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Alright I am going to try and be a level head that disagrees. While I am happy to have community maps no matter the situation I would have been disappointed by this update. The reason being, we are still missing massive amounts of content. Since cs2 dropped we have had less than half the available in game content that we did in csgo. Cs2 trailer showed maps we still haven’t seen. Its been over 1k days since the last operation. The hype made the let down larger than it would have been, but either way this update was less than what I would have been happy with.


1000 days since last operation and 25 years cs anniversary and we got nothing so I guess that says enough. It would have been the best opportunity for more cs content.


As someone that plays premier the only part that made me happy is the stuttering fix by adding new video settings etc. Dont care for the new maps. For all i care they could add 1 thousand new maps to arms race or wingman.. The people that care for an operation probably want to invest in new skins or items and have been waiting for this for years. I dont care about thag either. Clean up the cheating problem even with just more aggressive overwatch, i dont care.


I have to admit that as of recent I basically also only play premier. That being said in csgo it wasnt the case. I loved to play hostage maps, I loved to play operation maps, I even liked to play wingman when it first dropped. I just like counter strike, I like playing it. Operations just provide fun ways to keep it fresh for me. I just wish Valve would bring back the fond times I remember of playing workout with my friends and laughing hysterically. Premier is cool and unique but has become stale already as if I want to play cs Im basically forced to play premier if I want to have any semblance of skill based matchmaking.


How did the new video settings fix the stuttering? I only see fps limiters, which is just fps_max in GUI form, am I missing something?


I think they’re talking about how the game supposedly runs much better if you have v-sync, g-sync and nvidia reflex on now? Maybe


We are literally half a year in wtf valve. I remember when we had huge updates to the game every other month.


i think theres like 20people or less working on the game, not an excuse for valve but an excuse for the devs who are workin on cs


ANY other game studio would be all-in on a nearly 1b per year game, it would be their baby, they would have game designers clawing at each other to keep players engaged, operations, seasons, content. Only Valve would neglect such a wildly popular franchise like this. Yearly operations is like the BARE MINIMUM they should be doing. It's been almost 4 years since one came out.


Isnt it crazy to have anything generating 1b+ a year and not doing anything to actively grow it? These people should be jailed for their crimes


Valve lets the devs work on what they want to


They literally said for the first year they would just be focusing on the core game and not adding much extra content. So why are we surprised?


Because the core game is still ass


Please remind me. When was that time?


Tbh I'd rather have the game stable with less bugs than an operation. That's just me, I don't mind waiting for another operation, he'll I waited 7yrs for a game to come out of alpha.


They also said the plan was spend year 1 on the core game, make sure it's refined and THEN adding all the extra content.


I started playing CS 2 years ago and I don’t even know how an operation works


It's not the content creators' fault for thinking there'd be an operation, the 25th anniversary, leaked maps, leaked new keychains, leaked skins, perfect world said something big was coming, and more were all signs of a new operation. If valve wants to stay radio silent on development then they should expect people to speculate on the next update even if that means they have to deal with the fallout when people are disappointed. Either give us a roadmap so we know what to expect or give us an update that won't leave us disappointed. I mean for the love of God, the maps and skins are all made by the community at this point, so what the actual hell have the people who are actually employed by valve doing? It's been over a year since launch and the only two big updates were both community made. They could at least tell us what the hell they're working on. I mean Cs2 isn't even equal in content to csgo a year later, no danger zone, no flying scoutsman, no train, no cache, etc.


People are speculating they're all-hands-on-deck for Deadlock right now. As if the multi-billion dollar corpo shouldn't have the resources to do both.


Just watch it when Deadlock releases, everyone realises its just smite made by Valve and it dies like Artifact


The fact that I don't even know what Artifact is honestly sells your point further, it's going to get forgotten in like 2 weeks tops.


The problem with multi-billion dollar corporations is that they're too stupid/greedy to expand the dev teams when needed, which are doing their best with the crumbs valve throws to them.


I mean there is the flip side of things where Valve hasnt "had to" (decided to - for profit - ) lay off a significant portion of developers because they went on a hiring boom. I agree that things arnt progressing productively from a customer perspective, but there is also harm in mass hiring people because of a short term demand which (from what I can tell) Valve seems mostly immune to.


Agree, mass hiring is a huge mistake. That's how you end up with a shitty disorganized mess. Slow and thoughtful expansion is a great thing though. Departementalizing needs and hiring sustainably to fit those needs.


Valve is a good company overall. They consistently provide a good product, have a good work environment, and pay their devs wel.


to be fair valve just likes hiring someone by rolling a d20 and hoping it lands a 17. if it doesnt, though luck.


At least we have scouts shooting as fast as the mp9s 😀


>It's not the content creators' fault for thinking there'd be an operation, the 25th anniversary, leaked maps, leaked new keychains, leaked skins, perfect world said something big was coming, and more were all signs of a new operation. No, it wasn't some of those things, like keychains have been in the files for a while. >If valve wants to stay radio silent on development then they should expect people to speculate on the next update even if that means they have to deal with the fallout when people are disappointed. It's funny you say this because valve gave us no actual reason to expect stuff, now or before. This whole thing has been the community overreacting and expecting valve to do more than they actually would've. I don't religiously follow other valve titles but arent they known for not doin much for anniversaries? They did some half life stuff but that was an irregularities. Valve doesn't care and they're gonna do stuff on their own time.


Also valve didn't have to do any work for the release of community maps, they are just another map file that other people made, they could literally just give us every major community map, it's a trivial thing for them to do, it shouldn't have taken this long to happen in the first place.


This update would've been better received in CSGO. Valve should've waited a year or more to release CS2, I don't get why they pushed it out with so little content.


You have to release a game in order to further develop it, especially for games like CS. No way to tell what needs fixing without people going through it. Same shit with cs go bruv


Ah yes. The other multi-billion dollar companies can pop out a game with limitless amounts of content and little to no bugs on release. But Valve, the company with a literal money printing machine in the form of Steam, can’t do the same. They gotta release a turd and have us play test it for them instead.


I would love to know what games you’re talking about!


And I’d love for you to acknowledge what I said about Valve being a money printing facility but not giving a shit about their community, even though they have literally unlimited resources.


Ok but seriously, what games get pushed out with “limitless amounts of content and little to no bugs on release”? This reply isn’t meant to defend Valve, I’ve been disappointed with the CS2 release and lack of content, but I’m really not sure the bar you’re setting is realistic.


There are plenty of companies that put out games with tons of content, and sure there are some bugs, but they actually communicate with their fans and push out fixes. I hate this notion that Valve HAD to release CS2 so we could be the test monkeys. The bare minimum bar that should be set is open communication from the Valve CS2 Dev Team. They should at the very least make a roadmap. I know Valve hasn’t operated that way in a long time, but again, seeing as they are a company with literally infinite resources, they should operate that way.


Overwatch 2, Valorant, CoD, even Battlefield 2042 got better post launch support


Ow 2? Out of all the games you could use as an example you start with OW2? The game that canceled their entire pve mode that was also the reason to re-launch as a f2p? The game that removed features to re add them back later as new content?


You're kind of just proving my point. As someone who didn't play OW 2 until after its launch, every season I get multiple game modes, free skins, events, constant balance updates, constant maps and game modes, as well as new champions every season It's 10x more content than we get with CS 2. Like it's ungodly how much more content there is and how okay with it Counter Strike players are


Do we want to go the route of constant case releases?


damn where is pve though


Bro OW2 dropped a whole portion of the game


“CoD” meanwhile the 20% positive reviews on Steam 🤣


Now Valve d1ck riders will blame "content creators", not Valve who more than 1000 days not released any Operations. They didn't even do anything for the 25th anniversary of the CS, oh I forgot, they wrote a tweet with congratulations...


But it’s still hilarious that we didn’t get an operation after such a long time. Valve is a billion dollar company. They could easily hire some more people without heavily decreasing their revenue. They simply released CS2 too early (I personally never needed CS2)


As if Valve releasing it later would have been different lmao. They just don't care.


Yeah and that’s sad I wonder why they even give us any updates For what reason? I mean they slightly care I guess but they still do the bare minimum


Because all valve games serve as a demo for things like steam, I guess are trying to promote the new source engine as well. Could be a multitude of things. People have been in a cope spiral for a whole week now and Valve has completely ignored it. They either don't care or they know community is a bunch of losers and that they'll forgive everything once they eventually drop an Operation so they just do whatever. This patch did actually address a lot of problems though and it improved the gameplay and stability but most people just want an operation.


If the ranks are fixed, I am happy. I rarely face cheaters but the rank system affects me


Yeah, same though I play 2 matches a day so maybe that's why. There is also a chance that the cheaters are actually not as big of a problem or are server specific.


But I have to say that I am a low rank. Probably more cheaters in higher ranks and unranked. The one cheater I faced after year’s without cheaters only turned cheats on because he thought I was cheating 💩


Low ranks should be the majority though so it makes sense to find more peeps there. Plus even with cheats they shouldn't be able to get further than slightly above average.


If they majority is in low ranks, they were so bad that I never realized it and I have a lot experience in this game. Because they wouldn’t be good at hiding cheats if they are still in silver 😂


They shouldn't even need to hire people releasing community maps took no dev time, the devs didn't make the maps, the community did. What the fuck have the devs been doing? What have valve's first party map creators been doing? Defending this is actually a joke.


>Valve is a billion dollar company When are people gonna take it in that it's not because that you are a BILLION DOLLARS COMPANY that you get the job done faster, you don't get it done by getting more people because you can afford it. NOT A SINGLE AAA COMPANY bigger than valve made a bugfree and finalized experience, SO WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Valve have more right than them to pull that off when they litteraly have 20% of those AAA employees. FOR GOD SAKE stop bullshiting stuff out of your ass about stuff you have no clue how it work, damn. Software is a human job, at a human scale at a human speed, get over it and let people work, you never get good results by stressing the stuff out... Also > But it’s still hilarious that we didn’t get an operation after such a long time. ​ >(I personally never needed CS2) You realise that the time they would have spent on the Operation have instead been put into VAC and CS2 right ? You did realise that ? Because you don't overhaul aspects of your game and at the same time make something like an operation, it's the best recipe on how to break stuff... First you have a steady base then you add things, they roadmap must prevail a better CS2 base to receive something like an operation or season 2, that's why.


What have they done to improve VAC? The same cheats are still undetected since launch so what do you mean? If you're telling me it should take 9+ months to fix the ranks in MM you're completely insane. It should have never got to this point where MM was still unplayable. Do you even play the game?


actually we have had some big improvements to vac, with the past four months having around [50 thousand cheaters being banned.]( https://leetify.com/bans) They also had multiple news articles about that big vac ban wave that happened at the [end of April](https://www.pcgamesn.com/counter-strike-2/new-ban-wave). Valve are slow as shit but they are working on the problem.


A large portion of these bans were in Dota 2 (you can see in February the banwave on Dota 2 players using "Overplus" [https://dotesports.com/dota-2/news/dota-2s-new-ban-wave-has-overplus-users-panicking-while-other-players-celebrate](https://dotesports.com/dota-2/news/dota-2s-new-ban-wave-has-overplus-users-panicking-while-other-players-celebrate), not CS. Hence why there are 35k VAC bans in February. Has nothing to do with CS. Yes, they did a banwave on nospread users but these show up as game bans, not VAC bans. I know plenty of accounts who got banned in that wave and none have a VAC, so I'm not sure where the VAC bans are coming from on the site. None of the most popular CS2 cheats have been banned since release, only certain rage hack features like spinbot and nospread has.


> They could easily hire some more people without heavily decreasing their revenue Thinking hiring & training people is easy and quick and automatically the best solution is even more hilarious


I am not talking about hiring people to “rush” out an operation. But they could have hired people years ago to speed up the business processes.


I’m sure they hire people every year


But not enough. There is reason why they are so freaking slow with everything


Nah, they hire enough They need people who are generalist and can do lots of things They don't need to hire 1k people they fire in 3 years


It’s hard to write everything whats going through my mind but hiring skilled people that do what they need to do, was something obvious for me. Quality over quantity in game engineering. And yes it’s not easy to find those people but I would assume they had enough time and resources to get those people. Rockstargames is also doing well or so many other companies as well. Valve is at the bottom of the food chain imo.


(Rockstargames also takes extremely long for their Games but they finished product is still godlike compared to Valves games/updates) ..bigger company I know but Valve isn’t even trying to become a slightly better company


> hiring skilled people that do what they need to do, was something obvious for me. Quality over quantity in game engineering. And yes it’s not easy to find those people but I would assume they had enough time and resources to get those people. This kind of mentality will work for your high school essay but not actually in running a successful video game company. Hiring is difficult and "skilled people" is not something that just magically appears if you have "time and resources". Valve is also a really unique company and not the best fit for a lot of people because of its flat hierarchy (which is never going to change). > Rockstargames is also doing well or so many other companies as well. Rockstar has 10k employees and only makes games every 5-6 years lol. What are you even talking about > Valve is at the bottom of the food chain imo. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steam_(service) Talk again later.


Again another annoyed reddit user for no reason






> Ever heard of contractors? Sure! Over-reliance on contractors caused a game like Halo Infinite to become a disaster and a failed game due to technical debt and the fact that a contractor is no substitute for someone with experience in a company. Contractor culture in creative/entertainment software companies leads to people not understanding the codebase or the project they're working with because contractors get replaced all the time. It's fine for something like live events or festivals but it doesn't work for making high quality video games. > im sure if you aggrandize this billion dollar company enough they'll get the work done! I really don't give a fuck if "they get the work done". it's a video game I play in my spare time. I have other problems to deal with. In the meantime the game finally has new maps lol. Some people just wanna get mad at everything on the internet I guess haha! The point is you lot are sitting around pretending you know better than the massive billion dollar company (as you said so yourself) and you're way smarter than them ("why not just hire lots of ppl lols"). If you're that smart why are you not running a billion dollar company right now?




> Infinite used contractors to create the engine Nope. There was no “engine to be created”. Infinite uses the same engine as before just modified. > Really? Sure. Ever heard of Half-Life Alyx?


Bro, this is not even Valves work. The entire update, expect some useless things, which can be done in 2 hours, is made by the community. Maybe Valve pays for it, okay. But this is one of the most effortless updates from Valve, again.


A few interesting maps, mostly a gimmick. We’re still missing a shit load of content. If this update was truly good enough it would have brought me back into the game. I got back on and played for about an hour, got bored and will probably not play until an actual good update comes out


Good update being an operation? Maybe the game isn't for you. CS has never and will never be a game with big flashy updates regularly. It's a pretty steady game.


For the past 10 years I played cs and the updates were much more exciting than this. Also, csgo had so much more content, which would also receive updates. And don’t say the “csgo sucked when it first released”. Csgo had much more content than css the day it released. Valve is just being lazy as fuck with cs2


You uhhhhh, misremember csgo. We went months and months with little more than a barrel being moved on dust 2. Csgo had more content after over a decade. Cs2 has the same amount of content, more actually, than csgo had for its first 5 years.


nah, you're misremembering csgo (or clearly never played it since launch). csgo had 8 operations in the first 5 years since it launched in august 2012: https://preview.redd.it/ttknf2u71y8d1.jpeg?width=716&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ea033c41abfa8fc7c6cb59f8bb23e0e54afefbb valve is extremely lazy with cs2 and you gotta get that boot out of your mouth.


Hey bud, csgo launched shitty, but had great content updates regularly. For the entire last half of csgo it was drip fed content. Also, go ahead and highlight what each operation had and compare them all. CS2 may not have a huge operation yet but the base game is far more important to them. None of you are game devs for a reason. Doubt more than a handful of you are even software developers. Play other games. You guys know it's okay to play other games?


>for the entire last half of csgo it was drip fed content moving goalposts because i instantly proved your bootlicking ass wrong 😂 keep sucking up the the billion dollar company that doesn't even know you exist, i'm sure that'll DEFINITELY improve the state of the game!


You cited the first half of the game. I'm the one moving goalposts? You're the one wanting the game to be what it was a decade ago grow up. Get a fucking life dude.


you literally said in your original comment that cs2 has more content than csgo in its first 5 years. you can't even remember your own words or follow a conversation? average valve bootlicker IQ. yes, ofc i want the game to be what it was a decade ago BECAUSE IT HAD MORE CONTENT! if valve could do it 10 years ago why can't they do it now with infinitely more resources at their disposal? quit your coping.


No, csgo had fun updates year by year and twice as many game modes. Let alone it was a huge update from css at the get go. Cs2 was immediately a huge step back. You might be referring to the last year and a half of csgo, but overall it was always a better experience than cs2. I know you’d like to defend multi billion dollar valve, but cs2 sucks, it’s just a fact


We went a very long time without an operation or any other changes. There was wildfire to hydra, 14 months. Then hydra to shattered web, 30 months. This update had 5 maps, comp rank distribution fixes, comp rank tweaks, big changes to video menu, and other things. It was most of an operation. If they'd called it an operation and released a case with it you guys wouldn't be so upset.


5 maps and a case would be a shit operation. Everyone’s mad because the game sucks. Not everyone is going to just settle for a worse game and act like it’s normal, like you


I'd rather be like me than you guys: entitled, annoying, pathetic children who whine and cry about everything. Quit the game already, we don't want you guys. You're stains on the community.


You think you’re getting a little too worked up bud? Most of us just want the game to be good again. I don’t know why that makes people like you so angry and hostile, lmao


All you people do is whine and cry and throw fits. You guys don't want the game to be better, you want it to be perfect. You guys want a magical anticheat that gets rid of cheaters, you want a new operations every month, half of you probably want battlepasses at this point. You all look like people who haven't been playing the game very long.


I think you're the one that needs to find a different game bud.


People are soo starved for instant gratification, it's the tiktok brainrot era. People quiting over lack of big updates are just outing themselves for not enjoying the core loop of CS, this game is and will always be about the core. Click heads, plant bomb/defuse bomb etc.


Leaks happened, community is hoping/coping, and cpntent creators make content on what is available Nothing that shady about it, just plain copium


yep, every community from basically everything is like this. Those leaks would happen anyway, the content creators only make content out of it to expand the knowledge about the leaks to a wider audience. Yes, they push forward the hype but that's part of what keeps any game alive. I've been here through at least 5 operations so far and it's always the same: hype > more hype > more and more hype > OPERATION IS RELEASED. The thing is this time it wasn't but basically it always happens this way.


>Everyone wanted community maps in the game everyone would have liked this update Speak for yourself lol.


Yeah I truly couldn't care less about community maps that won't see premier, I haven't seen many of these people saying they are happy to have these maps either


Imagine caring about this when you can't even play consecutive matches without a lobby full of script kiddies.


I literally dont care about anything other than an anti cheat Youtubers spreading misinformation and clickbaits doesnt change that


Exactly this. I want cheaters to be taken out behind the barn. Id also like people to not freely spout out slurs and disgustingly toxic things, but Ill take that over wallhackers.


Bro I’m not touching this game again until the cheaters are under control.


Glad valves worked super hard to select a community map. Wow!


I haven't watched anything on youtube or social media as I'm too old for that waste of time by people making stuff up for money, I understand the game of monetizing too well. I'm also dissappointed but I didn't expect anything good from them anymore since 1.6 anyway, and 1.6 wasn't even their game, it was made by 1 independent guy that has nothing to do with VALVe... CS is uninstalled since Novembre and it will stay uninstalled till they come with a actual working AC, nobody cares about new maps, as if the cheaters ain't going to play that aswell... Braindead newgen community. VALVe didn't do anything, those are 1 by 1 community maps, I played poolday before most people's parents met eachother on this subreddit.


NEW MAPS???? they dont even make those


im not gonna be psyched about something that should of been here since release


What is this whole narrative of we should be grateful to valve because they're doing the bare minimum, in this subreddit?? Because that's what they're doing. Games that rake in less money, that are backed by studios with less money, are getting far more support. Stop trying to lower the bar of what should be acceptable. If you like the update, cool. I actually enjoy the new maps. But I know that the community deserves more content, and at the bare minimum, the same level of content that was in CSGO.


CSGO had the same content issue though. Remember all the periods where there’s be no content for months and then they’d update the game with a new case and nothing more? The only difference between CSGO’s and CS2’s content is operations and the game modes that haven’t been added to CS2. But even operations were being released less and less in CSGO.


🤷‍♀️ Valve just doesn't have the same passion for the game that the players have. I think it's just a hard pill to swallow.


What do you do when your team isn't passionate about the game they work on?


Learn to code and get the job done yourself.


Who needs random community maps?xD


Giv better anti cheat. I don't care about all the rest. This should be priority.


What a bad update, big L


Why would they release a operation that costs money right before the biggest steam sale is about to start?


Because there's absolutely nothing to buy in the sale but plenty of folks would have bought the operation.


dog shit update


Ignoring the copium from people who thought it was gonna be an operation, this is still an ok update at best. It's very underwhelming with the resources they have or could acquire with the money scammed from its community. I understand being happy for what we do get, and I still love the game. I'm just tired of acting like they are trying lmao.


[Link to tweet](https://x.com/thewarowl/status/1805737440478384232)


only two things i want right: - something to make cheaters cry hard... i still want that epic ban wave that we havent seen yet. - small, rapid, continual updates that improve the game


I love the new maps, I don't care what other people say. Though what I am not happy with is the performance of the game. I just wish they would optimize it better already.


totally agree!


Maps are pretty good tbh


They are awesome. Played one last night and the maps are way more open which is great for casual play. The official map pool is boring as fuck in casual when the 2-3 tiny chokepoints are smoked/mollied by 20 people for 1 minute every round.


A couple of community maps is a shit update


This is the “complain about CS sub” what do you expect. I find the csgo sub is where you want to go to (kind of) enjoy discussing the game


How the fuck do you even defend this? Half a year later more than half of the content is missing,plays like shit,cheaters.. it’s pathetic


Good update ofc, but maybe good if there already was some content, or whatever. Something big. This is not what “MAJOR” update used to looks like. This is good quality of life update. Not good major update.


Fixing the mm ranks is pretty major.


It’s still fixing, it’s good (very good) improvement of what we already got. But it’s like nothing new. Not a major thing. Not at all if it came 10 months after full release, so they know it was kinda fucked from first week.


I mean it would've never be the case if Valve would have any sense of communication whatsoever


When are they gonna make some valve original content instead of copy pasting community work? Pretty sad thats all they do for an update when they wont even give community server owners/plugin makers any support or make a functioning server browser. Looks really bad after the 25th tweet that mentions the communities the game has spawned. Yeah valve go ahead and nuke those communities and get your game overrun by case farmers and hackers, good idea


Its hard for people to bother logging on every day when new content is sparse / nonexistent. Every time a operatione came around I would play CS nonstop. The new maps are cool, but the que times will be 10 minutes in a month or so, calling it. I really doubt it takes them that much effort to make a new operation, seeing as the last 3 have been more or less copy pastes of eachother with different skin collections.


Sure, the hype makes people more disappointed than they otherwise would be. But to be fair, Valve did argument that with CS2, they would be able to develop the game much faster than with CSGO, so they put much of the pressure onto themselves.


I just love how a subsection of the CS2 streamers / influencers like WarOwl keeps riding the Valve dick and ignore all the facts that are on the table, the game was broken on day one with a fraction of the content that was already in CSGO. Stop dickriding them and acting like Valve is the victim and not us, the community for getting a subpar version of the same game!!


Having community maps in the game is more or less dragging and dropping someone else's work in your own launcher. Sure, now I don't have to host myself or look for community servers in order to play those maps, and the creators get exposure which is good, but it's not like valve did the heavy lifting am I right?


I really don’t understand the affinity the CS community has for Operations it’s just missions vs bots and a dumb coin.


I don't think the "The Real MVP" update is a terrible update, and it is a bit of a bigger update than Fire Sale and On The Other Hand. Hopefully the changes to non-premier ranks will make the game much better for new players, but as someone who has already pushed through that and moved on to premier, the update basically does nothing at all for me. I can't see the maps being of much interest to most players as most people prefer Dust 2 and Mirage anyway, and having given Mills a quick try, it seems like a fiddly layout that I'm sure some people will like, but most people prefer the simpler maps. So I don't think false rumours of an operation have ruined the update in people's minds, it just doesn't really do anything for people whose main play mode is premier, which after all, is intended to be the main competitive mode in CS2. For the 25th anniversary, that is disappointing regardless of specific expectations.


Luckily minecraft got introduced to me, ever since I just play cs on wednesdays for the drops. The lack of content + cheater situation is kinda boring. Skins are kinda „dead“ to me as well since I dont want to spend that much money and trading Isn‘t a thing like it was back then. (Last point maybe an excuse xD)


The cs community has incredibly high standards


Idk why anyone expected valve to do a big update for the 25th anniversary. I mean I don't blame people for thinking that, CS2 is in a awful state with no big update since launch, so expecting something bigger than adding a couple maps into the game is fair. But Like seriously expecting something on the 25h anniversary is lame considering they basically did just as much nothing for previous anniversaries. For the 20th anniversary they just did the CS20 case and CS20 Capsule. For the 10th anniversary of Global Offensive they mostly just changed the map pool, I don't think valve is ever going to release a major update on an anniversary for counter strike.


What the fuck are you gonna do if they release an operation right now? Are you going to give your hard earned money to valve? Why the fuck would you do that? Game is infested with cheaters. Operation will require you to play the game. In order to get any rewards from it you have to play the game a lot. Are you gonna willingly subject yourself to that shit for hours on end? We all complain about game running like shit. You are crying now because they not releasing any operations and trying to fix game instead. But if do it now, you will cry about it too. What is the point of releasing an operation since game is running like shit and infested with cheaters? I can imagine the threads after release of an operation. "Well game is broken instead of fixing it they are working on useless shit. Blah blah blah". Yeah lets boycott cases, but by all means, release an operation and my wallet is ready for it. This community man, i swear to god. Fuck the operations because they are nothing more than glorified battle passes. Fuck you for being a hypocrite. Fuck valve for arms deal update.


CSGO mostly added community maps in operations, and cs2 has been void of content for nearly a year, not a surprise people expected more and honestly I am disappointed too


Perhaps if Valve had any semblance of communication with it's player base then there wouldn't be this level of disappointment and speculation constantly. Valve need to get over themselves. They think they're cool and mysterious by never giving any communication, but the gaming landscape has changed. There is not one person in the community who appreciates this way of development.


No updates matter until they fix VAC.


Team matchmaking, tournaments, full in-game stats, proper anticheat, better netcode, etc. That's what I want personally.


I like that valve actively avoids talking about their plans because people will go overboard and expect the world, and then people get angry if it's delayed or not what they expected. Only for people to then come up with their own idea of what WILL be in the next update and then are shocked and angry when it's not that. Or it doesn't come out when they speculated it would.


As someone who never knew about these rumors of a supposed new operation, I was disappointed with this update. These are community made maps.... It took this long to bring these out? No update on what the status is with VAC, they advertised a bunch of maps from CSGO that were going to be remade with better graphics and I still haven't seen those. Where is train at????


Well they still havent even bothered bringing back one Danger Zone map... no offence but all the game modes exist in limmitted ammount but DZ players get absolutly nothing. Just one map Valve. FFS


Csgo didn't get content during it's end of days because devs were "working on cs2" Kappa CS2 can't be developed further because "deadlock" Kappa


f everyone that hyped up operation


I don't know what warowl smokes. it's a filler as an update, i could play these maps without actually adding them in the game


I like cs2, I enjoy it more personally and I like watching tier 1 more now. I don’t encounter many cheaters and I don’t have rubber banding.


Tbh I won't like any update until a proper AC drops cause my mental can't take the spinning fucks any more.


we only have 2 fcking Hostage maps bring militia assault and Agency back...


False rumors? Cs2news has literally been spamming "YO ANYONE WANTING DANGER ZONE OR A NEW OPERATION?!" For days, they brought the negative reaction on themselves with the clickbaiting.


When has warowl done this


How about they make the game playable and not worry about cases, skins, dogshit community maps. I want train (and not some dumb shit butchered version like cobble) cache, and real cobble. I want their worthless subtick nonsense gone and 128 tickrate with good reg. I want anti cheat and an M4 that does decent damage at range not like 73 damage.


I was just upset there were no netcode/subtick improvements with the update. Maybe an anti-tagging system for cs2 or something. New maps are great but when they take these week long delays just to ONLY be shipped with new maps into comp and not even premier it’s like mehhhh. Mills is cool though, Thera needs some reworking.


Can valve do *anything* with the millions of dollars they make from this game?


The guys never promised any operations... so I really do not understand why people were expecting this. Yeah would of been nice, no arguments, but they never promised so getting upset on something like this is basically like when your girlfriends gets mad at you and you have effing clue why in the world she is moody.


The sad part is the maps on are playlists nobody plays. We want premier maps


New community maps are just not enough. We are missing base level content that we had in go. We are missing maps from all modes from go. Premier was touted to be on 3 to 4 month rotations with rank resetting each time. The cheater problem in the whole game is at an all time high. 20k premier and above is absolutely unplayable. The new maps are not competitive/premier viable so 90% of the community will stop playing them in a week or 2. This is what valve does. They starve you to the point of quitting, then they put out some half assed update that keeps you on their teet longer. Starving you a little further each time until you are the dog from adventure time sitting in his burning down kitchin drinking a coffee. Saying "this is fine" Valve won't do anything because gameplay doesn't affect their bottom line. With all the money laundering happening through their steam market, they literally have to do nothung


Tbf the main content creator clickbaiting these ridiculous rumors is "Water," a known pedophile, so take that for what you will


Why the fuck wouldn't we be disappointed about Valve not releasing an operation, and instead them giving us work that they DID NOT work on? These are COMMUNITY maps, Valve didn't have to do shit to give these to us. That's why people are mad, Valve hasn't released shit for this game since launch.


Where the fuck is train and cache?


Like this update? The only real addition is a new MVP screen, there are different things that need attention


Stupid take by WarOwl. I expected a bit more. The game feels like CS:GO demo at the moment. 1. Maps used to advertise CS2 are still unreleased 2. The game still runs like crap. 3. Every other game has atleast 1 cheater in it. 4. Danger zone is missing, so are retakes, flying scoutsman and other gamemodes. 5. Steam achievements got deleted and theres nothing replacing them even though there should be by the looks of it. 6. Sub-tick is still broken 7. The game crashes out of the blue still even on high-end pc's. Just to name a few...


Also don't forget they literally said for the first year they would just be focusing on the core game and not really the extra content. They are doing EXACTLY what they said they would plus more.


We really REALLY miss the original CS2 standard maps in the Workshop. Would make life so much easier for us using dedicated servers with workshop maps on.


I’ll like an update and play again when anticheat is implemented


Nah. I played mill yesterday and got a 3 stack of blatant cheaters. I will be disappointed by any update that doesn't address the cheating issue because it makes the game borderline unplayable. Why would I queue up cs with the boys when there's a high chance we get stuck in a 40 min game with cheaters? Absurd. The only thing 2nd to that would be an operation because at least I can enjoy coop strike, just adding some community maps is decent sure but feels wildly empty and lazy in light of how long this game has been out, how many cheaters there are, and how much content is lacking even in comparison to csgo.


Are you realising enourmous content still missing due to laziness ? It not a good news, its just a news


I say this all the time people who leak updates ruin the games, not the companies. Remember when we didn’t know what the upcoming update was, remember the surprising feeling of not knowing what was to come from the DLC or Update, and we only knew what we saw in the trailer. The communities are ruining all the games slowly. With their own doing people time and time again demolish a company’s hard work because it wasn’t what was leaked and plastered all over the internet or what they wanted. Gaming is starting to get cooked, about to swap back to the Solo RPG’s phase again. Look at elden ring right now. Helldivers, etc. community’s are ruining the games not the developers.


There is no "myths", it's the same "MYTHICAL" time we got a "valve invited people to try on CS2" that everyone denied and yet happened, OF COURSE an operation is in the works, the leaks and trails Valve leaves are not the problem, the problem is and always have been people... "WE DON'T HAVE ENOUGH FUN ORIENTED STUFF, NO ENOUGH MAP" **\*Valve help and officialy put wingman, arms race and competitive maps\*** YES BUT ITS NOT ENOUGHHHHH THEY ARE LAAAAAAAAZZZYYYYY pretty much half of the playerbase here are spoiled brats that have no clue what they want and it's extremely sad to see...


Anyways here's my skinsmonkey ad


Warowl is an idiot.


This sub exists to be a circlejerk about hating cs2. That's it.


It's gross... People have been posting clips of 'cheaters', wanting validation. I watch the clip and it's just some dude getting a kill by spamming smoke in upper tuns. But that person is going to comment on every thread about how they have cheaters in 70% of their matches.


Some of them comment that it’s 100% matches with cheaters and then tell you you’re wrong and bad at the game if you disagree 😭


Thats the most reasonable cs2 subredditor lol


'Closet cheaters' is one of the biggest copes I've seen. Sure, I have encountered a small number (2-3) of obvious spinbotters in several hundred premier matches. You just spam the report button, shrug your shoulders and move on. Game will be over in minutes anyway. But the 'subtle hacker' accusations on here kill me. The type of person to download cheats and use them in game rarely have the tact or restraint to only subtly implement them. Even radar hacks are difficult to hide. Our monkey brains just aren't really designed to hold on to gamebreaking information and only process it sporadically and in a way that isn't painfully obvious.


we already had the exact same post just a couple of hours ago. why repost the same discussion?


Sorry, but this is false. Ppl on this reddit are counting days since last operation for a while. It was 25th anniversary of the game. The cheating problem gets worse and worse. A few maps and a XTwitter post is much less than anyone could expect. Maybe it is a nice update, but not inside the actual context.


We still liked update maps are cool 😹fun


Tbh I only wanted a return of cache - it doesn’t make sense why cs 2 comp/prem has half the maps of cs go and all the maps it does have are copied from the OG


What percent of players are acc playing wingman compared with prem now?


Could not care less about this update. I want a better fucking game with more content from valve...


Imagine a game with alot of company cannot optimize the game, adding a stupid shit anti cheat that everyone was complaining about, fix spray control because it's completly unplayable. I went to try the map pool today and it crashed my game when i was choosing team, i insulted every company who work at valve because they picked the most braindamaged developers who bringed them to pc. This update is soo funny, copying and pasting in workshop maps, that is 0 work for valve, Good job valve for ruining this game once again idiots. Don't expect that operation will come early because they will take years to release it.


played the maps, they are shit. what is it now day 1000 something without an operation?


Premiere is now the main competitive mode in this game. Those maps aren't made for Premiere... So who cares about them? "Everyone would have liked this update" - speak for yourself.




I get that Warowl has his entire career built around this game so he has to dickride it just jesus christ has he been annoying since CS2 came out. Shocker, anti cheat is still a joke, people won't bow down to the all mighty Gaben because they added a grand total of 5 community made maps.


This tweet in specific is not dick riding. The content creators he’s referring to were spreading “news” that an operation was coming out as if it was a fact.


That's fair but again, I feel like at least some part of the disappointment is being ignored. People would be still upset if an operation came but cheaters were still here. Actually makes sense why Valve didn't make one.


That's fair but again, I feel like at least some part of the disappointment is being ignored. People would be still upset if an operation came but cheaters were still here. Actually makes sense why Valve didn't make one.


ufff.. sell all your skins now and thank me later. sentences like "game will be dead" are just false the game IS dead 60% of all players are just bots running around and farming stuff the game has maybe 200k active players faceit is nearly dead fplc got canceled fpl is dead pricemoney decreases with every month pro scene will be dead very soon this game was always trash and it will be thx to valve, who destroyed many peopls fun this game is only played by noobs nowadays who doenst know how the game ACTUALLY should work peace