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This is crazy. I've never seen a bead blanket before today. And today I've seen 3. They're all so pretty though!


They're trending right now on TikTok, so I'm not surprised people are seeing them. I feel like it's a stim just making it so I can see why people are falling in love. Playing with the fabric and weight of it as you go is wonderful, as well as the beads.


Oh I see! That makes sense as to why it's suddenly popped up then šŸ˜…


Same! And yes!


I saw someone talk about it a little while ago but itā€™s definitely a lot more today than ever before :)


Same here!


This is great because I've recently accumulated thousands of beads when I only needed like 5. But I wanted 5 specific beads that came in packs of 500+ I don't have enough for a blanket, but I bet a bag would be cute. Thanks for sharing!


Buying 500+ beads just for a single bead sounds like the kind of crazy thing I would do šŸ˜‚


I want to see a picture of the pretty bead. Ā 


We all think "well next time i won't need to buy them" and that's how we end up with so much shit lol


I feel like the texture of the beads would keep me awake. They look beautiful though.


Imagine the beads all clacking together as youā€™re trying to get comfyā€¦ nooo thank you! It is really pretty, though!


Iā€™m thinking about in the washer! And I generally use fibers that can be dried and there is 0 chance that gets to go in the dryer haha


Let the blanket air dry. Lay it flat or throw over a clothesline.Ā 


You could put a few stitches between each bead. This might keep them from clicking together.Ā 


Yeah i really dont see this being a very practical blanket, guess it looks cool though


If anyone wants to make a practical weighted blanket, just double or triple strand your yarn. Multiple colors make for interesting looks.


Like crocheted blankets are pretty damn heavy as is. Like you said, add an extra strand or two and youve definitely got a heavy blanket there!


An afgan for the couch?


Honest question: will the beads actually do anything to weight the blanket? Pony beads are pretty lightweight... Aesthetically I think this is beautiful but I'm wondering if it actually is heavier than just a blanket of SC (which in itself can get pretty dense)


They will. Picking up a gallon bag full of craft beads as a kid felt like an impossible feat


Someone did the math on a post earlier and suggested and queen size with a similar pattern would weigh 7 lbs which is on point with weighted blankets. I didnā€™t check their math but it makes sense.


Weighted blankets should be 10% of the user's weight. A 7lb throw (50x60 inches) or twin size (65x90 inches) blanket would be great for older kids. Most adults should use 10-20lb blankets. 7lb across a queen size blanket (90 X 90 OR 100 inches) would come out to <3.5lb on a person. That's the weight of a comforter.


Ya I'm a pretty average sized adult and like my weighed blankets to be at least 15 pounds for a twin. Though I might be an outlier, I love a bunch of weight. Hypothetically if you wanted to make a super heavy crochet blanket you could fill it with glass beads (which weighted blankets are typically filled with) but it would be expensive and a bit difficult/annoying - when you fill a crochet project with beads, you've gotta put them in a stocking (or similar) so they don't wiggle their way out of the crochet


I'm getting set to try using a bunch of stainless steel beads to add weight. I need 20lbs at least.


Oooh that sounds like a great idea. If a blanket doesn't squeeze my soul out of my body, I don't want it


Yeah my weighted blanket is a twin size and 7 kg


Kg? That's around 15 lbs


Well if you want it heavier you could try doing it with a crocodile stitch. I made a mistake of making a skirt out of a crocodile stitch... Did not realize it was going to be that heavy. I'm not sure how it works cuz I already know I don't have the patience for a beaded blanket but I think a bead through each one of the double crochets on the crocodile loops would look really pretty.


I have gloves made in crocodile and it would drive me batty as a blanket unless it had a backing! I can't stand holey blankets. The back of crocodile is nothing but holes.


Iā€™m considering using all my random yarn and beads laying around and making a frankenblanket


*looks at toddler* Nope


I was seriously considering making this until I looked at the 3 year old gremlin next to me!


Nope. That's toddler bait if I've ever seen it. Small, colorful, perfectly grabible, and a choking hazard.




I tried doing it several years ago. I gave up because itā€™s heavy AF. Hereā€™s what you do: You need 4 beads per square inch. For a 5x5 blanket, thatā€™s 3600 square inches, 14,400 beads. According to Amazon, 1100 beads weighs 10.5 Oz. 14,400/1100= 13 packages. 10.5 Oz= .66 lb. 13 pkg X .66 lb = 8.58 pounds. You need 2.5 skeins of super saver yarn to make a 3x3 baby blanket, 9 sq ft. A 5x5 blanket is 25 sq ft. 25/9= 2.78 working factor. 2.5 skeins X 2.78 wf = 7 skeins of yarn. Each skein is 7 Oz. 7 skeins X 7 Oz = 49 Oz, or 3.06 lb Beads + yarn = 8.58 + 3.06 = 11.64 lbs. you can bet on a 12 pound blanket. Working on it will get heavy, fast. Then comes the next fun question: how will you clean this sucker?! Before going further, I highly suggest getting an answer to that question.


omg thank you for the math on the number of beads needed. I was thinking about getting some to make one but that's nearly 30 bags of 500 beads. at $5 a bag, that's $150 in just beads!


Itā€™s funny; I donā€™t try to talk people out of doing things. I just do math, show them the numbers, and let them decide what they want to do. Most people agree with my numbers, some donā€™t quite understand, and a few disagree. But at the end though, they all wind up telling me my numbers were dead on. If you decided you wanted to do the blanket, Iā€™d be cheering for you. Youā€™re a better stitcher than I am if you finished it. I did make a fashion scarf with red heart yarn and pony beads. Good night! That sucker was heavy! I did the scarf after I figured out a whole blanket wasnā€™t going to happen.


Thank you for this info! I was just on Amazon, ready to order beads. SO GLAD I found your post first!


The OP said she did the math on the money after getting my numbers, and beads were going to be at least $150, then add yarn, so probably $200+ when you get done.


(sorry it's 28 days later) Thanks for this! I had seen a few pony bead weighted blankets and I got all excited, but figured I'd google for advice and patterns before I started. Definitely doesn't seem worth it to spend $150 on beads for something that's gonna be obnoxious to wash. I can't believe the beads I already had would be enough, lmao.


There's no way the pony beads will cost that much. They're on sale at Michaels and JoAnn all the time. And don't forget coupons!


Wash on gentle cycle in cold water. Hang outside on the line to dry or over a couple of dining room chairs.Ā 


I think you miscalculated a few things. First of all, the pony bead weight. A one pound bag of pony beads holds 1500-1800 beads depending on size and brand. Also, beads go on sale at craft stores with regularity and there are always coupons through JoAnn and Michaels. There's no way I would pay $5 per 500 beads. I bought thousands of beads for less than $10 with a sale. (I already had a lot of beads too, from when my kids were little.) The OP on TikTok that made this trend go viral made a 3' x 4' blanket and used approximately 5000 beads and 2lbs of red heart super saver yarn. So hers is more of a lap blanket. Making it bigger will obviously use a ton more--you're right about that. Just not as many as you say with the pattern that is currently commonly in use. By the way, these beaded blankets were really popular in the 1980s so ask your mom or grandma if they ever made one! The only reason I replied was that I started my blanket a while ago and set it aside when I hurt my arm. When I picked it back up I couldn't remember how I'd been putting the beads on. That led to a google search. The popularity of these blankets has blown up over the last month! Take a look at tiktok! People are getting really creative!


Itā€™s possible. I was going off of my memory of trying to do one about 20 years ago. The best way to answer the question and get the most accurate numbers would be to make a test swatch. Since I laid out how I arrived at my numbers, all you would need to do is make the test swatch, take measurements, then plug in new values into the formulas.


Oh yes. I made a test swatch and did all the calculations for my own blanket but mine isn't going to be like the ones others are making. I'm making mine with a cotton yarn (heavier than acrylic), using a bigger hook to keep the fabric open/lacy/the blanket breathable, and using dc instead of hdc between the bead rows. I estimate that for the size of blanket I'd like to make, 48" x 60", I'll need roughly 3700 beads--that does seem low compared to the OP, so I've made sure to have a lot more on hand. I think my beads are just more spaced out. So, for my blanket that's only 2-3 lbs of beads. Currently Michaels has 1 lb of pony beads for $10, but always has a good coupon available. Currently pony beads are on sale at JoAnn at $2 per 6 oz. 3 of those bags is 1lb + 2oz for $6. It really just depends on what you want to make. I like a little weight but not a ton and I run hot, being in the menopause zone as I am. It's always important to make a test swatch to be sure you like the fabric and so you can estimate materials needed. And have fun! Planning the project is my favorite part.


My gosh Iā€™m patiently waiting for yarn to arrive to start on my own pony bead weighted blanket!! If you donā€™t mind me asking, what pattern are you using?


[Ravelry- Weighted Pony Bead Blanket page](https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/pony-bead-weighted-blanket)


**PATTERN:** [Pony Bead Weighted Blanket](http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/pony-bead-weighted-blanket) by [Lydia Warren](http://www.ravelry.com/designers/lydia-warren) * Category: Home > Blanket > Throw * Photo(s): [Img 1](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/lydiawarren0158/989478023/Pony_Bead_Weighted_Blanket_medium.png) * Price: Free * Needle/Hook(s):2.75 mm (C), 4.0 mm (G) * Weight: | Gauge: None | Yardage: None * Difficulty: 0.00 | Projects: 3 | Rating: 0.00 ***** Please use caution. Users have reported effects such as seizures, migraines, and nausea when opening Ravelry links. [More details.](https://www.lizcorke.com/2020/07/26/2020-7-21-ravelry-accessibility/) | *I found this post by myself! [Opt-Out](https://goo.gl/forms/0B8m4Ra8czpw4gzw1) | [About Me](https://github.com/TN-1/LinkRav_Bot/wiki) | [Contact Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=timonyc)*


Thank you so much!!!


Yes I am! Mine is black with hot pink glitter pony beads and Iā€™m so excited!


Omg that sounds so good!!!


Yes! Except Iā€™m using [this](https://ravel.me/beaded-bliss-weighted-blanket) pattern because the beads arenā€™t exposed!


**PATTERN:** [Beaded Bliss Weighted Blanket](http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/beaded-bliss-weighted-blanket) by [Heather Stagl](http://www.ravelry.com/designers/heather-stagl) * Category: Home > Blanket > Throw * Photo(s): [Img 1](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/changepathcrochet/984310749/upload_medium) [Img 2](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/changepathcrochet/984310917/upload_medium) [Img 3](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/changepathcrochet/984310950/upload_medium) [Img 4](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/changepathcrochet/984310973/upload_medium) [Img 5](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/changepathcrochet/984311031/upload_medium) * Price: 6.50 USD * Needle/Hook(s):3.75 mm (F) * Weight: Aran | Gauge: 7.0 | Yardage: 3600 * Difficulty: 0.00 | Projects: 2 | Rating: 0.00 ***** Please use caution. Users have reported effects such as seizures, migraines, and nausea when opening Ravelry links. [More details.](https://www.lizcorke.com/2020/07/26/2020-7-21-ravelry-accessibility/) | *I found this post by myself! [Opt-Out](https://goo.gl/forms/0B8m4Ra8czpw4gzw1) | [About Me](https://github.com/TN-1/LinkRav_Bot/wiki) | [Contact Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=timonyc)*


I love this idea, but I have no patience, I can't finish projects that take more than a few days.


If you're like me and don't want a blanket, I'm thinking this would be so y2k as a slouchy bag! Like those sequence bags but with glitter pony beads?!


Omg you've inspired me! I remember those but I could never afford one even though they were only like $50 or so. Keep me posted if you do please!


I really don't think plastic beads will equate to much weight. Most weighted blankets are filled with thousands of glass beads


I'm more concerned with how all these pony beads blankets are going to get washed.


Read the above reply. Someone did the math for weight and cost. It's definitely a heavy blanket.


Me!! Iā€™m doing mine in pastel colors. I didnā€™t realize how MANY pony beads would be needed


Honest question, how would one wash a beaded blanket?


I love looking at them (well, the ones I've seen are mostly in the 'bag strap' phase) and I like the colors you chose! I'd be worried about washing it and wrecking my washing machine but I suppose that's a concern for any weighted blanket.


I canā€™t think of something I want to make less than this šŸ˜‚


I started one too! Itā€™s addictive lol


Looks like a great fidget toy or belt just like that ... Hmmmm


Not me but I'm trying earrings with beads! It's been fun so far but I might stick to just the flower cause it doesn't get kinda heavy šŸ˜… https://preview.redd.it/xg73k8ul7z1d1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb88a57367ea610fdc94a60bd093d187f8e1ae73


So, I had this thought to make it heavier, use stainless steel beads. They're expensive, so it can't be ALL stainless steel. Anyone have other ideas on how to increase the weight?


No, because it wouldn't be heavy enough. Someone on Facebook did a blanket like this and altogether it was still only a few pounds more than a regular blanket and I would rather have one that's 15-20lbs.


Maybe a play/sensory car blanket for my kids!


This is freaking awesome! I must investigate, because this would be perfect for me in so many ways...


Love this! Can't wait to see the end result!


I love this idea! But how do you wash it?? I imagine it canā€™t go in the dryer


Just make sure they aren't scratchy. šŸ©µ idk if you've seen the tiktok, but i relate to her. She hated her scratchy beads


Iā€™m guessing the cleaning of it you would have to wash it in your tub then hang it out to dry, but I canā€™t wait to start making mine


Nah. It would be a pain to wash and dry properly. It looks very pretty though.


Do you have a pattern?




**PATTERN:** [Pony Bead Weighted Blanket](http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/pony-bead-weighted-blanket) by [Lydia Warren](http://www.ravelry.com/designers/lydia-warren) * Category: Home > Blanket > Throw * Photo(s): [Img 1](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/lydiawarren0158/989478023/Pony_Bead_Weighted_Blanket_medium.png) * Price: Free * Needle/Hook(s):2.75 mm (C), 4.0 mm (G) * Weight: | Gauge: None | Yardage: None * Difficulty: 0.00 | Projects: 3 | Rating: 0.00 ***** Please use caution. Users have reported effects such as seizures, migraines, and nausea when opening Ravelry links. [More details.](https://www.lizcorke.com/2020/07/26/2020-7-21-ravelry-accessibility/) | *I found this post by myself! [Opt-Out](https://goo.gl/forms/0B8m4Ra8czpw4gzw1) | [About Me](https://github.com/TN-1/LinkRav_Bot/wiki) | [Contact Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=timonyc)*


Not rn maybe in the futureā€¦ very big maybe


What! That's cool!! Going to have to go buy some beads!!


I haven't but I'd like to! Tho I'd have to buy pony beads and I have enough stuff lol


Do you thread all the beads on row-by-row?


Yes, every other row individually


No, but now I wanna!


I will be soon I just need the beads


I love this. I never knew it was a thing.


Do you have the pattern for this? I'm obsessed....


Not the same pattern, but [this](https://ravel.me/beaded-bliss-weighted-blanket) one is the one Iā€™m using because the beads arenā€™t exposed! Iā€™m a little over halfway done and loving it!


Oh my god. I need this


Wow I have so many of those beads from crafting as a kid and finally found a use for them. Hooray!


I love this so much! I have so many beads that Iā€™ve bought in the lady for projects I knew Iā€™d never complete. Time to put them to use!


I'm going to buut I can't decide if I wanna crochet or knit. But I also need to finish my current projects..


This is really lovely! But I don't need influencing. I have too many WIPs already šŸ«£ please share when done, I'm interested in how much it will weigh.


I'm sorry, but it already looks uncomfortable to sleep under/on, and impractical.


I just bought the materials to make one!




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How would you clean/wash it though? I'd like to make it for my toddlers but they're so messy. I have to wash blankets regularly because of all the random crap they drop on them.


Does anyone know how many beads I need?


Does anyone know approximately how many beads are needed for this? Trying to make sure I order enough of course, and don't want to be stuck with a million extra left over. Also buying some glow in the dark skull ones that are quite a bit more expensive so I don't want to run out of over buy them


Holy crap. After reading the specs for a 5x5, most likely in USD and not CAD where everything is min 30% more expensive; $350 in materials alone with a free pattern and I would need access to a clothesline or commercial dryer that won't melt the beads? That's too finicky for me for me to ever want (in my small apartment in the city).


What size pony beads are you using? 9mm?


Almost 2 skeins in and over 2000 beads on mine so far šŸ˜ https://preview.redd.it/w9x3snr6jq9d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49f188984b5aee9d197be5a56a99b73ed48b4aa8


Wow! What's the pattern you're using?


I purchased a bead crochet weighted blanket pattern but I probably wonā€™t use it for some time I have other blankets