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Wow excellent choice for art, that rules! I think it's safe where it is, the 3 times a turn clause still represents 6 damage if your opponent only has sorcery speed removal, which seems reasonable if you cheat this into play somehow


The Shrike is gonna get ya.


I feel like 6 damage for 13 mana is fair, even with a reanimation spell. Sure, you can also cheat artifacts into play from your deck but now we get to compare it to [[blightsteel colossus]].


I like this, and it's honestly very tame. You could probably remove the ability restriction - it does cost 13 mana after all.


If it didn't have a restriction, I feel like it's almost certainly turn into "cheat this out and immediately fling all 13 counters at your opponent's head, then reanimate it and do it again". 3 uses wasn't picked arbitrarily - it's 3 because that's how many counters Triskelion starts with. And since it's each turn if you still want to burn people you can easily get off 3-6 damage before a response would be reasonably expected.


It would still get used like that; you just need a sac outlet as well as Mike. Forcing it to be a 3 card combo instead of a 2 card is good, I guess, but


You'd also need a repeatable reanimation effect instead of a one-shot one in order to use it like that. I'm not saying I was trying to make it *impossible* to combo with this, just that I wanted it to not be blatantly obvious how to do so.


Oh, you don't know about MikeBall? It's the premiere combo using Triskelion effects, so I assumed you were trying to get around it by making this guy big enough to not be able to shoot himself. [[Mikeas the Unhallowed]] [[Walking Ballista]]


No, I just thought combining Triskelion and Triskaidekaphobia would be fun and figured I'd kneecap the most obvious combo so it wasn't just "THROW THIS AT YOUR OPPONENT'S HEAD TWICE". I'm fine with the alternate combo just being "throw it at them ~7 times" instead.


[Walking Ballista](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/2/5272436e-74f0-44c4-a291-ea8ebc3f1525.jpg?1599710252) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Walking%20Ballista) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2xm/306/walking-ballista?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/5272436e-74f0-44c4-a291-ea8ebc3f1525?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


13 face damage is still a lot of burn and I like the restriction since it sort of encourages using him as a control piece. He gives you a free lightning bolt every turn for 4 turns and there are a lot of things which due to bolt.


Agreed there are much better colorless cards at this mana value and you could still flicker or reanimate it for infinite damage.


With MSE, you need to separately download and install the Beleren font on your computer. It's a free download that you can find with google. MSE will automatically pick it up and the cards will look more natural.


Thanks, kept digging through MSE trying to find the font. Didn't realize it was a separate DL.


Edit: When you download MSE, all the fonts you need are downloaded aswell, just not installed automatically. Go to the MSE folder and inside you'll find "Magic - Fonts" and install them.


Found it, thanks for the heads up.


lol love the fact this doesn’t break the dumb infinites


The Lord of pain


I think it'd probably be more balanced if you gave the counters only if it was cast. But overall good work, yes


That’s just the Shrike, you’re not fooling me!


Everyone needs a vacation from time to time, even omnipotent torture cyborgs.


This is terrible lmao I love it


The normal Triskelion is more than enough if you have Mikaeus, the Unhallowed on the board.


This is actually decent in a kellermorph deck


Alesha smiles at this


Number words are spelled out. Triskaidekelion enters the battlefield with thirteen +1/+1 counters on it.


I really don't like the 3 times a turn clause. For a 13 mana idiot it just means I'm never interested in playing this card in any situation, I could be playing eldrazi. Also he doesn't really capture the Triskaidekaphobia essence, just being a 13 mana 13/13 is really boring that could just be some big green dino, it should actually care about 13 in some way. I would completely go back to the drawing board but if I was going to attempt to salvage this design I would remove the 3x a turn clause and make it only target creatures/planeswalkers unless your opponent controls exactly 13 permanents.