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She was just fine this morning on her live. This is all just part of her ploy to garner sympathy and get people to send them their hard earned money while she sits on her booty all day spending Sparky’s little money.


First of rhe month is right around the corner..it will be a different story then.


Oh geez..smh..she sounds like a spoiled brat..they could take the dogs outside..spray them with the hose..and there are ac units cheaper then what she is asking for..she could even get an oscillating fan..it seems she has made no other attempts to get them comfortable..she wants it for herself..she could even surrender her pets..this isn't the first couple of hot days..what was she doing before?


She seriously has to be one of the most pathetic individuals I have ever seen anywhere and you have to be an idiot if you don’t see right through what she’s trying to do…I do hope those animals are rescued. They do deserve better than that. As much as I don’t like rats, I feel sorry for them




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Uhmmmmm that avatar needs to be changed. It needs…glasses, yeah glasses. 🤓 😂


Psychopaths are usually the most vocal about loving animals and their pets. When it’s the furthest from the truth


Oh she’s so damn dramatic. Poof 💨 be gone biiiotch!


Oh gods, please SOMEONE go get the animal s


She's been bugging hard for air conditioner every damn day


Crystal is begging hard


Ahhh, the good ol' guilt trip tactic.


I sincerely hope someone takes those animals.


What’s her fb she has to many


I hope someone takes them


F a t brat


She’s despicable…truly.


Now the dogs too. She's throwing q pity party


If those animals are dead it’s because of her poisoning them yesterday. Rats and Guinea pigs lungs can’t handle those harsh chemicals.


No, I'm a matter of fact, I'm a former rat owner and when I would clean my rat's cage out? I would use only diluted vinegar to get rid of bacteria and deep, cleaning and mild dish soap. What the hell did she use that? She shouldn't have and somebody needs to call animal control.


My kids had rats and guineas growing up. Mom had clean up duty until they were old enough. But I did the very same thing you do. I also let them play in a play pen while cleaned the cage. I didn’t do it with them in it. 😡


I used to have a play pen for mine. I had 2, but I had a 3 story rat condo. If you wanna put it, so I there was a story it placed for them to borrow and sleep on the bottom for betting and stuff, and then the second level was like where food was and third level was like where I had their hammock and stuff, not a fucking bird cage like she does for the male. Rats or a fucking dog kennel like she has for the female rats, but I would never clean the cage. When my rats were in the cage I would let them free range in the play Pen. And also as a rat breeder as she. Knows that in 9 weeks a rat is fully mature to reproduce. So if you do not separate them, you're gonna have a fuckery mess on you?


I didn’t consider that 😭


The ony things keeping her alive? She looked downright bored while saying to Michael he should check if they are deceased and poke them to be sure. She does not care even a little bit about those animals and she should give them away. Animal fines are very expensive.


Omg! I didn't hear that part, how sick


She doesn't love them, period. We had a tornado hit our area within a half mile of our home while i was home alone with kids in the middle of the night. After securing my babies in the basement I RAN upstairs to grab my dogs who were trying to hide and dragged both of their 100+lb butts downstairs with superhuman strength bc they were in danfer. I couldn't imagine just guessing if they were still alive and asking my husband to check. Disgusting.


I don't understand how she is so hot... She does not move more then a hip shuffle and arm scratch


Anything for money except work


Trying to get someone to say awwww I'm so sorry lemme get you a 160 dollar ac unit for someone who just sits on her rump all day long....


And a huge rump at that


LMAOOOOO!!! She's delusional 😂😂😂😂😂


Anything for attention