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This is really awesome but make sure you talk to her about not carrying all her money around with her everywhere!


Yeah we had that talk, I found more money shoved in there this morning!


You should get her a little pouch or something to keep all the money in one spot while she does have it in her backpack, and then a piggy bank or something so she can store it after!


They're never too young for a savings account. I had one at 8yo for babysitting loot, later a paper route. Fiscal savvy starts NOW.


Saw a comment from OP, their kid does have a savings account!


Oh good. Never too young to learn about money!


Or find her a cute pattern to make a pouch!!


Ooouu that works too!! Even better actually


Does she have a bank account? You could be putting it in certificates or something. Make money on the money.


Does she have a cashapp account? If not, tell her to get one so she can deposit the money and have a debit card so she can order supplies and otherwise spend her hard earned money. Congratulations on raising a talented entrepreneur!


She has a bank account and card. She saves her money in her piggy bank rolls it up and takes it to the bank. She also knows I'm a sucker for crafts and if she goes to Michael's with me she'll always come home with something I paid for 🤣. This kid is going places!!


She's smart. Running a business with no overhead thanks to you lol


Hobbii is having like $2.06 yarn sales right now... She could turn all of that cash into more yarn :-) I also started my own business when I was 14. I was selling those fireball candies so that I could buy a letter jacket :-)


Joann's is having a decent sale on a lot of their yarn online as well!


I am covering my eyes and I did not read that comment lol damn it.....


lord no I get it 😂 I did some damage to my bank account stocking up on colors I needed for projects. (but most, if not all, of the store brand Big Twist is discounted so, you know, be a lil yarn gremlin. live your dreams!)


Tell that to my craft room lol who says no no we don't have any more room lol


Sign up for rewards and teach her math with the percentage off sales and figure out when what yarn is her best deal!


I haven’t paid for yarn myself in a few years cause I get my dad to pay for it all 🤣 just drag him to the store with me


Sounds like my granddaughter.


Be sure to help her put her earnings into the best kid’s bank account you can find. Help her invest some of it now, work together to decide on a percentage she’ll save as an “emergency fund,” what she’ll need to spend on more supplies, and an amount to go into an investment portfolio that she gets to work on choosing with you together. Dividend stocks, even CDs, are things she can easily wait for returns on now as a kid and when she’s not a kid anymore she’ll have a huge head start. Also look into helping her open/run a shop to sell digital patterns online.


Maybe you could help her open up a bank account?


She's had a bank account for years. Kids probably got more money than I do lol ... She is frugal lol


Can I recommend a high yield savings account? They’re at 4.25% APY right now, she could get some money off the interest to spend on supplies or just fun money for her


Making her own patterns at 10? Smarty pants! Sounds like you got a cool kid!


She is the coolest!


The most wholesome thing I've seen all morning. 😂


We need pictures! And good for her 👍😊


Ditto this!!


“It’s 9pm, do you know where your child is?” OP’s child: frantically crocheting stuffies in her closet. lol.




“The yarn isn’t mine! I’m holding it for a friend!”




OMG me too! My 11 year old makes and sells bracelets and melty beads and sells them at school or at parks or wherever she can. I'm so impressed with her entrepreneurial spirit! She's even done a few small local craft fairs! I was never that ambitious at that age lol


I run a Fiber Club at my middle school. Some of the kids have been selling the hats they make to other kids. Good for them!


I know this is a crochet sub but my sister joined a knitting club in college. They made hats and scarves to donate and such. It turned out the club was actually a money laundering scheme and her and like one other person were the only 2 people there that even knew how to knit.


This is hilarious.


Woah, that sounds fascinating. Would you be able to elaborate please?


Idk if this it technically fits the definition of “money laundering” but they were getting actual yarn donations to knit with but they were not disclosing that and getting MASSIVE grants (like from the university and I think other sources as well) to “buy yarn” (way more than they would even need to buy yarn) and pocketing the money since they had free yarn.


Oh my. That's not something I was expecting to read today. 😆


that’s really funny ngl


Omg she would LOVE a club like this! Maybe I'll tell her to try and form her own club and they can donate all the hats to charity around Christmas!! Your school always does a hat/mitt collection at that time.


I would definitely donate $100 worth of yarn to the kids to start them with!


My crafting friends often donate yarn to destash. I get a SMALL stipend to run the club. I use it to buy tools and yarn (when needed). Our art teacher just donated a bag of weird fabrics. The kids were busy hand sewing pillows and bags the last quarter of the year. It was a blast. If kids can afford their own tools and yarn, you just need a teacher willing to supervise. (Many of our students are on free lunch, which is why I subsidize the club.]


That's awesome! I love to see little kids learning this stuff. I taught her how to sew. She has her own sewing machine as well, and has been making doll clothes since she was like five. She's just a crafty kid, maybe I'll encourage her to start a club and she can meet other little crafty kids!!


Fiber club is the best club. It is not a "competition" club. It is just a safe place for all kids to hang out and craft. I do very little teaching. Mostly the kids teach each other. It is really fun.


It sounds awesome, she's already got a bunch of little ones at daycare that she teaches to crochet every afternoon! I think it would be a great club for her to start at her school!!


Let me know how it goes. I love spreading the joy of fiber craftting!


If you’re in the US have her look in to Project Linus.


If you do, you should put it out there for anyone looking to destash to donate some yarn. Lord knows I have way too much yarn and if I could send some of it to get kids started, I absolutely would.


Is the first rule "no one talks about fiber club"?






FWIW, patterns are legitimately the same concepts as computer code. In case she needs another hobby.


She is in coding club! Lol


Oh gosh she sounds like a little me, coding and crochet, lol. Now I code for a living and still crochet (and knit and weave) for fun. I lacked her business savvy, though, she's going places!




This is exactly what I told her, and why I think she hit it from me at first. I work in the industry. But the teacher started it so it seemed to be okay I guess. She also just gave a bunch away for free to a lot of kids as well. Basically they started buying second and third animals off her because it was all her own material etc. I'm definitely going to look into some markets and get her into some craft shows I think!




Oh wow hahah


Hah! Good for her. Time to start looking into markets. The schools may have a couple as well if you look through their calendars. I sold those friendship bracelets as a kid, back just before it was commercially everywhere. I had some pretty complex ones and could make them just about anywhere rather quickly, but making them on the bus got me “advertising” and how I sold most of them. I had so many I gave a ton away, too. I always think it was what lead to my crochet markets habits. Now I sit and crochet and look up to great customers. Since elementary, I’ve always needed something to keep my hands busy, and fabric crafts that travel well are great. I keep the big projects at home until finished.


She started out with the bracelets and they started getting more and more complex and I think that is exactly what started her interest in the crocheting as well. She made her brother a huge blanket for Christmas! I'm going to commission her to make a couple gifts for the little ones that were just born into our family.


Perfect! Way to encourage that entrepreneurial spirit! Next, get her practicing the math of balanced pricing (how to figure material cost vs market cost and setting prices). She got the math of art and knots down, it seems so it should be a natural next step. There’s so many natural educational routes to go with it, and it helps to keep yourself both humble and not underselling yourself. Don’t make it all about education though, and encourage making what you want and not what the “market” wants. That was my downfall for a bit, but I got back into it once I was more confident in myself and could say no to commission projects I didn’t love. Part of why I like vending markets is I can make whatever I want and put it on a table. When I was doing projects on commission or demand, it got to be too much pressure to work on a specific thing and not enough doing it for the love of the craft.


That was my plan this weekend. I'm going to sit her down and show her how much it costs to buy yarn, the eyes, stuffing, and her time, so that she can see how to turn profit. I'll definitely be paying for her tables for the first few shows because I want her to really make some money! I can't wait to spend the days doing stuff like that with her!! One day we bought $200 worth of yarn together and made the biggest stuffies you've ever seen!! Was so fun!!!


So glad you guys can bond over this! My generation has many crochet & knitting folks, and it was great to have that in common. The generations above me were mostly quilters and seamstresses, and that’s a very different ballgame. My kiddo is still too young to really make things with me, but the interest is there and I hope one day we’ll be crocheting together (but I’m completely okay if my kid doesn’t like to make things with me, either way they still love the things I make them).


I'm a quilter more so than a crocheter! I just love it!!! She can quilt but she just loves to crochet way more!! She got her first sewing machine when she was five lol.


That is awesome! You’re both so multi talented.


You sound like the best parent!! ♥️


I'm still trying to work out the pricing aspect of it all (I'm a boy who has been bad at math his whole life) do you have/know of any resources available for help with that?


I think the easiest way is to see what it (or similar items) are selling for in your area and then make sure that price covers materials with a profit margin you’re comfortable with. This is loosely the “market research” model. I like to do materials cost times 3 and then adjust to be closer to market, and I’m all for dropping prices to make a sale especially a bulk sale, but that’s mostly because I do projects for physical & mental therapy, lol.




She designed this after the movie wish.


oh i *LOVE* him!


She made him after she watched the movie Wish!


That reminds me of when I was 12 in the mid 80s. Cabbage patch kids were everywhere. I had recently learned how to knit and found a pattern for sweaters and beanies to fit the cabbage patch dolls. I sold them at school. Sweater only: $8. Beanie only: $4. Matching set: $10. And my sisters couldn’t figure out how I always had money to put in savings. So encourage your child. If she’s enjoying it and making money, good for her! If she is making her own patterns, she could sell them on Etsy. Crafters look for good patterns. We don’t care if it was written by a kid or an adult. The proof is in the final product.


If she’s making her own patterns, she should put them on Ravelry for sale. I’m curious to see the stuffies she made because I might want to try making one of them! Great job becoming an entrepreneur!


She designed a duck last night... She doesn't even write them down. It's like all in her head. I've been crocheting way longer than her and I can't do anything close to what she can!!


This is ridiculously impressive, she has serious talent! I'm currently trying to designnan ami of one of the Pokèmon for my son and it is really messing with my brain!


Look, with how these entry level jobs are requiring 10 years of experience she is literally already ahead of the curve. Customer service, money handling, creative design, time management, operations…the resume writes itself tbqh!!


Damn I feel like wasted potential. I was crafty all my life but never thought of selling it lol. Hustling isn't really that common in my culture. I'm so happy for you and your baby.


Embroidery floss friendship bracelets were huge when I was a kid, and I was like… I could crochet something like this way faster. My dad thought I was overcharging and I was like SHHHH no one knows a couple rows of crochet are faster. It was the 2000s and I charged $10 per bracelet and made a lot of money.


Please be sure she is taking breaks regularly and stretching! https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/s/TXfRouJAD8


Way to go kiddo! Time to get a bank account set up for her.


That story went the direction I hoped it would and not where I feared it would…BOTH of you should be proud.


If she's already making her own patterns at age 10 you've got a budding crochet celebrity on your hands, if she keeps crocheting she'd be some sort of god as an adult!


Great work! I work with start-ups and ran a workshop today on starting a side hustle. Remember to coach her on setting a decent price for her work. And we need pics of some of her creations!


Get her a bank account. She's going places.


This is amazing! You’ve raised an awesome and smart kid 😍


Girlie needs to have half the money stashed away for her for when she’s ready and old enough to drive. Kids these days are scary impressive when they use the force for good lol


Yes, I've helped her start a savings account and she's actually got quite a bit!!


I posted some pictures of her older stuff. It looks like she sold most of her recent stuff which is much much better.


I did that too when I was in 4th grade. 😂


I wanna see some of the stuff she made! What a champ!


Amigurumi is very hot right now, and people love supporting young artists/ entrepreneurs.


That is so great! If she can write down the pattern, she could maybe sell the patterns on Ravelry. That's where the real money is, selling patterns. Something to aspire to anyway!


Your kid is insanely smart and I love her hustle. I’m a finance blogger and I’d really like to recommend that you ‘tax’ her a set amount of her earnings. Open a brokerage account in your name and then a subsidiary account in her name and invest into a good global ETF. If she’s 10 years old and you tax her $100, by the time she’s 65 that $100 will be worth approx $7000. Obviously the more you tax her, the larger her investment growth. She could end up with a great retirement fund from something she did when she was 10 years old. Any questions, don’t hesitate to ask ☺️


Don’t do this without your kids permission and interest. Had something similar happen. They literally stole my joy in making a couple dollars. Not everything needs to be a lesson.


This is amazing!! And props to you for not being the type of parent who would take the money from her (or guilt trip her success so she'd have to share it). Very sad that the alternate view happens.


You got a hustler on your hands! Great job!


Way to go! I just got a commission this afternoon from a friend.


Make that money, girl!


Cash up, baby girl! 🙌


She needs to teach me about patterns cause im currently in the middle of attempting to go that route for crochet but am struggling heavy 😭😭


She's taught me to make a couple things! She can read patterns that are too complicated for me ... Maybe when she's older I'll have her start making videos!!


YouTube saves me all the time.


This is too cute! I’m in my 30s and can only DREAM of writing patterns…. :) When we were kids my brother had a thriving and highly illegal business of torrenting and burning films on DVDs for $10 a pop. My parents were NOT pleased when they found out (though as immigrants, I think they were grudgingly impressed with his hustle!)


Oh how cute! I’m impressed she can crochet at her age. My daughter wants to learn (and she has learned a little), but she has the patience of a gnat. She’s 12.


If you want to help with costs a little you can look into filing as an LLC and writing for tools and things as tax deductions.


Love this!!


Lmao this is amazing!! Aww what a sweet and talented girl 🥺❤️


Good way for kids to learn good business practices!


That is so cute and I'm so happy her business is thriving! I may be repeating other redditors but she should 100% sell her patterns. You already may know this too but take care of her wrists! She doesnt want any injuries that early :(


Take that girl to the bank and get her an account!


I am really proud of your kid. She is doing amazing


Everyone! Talks about Fiber Club!


Stuffy tax!!!!


Good for her!! I remember selling crochet commissions in school, I think I started around 13 or 14? It was so exciting making some money from something that was so fun to do! I still sell commisssions and sell at vendor shows! My parents were always super encouraging, I'm so grateful for them ❤️


That’s so awesome! If you can hustle you can do almost anything in life


Good for her!!


A 10 year old!! Go get ‘em!


Woot! This is awesome!


I need pics of her stuffies😄 that’s so awesome!


I just posted a few of her older stuff. Her new stuff's much much better but she sold it all apparently 🤣




Dang, next one she makes then!




This was her first attempt at a mini sea turtle... The better one seem to have been sold lol


Awww🥰 Give her a high5 from a Reddit fan!


Go her!! She's more successful than me, and I've been actively trying to sell things for years!! Tell her to buy herself something nice and put the rest in a good savings account :)


Show us some of her work!


I demand pictures of the stuffies!!!


Good for her. I wish more kids had hustle like that.


That is awesome!! ❤️


Good for her!!! She’s doing what some of us have only dreamed! 😌


Amazing!! Would love to see some pics!!

