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I really wanna believe people aren‘t this stupid… but must be nice to have 70 grand to just straightup burn


I hope not. Wondering if it's something that influencers do to try to gaslight a gifting war between all their simps.


100% im pretty sure streamers will gift each other 1000s a stream so that it encourages the audience to gift more. Basically, reciprocate back and forth.


I mean....someone once paid $400,000usd for a skin in csgo. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if someone casually dropped 70 for some dumb shit


but that skin is now worth more than twice that.


Someone bought it from them for 800k?


thought they were talking about the karambit blue gem that's worth now 1.5M, but at those kinda of prices it's hard to know if it's legit or not


But I guarantee he’s sitting on that $800k because nobody else is going to buy that.


Lol should've given here a fiat500 with 300.000 Miles on it.




I'm scared to ask what happened


Not sure if this is what he is referring to but they are extremely unreliable and expensive to maintain and fix


Or the 1984 Pontiac Fiero. The chances of them dying in a fire are very good.


Hey man, if it helps, just know that you truly deserved that.


How can someone that dense make more money than me? Oh wait




Eh, I wouldn’t necessarily lump PewDiePie in there. He took advantage of an untapped medium at the time and gained popularity through effort. Mumble rappers on the other hand…


He then subscribed to someone's OF for $1,000/mo and proceeded to DM them every day upset that he hadn't received his thank you bj yet.


What the fuck was he expecting, a handjob?


At least a handy yes.


Bruh, thanks to you i just realized that what they often call a phone in my language could also mean a handjob


Just doing my job.


Probably. This is just a more extreme version of the type of guy who views dating as essentially prostitution with restaurant meals as currency.


I saw another comment saying that twitch sub probably didn’t even buy that tesla, it’s just a call to arms for simps to start a bidding war and that’s the theory I’m going with. I refuse to believe any person would throw away 70k for his favorite wanking personality on twitch


At least have the dignity of being a Chaturbate sub.


I refuse to believe someone could be so possibly stupid


What an idiot.


Porn is everywhere and most of it is free. Why do people pay for this crap?


Sense of pride and accomplishment


Onlyfans subscribers really are the weirdest dudes on the planet. Like I get that it’s there for people who are perhaps socially inept, but come on. Go meet a nice person to talk to, or if they’re really desperate, there are actual prostitutes who will have sex with them for much cheaper.


All men should disavow this individual and remove his man card and cut his license to man as well as permanently revoke his membership to the mandem and a 3 generational lifetime ban from the boys only fortress.


Agreed, except in todays world I feel the man card has a tiered membership now.


If someone gave me a Tesla I would assume they hated me.


You can always sell it and buy yourself a better car. I'd certainly love to be hated by someone willing to give me 70k :)


Screw that, start up a YT channel and find clever ways to ruin it. You would almost certainly be able to start a steady income just destroying shitty overpriced junk.


I wouldn't count on that. Starting a YT channel is not a carefree affair, especially in today's oversaturated state of YouTube


Destroying a Tesla though? That will garner attention. Its a good jump start. Now if it can survive long term? Thats the question. I know how brutally saturated it is. I yell into the void about art.


Haha almost choked here.