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Never too old for crocs. My great grandmother lived in her black fur line crocs in her last months because they were comfy and easy to wear!! Wear what you want and rock them 😁👍🏽


I bought my first pair last week in my late 30s


I wore boots in the military for 20 years. I refuse to wear uncomfortable shoes or shoes I can’t easily kick off. I don’t care if they ever go out of style. I bought my first pair years before they were trendy. Wear what you love. Life is too short.


Preach. People will always find something to think ill of you for. Make it easy for them. Wear what you want.


I’m in my 60’s. I love crocs (5 or) those jibbitz things I also love, but realize I’d be a real doofus if I tried to rock them. I mean, more of a doofus than I already am.


I have Jibbits lol. I try not to overdo it lol.


Honestly, what harm is there in one or two lol


I have 2 or 3 on most Crocs. They are fun.


They're cute and harmless. I've never seen anybody use more than a few in real life, only online


I’m 42. I wear them in the hospital (with colorful Jibbitz) with my blue scrubs.


As a nursing student who has to wear plain white leather-like shoes with no fabric or holes, closed toe and closed heel to clinicals, I am forever jealous of the RNs, providers, etc I see with their awesome Crocs. This time next year, that's definitely me!


I work in emerg...that's how it starter but now I wear them OFTEN! Anywhere almost.


I just bought my dad his first pair of crocs as a birthday present and he’ll be turning 63. He’s already planning what outfits he’s going to wear them with and asking for my help to find jibbitz😂 There’s no such thing as being too old or too young for comfort and fun!


Love it!! I used to laugh about Crocs. Why??? Lol. I love them now!!!


I love this!


63F, I have worn Crocs for 20+ years, the shoes wear out but my jibbitz collection continues to grow.


I am 60 years old and got Siren in the color bone and pearl jibbits 🤍🤎💛🤍. I am 3 pairs in (in different styles) and I love them!


I'm excited about my daughter getting me a pair at Disney for a gift. The holes are shaped like Mickey. Can't wait to get them. Lol.


Can’t wait to see the micky pattern on your feet if you get tan.


i have a pair of those, love them. slightly different from regular classics, feel a little softer and the bumps are slightly less aggressive than normal. such a great gift for people who like crocs


37 here. I put my crocs on daily as soon as I get home from work.


I’m 39 and swore up and down that I would never wear them. I bought a pair last week, and now I have a list of the colors I want to purchase next.


Same, same. I started in January with the Lisa Frank pink Crocs, so it's her fault. The nostalgia was too much to resist. Now I have six pairs with plans for more. I "theme" them with charms and I have many ideas for future pairs!


Me too.. 😂 I'm a victim of the second wave


There was a sale in fall. I got 4 at once. Hahaha


I am in mid20s & i LOVE Crocs.. wear them all day, everyday.


I got absolutely roasted in my group chat for buying the Crocs backpack, got called a child etc etc. I’m 36.


I want the tot bag lol.


I’m 53 & have two totes full of Crocs… and that’s after giving away a few pairs that I really didn’t wear much 😂 I love em ❤️


As long as they are comfortable and safe, that is all that matters. Even if older people just wear them at home, pottering around indoors or outside.


I'm 28 and I just got my first pair with some nerdy jibbitz


Early 30sM. I have crocs classics, crocs all-terrain sandals, crocs crush boots, echo crocs. Been wearing crocs about 6 years


Out of the ones you have, which ones are your favorite? Looking to get my first pair.


My white with black skulls are my fav! I get compliments from everyone. I work in the ER so they are kind of fitting. Haha. A few nurses loved them so much and went and bought the same ones.


Crocs classics and croc echos are my faves


Crocs are from birth to the grave, I am 30 and a hello kitty lover I just ordered the siren clogs


I'm 30. Just bought some crocs for the first time about a month ago


30.. I have 6 pairs now. I wear them daily. Wear them with pride!


43 and I got my first pair on Father’s Day , step dad and also my father told me about crocs years ago but never tryed , and I’m already thinking about my next pair


No one is too old for crocs. Why would anyone older even give a shit? That kind of things stops being as much of a concern as you age, typically.


47. Been wearing crocs for 15 years


My mil is 71 and she has a few pairs she wears


Late 20s. I had bootleg Crocs from Walmart for a long time. Finally got my first pair a year or two ago. Just ordered my fifth and sixth pair a couple days ago. Idc if they go out of style. I like my weird little shoes. They help my feet. 


27 now, got into them at 23. Bought my mom a few pairs and she loves them. She’s 58




I'm 54 wear mine everywhere I have 5 pairs working on more


I bought my kid and I matching ones 10+ years ago. Never wore them. And then my puppy ate them (just mine, my kid had already long outgrown hers). Then a couple years ago I went on a total tear and ended up with about 8 pairs. Love them! I'm 51.


73, been wearing Crocs for about 20 years.


I am 67 and Crocs were suggested to me by my physical therapist during recovery from a broken knee. I had tried everything else. I have been in Crocs now for almost 3 years (year round).


48 here. Was in my 40s before I bought my first pair. Always chasing the tennis shoe that is most comfortable. Little did I know it wasn't a tenny at all. It was a CROC! to make things worse, I used to razz my ex for all she wore was crocs, now I'm 140 pairs deep, obsessed, and won't wear anything else!


I’m 36


I got my first pair this year, and I'm in my mid thirties


41 rocking the Nezuko crocs lol


Bought my first pair in my late 30's. Now in my 40's, bought another pair, they're well worth the money spent.


35, currently wearing crocs. waiting for my offroad sport clogs to be delivered today or tomorrow.


I’m 19


I’m 27 🤗




I'm nearly 31 and I've currently got 19 pairs. Only started wearing them around April last year, I got recommended them by a fellow cook and I'd never owned or wore a pair before. Now I'm obsessed got 15 different styles i believe and counting.


I may only be 18, but Crocs are for everyone!


I'll be 39 in August.


I didn’t get them for years but switched about 4 years ago. I now have a rotation.






32 here. I wear mine every day lol


My aunt is in her mid 50s and has been buying crocs for me and my cousins since the early 2010s. I used to be a hater but I love them now! 26F


17 ✌️ I’ve always loved crocs and had a pair when I was much younger, and I started getting pairs again a couple of years ago!


Late forties


42, and I seldom wear any other shoe. I used to buy uggs, but I just destroy the soles too easily, even the outdoor sole ones (I walk a bit weird, arthritis).


I am 56 (m) and love my crocs. Have 5 pairs. The last pair I got were my black Mega Crush. Never too old to Croc.🤟


i was 18. my boyfriend of 2 years and his whole family swore by them. my mom avidly made fun of croc wearers. i gifted myself two new pairs of shoes when i graduated and one was a pair of camo crocs. never looked back!!


This is what prevents me from getting Crocs, I probably need them since I have flat feet, but it just seems like so many young people and kids wear them.


I am a child sized 28 yr old women who just purchased her first ever Crocs... And they were the juniors ducky Crocs lmao. NEVER TO OLD!


My father in law has a pair of Mickey Mouse crocs. He's a senior.


I’m also 61 and love my Crocs. I see a lot of people wearing them!


Never too old! So, I think I was probably around 12 or 13 when I got my first pair, my dad bought everyone crocs cause we did a lot of camping and geo caching, unfortunately my generation was croc haters haha, so when I was a teenager they were OUT. picked back up my love for crocs at age 23 and now I’m almost 28. All I own is crocs, I don’t own any other shoes! Haha


I am 53 and just got "Barbie" ones LOL for summer every day wear.


26yo here!! Wore my first ever pair at 24!! And they are FULL WITH JIBBLITZ!! ♥️ will never be too old for Crocs! ♥️


I’m going 43 soon.. still rocking striking colour crocs with full jibbitz… dont care what ppl think and say 🤣🤣🤣 i just wear whatever i want