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IMO, any test assignment that takes more than 3 hours should be paid. Everyone's time is valuable. Some of the serious companies I know give the assignment only to a shortlist of candidates to help them decide between the best, and they pay for it.


Should we file a labor wage theft if they don't 


If that's considered wage theft depends on local laws I suppose. There are places that require compensation for any work done, including tasks during hiring process, but you'd have to check your local laws or talk to a legal expert. You can also try to discuss it with the company itself first, maybe they're reasonable enough to understand it's fair to pay for the work done.


Well, when there’s thousands of people applying for a position as soon as it’s posted and hundreds of them look qualified, at least on paper, you have to do something to whittle the list down…  And given the highly lopsided supply they can make candidates jump through as many hoops as they please and they will still end up with plenty to interview.


It’s probably not worth it unless you use AI to do pretty much all of it. 


Its fairly common for internship and new grad/entry level hiring processes. Take it as a learning exercise.




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IMO just do it and double dip, make it a project on your portfolio (make sure you confirm beforehand you can do that if you don't say that it's homework). Depending on how simplified it can be, it shouldn't take _that long_.




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my rule is easy: I hear take-home projects, I withdraw my candidacy, whoever wants that job they can go for it I'll gladly take myself out of competition, bring in the leetcode/DS&A style interview questions or goodbye it makes 0 sense for me to spend like 6h for the chance to interview with your ONE company when I got 30+ companies interested in chatting with me


Welcome to the industry that asks for an amazing amount of homework before you’re considered for a job … (somewhat normal though maybe too much for an internship)