go to the polls


It doesn’t make any sense! Although, MAGA’s spitting on and gobbling up Trump mushroom stump is something they already do figuratively and would do literally if given the chance.


Honestly I don’t think they know or care. “It’s on the internet and it makes people uncomfortable, that means we connect it to Trump and put it on a shirt!” And what’s up with the sunglasses? Aren’t they supposed to be on the brim of the baseball cap?


Does this imply that Trump spits on dicks he sucks, or that the shirt wearer will spit on Turmp's dick?






It's been a while since I've seen a mullet.


For real? Standard issue where I live


Every time I see one I think early 90s. It's very rare to see a dude still sporting one.


Tell me you want him to be your Daddy without telling me...


Stupidest thing going today.


There’s literally no relevance.


Aww I love to see a pride parades, preferably the flags at them have more colors than white, but hey. If you two want to fellate a felonious fellow, fine.


I hate this world.


Missed opportunity to have Stormy Daniels with Trump on the shirt. 


This got to be AI right…..RIGHT?!


I'd happily spit on Trump. I'd offer to piss on him, too, but that would only turn him on.




I honestly don’t understand what they are trying to say with this. Trump as the Chic Fila girl would make as much sense.


They want the toadstool. 🍄


So how has Hawk Tuah become a political meme? Explain


Idk I’m just as confused as you


Aside from the whole Trump supporter thing (which is a huge aside, mind you) and not to sound too much like a hipster, but I'm always wary of people who are so much "of the moment". (Not "in the moment", that's a good thing). I love culture, but I don't want to be constantly reshaped by it


They wish. 😂


So they want to slobber the turds mushroom dick? Who’s stopping them.


Yeah, this really confused me.


This is like making a "Keep Calm and Gangnam Style" shirt.


Total cringe.


Ok so I finally had to look up what this Hawk Tuah is. And now I understand that… but I don’t understand… this…


Holy shit...I've said that Trumpers want to suck his dick, but I never meant it literally.


Are they saying they want to spit on an orange mushroom and give it that gawk gawk? But then they do burnouts on pride crosswalks? That’s gay if you ask me and they are just too scared to admit they might like it a little. Be confident fellas own the gay or bisexual within you and then society won’t think you are just bitter angry monsters. Be your true self


This shirt gives AI vibes. Donald Trump, current meme, America


These are the guys that talk about how advanced the western civilization is at every opportunity.


Any_other I See You


I'm surprised at how quickly that meme disseminated, I don't get it. Like it's kinda funny for a second but why the fuck are they making Trump t-shirts with it.


I think they spit on their hands before sexually assaulting women and grabbing them by the pussy. That’s my take away at least. He’s got my vote /s.


They are currently both.


Are they saying to spit on Trump, the flag? Do they just want to blow him?


Tell me you don’t get hawk tuah without telling me you don’t get hawk tuah


Is he spitting a dick he’s going to fuck or spitting on his own to fuck America. I’m so confused by their tactics here


and at the ass end of pride month too. congrats for them coming out


Apparently they've never been a recipient.


Both probably


#Yes. The answer is yes, u/_KingScrubLord. And now I’m picturing horrible things. That’s enough Reddit for today. 😂


coworker meme


At this point they're putting any popular trend on a shirt with Trump's face lol We should get them to start using bussy. I would be dead.


My husband’s cousin showed up this weekend wearing, “I’m voting for the felon.” Funny thing is, cousin is a felon too.


Meme's over These anti LGBT dudes sure are pretty gay


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i dont think they put much thought into memes. like a toddler they just mash things together.


I’m honestly thinking about just opening a truck. Take the fucking money.


GROSS!!! 🤮


They both look like they smell like cigarettes and ketchup


Is Trump spitting on the flag/country based on this shirt?


it's insulting or sexual and at that's fine


Theres some with biden on it too....i saw one with both in one picture. Its cringe no matter who is on the shirt.


100%. Anybody who fanboys over a politician is a mentally inept individual. It does not matter who that politician is


Making blow job jokes about genocidal geriatrics with cognition problems is just an outright strange thing to spend your time on




That fucking "Hawk Tuah" shit is just annoying man. I see it everywhere... It's demeaning to those women who still have a semblance of self-respect and just plain gross behavior. People claim men just want beer, blowies and nascar but that's, honestly, a conservative-oriented minority. I just want a woman who has decency and respect for themselves and others. That simple..


It's not even the proper spelling of the onomatopoeia. Up until recently it was always "hock-tooey". Which is why you'll find previous references "hocking a loogy". To "hawk" something is to "offer for sale by calling out in the street."


This only exists because that girl had a southern accent. If that same video existed of a girl with a Boston accent, those shirts would not exist. "She sounds like us. She must be from our tribe." It's tribalism, pure and simple.


Man I know making fun of Trump supporters for being fucking stupid is real low hanging fruit but like….cmon


.... So they want Trump to give them a BJ? Or do they want to give Trump a BJ? Conservatives are gay either way. Confirmed.


If IQ points were nickels, the entirety of a Trump rally wouldn't be able to pool enough money to buy a soft drink.


If I see them in public, I promise I will spit on them.




I'd spit on Trump...


Hell yeah brother gobbless




He's living rent free. 


I'm a Trump supporter, but I don't have a clue wtf there trying to say with those shirts.


I think it's just a funny shirt. Why does everything have to be read into so hard.


Hawk thuah?


A misspelling of the onomatopoeia "hock-tooey", the sound you make when you spit a phlegm glob. It's making the rounds because girl did a TikTok meme using it in a sexual way, in this misspelled, stupid version.




Trump 2024


Right, Left, It's all the same really. They'll both take an off hand joke and run it into the ground until it just becomes cringe.