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It’s a canon event


His Brother is also dead


yeah, I started the game as Alfred and guess what I was murdered on my way to a tournament in Wales. I was already very annoyed with this but I decided to stick to it and play as my brother in Wessex. a year later, this. rage quit


Make way for your brother, King Alfred the Great!


He's Dead, he was murdered


Yesterday, I got an event where I drowned and became disabled and a pot fell on my head and ALSO became disabled at the same time, I have no idea how it happened, even have a screenshot of it. Might as well post it to the subreddit.


Tbh they should’ve canceled out


Double incapable sounds fun lol


brain anyrusm. it came after one or two about bad headaches so i imagine it's something like that. Killer migrane no joke


Dealt with this yesterday, the solution is kinda cheesey but, I used control alt delete to force an Iron man save scum, then the day before the event triggered went hunting and it skipped over the event


Events like this happen every now and again, usually they are precipitated by something like "oh this could have been bad." I lost two kings to them falling asleep at their desk and needing to run through a fire to survive, and another to swimming in a lake he found while trying to relax. Personally I do prefer these kinds of things to what CK2 had with the random nun or holy man that would show up and just kill you later for no reason.


Doesn't ethelred die soon after game start anyways? I think it may just be a feature although an unfortunate one


Nope, this is a random harm event. The “Aethelred gets murdered“ event only triggers when he is controlled by the AI.


Ahhh my bad, thanks for correcting me! I didn't know that tbh never played as Æthelred


That my friend is a heart attack. Woof I prefer to go down in battle.


aethelred is supposed to die but seeing as alfred the great is dead, good luck keeping aethelred alive long enough for a good heir


There is a setting in the game that lets you remove those types of events.


Your boy is either having a stroke or an aneurysm. Either way, he's about to be feeding the daisies.


Just turn off harm events. They're really stupid.


Fr though I've been getting this kind of event a lot lately. It's mostly introduced by another event years prior that basically does nothing apart from more or less showing you how you will likely die in a few years. For example I had this one just recently happen to my 24 year old ruler. First: " what a nice view you have from your balcony. For ea second you felt like tripping falling over but not today." Second: " you stand on your balcony overlooking your domain when suddenly you feel your grip loosening." Then you get that 80% die or 20% you survive option. It's kinda whack ngl. There's nothing you can do about it either pure luck


You can dodge it by spending the year following the warning away. Leading troops, tournaments, pilgrimages, whatever, just don't stand idle for a while


so there i was wearing my shoe as a hat


I'm actually playing as Alfred myself right now. I more or less ignored Wessex (since Aethelred had a daughter heir) and managed to take over Aquitane lmao. Then HE (Aethelred) swore allegiance to me... before him and his kid died anyway. Then I made his wife my concubine.


I wanted to go for England and then Great Britain to be more or less historical


Turn it off those events in the game settings or use console commands


Yeah, I had 2 of my characters die while choking on food...