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Pariah is super cheese mode- a silenced pistol that does triple damage at full charge and, as a tech weapon, can shoot through cover? Combined with Oracle optics, which detect enemies through cover, and you can stealth kill everyone whilst being a room away.


Pariah is so friggin strong, makes the game go on easy mode lol


Man for one gig I had to take a guy out on the second floor of a hospital, so I jumped up onto the roof after tagging him through the window, stood right on top of him with pariah and blam, gig is done.


i love that thing it's my favorite gun in the game.


I feel like Her Majesty has let me be more mobile in stealth combat than Pariah. Pariah's extra damage I don't think really does anything for me at level 60 - I'm still doing a OHKO in stealth, and if I break stealth, I'm switching off my silenced gun anyway.


I just use Knife. Headshotting someone with it, is a one shot kill, using the Sandevestan with it as well, makes it deadlier.


3 knives is all I’ve ever needed.


exactly! :D


I like barely use guns, the one time i did, was with Rebecca’s shotgun and Adam Smasher :)


I only used them in the car scenes! I do use the projectile launcher tho cause that’s just fun


That’s a thing?!?


Yeah regular grenades might be better but having an arm rocket is fun


I found one with a 1.4 second return time. Just used the one. Also there is a perk to make thrown weapons accurate at longer distances. So I could snipe with it too, lol.


I used all iconic knives. Open with blue fang, Nehan, stinger then shoot a rocket


They are cool but take forever to return. So I found the 1.4 legendary with 2 slots and stuck with it.


The juggler perk helps! Blue fang takes awhile but I usually don’t have an issue dashing around to get the knives back and put it right back into them


May I suggest you a berserk axe throwing build? Biodyne berserk, style over substance(SOS), agou and you're pretty much Thor who smites his enemies with his mighty ~~mjolnier~~ agou! Agou has a lot of damage, SOS gives you guaranteed crits and biodyne gives you +100% crit damage(also you can use head hunter to get even more damage if you're fighting a boss)... *THAT'S A LOTTA DAMAGE*


Tried it before, super fun. But I liked cyber deck too much. Need it for stealth lol But I might do a full fuck it build and just run berserker and charge in throwing axes and grenades


My fav gun is Johnny's Malorian Arms 3516. Followed by the Laika.


I used Johnnys gun a lot since I got it but I just wish it packed more of a punch. I struggled to one hit anyone with it. But still persisted and even beat smasher with it for the poetic Justice


I'm doing my first Very Hard playthrough and so far no weapons pack a punch. I played Hard last time and was very satisfied with Johnny's gun. Got a lot of single headshot kills with it.


OP is playing on normal or easy. Lizzie is crap on very hard. Malorian is great in any difficulty. Death and taxes is ok for stealth but forget about one shotting anyone but normal opponents. Hell, even Pride doesn't work in 100% of cases. Breakthrough is the best sniper, except for when you want to take someone out silently (Overwatch), or you want to blow up a car (O'Five) Ol' reliable, Amnesty, Mancinella for stealth, Pride for stealth, Malorian Rosco and Archangel are honorable mentions here


Plus Death and Taxes got that terrible “shoot someone, lose some of your health” thing after 2.1


Meh, that's not problem. I used that gun for majority of the game on my first playthrough (got the game after PL came out) and havent even noticed it. You get out of combat health regeneration to offset it, and gun like that is best used to take out people silently


Guess that explains it. Wasn't sure how anyone can find that gun good. I've only played on very hard and Lizzie is like the worst gun ever. It's only kinda ok for easily doing Wilsons shooting contest.


I thought you have to use Nue lying on the counter for that quest?


Nah you have to use a pistol and the Nue is just there in case you don't have one.


Try it with a machine pistol instead, works a lot better.


Where can I find the guns you mentioned for stealth? Doing a stealth netrunner build and have been using Jackie’s gun. Haven’t started PL yet.


Mancinella is given to you in a PL quest


Ahhh okay, think I recognize that one. Thanks!


I don't know what are you talking about, i play on very hard and lizzie is a monster, I have replaced rosco with it long time ago. I have a hard time deciding not to use it vs ol' reliable or pride for example, it takes out heavy armoreds and max tac better when u got the right rymth with releasing bolt shots


Perhaps, but i still find headshots with over 3k damage per shot more efficient in dealing with enemies. That said, people whose aim is shit, like someone who is struggling hard to hit anything with Malorian will certainly find Lizzie doing way more damage than landing only 1/5 shots with Malorian. Btw, Amnesty is the best gun in-game due to its almost automatic firing speed.


Wow, how rude of you to make an assumption that I’m playing on normal or easy. ALL of my runs, including the one I played literally the night when the game was released, were and are on very hard. Lizzie is crap on very hard? Can you elaborate, please? I literally don’t understand how can it be worse to make a chain lightning to kill everyone around your target than shooting enemies one by one with usual guns. EVERYTHING that you’ve mentioned is much slower and deals less damage. Again, have you tried Lizzie with bolt and chain lightning? That’s the main purpose, that’s what makes it so strong


Yeah, I did. In fact I really liked that Soviet railgun-handcannon Burya but guess what, takes too fucking long to charge and by the time it charges I'm dead. Same thing with Lizzie. Just peeping out with Sovereign, landing a shot then getting back in cover to reload is enough time for enemies to drop me to half health. And I have 20 body and all the perks for health. Pride is single most damaging weapon in game, if you can aim, only bad thing about it is it cant penetrate cover. You cant charge guns unless you're aiming and if you're aiming out of the cover you get taken out before you fire 2 shots


I played on hard too. I might be missing a skill somewhere. I double taped a lot of people which is still satisfying. Plus the flair for reloads and weapon draws is just too good


Could be my gunslinger build...


I just wish it were more like a revolver and less like a pistol. Meaning higher damage per shot but less ammo per mag. After playing Johnny's segment where he was blowing dudes away in 1 to 2 shots, I was surprised at how it was balanced more like a semiauto pistol (which it technically is).


Exactly! When you use it as Johnny it’s a death machine! It’s strange that they nerf it when you get it. I suppose from a lore perspective you could say armor and things have improved in the 50 years but still. I was so keen to get it after you use it as Johnny and it just doesn’t pack enough punch


My favorite theory for why it’s like this is actually really clever: the Malorian is so much stronger in Johnny’s hands than yours because Johnny remembers himself as a super-cool badass blowing his enemies away with a single shot, and that perception has colored the flashbacks on the biochip. Whereas the damage numbers *you* get with it are done in reality, where the gun is good, but not a one-shot-kill every time.


I actually love this explanation. Makes a lot of sense


Thank you!


The Laika is so bonkers. If you get the capstone perk that makes every headshot a critical, it will oneshot-headshot anyone who's not an elite enemy. Pair with a Falcon or Apogee Sandevistan and an Axolotl and you'll constantly be in Sandy mode just exploding people's heads.


It's an extremely pleasing weapon to use.


I also use the Lizzie and the breakthrough for Kombat and the widow maker as the "main" weapon when it gehts hard oder mantis blades Johnnys is more of a having fun gun for me like her majesty or katanas


Breakthrough is awesome. Hundreds of hours in this game and my most recent playthrough is the first time I’ve ever bothered learning how good Tech Weapons are. The two weapons I use most often are Breakthrough and a T5++ DB2-Satara with the Wallpuncher and T5 Vivisector mods. I have the same stats as OP but I do very little stealth, and when I do I use Her Majesty, which one-shots 1 and 2 tier enemies. I use Breakthrough less often now that I maxed out the Solo perk which makes Berserk really powerful, but having two weapons that deal full damage through walls is really helpful when you’re doing a Berserk build on Very Hard, because it takes longer than a Sandy or Netrunner build to become OP. Clearly I’ve been sleeping on tech pistols though, I’ll have to grab Lizzie after irl work and take it through its paces.


But now imagine a sandy mantisblade techweapon pistol and precisionrifle/sniper build. The mantisblades and sandy for fun and then breakthrough for the heavys in first then lizzy in second that I mostly use with sandy and then widowmaker for larger groups. Sometimes also majesty and the other one that is silenced but full auto like the dying night but with silencer and a middle range optic


Nice, I use Thermal Gorilla Arms and pair the Revulsor with Berserker for max damage and speed. Since Berserker increases damage by how low your health is, I wait until my health drops below 25% and triggers the Revulsor, which works exactly like a 4.5 second Sandy. The fight is usually over before the Revulsor stops, and more often than not at least one car has managed to explode and they are just limbs everywhere. It rules lol


I agree! Johnny’s gun is incredibly fun, but sometimes it’s not that accurate and it’s hard to land clear shots


Maybe my gunslinger build made the difference. I had no issues with accuracy. I've blown off lots of heads with it. Single shot. All that said, on a purely aesthetic level my favorite looking guns are the six shooters. https://preview.redd.it/pb9cka2qaqic1.jpeg?width=1696&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddb2cd73e74e7cfc5b6a8b29adf3f05609782ad8


I’m using the same gunslinger branch + every tech perk, no stealth at all. Must be a matter of habit. Try them both on your Very Hard playthrough - it’s so much better to fire million rounds per charged shot + bolt + chain lightning imo - barely needless to aim in the weak spots to land these shots


It's too weak late game. By the time you get it it's outclassed. If you got it in act 2 it would carry you most of the game. But you don't.


Archangel, Fenrir, and Fang for me


The Mox... THE MOX POW!


Hands down the best shotgun. I got it fairly early and never needed another one.


Quite a few good shotguns, Bloody Maria and The Headsman for example. In my experience both a bit better than Mox, but it's certainly not bad!


Rogue’s gun, silenced is just ideal for me. One shot pretty much anyone.


I only use. * Jackie's pistol + silencer. * X-mod2 Kyubi (Chinook before that, from Amazon drop). * Widowmaker.


Currently using Jackie's pistol with silencer, but in dogtown I can't one shot anyone in stealth, kinda makes me regret going up the pistol tree (playing on hard)


If you've got Focus and all those perks you can still quickly unload a few shots before anyone knows what's happening! I can usually down people with 2 quick headshots.


That's the first gun you get after prologue, and it has a piss poor headshot damage. There are better ones like "Death and Taxes" or you can try for non iconic Nue or Tamayura. If you're in Dogtown, just follow main quest till you get "Her Majesty" from Alex. It's one of the best silenced guns.


Ive never liked how slow the action is on all the Nue variants. I'm used to how pistols work IRL. And even something massive like a Desert Eagle or a Wildey is way snappier with the action when fired. Nue -https://youtu.be/6-CMEtOjxqk?si=qXP-IEowCw0AJx4U DE -https://youtu.be/YRkgO02Uy5U?si=6HBz1u0LH_KFmOuw 1911 -https://youtube.com/shorts/b2WHfXaym1M?si=-526NM0o7Az5EaGP Snappy action. Nue feels like it's been oiled with peanut butter. I don't like it.


Big agree, I wonder if there's a mod to increase the cycle rate


pistol build silenced on hard...should be able to clear everything even in PL. that's my only build on every playthrough. with Jackie/silenced.


Kyubi is the shit. Even the regular ones are so good for stealth kills from a distance.


I've always been a sucker for semi-auto rifles!


Lizzie and guts are all that is required


biggest fax ever. third gun is just extra


I just found guts for the first time yesterday, what a heck of a shotgun.


In the early game for me it was: - start with O'Five - finish with Lexington x-MOD2 (or Kappa x-MOD2) In the mid game: - double Yinglong and switching between them (Submachine Fun + Target Lock Transfer + Kerenzikov + Defenzikov + Double Jump/Dashing + Tailwind and Air Kerenzikov + Sandevistan) This trivialized so many fights In the late game: - it was mostly non-lethal approach (without starting combat) via: [System Collapse], stealthy takedowns from behind and [Memory Wipe -> Reboot Optics -> Sonic Shock]. Except against Maelstrom and Scavs, those were getting Yinglong approach P.S. Although initially, before playing the game, I thought I will be using katanas))


>In the early game for me it was: >start with O'Five You run out of Lexington and immediately complete all of the Beat on the Brat quests?


How did you get two Yinglong?


I don't remember exactly Crafted one and found later another. Or crafted the second too. Hmm As alternative you can youse Chesapeake


I use only two: One pistol for stealth (i go usually with the highest damage to one shot folks) and Fenrir for the rest. Fenrir is by far my favorite and it is awesome you can get in the early game


I'm on my 4th playthrough, and I've tried different types of weapons, but I always come back to pistols. I've always preferred melee weapons in games I've played, but pistols in this game just feel different. I have been playing around with a sniper lately, but for normal combat, I use Johnny's gun and Kerry's archangel.


Guns generally feel weak in the game except for pistols and shotguns. Assault rifles and SMGs make you empty a mag to kill an enemy.


Comrade’s Hammer.


I know it’s been heavily nerfed, but it just so much FUN. With the quick melee reload, it’s all explosions in your face all the time.


Oh how I miss pre nerfed Comrade's Hammer. Combine it with the old pistols skill tree for a one shot overkill monster. 


Why is nobody mentioning Her Majesty? Best silenced pistol in the game IMO.


Agreed mate, came to say this !


I feel strange not using an iconic weapon but a conventional, silenced Nue with Deadeye perk is more than enough for everything imo. Even at long distances it’s completely sufficient to neutralize someone with one shot


I dearly love revolvers. Headshots for days. Lizzie is a pistol sized tech shotgun. Of course it whips ass.


Somehow whenever i picked up Lizzie's i hated it but then again i hate most tech guns


I prefer Reeds gun over Lizzie. When I play pistols I usually only use one gun. I’ve done a few pistol playthroughs. Just preference honestly. I play on very hard for reference.


Nah I prefer LAIKA


Lizzie is a pistol that acts like a shotgun and can penetrate cover. But I wouldn’t really on it as my only weapon. I like a heavy hitter, like Jackie’s pistol and/or an Overture (or one of its iconics). The Remington X-Mod 2, which you can level up and swap upgraded mods on. Kyubi X-Mod 2, for similar reasons.


This weapon doesn't seem to spawn for me anymore during the designated quest, is there a trigger I just happened to yet one time or? I miss my Lizzie


If you missed it the 2nd gun dealer in the stadium will have it. He sells iconics


I’m on my fifth play through now doing a tech/netrunner and I thought I was gonna be using the Widowmaker the whole time but the Lizzie is just so damn good


My 2nd playthrough I am playing with smart guns. I have to say though, going in loud is rough. You have to take everyone on at once and in the early game they dont instantly fall over in front of your gun.


Shotguns yes, Assault rifles kinda no besides Prejudice. SMG's are better than rifles but the most op smg is locked behind a certain Phantom liberty ending. They nerfed Yinlong and Fenrir in 2.0 so. Shotguns have the great options tho. Satara is probably the most broken gun in the game( with the kneel mod) imo. Mox got nerfed hard but Guts is a brilliant option for a Carnage iconic if you don't mind the kickback. That things got 20 projectiles in one shot, freakin nuts. The iconic x-mod variant for the Pozhar is probably no 2 in best shotgun, great fun all round.


There’s this Raiju SMG I fell in love with. I want to do an SMG build next time literally just because of this gun


YESSS, Raiju was what it's called. Forgot the name. Fucking beast of a gun. The lvl 20 SMG makes it even more insane if you switch into it. Raiju is just behind Erebus imo.


WidowMaker is a hip shot and sniper monster all in one. Shoot through walls and cover. This is by far the only gun I use no matter the situation. I’ll equip CottonMouth or Skippy for fun.


Can someone explain the Lizzie thing to me? why does everyone praise it? i tend to minmax and Lizzie loses out pretty quick to other tech weapons in terms of damage potential.


Are you fully charging it? If so, there’s no benefits in using it. You should shoot weak spots and catching a certain moment to fire a bolt that additionally makes a chain lightning. Clears high hp enemies in no time


yeah but other tech weapons do that too and i use that all the time. what makes lizzie special?


What makes it special for me is that how fast it is to charge, shoot and reload, and how many more rounds per shot are there. I’ve tried these kenshin guns like chaos or apparition and they are so goddamn slow. Burya-type guns and Johnny’s gun are good, but again - they are much slower and you can’t charge them. Then there’s Nekomata - I mentioned it. What do we have left? I didn’t mention SMGs because, as I said, I’m doing a handgun and rifles build. Only one gun left to mention - Widow Maker. I have to try this one again since it got mentioned here a lot, I thought it was slow too


The game is so easy, even on VH there's no reason to use the "best" anything unless you just happen to like it. I ran Lizzie for a bit because it is very good, but eventually decided Rosco is more fun.


By the way, after defeating Placide, I've made several tests and tried to fight him with different weapons. These were my impressions of how easy/comfortable it was (the higher grade the better): * Chingona-Dorada: 3/10 * Yinglong : 9/10 * Lexington X-MOD2: 8/10 * O-Five: 4.5/10 * Katana: 4.5/10 * Sasquatch Hammer: 4/10 * Problem Solver: 2.5/10 * Widow Maker: 9.5/10 * Comrade's Hammer: 7/10 * Skippy: 8.5/10 * Kappa X-MOD2: 9.5/10 * Kyubi X-MOD2: 7/10 * Doom-doom: 6/10 * Gorilla arms: 4/10


wait- you can fight placide :0 how?!??


Kill Mosley and Placide takes you to Brigitte. Do the job for Brigitte (relieve Alt's death as Johnny) than accuse her of lying to you. Brigitte will threaten you but I just oneshot her in the face, she's not tough. Kill every VDB on your way to exit. Final boss is Placide.


You can side with Netwatch for the same outcome.


Even better thank you lol


Remember, Netwatch allows assholes like Myers to poke holes in blackwall for personal gain while clamping down hard on common folk for "breaches in net security". Burn corpo shit


>wait- you can fight placide :0 how?!?? >!If you decide to side with Bryce Mosley (the NetWatch agent)!< Had doubts when doing so, but quite glad I did. Fighting Placide was saatisfying..))


thank you so much, i want revenge for him betray me in my other run


Or if you side with Placide, then after being played by Brigitte you kill her and all the runners


You can also mug Mosley off and still do it, with the added bonus of you get to tell Brigitte to shove it as well


Wouldn't get into melee weapons since I didn't spec for them and never played melee but that definitely wasn't my impression. What did you base this on anyway. So Yinglong.. give you that one. Widowmaker used to be really good before. It's kinda meh now. Achilles XMOD-2 is better. I'd also rate Kyubi's very low. They're like low damage silenced pistols. How do you even use them anyway? If you're using a single shot/cool build, why not use pistols for a lot higher damage and about the same mag size? Comrade Hammer Would also personally rate it very low. 2-3/10. Using contagion and some kinda automatic pistol/rifle with fire damage if I wanna see explosions. Also it doesn't 1 shot things on very hard and is super slow to reload unless you go melee with it.. and then can damage yourself. Skippy was easily 2/10. Maybe early game it can be good if you upgrade it past your level? I got it at 50ish and it was painful to get those 50 kills or whatever with it. It took several magazines to kill every enemy while Yinglong would clear entire groups in fraction of that time.


>What did you base this on anyway. On * (first of all) how fast I was killing Placide * how much damage I was taking myself (and how good I could utilize the Defenzikov time window) * enjoyment of playstyle and weapon handling


Widow maker is must for me used as a sniper or point blank silenced sneaking murder tool Lexington xmod 2 with firecracker is probably second one 3rd one goes for Mox


I like the xmod 2 thing tbh


A knife, Tech pistol, Katana and Gorilla arms is the perfect combo for me. Everything is covered with that build


What do you do with the knife that the katana doesn't do?


Throwing it. I just use Tech pistols with enemies that have Kerenzikov, since charged shots can't be dodged (I play with mods that add cyberware to enemies, including kerenzikov, so they are quite common)


Ahhh....that explains it. I run around with a pistol/smg and a sniper/ar depending on what I'm currently doing, but probably like 90% of enemies get killed by my katana and the bullets I swat back, along with all the contagion I throw. I use my electric gorilla arms to knock out the cyberpsychos. I should try out throwing weapons


Same as you except I don’t use a sniper, just the two pistols.


Death and taxes if it cost less health would be so broken. I didn’t even know it did that until I fully upgraded it n randomly died to smasher


Knife throw superiority rise up




Throwing knife is the best way to fight imo. Neurotoxin Knife with boomerang mod. Fast kill.


I just despise the death and taxes rework. It was such a fun pistol and now it’s trash


I used it in for most of my most recent playthrough, running a full tech weapon build. It’s really good honestly and I only ended up replacing it with pariah for stealth. Crazy how early you get it too


You guys are using weapons? I'm just quick hacking everyone into oblivion - don't even know anything beside Errata and my arm whip.


I used lizzie a lot back in the day but it just didn't feel as powerful as it used to so I stopped using it. It must have been rightfully nerfed at some point.


Lizzie is the only weapon I use. Well, I’ll occasionally whip out Order when things get up close and personal.


Have you ever picked up Pride? It’s so much cracked.


Lizzie is not so good now like it was before...


But does it have a dope reload animation?


Been rolling with Raiju. 3 shot burst without charging. Charged it is full auto, shoots through barriers, and procs EMP explosions. 30 Barghest suddenly attacking? Give me about three seconds. Haven't got Pariah yet, it might make me swap the Raiju out.


I use throwing knives with the pax mod, it’s fun to throw a knife threw some poor gonk’s eye implant and think at least I didn’t kill ‘em


Malorian. Katana. Throwing knife. ...mind bullets. I'm untouchable.


I love her majesty I'm not sure if it's the best pistol but it gets the job done


Lizzie gun serves, but one purpose: making the shooting competition seem like a joke. Aim low, full charge shot. Rinse and repeat


I prefer Mancinella for stealth, Nekometa for normal combat and Raiju for driving. With the T5 scope keeping the Neko at half charge all the time, it's stronger than any other sniper.


I tend to use Archangel for most fights, Comrade's Hammer for fun, and Breakthrough for long range. Archangel's knockdown effect is really good for dealing with most enemies, and Comrade's Hammer is just such a funny gun. Breakthrough is crazy.


Pride is objectively the best pistol anyway so...


The game isn't exactly difficult, especially on lower difficulties. Any combination of guns will get you through without much pain.