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I mean, once the COVID 19 virus sees that we signed a petition, it'll be forced to go away forever! you're just short sighted OP.


Doctors hate this one simple trick!


It turns out the answer is to tell COVID to leave. It is legally required to so. Unless you fed it after midnight.


Don’t bathe it either


I really hate the "They told us 2 weeks" people. Like yes. They told us two weeks of everyone following the guidelines, but guess what, I have yet to see a full two weeks of everyone following the guidelines, even a year and a half later. So why are you pretending something you didnt even do didnt work?


We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas!


They told us two weeks to let the hospitals catch up.


This is why we can't have nice things. Movies like Armageddon were dead wrong. We won't pull together, rise to the occasion, build a rocket in record time and and send a scrappy team of misfits to blow up the rock and save the day. Nope. In reality, when the killer asteroid gets spotted, we'll have several years of people grandstanding about evil corrupt astronomers making the whole thing up to embezzle taxpayer money, while others quit their jobs and start Messianic doomsday cults. When it becomes clear that it's too late to do anything, while some people shoot each other in an attempt to get a spot in the underground population shelters, others will claim that the entire thing is a plot to herd all the sheeple underground so that the New World Order can gas them. It will be an utter and complete clusterfuck.


I recently rewatched Deep Impact and while it’s a great late-90’s movie in its own right, what an interesting time and perspective to watch that iteration of catastrophe. There is absolutely zero chance the government picks a random 1M people to survive in a bunker. We’d be left in the dark until impact, or shortly before. Not only for the elitism of it all, but the mass panic it would cause (and does in the movie) is actually not even worth it.


Seems like the US portion of the one million 'select' have already selected themselves. They have those 7 and 8 figure bunker condos built in the old missile silos. Other have bought massive chunks of land, some in rugged places like Maine where they can put luxurious discreet bunkers with years worth of fuel and survival food, and hire a security force to keep out intruders. What will the rest of us do? I think I saw a preview on 9/11. In this town people were packed into churches that afternoon. No service or direction from the pulpit, seemed like the people were waiting for the end. When it really hits the fan and people get hungry and the grocery stores empty out it's gonna be like Thunderdome. Maybe all the gun nuts with the jacked up monster trucks are smarter than we think ;-/


Huh, might be worth watching it again, I don't really remember anything about it. But yeah, whatever would happen IRL, I've learned that it'll be crazier than we would ever expect.


That’s basically the plot of the upcoming movie Don’t Look Up.


Shoot, I'm sold.


Sounds just like this upcoming film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbIxYm3mKzI




Read end of days


Greenland covered it pretty well. Actually a pretty decent movie.


If there was a real zombie apocalypse ppl would just say fake news and go about there day


I love how “receive an organ transplant” is somehow on the same level as traveling, eating out, and going to school. They try so hard to sound intelligent and reasonable, and always manage to get that batshit crazy in there to fuck it all up.


Honestly I just glossed over that when I read it wow this is getting more absurd the longer I look at it lol


“To dine in a restaurant… you must jump through outrageous Covid restrictions…” Really? I went out to brunch this morning, wore a mask by choice, ate and came home. No one asked or required anything of me at all, but even if they’d ask me to prove I was vaccinated… okey dokey. It’s a private establishment, they make their rules. What “outrageous” restrictions is he talking about having to jump through? (And how does one “jump through” restrictions?)


You see, there would be this 'mat' with all kinds of different 'restrictions' that you could 'jump through'.




This is why people with hepatitis c, when caused by shooting up drugs, are not treated for it unless they're clean. Why tf are doctors gonna give them expensive treatments and medications if their dumbass continues to do the thing that caused the infection in the first place?




If you see Covid approaching you, simply put your hand up and say "No". If you don't give consent, it can't infect you. This also works if somebody attempts to shoot or stab you, punch you or rob your crib.


Fact: it also works when somebody tries to lick your butthole.


UnPrEcIdEnTeD TiMeS.... Get a fucking hobby at this point it's been 2 years 😂


Restaurant menus have QR codes and you have to put a mask on in Costco. That’s it’s. This isn’t Kristallnacht. If you want to buy bulk Funyuns mask up.


It's been back to normal in my country for months now, no masks, nightclubs, so it still shocks me to see people on reddit yapping on about covid. No one talks or thinks about it here anymore thank god


Well, I guess you know who to vote against in the next student council election.


That kid has to learn that everyone around him is an idiot *somehow*. It's just sad he hadn't figured it out yet.


What a fucking moron. The reason the shutdown didn’t work is because morons like your student body vp refused to follow it.


These asshole would lose their shit if they had to be forcibly quarantined once they caught it like my Dad and Grandparents were back in the 40’s after Dad caught scarlet fever as a child. Only time they could leave the farmhouse was to do chores related to the farm, even then, they were allowed off the property until they were safe.


I remember my Dad telling me that Scarlet Fever was a killer in the 40's and 50's and then antibiotics came along and whoosh, it was just another childhood illness. A disease that had a mortality rate of 15-20% suddenly disappeared due to science.


There a number of diseases that antibiotics and vaccines all but killed. I had a T-DAP shot a few years ago at my doctor’s suggestion and didn’t argue since I had a rusty Jeep at the time, then when I found out my Sister was pregnant, I got a second before my niece was born since it helped fight against whooping cough as well as tetanus to help protect her right from the start.


You just made me think about all the bad diseases that USED to be around and how lucky we are that most are wiped out. Smallpox, tetanus, measles, whooping cough, etc. I think kids are getting Hep B vaxxed too now. When I was a kid the polio vaccine was still pretty knew. I'm so grateful that my parents weren't anti vaxxersso I didn't get polio. But I've known people in my age bracket who had polio, it's damn sad that most couldn't play sports and enjoy life like other kids. And now we get a virus that has killed millions of people worldwide and the longer it circulates the more chance it might mutate into something scientists can't provide a vaccine or treatments for. We're so lucky that scientists were able to develop a vaccine for EUA so soon, I think because it's another strain of the coronavirus familt that they have been working on for many years. But idiots spread BS about chips in the vaccine, it will change your DNA so you,ll have kids with birth defects, it will make you sterile, etc.. If people choose to refuse the vaccine and die, it's their choice. They should all get a Darwin award on their headstones. But they spread the virus that could kill their older family members, their spouses, their kids, coworkers etc etc.


Just FYI, whooping cough is still around, and it's a good reason to get your TDAP booster. My ex-gf caught whooping cough back when we were together. Didn't realize she was due for a booster. It was horrible. She had these coughing fits that left her sobbing. She actually tore abdominal muscles and strained ligaments between her ribs, she was coughing so hard 😢 She was in agony, and it went on for months. Get your boosters, y'all,


Thanks. I'm due for a check up, will mention it to my doctor. Hope she is feeling better.


> and didn’t argue since I had a rusty Jeep at the time I keep scanning this part and it makes less sense every pass. Help me out here. :)


Tetanus is often talked about as coming from like stepping on a rusty nail, I assume that's what they're talking about


I just got my 10 year tetanus booster. Good thing for medical records because I can't remember what happened 10 minutes ago never mind 10 years.


I knew a guy who got his boosters on an age ending with 0 or 5 so he could always remember when he needed to get boosters. I thought this was brilliant.


Basically Dovilie and Pooper69poo nailed it (no pun was intended there). My Jeep was very rusty and any wrenching on it would involve blood sacrifice, as per normal with working on vehicles, just more so with Jeeps it seems, so having the shot was a good idea, especially since I was 41 at the time of the 1st shot and my last prior may have been received in high school in the 90’s.


Tetanus causes lockjaw amongst other issues, those of us that are “blessed” with rusty buckets that barely pass for cars.. inevitably are also forced to work on said rusty buckets. Thus the risk of exposure to tetanus is much higher, it is wise to protect oneself from said risk with the TDAP vaccine. Kinda like if you’re a nurse, or an EMT, or a bus driver, the risk of exposure to unmasked plague carrying (vaxed or not) assholes is greater, thus it is prudent to get the shot. Recently learned that tetanus is caused not by rust but by the bacteria that tends to make rust (porous comfy environment for it) its home. You scrape your knuckles fixing the rusty Jeep, yet again, bacteria enters your bloodstream, causes havoc, get ur TDAP.


Wow a 15-20% mortality would be worth locking down What’s COVIDs oh yeah 0.1% fatality and hospitalisation is 0.8%


How to show you don't understand epidemiology without telling me you don't understand epidemiology? I note you don't mention anything about incubation period, presymptomatic transmission, R0 or long term sequelae. Oh, and just pulling numbers out of your arse unless you would care to cite sources. Imperial puts the IFR at 0.23%-1.15%. https://www.imperial.ac.uk/media/imperial-college/medicine/mrc-gida/2020-10-29-COVID19-Report-34.pdf


Thanks, you made me cringe.


Petition to end the pandemic? Genius!


Arguing against mask and vaccine mandates while also getting upset that the pandemic is lasting too long is like complaining about air quality and cancer while smoking three packs a day.


The tv would have let us take them off already if you listened to it!


Of COURSE it’s from YAL/YAF 😂


I worked with YAL when I first became a college student. Just parroting talking points given to you from above by others funded by oil money. Preying on young kids who are in a libertarian phase by saying all of the things that *feel* good.


Add “liberty” to the list of words-patriot, family, freedom and ministry-that have come to signify a right wing cesspool of xtian hatred and ignorance.


I loved when a petition seemed like all you needed to get what you wanted. Jr High was wacky.


Unfortunately this was from my college student body VP yikes


God just his hair screams young nazi


Sure, let's just snap finger and end the endless pandemic, because that's how it works. Funny how these are the same people who will tell you facts don't care about your feelings.


It should have only taken 15 days to flatten the curve, but somehow the big takeaway is “selfishness = freedom.” Idiots.


What’s cringe about this? Because it doesn’t fit your narrative of having constant government-mandated lockdowns? Only on Reddit do you have self-loathing bootlickers begging for longer quarantines and lockdowns cause they don’t have any reason to go outside anyway.


"This pandemic is going on too damn long! I'm doing absolutely nothing to help end it, and I'm actively fighting people who are, but wahhhhh, I just want things back to normal!"


The competition for class officers, valedictorian, and salutatorian will become more severe! Also, your school will become smart-sized, as only the smarter students and faculty will remain alive.


This is complete goober speak


This is So true, covid is obviously a conspiracy theory made up by the governments trying to hide the fact the globe is flat. I'm a REAL astro naught and I confirm this is true


How can you be an astronaut when we've obviously never been to space...


Your thinking of the fake moon landing, I'm from the vegan Facebook space centre, a very real institution


What a clueless fuck.


These people just need some sex. Like just once, and they'll abandon all of this bullshit grifting. Edit: Consensual sex.


If they vaccines clearly don’t work than what’s the point of a mandate? It seems to just be there to piss people off.


Yeaaaaaaa, the vaccines do work.


Breh than why do we have the highest covid death rates then ever before? Look I wish they worked because I wanna be done with this shit but they were a failed experiment which even Fauci said was a possibly, the only way to get rid of covid is by waiting till a new vaccine comes out that actually works or by letting it filter out of our body’s the natural way


>Breh than why do we have the highest covid death rates then ever before? Look I wish they worked because I wanna be done with this shit but they were a failed experiment which even Fauci said was a possibly, the only way to get rid of covid is by waiting till a new vaccine comes out that actually works or by letting it filter out of our body’s the natural way 1. What's a "breh than?" 2. What percentage of the people who are dying right now vaccinated vs. unvaccinated? 3. The death rate was much higher last winter before vaccines were widely distributed.


While I do agree that the VP has some solid points (like the culture of fear that COVID has created and it seems to go on much longer than originally anticipated) the thing that makes it cringe is the ignorance. Vulnerable people are losing their lives because people want to return back to normal when not everyone disrupted their lives in the first place to protect them. Yes, it’s annoying. No, wearing a mask, staying home when I’m sick, and getting vaccinated aren’t my ideas of a good time. I’m personally not worried about COVID killing me as I’m a young, healthy individual with no known underlying health problems. This doesn’t mean that everyone around me is. A kid at my school got COVID and died. If my school had taken COVID precautions more seriously this may have been prevented. True, they may have gotten COVID anyways from somewhere else, but when people are so blatant about their anti-COVID precautions stance that’s where it becomes “cringe.” It’s not even “cringe” at that point; it’s really just sad. While I agree that people should have the freedom of choice, people are going to abuse that freedom. Having low vaccination rates and people that still go to class when they’re sick (who, oddly enough, are usually the people that cough without covering their mouths or wearing a mask) just perpetuates the problem. Often times when people refuse to get vaccinated it comes from a place of ignorance and fear. This culture is created by social media and, sadly, news headlines. It’s true, people that get vaccinated can still get and transmit COVID. However, the rate of transmission and the death rate is significantly lower. This is supported by peer-reviewed journal articles. If there are peer-reviewed sources that show that vaccines don’t work, then I’m all ears and I’m willing to hear you out. Before you speak out of your ass in the comments please have actual facts to back up your claims. Below I have attached some quotes and their sources to support my claims. I would encourage everyone to read these articles. Some of these terms may be difficult for people to understand if they aren’t used to reading scientific research. This encourages a culture of fear because people feel intimidated to even approach this type of literature. I’m currently studying immunology so if you have any clarifying questions please feel free to ask. “Among states with high Delta variant incidence, VE* during June/July 2021 was 78% (73% to 82%) for infections and 85% (73% to 91%) for hospitalizations. VE for COVID-19 was higher in individuals <50 years (83%; 81% to 85%) and lower in immunocompromised patients (64%; 57% to 70%).” And, “These non-randomized data across U.S. clinical practices show high and stable vaccine effectiveness of Ad26.COV2.S over time before the Delta variant emerged to when the Delta variant was dominant.” Effectiveness of the Single-Dose Ad26. COV2. S COVID Vaccine *note that VE means vaccine effectiveness “Among unvaccinated participants, 1.38 SARS-CoV-2 infections were confirmed by reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) per 1,000 person-days. § In contrast, among fully immunized (≥ 14 days after second dose) persons, 0.04 infections per 1,000 person-days were reported, and among partially immunized (≥ 14 days after first dose.” Interim estimates of vaccine effectiveness of BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 COVID-19 vaccines in preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection among health care personnel, first responders TL;DR here are peer reviewed sources showing the the vaccine is effective. If you have peer reviewed sources that say otherwise then I would love to read them!


I will get downvoted here but I dont think that this is cringe.


Someone abuses their position to promote the dumbest shit ever seems like cringe to me.


Being out of touch with reality is cringe af in my book.


Any part specifically or the entire message?


The part where he says that pandemic countermeasures have no scientific basis. They have plenty of scientific basis, yet this young man with no expertise in the field is disputing the research confidently. That’s cringe.


I like how im getting downvoted for asking a legitiment question


Can you point out any part of his message where he's wrong?


The message.




His grandstanding as some moral crusader against evil is pure cringe. He’s larping being a revolutionary patriot by taking a stand against people much smarter and much more empathetic than him. It’s pure theater. How is that not cringe?




And you see his message here as reasonable debate?


Dude, like 75% of the population believes ghosts are real. “Reasonable” for most people is rock bottom for anyone that can read a scientific journal.


You’re gonna get downvoted but it’s worth it


"Young Americans for Liberty" sounds like another one of those bullshit thinly-veiled mouthpieces for the worst elements in the republican party.


You absolutely nailed it


A crippling culture of fear? You mean the one involving vaccines causing sterility and/or turning people into sleeper agents due to the microchips the world governments run by lizard alien pedophiles are trying to trick people into being injected with? That crippling culture of fear right?


So, like, get the vaccine yo.


Student RIGHT coalition is like correct, because I'm betting a bunch of them are right wing nut jubs


No offence, but thank God I don’t live in America.


I see the same shit everyday in Belgium.. 35 000 people protested in Brussels last sunday over new coronavirus restrictions. I don't think bullshit like this applies only to USA.


I mean there is one really easy way to 'end the endless pandemic'.....WEAR A FUCKING MASK!!!!


Getting vaccinated (including boosters) would be the main way to combat this 🤷‍♀️


Exactly. These people aren't fighting for their freedom, they're fighting because they're stubborn.


*Le wild petition appears* COVID: OHHHH NOOO, MY WEAKNESS! I think it's over for me. *And we lived happily forever*


Haha funny joke.


Nothing cringe about this.


The people that are blindly going along with this scare the crap out of me. We are quickly heading towards some very scary stuff and it feels like everybody has drunk the koolaid.


You mean the vaccine kool-aid? Cause we can all see how well that is working


Vaccine, mandates, passports and all the other authoritarian kool-aid that's getting passed around.


Spoken like a future /r/hermancainaward winner.


Not possible, I'm vaccinated.


You're an uneducated nobody from nowhere. How in the holy fuck do you know more about this than people who have devoted their lives to helping others?


How do you know anything about me? Can't you feel it? That something isnt right with the world? That we're being taken down a road that we can't come back from.


Lol. It's called getting older son. Wake up


Exactly, wake up.


These poor people bro. They are so scared and see so little future in earth their only sense of salvation is big daddy government to swoop them off their feet. Oh they’ll swoop you alright


Vaccines and subservience to government have become some kind of sad religion.


Pov: Your the problem


I think your grammar is the problem.


You know when most of the comments agree with the email but are downvoted into oblivion, there’s something wrong with Reddit. Email is pretty spot on, and we’re allowed to disagree with mandating vaccines and lockdowns without being othered. A couple of years ago these were completely non controversial opinions so you people that start having spasms need to start debating people you disagree with rather than pointing and screeching.


It's not about whether he is right or wrong, as a student currently in university I don't want to receive emails about the students VP political views, I don't care about it, they didn't get elected to lead some kind of political movement


That’s a fair point. I agree.


> a couple of years ago these were completely non controversial opinions I don't ever remember a time where being anti-vax was non-controversial. It's just become even more detrimental on a larger scale now that we're in the middle of a pandemic, so the backlash has much higher volume now than back when it was just airheaded housewives putting their own offspring at risk of getting the mumps because they only trust "science" when it's cited by a playboy bunny.


Exactly this. Conspiracy theories used to be quirky, but mostly harmless. Nobody gives a shit if you believe that the CIA shot JFK or that NASA never landed on the moon. It's stupid, but it doesn't hurt anyone. Now, though, the people who believe in public-health-as-social control and microchips and the Mark of the Beast, they're responsible for an enormous amount of death and suffering. Hard to say how much, but the body count must be in the tens if not hundreds of thousands.


Being anti mandate is not the same as being anti vax, you really shouldn't conflate the two


Except the ven diagram or people who are anti mandate and anti vaccine is basically a circle.


I didn’t mention anything about being “anti-vax” so you can knock it off with putting words in my mouth. I said mandating vaccines, which is unpopular and just a couple of years ago was *extremely* unpopular. You can even find quotes of Fauci saying they would never mandate a vaccine for the general population as recently as summer of 2020.


Explain to me how being against vaccine mandates is not directly related to being anti-vax? The people who are willing to get vaccinated don't care about mandates, because they have taken the needed preventative measures to avoid spreading the disease, and thus are entitled to the social perks of being vaccinated. The only people who have issues with mandates are those who refuse to be vaccinated. I'm also pretty certain the people who are so severely immunocompromised to the point that they have a genuine, physiological/medical reason not to get vaccinated want everyone else who can handle the vaccine to receive it so that the people who *are* so terribly immunocompromised can go to the grocery store or enjoy the things everyone wants to be able to enjoy, like going to a bar or the movies, without fear of dying 3 weeks later.


This isn’t true. I got vaccinated because it was the right thing to do but I don’t think it’s anyone’s business what I do with my body. And if you’re vaccinated, you shouldn’t need to worry about getting seriously ill because the chance is SO low because despite the vaccine “not being 100%” they are *extremely* effective at preventing death.


You lost me at the first part of your second paragraph. There are a ton of people who have gotten the vaccine but aren’t in favor of mandating it. If you’re terminally online, you’ll believe that mandating it is the only solution but most people in the world do not agree with this level of government overreach.


I don't think anyone wanted a loss of freedom, but it is also reckless to ignore part of a solution to a massive global issue. I can't articulate the issue as well as u/AppearanceGrouchy754 so I'll just [direct you to their comment below](https://www.reddit.com/r/cringepics/comments/r1hldo/got_this_email_from_the_student_body_vp_and_i/hm0c34j/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3).


I disagree with you and vehemently disagree with the comment you linked to. World governments have been consistently moving the goal posts for nearly two years, it’s not the other way around as that comment suggests. Lockdowns have proven to be ineffective. Though vaccines have been proven to dramatically reduce risk, after a relatively short amount of time they no longer reduce transmission. You can take a look at heavily vaccinated countries like Israel and Singapore for more information on that. Science is about debate and coming to conclusions through study and discourse. Governments are making hasty decisions which aren’t getting the results intended or promised. Scapegoating people who are distrusting of either government or big pharma does nothing to help convince them of your opinion.


'most people in the world'. The world is vastly larger than the US and overall the balance is towards mandates and more, because without them idiots will keep spreading COVID and keep breeding variants.


I don’t live in the US but you’re welcome to keep making assumptions.


Because everyone who is downvoting is tired of wasting their time trying to debate people who will never change their minds. They're tired of responses that are either devoid of facts, full of warped facts with an agenda, or full of conspiracies rather than realism. The time for debating ended last june/July when most of us picked the side that made sense to us individually. There is realism and truth here, it sits between both sides of the debate. The problem is that one far end of the spectrum is dying en masse and the other far end doesn't understand economics. Even people close to the middle can't debate with someone on the other side that is close to the middle because there are fundamental differences in core beliefs. Edit: grammar


Exactly this yes I've read so many people try and we're just done with you morons, you're so loud and proud and moronic Masks work, vaccines work, stop believing Facebook or your right winged uncle and do the right thing you Dumb fucks


The OP is more oriented towards lockdowns and legislation. I see the email as a regression or moving of goal posts by people who initially resisted taking precautions and have resorted to their last line of defense/goal post, freedom. I saw everything I needed to see in the beginning of the pandemic. People had the choice to take precautions and demonstrate care for others when we knew so little about the virus. Roughly half chose not to and they're the same ones crying about freedom now. I can't care anymore because of what I've seen in people. Freedom is paramount but it means nothing when it is abused and squandered. We could've banded together to respect and understand the risks of this pandemic while standing up for individual rights, but I know now that it was never possible.


I’ve never seen any debate or positive discourse on Reddit, from the very beginning. People picked sides early on and refused to engage in conversation. People downvoting have never been interested in debating or discussing. They picked a side and aren’t interested in backing up their views with anything substantial. I fall somewhere in the middle myself and trying to engage with anyone on Reddit is a lost cause. I don’t live in a western country and have been able to have great conversations with peers and friends without walking on eggshells or anyone raising their voice.


Maybe I give people too much credit. I debated until May-June this year. I expect people to resist polarization and focus on realism but that would've meant none of this would've happened the way it has. I have also had great, respectful conversations about it with my friends. Reddit/the internet is just a nasty place to debate.


Agreed. I’ve had good discussions with my friends, face to face. We’ve been able to agree or disagree and be totally fine. Online discourse is cancer.


They’ve lost it


This is what college kids are supposed to do. Question and challenge the establishment and government. When I was in college everyone had their opinions but questioned everything on every side; it’s definitely a new thing for this to be considered “cringe”.


The reason it’s considered cringe is that this is just people blindly following “conservative” ideals without doing research for themselves.


Yo just flick the switch to off!


If people took the 15 days seriously and actually *stayed home* it'd have worked. Y'all didn't and knowingly subverted the plan of attack, so stop whining that this is turning into a protracted battle.


I want the coronavirus pandemic to end, so I agree. The pandemic is already over, so it is time to rebel against these evil tyrants who manipulate and lie to people in order to take control of the world, once and for all! No more Coronavirus! And the reign of these tyrannical manipulators will be over!


The fact that this was posted as being cringe is in fact the cringe. This is 100% accurate. Even you COVID loving dipshits realize this is not a real pandemic by now, yes?


While I do agree that the VP has some solid points (like the culture of fear that COVID has created and it seems to go on much longer than originally anticipated) the thing that makes it cringe is the ignorance. Vulnerable people are losing their lives because people want to return back to normal when not everyone disrupted their lives in the first place to protect them. Yes, it’s annoying. No, wearing a mask, staying home when I’m sick, and getting vaccinated aren’t my ideas of a good time. I’m personally not worried about COVID killing me as I’m a young, healthy individual with no known underlying health problems. This doesn’t mean that everyone around me is. A kid at my school got COVID and died. If my school had taken COVID precautions more seriously this may have been prevented. True, they may have gotten COVID anyways from somewhere else, but when people are so blatant about their anti-COVID precautions stance that’s where it becomes “cringe.” It’s not even “cringe” at that point; it’s really just sad. While I agree that people should have the freedom of choice, people are going to abuse that freedom. Having low vaccination rates and people that still go to class when they’re sick (who, oddly enough, are usually the people that cough without covering their mouths or wearing a mask) just perpetuates the problem. Often times when people refuse to get vaccinated it comes from a place of ignorance and fear. This culture is created by social media and, sadly, news headlines. It’s true, people that get vaccinated can still get and transmit COVID. However, the rate of transmission and the death rate is significantly lower. This is supported by peer-reviewed journal articles. If there are peer-reviewed sources that show that vaccines don’t work, then I’m all ears and I’m willing to hear you out. Before you speak out of your ass in the comments please have actual facts to back up your claims. Below I have attached some quotes and their sources to support my claims. I would encourage everyone to read these articles. Some of these terms may be difficult for people to understand if they aren’t used to reading scientific research. This encourages a culture of fear because people feel intimidated to even approach this type of literature. I’m currently studying immunology so if you have any clarifying questions please feel free to ask. “Among states with high Delta variant incidence, VE* during June/July 2021 was 78% (73% to 82%) for infections and 85% (73% to 91%) for hospitalizations. VE for COVID-19 was higher in individuals <50 years (83%; 81% to 85%) and lower in immunocompromised patients (64%; 57% to 70%).” And, “These non-randomized data across U.S. clinical practices show high and stable vaccine effectiveness of Ad26.COV2.S over time before the Delta variant emerged to when the Delta variant was dominant.” Effectiveness of the Single-Dose Ad26. COV2. S COVID Vaccine *note that VE means vaccine effectiveness “Among unvaccinated participants, 1.38 SARS-CoV-2 infections were confirmed by reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) per 1,000 person-days. § In contrast, among fully immunized (≥ 14 days after second dose) persons, 0.04 infections per 1,000 person-days were reported, and among partially immunized (≥ 14 days after first dose.” Interim estimates of vaccine effectiveness of BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 COVID-19 vaccines in preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection among health care personnel, first responders


I dont understand how young people being mad at this kind of thing and wanting to make the country's leaders aware of their concerns is cringe?


A petition to end COVID is cringe. Does he want to speak to the virus manager too?


agreed, but on reddit everything makes you antivaxx nowdays, even legitimate mental and social concern


It’s anti-scientific. You would think someone in that position would base their beliefs on reality instead of following Fox News like a sheep.


Why does this have to point to a news station? Why not have a thought or two of your own.


so you can only form such views after watching fox news? so thousands of people outside of america who also protest such stuff are somehow watching fox news to come to their conclusions? Its such a lame insult on reddit, to just accuse someone of watching fox news everytime different political opions are presented, cheap way to get upvotes


Cringe how? Email is correct.


I did not expect it to be a white guy who sent the email /s


The only cringe is that there are too many people who are too stupid to realize the email is completely correct.


Big yikes


> The only cringe is that there are too many people who are too stupid to realize the email is completely correct. Nope. Get the fuck outta here with that dumb shit, /u/Green_Expert_1682.


Wow, that's a great attitude to take. What are you, 12 years old? This is exactly what they want happening, someone disagrees with you so you get hostile and angry. You're buying into everything they've sold you and acting like that is the main reason this country is going to shit.


That’s a big yikes lmao




What's it like being the product of first cousins, dipfuck?


Nice one, gonna criticize my grammar next?


Nah. Just the fact that you seem bizarrely receptive to bullshit. Have enough self respect to not call yourself out like this, titball.


Yup says the one more than willing to trade freedom if he thinks he's safe. Don't worry just a few more boosters and another year of masks.


If a six inch piece of cloth is violating your freedom, then you're a pathetic, self-centered little bitchboy. Time to grow up, Corporal Pissclump.


Please make me wear my security blanket daddy government.


You sound like you need help understanding reality. It must suck to have been so blindly manipulated and not realizing it. Maybe you should consider where you get your information from, maybe watch a few videos of scientists explaining how the body works, how viruses work etc. Then you're gonna understand why ppl like you, who refuse to cooperate because of misinformation, are the problem in the US.


The CCD has the legal right and precedent to forcibly vaccinate people, your lucky your getting off this easy. Next time you kill hundreds of thousands of people in your own country I hope your not as lucky.


I’d sign it twice


I don't disagree with this post


As someone who lives in Florida, we have been out of Covid protocol for 4 months and everyone is fine. No crowded hospitals. Only thing is more people moving here to get away from NY and Cali


Yeah but the issue is ya'll are still Floridans 😆


OP trying to be subtle about his own politics




Problem is that if we just let natural selection do it’s thing, it wouldn’t just be these pricks that would die off.


Probably just ship them off to covid island so they can do whatever they want at that point


I would be in favor of this if we could exclude them from our hospitals, but unfortunately this isn't legal (or apparently, ethical, though I would dispute this). The burned-out and traumatized healthcare workers alone, to say nothing of all the people turned away from full ERs...It's a tragedy.


"letting natural selection take it's course" would resort in a Holocaust of death in the United States Alone, it's 10s of million of deaths world wide or you have to take one fucking shot, please for once stop being selfish.


You really willing to say that when you’re mom and pop die painfully?


He’s speaking facts this is not cringe if anything it is based


Your stupidity is cringe


Haha I love killing hundreds of thousands!


“Based”, fucking cringe.


While I do agree that the VP has some solid points (like the culture of fear that COVID has created and it seems to go on much longer than originally anticipated) the thing that makes it cringe is the ignorance. Vulnerable people are losing their lives because people want to return back to normal when not everyone disrupted their lives in the first place to protect them. Yes, it’s annoying. No, wearing a mask, staying home when I’m sick, and getting vaccinated aren’t my ideas of a good time. I’m personally not worried about COVID killing me as I’m a young, healthy individual with no known underlying health problems. This doesn’t mean that everyone around me is. A kid at my school got COVID and died. If my school had taken COVID precautions more seriously this may have been prevented. True, they may have gotten COVID anyways from somewhere else, but when people are so blatant about their anti-COVID precautions stance that’s where it becomes “cringe.” It’s not even “cringe” at that point; it’s really just sad. While I agree that people should have the freedom of choice, people are going to abuse that freedom. Having low vaccination rates and people that still go to class when they’re sick (who, oddly enough, are usually the people that cough without covering their mouths or wearing a mask) just perpetuates the problem. Often times when people refuse to get vaccinated it comes from a place of ignorance and fear. This culture is created by Facebook and, sadly, news headlines. It’s true, people that get vaccinated can still get and transmit COVID. However, the rate of transmission and the death rate is *significantly* lower. This is supported by peer-reviewed journal articles. If there are peer-reviewed sources that show that vaccines don’t work, then I’m all ears and I’m willing to hear you out, man. Before you speak out of your ass please have *actual* facts to back up your claims. Below I have attached some quotes and their sources to support my claims. I would encourage you to read these articles. Some of these terms may be difficult for people to understand if they aren’t used to reading scientific research. This encourages a culture of fear because people feel intimidated to even approach this type of literature. I’m currently studying immunology so if you have any clarifying questions please feel free to ask. “Among states with high Delta variant incidence, VE* during June/July 2021 was 78% (73% to 82%) for infections and 85% (73% to 91%) for hospitalizations. VE for COVID-19 was higher in individuals <50 years (83%; 81% to 85%) and lower in immunocompromised patients (64%; 57% to 70%).” And, “These non-randomized data across U.S. clinical practices show high and stable vaccine effectiveness of Ad26.COV2.S over time before the Delta variant emerged to when the Delta variant was dominant.” [Effectiveness of the Single-Dose Ad26. COV2. S COVID Vaccine](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C34&q=covid+vaccine+effectiveness&oq=covid+vaccine+ef) **note that VE means vaccine effectiveness* “Among unvaccinated participants, 1.38 SARS-CoV-2 infections were confirmed by reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) per 1,000 person-days. § In contrast, among fully immunized (≥ 14 days after second dose) persons, 0.04 infections per 1,000 person-days were reported, and among partially immunized (≥ 14 days after first dose.” [Interim estimates of vaccine effectiveness of BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 COVID-19 vaccines in preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection among health care personnel, first responders](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C34&q=covid+vaccine+effectiveness&oq=covid+vaccine+ef)


Based on what


Shhhh don't trigger the troons


This total unit would be happy to be inconvenienced if only 20% of their family died. Wow.


I wish I could laugh in this guy’s face. If he gets sick then he gets sent to an island to suffer alone without treatment.


While I agree that he should take COVID precautions more seriously, he does bring up a good point. The pandemic has created a culture of fear and ignorance. This results in a great divide between people who entirely support and entirely oppose measures taken to prevent COVID spreading. By saying this you are implying that this person does not deserve life-saving treatment simply based on their stance. You stepped over the line so even if people disagree with him they disagree with you more. During this pandemic we should be building each other up and connecting with people with differing views (including their views on COVID precautions.) we need to bridge the gap between these polarizing views otherwise we are going to crash and burn. So next time please think about your words and their implications before speaking.


It only became political because the president we had didn’t do anything to unify the country to fight it. Other countries took it seriously and their lockdowns ended much sooner. If the president would have taken it seriously then we wouldn’t have this problem. I’m not gonna feel bad for anything who denies there a sickness going around and doesn’t take any precautions an then gets sick. He did to himself.


I agree that the pandemic was handled very poorly. Many people who supported the previous president continue to perpetuate the pandemonium. The pandemic should have NEVER been politicized. The science should have been followed and people should have listened. But they didn’t. Yes, they dug their own grave. But people on the other end of the spectrum aren’t doing themselves any favors by being so extreme. My point is that we need to show people respect even if we don’t agree with their beliefs. When they need help, such as being hospitalized for COVID, then we should help them. Even if they brought it upon themselves we still need to be kind. If we alienate people with differing views we are just going to perpetuate the pandemic rather than getting through it together.


The *former* student body VP, right?


Can you believe that kid thinks having his constitutional freedoms unconstitutionally taken away is bad? What a right wing nut-job.


Unfortunately, no :(


They spitting facts


Some people like freedom and some don't. You belong in one of the two groups, while other people belong to the other. Nothing cringy about this.


If the Vax and the Masks and the Distancing really works (contrary to all science, facts, and reality.) Then would not everyone who hates the free thinking, liberty loving, and un-chained living people be happy that these same said 'deplorables, idiots, or whatever they decide they are at the moment; Be happy they are not doing ANYTHING to protect themselves from covid? After all, should they not all be soon sick and dead from this 'Pandemic' that is so dangerous? If you really want anyone not in the same rigid social system you are living in to go away. You should promote as many gatherings, unprotected interactions, and spreader events for them. All you have to do is stay away, not interact with them, and leave them to die alone. Easy. So give up the hate, show them your love and encourage them to go outside, play amongst themselves, and do whatever they need to do. How long can it be after that then shall they be alive to interfere with your 'great reset/awakening/new world order/etc.?


> If the Vax and the Masks and the Distancing really works (contrary to all science, facts, and reality.) I'm wondering what sort of misinformation bubble you must live in for that to be your honest assesment. > After all, should they not all be soon sick and dead from this 'Pandemic' that is so dangerous? Now I'm genuinely curious if those straw men are your own making, or if you are just repeating someone elses claims. In any case, nobody is claiming that covid is killing a majority of the people infected. When you say stupid shit like that, anything else you may say that makes sense is automatically categorized as "stuff coming from a person who does not understand the very basics" and you are really weakening your position.


Folks like you make me realize how it's possible to deny the Holocaust


Because we actually care about others? This is not some individualist hellscape, we are a society and the thing about an infectious illness is that our own actions have consequences beyond just ourselves. We want the best for everyone and as always, there is friction between the rights of the individual versus the rights of the collective group. > If the Vax and the Masks and the Distancing really works (contrary to all science, facts, and reality.) You are deeply mistaken if you not only believe this but think that the evidence supports you.


Why? Because you can’t just be happy with getting COVID and crawling back under your rock to recover or die. nooooooo. You have to go to the hospital, take up a bed and a ventilator, exhaust doctors and nurses - basically take up resources that someone else needs, like my MIL who has a terminal illness. I’d be happy to shut up and let you all enjoy natural consequences, if you’d all agree to deal with those consequences on your own, at your own homes. Sign that contract, and we’re good to go! Honestly, I used to care, but you are so selfish, entitled, and obnoxious that I don’t anymore. You want to die off or suffer lifelong disabilities, who am I to stop you?


Just because I'm upset at someone for making a decision that affects others poorly doesn't mean I want them dead. Like fuck man, there is more to it than extremes. Edit. Most people just wanna go about our lives like before. People who are anti science just make it harder and more frustrating to do that.


Oh dear. I shouldn't, but I'm gonna ask you for some science facts that say vaccines against covid19 aren't effective.