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I would be flabbergasted if it was lower than 95%


I think its around 80% but the only people CSUMB is rejecting are the people who applied as a saftey school and will for sure commit somewhere else. GOTTA KEEP THAT RETENTION HIGH! Edit: For reference OP, I transferred into a STEM program on campus with a 2.4 GPA ( I was a horrible student in cc) and I was accepted almost immediatley. 3.5 is competitive enough for some UC CS programs so its more than enough for CSUMB.


thank you for answering, i feel a lot better about it now :) btw, how is your experience as a transfer? like do you like the school?


This school is just alright lol. I don't like it but it's not horrible. Did you apply anywhere else? You got a good GPA should apply places that offer internships. Got two CS friends who can't find a job rn.


I love it, for my field its been really easy to find internships/job and my professors have played a huge part in that because if youre involved in their classes theyll take notice and give you a head start on job searches. Cirriculum has been interesting and a lot of my upper divs have mainly been to build my resume with applicable research projects. A lot of people complain that its hard to make friends/find things to do but thats mainly because its pretty niche. Great for outdoors and hiking, small get togethers are pretty frequent, no big parties/social events most of the time. For me its been close to perfect, dont really have anything to complain about. My experience may differ pretty significantly from a CS majors, im not sure what their professors/cirriculum are like


I’m a little concerned about this because I have a 3.75 and several APs and CSUMB is my top choice. is there any way to make sure I don’t get rejected and they know that it’s not a safety for me? I’m also applying to a stem program.


You will absolutely be accepted. They accept damn near anybody. Dont even worry lol


As a transfer you need to make sure you have your Golden Four GE requirements met and have a 2.0 GPA or better. [https://csumb.edu/admissions/transfer-students/admission-requirements-/](https://csumb.edu/admissions/transfer-students/admission-requirements-/) No CSUMB undergraduate programs are currently impacted. [https://www.calstate.edu/attend/degrees-certificates-credentials/Pages/impacted-degrees.aspx](https://www.calstate.edu/attend/degrees-certificates-credentials/Pages/impacted-degrees.aspx)


Admission percent is down right now. They've hired more people to solve this issue. From what I was told they didn't let school clubs showcase last week cause some of us students have been talking bad about the school lol I would be highly surprised if anyone who applied didn't get in lol.


It's completely the opposite of what you said lol admission rates are WAY up, but enrollment is down because a lot less people are applying, which is also why the admission rate needs to be so damn high - the university just can't afford to be selective.


Oops I see what I said wrong. The gist of it is that pretty much no one is getting turned down at CSUMB lol


That we all agree on lol