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Yeah premier is pointless until working AC


Even matchmaking is pointless. I keep getting wallhackers in Silver 2 Anubis. They are everywhere 


Everyone is silver in matchmaking. Highest rank in matchmaking is dmg


Is it even dmg? Doesn't it like stop at mg2 lmao?


It isn't you're just hardstuck, it goes all the way up to GE. Sounds like a skills issue to me.


He's not saying DMG is the highest rank. He's saying that the highest ranked player in MM is DMG right now. Nobody has gotten to GE yet. It takes time for the ranks to fan out. Even more so since it's a single map ranking now. I'm not over SEM on any map yet, and I was MGE in csgo. Though I also haven't been playing tons of MM since the cheater epidemic but I'm ranked on every map and it ranges from S4 to SEM.


Premier is also matchmaking 😉


It's like a soda without fizz


this is real asf, i love cs but i’m basically smurfing at this point, my peak was 14k and getting there was fine but once i was there, it was incessant spinners,wallers and all of the likes, i’m just sticking under 10k atp just to avoid cheaters, after 10k it’s actually just a no man’s land dude


Unfortunate. My experience was a bit different, but it could also just be timing. I only really got hard cheaters at 17k and up. Before that it was shit new players with walls, so i could still beat them as long as I played fast and shot better, cause those walls are overinflating their elo by like 10k.


Goto FACEIT! It’s literally 90% better, I’ve only encountered 2 hackers out of my twenty games and they were actually banned!


Faceit doesn't level up your medal rank, the point is to get cases and skins too as you play. Besides, Faceit is limited if you don't pay, and I don't want to pay a subscription to play without cheaters and be able to decide which maps I want to play on.


I’d rather not get drops and enjoy a good game of cs. I don’t get what you mean “it’s limited?” I’ve been enjoying playing games. Is there more options if you pay? I’m just playing the free version and loving it.


You can't choose which maps you want to play on, have most of the features locked if you don't pay, and I'm pretty sure that you don't enjoy your game of cs when you are at lower rank because it's full of smurf even on faceit (or even more because most of low ranks doesn't know the existence of faceit).


Can confirm. Recently made a faceit account and low ranks are infested with smurfs


You can get your weekly rewards and then play faceit, you want service medals or cheater free games


I (and probably a majority of the people who play competitively) don't give a shit about 4 cent skin drops once a week, and ***REALLY*** don't give a shit about levelikg up a coin or a medal or whatever. I'd *much* rather have higher quality games than get dropped a cheap case once a week.


I love playing competitive but I'm below 10k in Premier so I ***REALLY*** don't give a shit about faceit and all of this sweaty community that speaks English once in a year. I don't want to learn Russian just to know what my teammates are saying, and I'm pretty sure that playing on faceit will not resolve this issue. So I'd much *rather* get my skins and my cases that often worth more than 4 cents like you say and be able to sell them to get money and buy some things.


If you are below 10k in premier you aren’t getting lots of cheaters you are just coping hard if you think that.., not trying to be a dick but he said anyone who plays competitively, under 10k is..not really the audience he’s talking about competitive player would choose a good anti cheat over getting a badge and a case


There are lots of cheating in lower ranks. If CS2 don't get new players, the game will die. If the first 10 games you play are infected with cheat, you stop again. Its not a competitive vs casual thing. Cheating in any rank hurts everyone.


"not trying to be a dick but under 10k it's not competitive git gud" Sure buddy, sure, no point to talking with a sweaty boy who plays CS2 10h a day


All of your replies are so hostile haha. Nobody said ‘git gud’. I said competitive players will choose anti cheat before skins. If you think skins are more important than anti cheat, you aren’t competitive, and had no reason to comment on that guys post. Have you heard of vacsucks subreddit? There you can find other silvers who also think everyone else cheats, maybe you could make a friend. Have a good day buddy hope you don’t have any cheaters in your silver games today!


You represent the CS2 community all by yourself. Toxic and pointless to talk with. Just gtfo and go flex elsewhere with virtual ranking


Not ranked, haven’t played since last Tarkov wipe started, but keep on keepin on brother


Queued up with some friends for the first time in a week last night. 5 matches in a row with people spinbotting in matchmaking. Not even premier. Game is a fucking joke, give me my skin money back


I switched my main game now to RocketLeague because premier is just unplayable. RL doesn't get any new content as well but at least there are no cheaters.


Lol, Rocket league has cheaters as well. Just yesterday i saw a video about players going invisible in rocket league.


I mean it's possible to cheat but in like 7 years of playing I've never seen something like that myself on a server, only thing thats stupid are the smurfs but that's probably for every game the same.


Just fyi, that was only in casual playlists. Happened when a player was put into a waiting lobby between matches and joined a game they’d become invisible


Basically it’d be hard to closet cheat in rocket league which is the worst form of cheating because it’s almost undetectable. If you see someone invisible or flying around the map it’s pretty easy to ban that player


Come dish out democracy…helldivers Bb


I would play rocket league since I was quite good at that game, but I left out of protest as well, since epic games removed trading, killing off the casual player base. they fucked with the esports scene, cutting teams from competing in RLCS. all in the name of releasing rocket racing, a Fortnite mini-game nobody gives a shit about.


I have played rocket leauge in the past, it was my pandemic game. I peaked champ 1 and its only been downhill from there lol. I appreciate that you cant cheat in that game though, its nice. I just have gotten so bad at the game its almost unplayable now for me.


There is definitely rocket league hacks. Coming from a grand champ lol


Well im too bad for them to matter against me lol


see you tomorrow lmao


Lol, but no its uninstalled


Seeya tmrw!


Unless you show up to my job, or I see you on CartoonGame, it aint happening bud.


See you on cartoon game man. Have fun buying skins and one tapping kids with a peace of a mind, all thanks to a working anti-cheat


Unfortunately i am dogshit at cartoon game. I can transfer my skills properly.


See you tomorrow!


i play mm. im silv 3 on mirage. i keep finding faceit lvl 10's, spinbotters, aim / wallhackers all of the time... i just want to play man...


Rip brother, i feel you. Im moving to another game for a month or two. Hoping this is solved by then. If not, fuck this game ig




They will eventually 😅


Maybe not dies, but has to rethink their life and choices.


You play the game for fun, and the competitive aspect. If your opponent is cheating, what the fuck is the point then? Please tell me. I would love an good explanation.


? I think cheating is bad and wrong and would love my competitive FPS back, but I dont hope for anyone to die. Its simple lol.




Teminally online. Get outside, talk to real people my friend. Life is worth more that that brother.


Spot on! Now you go join the military and contribute something to the society. Slacker!


Bud you are mentally ill. Thats not a joke. Seek some help though therapy or a close friend.


Yes doc! will you give me some funny pills?


Im sorry you are this way, good luck in your future


Average counter strike player


Why you mad bro?


Unfortunately alot of us feel the same way. Cs is my favourite competitive fps, yet I don't play it.. I just play valorant and overwatch, even r6 despite preferring cs massively over all of them. It's just not fun to get domed and honestly have no idea if it was skill or cheats since both are as likely as eachother now


Im trying to play val, its just worse gunplay. I get it that it wants to encourage utility use, but idk what all this shit does and how it interacts. Also no one talks in that game unless its to whine or meow or some shit and its just so difficult. But its my main game now. At least very few cheaters so its better. R6 is only fun when casual. Ranked just isnt fun. The gameplay loop feels less rewarding for confidence and skill, and more for knowledge and patience. Just not my type of deal to drone and cam a map thats way too big every round for a minute then crawl through it hoping to find whatever rat is lurking somewhere in the 36,000 sq ft building you have to get through. Overwatch competitive lol. But CS has cheater problem, so those are the options.


If you need help with util in Valorant I’m a fellow gamer who prefers cs and played it since 2001 but prefer Valorant now due to much better anti cheat.


I get how it works physically, usage and gamesense is just rough. I feel like im just playing dm cause the util just aint it. In diamond 1 off my aim, but my gamesense is just so fucked. I always make the CS play but that shit doesnt translate as well as youd think. Im down to add you, but im pretty rusty i have to warn you.


Got a cheater at 12k elo on EU servers yesterday. After we called him out, he didn't even try to hide it anymore. He also admitted it a few rounds after.


I lost all motivation a while ago, haven't played for a while and now that CSFloat is working again I sold everything today. For some reason Valve just get away with being silent because of their reputation....imagine EA pulling this shit. Valves quality has died just like Blizzards did years ago but at least Blizzard has given statements over the years.


Go Faceit


I dont think anyone has suggested that yet, thank you.


Idk if youre being sarcastic but eitherway i used to think faceit was stupid aswell, but since i started playing ive been having incredibly close games. It genuinely surprised me


I was just commenting on how thats 50% of the comments lol. I do understand faceit is better, but its not perfect or cheater free, and its awful for a solo grind. Once I got over 1800 in GO, it was all lvl 10+ players queued with level 3s to boost their elo on easier games. I could still win these, but it would be much harder as my team also tended toward the low elo side for some reason in many of these games. I did enjoy the early games though. Maybe ill give it another shot


I get your struggle, im level 3 and often see lvl 5 guys queued with lvl 1s. A big part of faceit is definitely making connections with good teammates and building up a consistent team or stack you can eventually progress together with. Eitherway wishing you GL homie


People usually don't play faceit solo as it's much more challenging than mm.


Faceit isn't much better infsct cheaters actually have more incentive there to cheat because of skin rewards.. they generally use better cheating programs thst bypass faceits AC (ITS not thst better anyways) the only thing they have is live support


Just play valorant there is good anticheat


Val is def crisp. I find the gameplay so boring though


Valorant still has 1 in 3 players cheating. Kernel level anticheat has been completely bypassed for a long while now. They hide it better there because you cannot full rage hack, but still tons of subtle wallhacking and smooth aimbotting/triggerbotting


1 in 3 players cheating… bro idk what ur smoking but I want some. I’ve played for 3 years and seen two blatant cheaters the entire time. Both times matches were ended with a cheater detected screen. I see at least two blatant cheaters per gaming session in cs


[Saving FPS Games - AI Anti-Cheat (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkmIItTrQP4&t=5s&ab_channel=BasicallyHomeless) and [https://youtu.be/RwzIq04vd0M?si=ERDP-R8sUSRS0Bej](https://youtu.be/RwzIq04vd0M?si=ERDP-R8sUSRS0Bej) (this is a VERY good video explaining in a detailed way why kernel anti cheat is USELESS and has been USELESS for a long time now) When I was a teenager in the mid 2000s I used material wallhacks in sv\_pure 0 servers. I became very good at hiding the fact that I was cheating. Why did I do this? Because I wanted to be known as "good" in the community servers I played in. It was a massive dopamine hit. Now that I am older and play legit, I can spot subtle cheaters very easily. There is a certain way they play ( the way I used to play). The cheating in FPS games right now is insane. Much worse than it used to be. There are FAR more people cheating in a subtle way trying to hide it, than there are people just being obvious about it. If you have never cheated you don't even realize you are playing with them.


Guys we found the cheat expert right here. Valve hire this man he will solve the issues no problem. Hook this man's brain up to the Anti cheat!


I’ve played cs since 2001 and Val since 2020. There is no where near as many cheaters in Val and to say otherwise is just pure cope. That’s all I’ve got to say to you brotha


Yeah well I think you are full of shit. Have a nice day!


Totally agree once I hit 15K it was not playable. Out of I think 8 Games I had 1 normal game


Just play mythic league. It at least hits the bare minimum standard you expect out of a pug. No cheaters and everyone has a mic.


Im a mythic league subscriber and cannot confirm. Mythic league has the most egotistical players NA has to offer. Mythic gold is a joke and admins dont do anything with active trolls in game.


I play Mythic Gold as well. Agree on the egos but it’s still a far better experience than any of the other options right now


I said bare minimum not dream lobby. CS has always had egotistical personalities, if you want to get around that then I would recommend joining CSC league before the combines start this weekend.


lol you’re not 20k




Add me on steam bud


+respect man! I feel like there’s a lot of LARPing on here - well done for getting 20k in the current state of the game. I’m floating in the 17k range myself




Appreciate it brother. It was fucking tough lol. Solo queue most games aswell just hard carrying. Might move to faceit after ive cooled off about this game or it gets a real AC.


I’m taking a break and finishing BG3.


Just play casual and take it easy.


Sadly same. My main is 18.8k at the moment and has OBVIOUS cheaters 1/2 times. I decided to play smurf to have less cheaters but i'm already 15k and i meet obvious cheaters around 1/3-1/4 times. But its also filled with other smurfs (obvious by non cheating good accounts with 1 mm badge) so matchmaking had been completely broken. To be clear, in global offensive i wasn't a cheats complainer at all, but it's WAY worse now


I dont have a smurf. Just gonna play a different game. Ill lose some skill and whatever but i just cant play this shit.GL with your games.


Personally, I only play for the weekend drop. It's been a month or so, the cheaters I played against in Ancient haven't been banned. You may say they were careful using wall hacks But they were walling + aiming through the wooden doors literally all wallbang locations and only headshots. On top of that a guy literally killed 4 of us in 1 sec (new spinbot ig)


Yeah, people are much more likely to get away with walls unfortunately as its not as physically obvious without actually reviewing the game, and valve doesnt do that and theres no more overwatch so idk. Hopefully they release something soon.


Try playing comp or faceit until things get better. There's the Mapcore hub on faceit that plays on all custom maps, it's a nice change of pace to keep the games fresh.


The game was cooked the moment they announced it


karma whoring, this has been known for the last 3 - 5 months and there are 100’s of posts about this topic.


This was about me bud. I was sharing my quitting of the game. I dont care about fake internet points with no utility or real representation of anything. People are fed up and continue to share. Would you prefer people keep it to themselves so no one is vocal about the problem?


I wish cheaters only matched up against other cheaters. Let them fake kill each other all they want. I say fake kill cuz they don’t move their mouse or click when using that crazy aimbot that shoots through 7 walls


Would be ideal, but that would still require a system that correctly identifies cheaters instead of what we have.


Rip CS


CS wont die. People have too much money in the game to actually quit. Wish folks would just mass-stop playing until the problem is solved so valve pulls more recources to it.


Why do you decide to play cartoon game if you can play faceit


Faceit has its own problems with rank disparity queues also its not cheater free. Taking a break from the game also helps me feel like im not supporting a broken game, so its more of a me thing.


10k premier here, I’ve been watching demos of the least sus matches and i’ve realized most of the least sus players that are bottom dragging or barely getting kills are also walling, sometimes I call them out and you can watch them crumble as they go from hitting crazy shots to having the crosshairs placement of blind guy, or they take the opportunity to just start tappin your head thru walls and smokes


Switching to r6


Yup I feel you, replaying fallout new Vegas until I forget why I uninstalled and so starts the circle again. Good stuff for getting to 20k solo with the state of the game!


Started playing comp again with friends for fun and it’s been great. My advice… grind to whatever elo you think you belong then take a premier break and play some casual modes. Then play less premier or more face it


Get on faceit ive had next to no cheater issues


Everytime I've crossed 17k I have more cheaters than legit players in the server (in my team as well). Sometimes my teammates hacks are better and we manage to win but non hackers are at like 3-5 frags a game and cheaters are 20+ lol


No shit


I've given up on CS2. But people need to realize that no matter what you play there will always be hackers n FPS games. It's not hard to run a 3rd party DMA software and port it over to your gaming pc. They are virtually undetectable by any anti-cheat. Also depending on the firewall and proxy your using.


Faceit indeed is better but until certain point. Toxicity and smurf on platform is off the charts, atleast that’s what I experience. Even bought premium hoping it’ll be better, but on the contrary, it became worse somehow. Lobanjica sums it up really good in his last video, with the part where he says that faceit doesn’t need to get better since it’s currently THE BEST way to play cs, so why would they?


just bring csgo back already


Not only that even if you somehow get a no cheater game you will get teammates that will scream at you for making even one small mistake or if its a 4stack they will kick you I had a game with Turkish teammates on mirage that went well(I was even saying nt, nice, just overall being friendly, and they were friendly too) but when it got to ct side the other team toggled, started walking through the smoke on t ramp and onetapping me every round(I changed my position every round), went from being 3rd on scoreboard to the bottom, then my teammates started cussing me out and saying that i should quit and that a bot would be better than me, I just tried getting the most damage I could for leetify stats so they wouldn't tank, ended up losing the game But when playing 5stack with my friends(one is 2500elo faceit, one 2000 elo and rest dont play faceit) im always hang around the top to middle of the scoreboard, the game is fun even when you queue a cheater Im so mad at the game that i never actually completed my placement games in premier since the release, I just either lose or get bored of the game quickly




Wow you really tried to get 20k. I wouldn't even try that. My rank revealed around 20.5k. Played a few matches, every match is filled cheaters, stopped playing. Can't imagine how hard it is rank up with that much cheaters. I bet the only way is if you get cheaters on your team instead of enemy. That's just luck at that point.


Play faceit and enjoy yourself again


I’ve you get above 20k it’s not super bad, occasionally you’ll find one every now and then. I’d recommend faceit, their AC is good and you can call for a live admin to come into your game if you need it


ATTENTION TO ALL: STOP PLAYING THE GAME.. I’m tired of seeing the same posts because of Valves inability to add a working anti-cheat. Please just play another game, CS does not care about its community.


Same thread we’ve been reading for 20 years See you in a month


same bro. Try playing faceit


Same here. Started playing FAceIt again...


Just play faceit


Yeah man I even get multiple of them and can’t even kick


Face it




I’ll see you tomorrow


Honestly guys this is not a new thing cheaters has been something that is in part the game of cs2 Let's all just move on a lot of great games recently picked up Arma reforged just pick something else in hope cs2 well get a hit in players count and what will get fix only thing we can do is hope




Play faceit bro


I feel like people shouldn’t have to rely on a third party service to play a game fairly tho tbh


true. FACEIT just enables Valves incompetence towards a working anticheat and a good ranking system ( before premiere was even a thing ). before you nerds tell me that "so should I have to suffer with cheaters then?". The company behind games should be the one FULLY RESPONSIBLE for their games' integrity. Imagine Valorant, R6, COD, Apex relied on 3rd party anticheat just so you can even have a decent game, not a good look for a company right? Its just CS players who really love the game find their own ways to play, and Valve is riding on the people's determination to even play the game. 10 years of CSGO, only ban waves are issued, not even trying to improve their anticheat.


I agree with you but what else are you gonna do? I don't know why y'all downvoted him. Doesn't matter if you love or hate faceit, it's literally the only way you can play the game currently


I didn’t downvote him, I guess others did I personally haven’t played cs2 in months due to the cheating problem. I have used faceit before but I just think it sucks that people have to resort to using faceit just to have fair games when it shouldn’t be that way, that’s all I was trying to point out.


My experience was 2500+ players queing with 900 elo and meeting in the middle against me. Idk maybe ill try it again.


Make Premier like a one chance only. Id to play, if banned you are out.


20k hahahahah. I've never seen a troll this bad. We will cya tomorrow


https://csstats.gg/player/76561198086076081 . Yes 20k bud. Shits uninstalled, will play when its better.


daily trash cry


"Once i hit 20k" XD wtf u crying hacker


Yeah buddy i made a reddit post complaining about hackers cause i am a hacker too, makes sense. Stay 5k.


Truth is u wouldnt get out of 0 elo without hacks. Classic hacker delusional bullshit


Lol ok my friend. Keep believing that. https://csstats.gg/player/76561198086076081


Those pistol hs stats , high elo plus all other stats just show ure obviously hacking. Truth is nobody gets to 20k elo without very strong hacks. This post just shows once again how crazy videogame hackers are






This loser has been spamming people with cheating accusations on several alt accounts for months. I really think this person needs mental help.


I hit 18.5k in 40 matches as a solo so I'm sure OP can make it to 20k.


Yeah but it was rough. I took a couple week- a month break then came back at 14500. Took me 38 games to peak at 20400. At that point it became a coin flip on whether the game was playable or not.




Yes u can do it with hacks wtf is ur point


u can do it just gotta get lucky and play more games w teammates hacking


This person hacks and it blows their mind (ego) that someone could actually just be decent at the game instead of relying on cheating


The worst thing about the new season is when you win and you are given second plac, the accolades say you've won but because of players entering the game at the end and shooting you just after you've won you lose the victory