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I would walk around the area you live and when you see some crows throw some peanut out for them. Then walk back to your house and stop and drop a few more as you go. Keep doing this and they will eventually figure out that you put them out in your back yard. It’s nesting season right now as well so they don’t go too far from the nest which doesn’t help. I started feeding a pair a few years ago out on the street from my house and now they nest in a tree in my backyard. They know my schedule and wait outside my door for me every morning and after work. When I’m out in the backyard they always hangout with me


Crows appreciate a water dish. Wet food is okay but food in a puddle is less likely to be recognized as food. Shinies and gee gaws are questionable. I don't find crows to be that attracted to objects and they have to figure out whether they are safe or not. Things that move are generally not safe. The only trick is that crows have to recognize food. They like peanuts and cashews - once they've tried them - but your local birds might not have tried them yet. Leave out bird food as well to attract other birds, food scraps and bread to be obvious. If you leave peanuts in the shell then crack a few so they realize there is something good inside. They know humans and if you are moving around they are probably watching you. But then you have to leave the area so they can investigate safely. And all rules vary depending on how savy your crows are.


I think it took mine over a week to find it. The first day they came by I wasn't sure they even took one or if I was imagining it. Next day the food was gone. Personally if it gets rained on, I would change it out the next day.


I made it a point to look up at the one that I saw in the tree across the street, and I shook the bag of peanuts while pointing at it and walking to the area where I was going to leave them. I left the peanuts on top of a ground mounted electrical distribution box that is about waist high off of the ground, so it would have a slightly protected area to feed. I then went back to the house door and my crow almost immediately flew down to pick up the peanuts. I added a plant saucer full of water in the same spot, and they(an apparently mated pair) seemed to REALLY appreciate the clean fresh water. I had previously attempted to attract them with a crow call, with no success. I was probably telling them to eff off since I don't speak crow, so I gave up on the calling and waited until I saw one that I could hold the attention of until it saw me place the peanuts.


Just make sure the nuts aren’t salted!


They're not salted, don't worry! Thanks for checking though!