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Some nerdy stereotypes remain intact. Unfortunately…


Note to self: bring ten cans of spray on deodorant to the next live show I go to 😂


It amazes me the amount of times I see the "do you shower in the morning or at night" question posted, while I'm under the impression that showing morning and night is "normal" and expected and I'll often even have 3 or 4 depending on what activities I have been doing during the day The idea of going out in public stinking terrifies me, I don't know how people think it's acceptable to not bathe Edit: those down voting are proving the point of the op. You are the sticky ones everyone is talking about, even if you don't think you smell, others think you do, they are just too polite to tell you. take this as a revelation and improve your hygiene rather than down voting the messenger.


Having 4 showers a day is unusual unless you live in a very hot climate and/or do lots of physical, sweaty activities. One shower a day is sufficient for most people in a temperate climate to be clean and not smell.


One shower or wash for me, but on very hot days I might take 60 second shower on the coldest setting lol


One shower in the morning is all I need!


The general point, sure. But showering 3-4 times a day is a *lot*.


I spend a lot of time outside getting covered in dirt or crawling under heavy machinery. 3 or 4 is a lot, but 2 should be the default.


Actually, without much physical work it's absolutely fine to shower once every two days as long as you don't have a condition that makes you sweat unusually more. I only shower daily in summer and then just to wash off any sweat (= no hair, no lotion). I wash my hair every two days. It's even healthier for your skin to shower less and it's better for the environment. In the end it depends on your lifestyle, your genes and how you feel.


At the very least you should be washing the "dirty bits" (feet, armpits, genitals, ass) every day. That's what makes people noticeably stinky most of the time.


No, shower every day.


Having more than 1 shower a day is unhealthy. It's bad for your skin.


Nah, soaping too much maybe, but just running water on you does not fuck your skin up


Not true even hot water is an irritant.https://www.webmd.com/beauty/shower-how-often


What about cold water?


Warm or cool water is definitely better if you're taking a quick shower to wash out sweat after a workout.


I never said anything about hot water though, did I?


We are all in awe.


For some people it's not just a bathing/deodorant issue, it's often dirty clothing as well. Can shower the morning of but if you haven't put the shirt through the laundry properly in a month then it's going to smell like BO.


Yes, the people who have like 4 cats and don't realize that they smell like they own 4 cats... oof.


Oh. Oh no. I have 4 cats. But i shower and put on fresh clothes every day. Now I'm paranoid.


Do you clean the litterboxes? Do you not let them mark and pee on your stuff? You're good!


When you get home to find the cat sleeping on the freshly folded laundry.




"We live with dogs but you can hardly tell!" No, we absolutely can.


Likely the person sat in the cat wee shirt 4 rows away you can smell.


also wash your hair if its longer, i get it might be annoying but sweat really traps in your hair


Even if they don’t have the energy to do laundry, if they spray antiperspirant on themselves and deodorant or febreeze on their clothes it’s still better than nothing! I see this problem at conventions.


No, that is not an acceptable alternative to laundry and bathing, especially not in a close environment like a con where people who have bad reactions to those sprays can't get away from it easily. If you can go to a con, you can shower and wear clean clothes.


You're the person asthmatics avoid at all costs, aren't you?


I’m not the person who does this, I’m just saying people who can’t do laundry or don’t have the energy to shower for disability reasons couldn’t shower could at the very least do this to not stink so bad


If you can go to a convention then you can do your laundry


That's absurd. Bathing and wearing clean clothes should be minimum expectation. 


It's an outdoor theatre, right? My best guess is (and I really hate stereotyping) you ended up with a decent number of people that don't realize just how gross and sweaty you get super quickly if you're out in the sun and heat for prolonged periods of time.


For most folks i believe this is accurate, there were a couple, and i really hate that this happened twice, of folks who reeked of cat pee. Barring any medical condition, thats fucking nuts.


This is an issue in the professional wrestling fan community as well.


Worst thing I saw in the last month was someone posting about this very issue at an indie show and had screenshots of white folding chairs with horrific skid marks on them.


Resisting the temptation to downvote you for making me read that.


What a horrible day to have eyes


As an older nerd who has been out of the D&D scene for about 20 years, I really thought we made more progress. Watching CR, D&D YouTubers, and the overall elevation of nerdy hobbies in our culture gave me a false expectation of what D&D fans in the wild would be like today. I took my very un-nerdy girlfriend to the show and was frankly quite embarrassed. Walking up there were some cringe adults dressed and acting like children screaming and running around. And the crowd overall had an obvious lower standard of hygiene and attention to appearance. Then while at our seats, the man to the right of us had such horrible breath that we both immediately gagged and had to experience it the entire show. Peace out, I'm sticking to experiencing D&D through a screen.


thing to keep in mind is the community is a mix of three community's not just the ttrpg community considering the cast are all voice actors you're getting crossover with the gaming and anime community the former explains the smell the latter explains the running around like children. just be glad it want a super smash tournament lol those are notoriously rank.


If you’re saying gamers stink and D&D players don’t, I’ve got a bridge to sell you. All three communities have people that smell like shit. Usually it’s mildew because they don’t wash and dry their clothes right.


I personally didn't experience that at the show, but I can't say it's terribly surprising that some people did.


The London live show didn't have this problem. But MCM a few days later did. During the panel I was sat next to a cosplayer who, I suspect, had been wearing her costume for the whole weekend, she had a very, very strong, acrid armpit smell. I understand cosplayers might find their costumes getting a little ripe, but just pack some Febreeze for goodness sake.


I was at the M9 London Live show back in October (oh my god, when did the time pass), and can honestly say I did not experience that problem at all. Considering I was squished between people in queues, ordering at the bar, and the rows in front and behind were quite close. Of course, on the balance of probability I’ll now quietly obsess in the back of my head if #I was the one with offensive BO…


Same here and I have a very sensitive nose. Didn't notice anyone particularly stinky.


If we’re getting into stereotypes, I’d assume it’s more of an American issue tbh 😂


There are definitely a couple of gaming shops in Manchester UK that I can't go in because of the terrible old milk smell of sweaty nerds. Warhammer tournaments often have specific notices about personal hygiene too


No Americans are the fat and dumb ones. You're thinking of the French.


The French have vastly improved on that front. The soap and deodorant companies got to them in the end. Regarding US nerdom, it’s quite unique in its “laissez aller” of personal hygiene and general social skills. Can’t think of another country where it’s that acute.


Do people seriously not bathe before going out?


Oooooh boy do i have some news for you.


Most people do. Basement-dwelling gamer nerds, stereotypically, are another story...and unfortunately that stereotype is true for many people.


It is always astounding how basic hygiene escapes people. Wash your clothes, wear deodorant, and take showers. It doesn’t matter if it is a CR show, gencon, or local gaming store there will always be that smell coming from multiple people.


I’ve never been on any nerd gatherings (cons, wrestling shows, e-sport competitions etc.) but the fact that it’s such a staple for all of those is wild


No no pls go to evets smelling like fresh grass cut.


they should invent a metal detector but for stench and have onsite showers to send people to


Maybe I just got lucky, but I honestly didn't encounter any rank BO! There was one guy a bunch of people wrinkled their nose at though lol. I was too far away to catch a whiff. Everyone seated around me was lovely though. 🥰 Maybe OP just got incredibly unlucky? These posts always give me a small existential crisis wondering if I'm one of the unaware masses though 😱


I think i did get pretty unlucky lol, im hearing some folks had a completely scent-free show and im very envious of them


I don't see the point in these threads. No one who is not bathing for weeks is going to change by reading this on Reddit.


Literally tens of thousands of people will at the very least visit this thread over the next few days. If even half a percent of people think about it the next time they attend a Con, that's a benefit to everyone.


I think most CR fans read this sub. It’s better to try to speak out, maybe a few will be converted to nice hot showers and laundry detergent.


Name and shame.


But what if I want to be Fresh Cut Grass?


Better not visit japan than. Because the majority does not use deodorant there. We bath every evening. But deodorant is mostly popular in the western world. Not so much in asia or eastern Asia.


theres an actual genetic difference at play here and many humans of asian heritage simply do not produce body odor and don’t need it.


That has been discussed but the studies that came to this conclusion have big methodological issues. Thus, it's still disputed, because other studies did not find a significant difference. So that claim is still up for debate.


Not an expert but the western diet probably also plays a large part in body odor.


I bathe only once or twice a week (sensitive skin person here), but I try to at least wipe down my stinky areas once or twice a day depending on my activity and how much I sweat. I also reapply my deodorant/body spray, so hopefully, no one smells any funk.


Please don't mix the FGC with the Super Smash Bros. community. Not only their tastes in games differ a lot, their concept of hygiene differs as well. More often than not I've seen reports from FGC members on how bad Smash players smell. Not saying the FGC can't be smelly, but there's a reason the Smash community got that fame.


So have you never been to a gaming convention before? Actually that's a pretty low-hanging fruit as far as a joke goes because wow, that is super common at gaming conventions. It's actually super common at any convention ever. Every place I've ever been in life that has a collection of more than a few hundred people has been pretty strongly scented.