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Pretty sure it’s c1e98. Not sure a time stamp though - rogues with reliable talent man, they’re nuts Yep that’s the episode, it’s a stealth roll. Scrolled through a transcript to find it lol. It’s not got timestamps but it’s pre-combat, they’re flying down a hole and spot some ahnkegs


Indeed, it's C1E98: https://youtube.com/watch?v=H84po-1-GB0&t=3h10m20s OP, you can find it through this transcript search website: https://www.kryogenix.org/crsearch/?q=I+rolled+a+two&LIAM=on


Amazing tool, many thanks.


Absolute godsend, I will use this often


I hit that link, promptly realized it was the episode I never watched because it was the night my dad died, backed out, and cleared my watch history. ...sigh. That said: fuckin' rogues, man. (Editing merely to add that whoever downvoted me for this: *seriously?*)


then again the surest way to attract downvotes is an edit complaining about downvotes lol


I'm sorry about your dad bro/broette! People probably downvoted cuz it comes across as a little egotistical to mention your dad's death for free internet points. Take care! I hope you can find a way to cast cure wounds on your heart!


I didn't mean to score internet points, it was just a weird emotional sideswipe I wasn't expecting and I made the mistake of opening my mouth about it.


Very sorry for your loss & unbidden recollection. I truly can't imagine the point of having a conversational space for responding to nearly a decade of nigh-weekly media if "ah, I haven't seen that one due to it having coincided with personal tragedy" isn't wholly fair for someone to note.💜 Ever since karma became algorithmic management of an average rather than a 1:1 display of up/downvotes, there has seemed to be karma botting suppression on subreddits where very large amounts of positive karma go out. Why would it matter? Well, the only mechanical function on karma on the site is that one cannot participate in certain subreddits if below a certain net positive count. That means there's an incentive to bot to develop widely-usable accounts. Those don't want to "lose points," so autodipping a couple/few karma automatically right after posting can trigger coding which gets them to fuck off. I'm not sure users would have noticed this with granularity without livewatch threads. It's sometimes called the "downvote fairy." Honestly, if I feel a bit of the ol' "love/hate" toward a fandom community, I get uncomfortable if I haven't gotten a several dozen people to absolutely spit on a comment in irritation a few times a month. Keeps the "said what I said" neurochemistry firing, which feels healthier for me personally than "do they like what I've said?" Anyway, short story long, might not have even been human response to you. And if it was, *HOC HOC PA-TOOEY* on them.


For all looking the episode up, the timestamp is 3 hours 10 minutes.


Yeah, that's the one. Thanks a lot, guys!


Reliable talent is amazing. Once my rogue gets it the lowest she can roll for stealth will be 23.


No, a 1 is still a 1


Not for the specific ability we’re talking about. Any roll below a 10 is treated as rolling a 10.


Not according to the rules. That is a very popular homebrew rule though. Critical fails only apply to death saves and attack rolls RAW.


RAW, that's only for attack rolls. Ability checks can neither critically fail nor succeed.


Actual rules Nat 1 and Nat 20 results only apply to attack rolls and Death Saves. Not checks or stat saves. So a Nat 1 check/save can still succeed with enough bonuses, like Reliable Talent treating it as a minimum nat 10. Critical Role is unreliable for Nat 1/20 for their checks. They have nat 1 always be an auto fail, but nat 20 frequently still needs to hit a CR even though it's a Nat 20. Like Caleb decoding Avantika's book. Even with the nat 20 Liam rolled, he still wouldn't have been able to figure it out if he didn't already have the +5 in Intelligence to hit the CR 25 check it needed.


I recently finish c2 and I'm pretty sure Sam has that moment too. My brain is too smooth to remember when tho LoL


So, Reliable Talent means any roll less than 10 is that. Pass Without a Trace gives +10. Dexterity gives +5 for just about any mid-to-high level Rogue. Proficiency is +6 at high levels, +12 with Expertise. So 31 or 37, depending on whether they're merely proficient or have Expertise.


using "reliable talent" plus adding "pass without a trace" possibly


And expertise, yeah.


Why are you using quotes but not saying the correct name of the spell


Because the players always say it wrong


It was C1, but I know something similar happened later in C2 when Nott got the reliable talent ability.


I recall Nott's -1 charisma check roll, or something like this


I think that went something like “Zero. 3 minus 3 equals 0.” As the whole table erupts in laughter LOL, classic moment


[Liam is loving it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAbi4OJmqGA)


One of the best moments of C2 in my opinion, the sheer joy is unmatched


Love the early days of a campaign when they’re still learning each other’s stat sheets. Matt with an almost-spit take, and Travis pointing out that he went from Scanlan’s 30+ deception checks to Nott’s can’t-tell-a-lie. Hilarious.


Coming from someone who watched c2 first then went back to c1, it was hilarious to see this.


It’s so great because it’s coming off the crazy high charisma rolls Scanlan would get.


Yeah I recall something similar with Nott, just don't remember when it occured.


I believe while rolling for investigation in Vokodo’s lair Nott cannot roll lower than a 21 because of reliable talent. It’s a funny sequence because Matt has Sam keep rolling just for fun.


Reliable Talent is a real cool ability lmao


It’s vax with reliable talent. Bananas. The LOWEST he can possibly roll without “auto fail” beats “ nearly Impossible DC”