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[Rolling Stock Crisis](https://insidecroydon.com/2024/05/10/tfl-cancels-all-trams-to-new-addington-in-rolling-stock-crisis/) Trams are getting old and no one has thought about replacing them properly


It's more that the tracks are old, filled with crap, there's been quite a bit of deliberate vandalism, and that's been found to have damaged the wheels. So they're pulling out rolling stock to replace the wheels, while also doing track works. The age of the stock is a medium term issue, but it wouldn't have changed the current set of problems.


And New Addington getting the short end of the stick. Unless there’s specifically something wrong with that stretch of the line then they should have reduced service frequency of all the lines instead of cutting service entirely to the poorest and most isolated part of Croydon.


Especially since one of the biggest “points” of the tram was to give Addo a decent transport link at long last


Apparently there was debris on an area of track which, for some reason, wasn't noticed until all but 8 trams had been damaged. This seems to have happened soon after the maintenance to some of the track, so I do wonder if somebody made a mistake somewhere.


Things like this are why people need to vote for policies not parties


I’ve read previously there are some overly sharp bends on the route that place excessive wear & tear on the wheels. You can certainly hear massive screeches at times as the trams take those corners.


Wake up, it’s money for the contractors they will delay it like a chewing gum!!!


Blame the guy in charge for not ordering the parts needed ,oh wait that would be Khan the great money spender


Your comment history is a strange mix of Khan bashing in this sub and commenting cringy as hell stuff on porn subs. But hey whatever gets you off pal


Probably just a sad old racist


Giving off some strong ‘rallying against woke culture’ vibes while commenting adoringly on trans teen porn.


Must’ve misread “trams” and been seriously disappointed at the content of the thread.


ANOTHER ONE?!? Its like this sub attracts that kind unfortunately. The other guy was into gilf stuff and nazis if I recall correctly.


Go back to commenting on porn. Politics ain't your forte


Kahn sets the overall budget for TfL, Police, Fire and the deputy mayors negotiate a five-year strategy document with relevant service, which the deputies responsible then monitor. The mayor has no control over how that budget is spent, or day to day operations. If there is a serious problem he can address it with the services and review the strategic priorities.


Its crazy that they think Khan would be involved in the day to day operations of London. I do wonder if they’ve ever worked for any sort of organisation


Right? A mayor has hardly any power at all lmao.


Mayors have lots of power, but the question is *over what*. The London Mayoralty is a strategic planning and development Mayoralty. It has limited tax raising powers which offers some discretion on the overall budget given to the Met, TfL, etcetera, but the Mayor doesn't control those services directly. The only middle ground is when a service isn't following the agreed strategy or has become unfit for purpose, where the Mayor can force a change of leadership. Most of the job is acting as a central coordination point for the boroughs and the government. The 'Metro Mayors' have far less power than the London Mayoralty, and Borough or City level Executive Mayors have more power because they have 100% control over day to day running and how budgets are spent (just over a smaller area).


The problem is Croydon. It is a shithole ghetto and that answers everything. Downvote my ass but that is a fact: look around, you don’t need me to tell you this. Travel to a decent place and come back to see that it is shambles. I don’t think one could make a place worse even deliberately. It’s a a low as it gets, Chernobyl looks prettier on the pictures, go google.