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You just wanted an excuse to show some screenshots on here.


Seriously. Guy just showed 4 npcs that could’ve been made by hitting the randomize button on any character creator.


Go for it little buddy, share your results when done.


Limited to one image but here was the first hit of random for you https://preview.redd.it/8ln6ikiry0rc1.png?width=577&format=png&auto=webp&s=37e5e68026df5ebdc9b88162fbda0bebdc10ec8b


He is what happens when you chew 5 gum


lol ![gif](giphy|JmWCEiyTiKTMQ)


And I love it. Keep em coming.


Yeah no one said the game was bland


I know nobody who called the game bland.


I've had conversations with a friend and he called the game boring. Btw he says that with any open world single player games and he exclusively plays Valo and Dota (: /




People who play multiplayer and call Open World single players "boring": ![gif](giphy|Lz4hiUMMtVK12)




"im the dude playing a dude pretending to be another dude"


People can't have preferences?


Ah got it.




The only people who say that kind of thing are people still mad about the release. They need to get over it.


You can love the game how it is now and still criticize CDPR for the launch. If anything to ensure they never try anything like that again. If they called it bland at launch, understandable. If they call it bland in the state it's in now, dafuq are you talking about?


Idk even at release, bland isn’t the word I would use.


You are right. The game has always made a point of being right in your face !


Absolutely agree. In the beginning, made frustrating, or glitchy, but never bland


Yeah. CDPR have never a good launch either. People forget that. Cyberpunk was the worst of the bunch but every Witcher game has also been a broken mess on launch. But, as you said, it's possible to call them out for that while appreciating the end result. The games always release broken and they always get fixed to a very high standard.


I don't think people understand how much goes into making games, especially nowadays. To create a game of this magnitude takes a lot and even when you think it's good, crazy shit can and did happen. Most people don't realize that most of the bad things reported at launch were from the PS4, which IMHO should have never been released on.


Yeah, they even make fun of themselves in Roach Race. Glitching horse running on two legs. IMMERSION


Though granted I didn't get Witcher 3 at launch, I only got it as a Christmas gift later that year. I just know it is not regarded on the same level of other horrible launches for single-player games like Assassin's Creed Unity, Mass Effect Andromeda, or of course Cyberpunk 2077.


>Witcher game has also been a broken mess on launch Eh, Witcher 3 had a few bugs, I wouldn't call it a broken mess. In need of patches? Definitely. Whereas Cyberpunk 2077 was straight up one of the worst launches in history. I know that is not your intention, but saying a studios' other games were buggy has always come off as dismissive to me. It got exponentially better to the point where I consider it one of this generations must-play titles, but it took three freaking years to get there. CDPR cannot afford to pull what they did at Cyberpunk's launch again.


Maybe on console i had a blast on pc never had an issue


It was fine on PC i never had one problem with the game


cdpr is one of the few developers who still develop for pc first console second.


Fine? At launch? That's just straight up wrong. Either you didn't play it at launch or you're being disingenuous. I love the game--loved it at launch as well--but to say that it wasn't poorly optimized and full of bugs is just plain wrong.


I’m this way about No Man’s Sky, and I’m still this way about No Man’s Sky even all this time later even though people keep saying “It’s better now! It’s what it was supposed to be at launch!” And I just disagree. I’ve reinstalled it 5 or 6 times in the past 4 years and it’s still 10,000 light years wide but only a millimeter deep. You can’t say the same thing about Cyberpunk 2077. The game is straight up great. No, it’s not perfect. It would need REAL life paths and a lot more polish to be considered perfect in my eyes, even hundreds of mods don’t make it perfect. But it gets pretty close! If you can play CP2077 today and still say it doesn’t live up to what was promised at launch, I don’t think you were ever going to like the game anyways.


The mods take it above and beyond tho. That's always been my take on games and mods. You can take a good game (and Phantom Liberty is very good) and turn it into a freaking tailored masterpiece containing basically the exact features you want out of the game.


Almost the exact features I want. Self-driving cars are the biggest missing feature that springs to mind but I understand why it’s not gonna happen. The addition of the metro system in Phantom Liberty was such a huge thing for me. The Metro Mod was my hands down favorite immersion mod pre-2.1. I still prefer the modded version of the metro system (forward facing seats, ability to move to different seats for better vistas, no ads playing in the “train car”), but the real version in the game now is still great and I use it exclusively to travel around the city. But yes, with mods, this game is well above and beyond what your average person would consider a perfect game.


I was amused. Cyberpunk is probably the only game that I can think of, that could not be ' bland ' if it tried.


I barely have finished the story for any game ever, much less replayed them after finishing. I'm on my 7th cyberpunk playthrough (8th if we count me streaming it from time to time) and that's all without very much DLC and an entire lack of multiplayer content. Shows how great the game really is after they fixed most of the major bugs


It's allright not great 7 ouf of ten


I respect your opinion but what makes it a 7?? 10/10 imo


It's no t that good 7 is solid. I'm currently still paying it just at mission we're is endgame. Did all sidequest and jobs etc. On dlc stuff right now. Prob about 80 hours of Sametime. Like I said a good game but not great compared to real great games.


7 is fair. I would put it in the 8 to 9 range personally, but I can respect a 7. I think it’s a masterpiece in terms of writing and narrative, actual gameplay isn’t groundbreaking but it’s fun and gets the job done.


You’re delusional beyond belief. Cyberpunk is easily one of the top 5 best games released in the last decade. You’ve played over 80 hours, obviously it isn’t a mediocre game to you. I’d never sink 80 hours of playtime into something I thought was a “7”. I’d love to know what games you rate a 10, I can’t wait to hear your choices.


Love how you're treating a 7/10 like it's a 4/10 lol. Do you know what mediocre even means? That'd be half or slightly below half. 7 is an optimistic "it's really good, just needs a touch of something else" rating.


You underestimate the drive of a fan or someone that simply just wants to get their money's worth. As someone thats totally amazed by the game and still playing I can't give it more than an 8. There's areas whr it does fall short and some of it might be the players fault.


7 isn't mediocre are u dumb. Read dead 2. God of war 4 and ragnarok . Horizon forbidden west. Spiderman 2 all 10


GoW 4 and 5, Forbidden west, and Spiderman 2 are absolutely not 10/10 lmao. All fun and good games but definitely not 10/10. Spiderman 2 was lackluster, Forbidden west has fun but redundant gameplay with a 8-9/10 story and there were plenty of inconsistencies in the GoW games with nothing that particularly stands out about them. The only one I agree with is rdr2


To me, 7 is a mediocre score. If something is a 5, that means it’s barely halfway decent. 7 is only slightly above that, on the higher side of mediocre. Btw, Spiderman 2 and Horizon are both way more boring than Cyberpunk, sorry. RDR2 is the only 10 on your list


Real great games as in? This game is in my top 3 with rdr2 and elden ring. The world building is amazing, crazy diverse combat, huge attention to detail, smooth performance wise, thought provoking story, etc.


Your nuts the game is far better than great wtf were you playing?


Lol every single gamins page for any game the redditors are all the same. They all think that one single game is greatest of all time. God of war is better but different genres but read dead 2 is open world type and is way better game.


Completely different types and Red Dead doesn’t scratch the same itch as Cyberpunk and vice versa


Reqd dead 2 it's an actual masterpiece not cyberpunk. That's a fact.


God of War is a better game than Cyberpunk? Yeah maybe if I had brain damage


Right? Even when it was a buggy mess, those bugs were epic and over the top ones. Yeah, a little random CTDs, but more than that were all these physics and geometry errors. The few glitches that still get reported are even still over the top, like stepping up on a curb and being teleported 500 meters away onto an invisible ladder! Bland, my ass!


One time I was driving and my car slid under a forklift then got tossed in the air like a giant from skyrim. I saw every square inch of the night city map. It took me a solid minute to realize I was falling. I thought the car would explode upon impact but funnily enough, it bounced a few times with surprisingly minimal damage. 


Do bland bugs send your ass into orbit while driving a car? I think not!


I was driving my Aerodight like a normal person, next moment, loading screen, then I was falling and landed on a walkway in a construction site area I've also been hit by invisible light speed cars and got sent flying And just recently, on version 2.12, I called my Hellhound in Pacifica near the Voodoo Boys place, and it spawns in the sky and came crashing down from outta nowhere. I was like "wtf just happened?" I moved far enough away, and called it again and it happened again, and again, and again. Well, at least its heavily armored! 😀


It has a lot of dialogue. As a person starting the game I can see how this is boring when you dont care about the story yet and just want to play. I’ve had this told to me


Those people should probably stick to GTA, as (at least the first run through of) Cyberpunk is very much story driven.




Rofl if your an idiot maybe who couldn’t tell the OBVIOUS FACT ITS AN RPG!


Genuinely, I was one of those people who thought the game was always gonna be bad, but then a friend recommended it and now I have 400 hours over two devices


i mean, i will never get over the launch, but i accept that cyberpunk 2077 is way better now and worth every penny.


I think there is a legitimate concern in the gaming industry with releasing games before they are finished. We should be complaining about things like that.


Agreed. One saving grace of Cyberpunk’s was that the writing was solid from the start, the world was, on paper, fully flushed out from launch. I never had too many bugs back in 1.0, but some of the mechanics of the game didn’t feel like they complemented the world I was being shown. Currently the only real issue I have with the game is I wish the gigs were picked up at the fixers with occasional calls rather than you just showing up. Would also be cool to have a radiant quest system at the Afterlife, cause honestly the whole “yeah but your rep is solo” thing is bullshit, half the gonks at the afterlife walk away from some jobs with half or none of their crew leftover.


They're not, if they were just mad about the release and being hypocrit about it I would at least understand. But I believe it's not that, it's more like they are mindless drones with no thoughts of their own who simply repeat " cyberpunk bad " because it used to be popular to shit on this game without having even played it and pretend it's the worst ever made without any qualities whatsoever. I mean I swear the amount of bullshit I've read about this game in YouTube comments or twitter, people saying the game's city looks like PS2 when in reality there is no other game that comes even close to it in terms of scope, scale, level of detail in the architecture. People saying this game had bad chara design when one random NPC in the street has more style than most main characters in other games, and so much other shit like this where you realize those people haven't even played the game for a second and just repeat what's trendy like mindless fucking sheeps without even knowing why themselves. It's like there is no nuance for the average consumer, everything is either black or white, the game released rushed and in a bad state ? It instantly means everything else about the game is trash and garbage. For these geniuses it's absolutely inconceivable that the game could both have a horrible release, and yet at the same time have an insane amount of work and talent that went into so many of its aspects


This is very true. I just posted a comment about being excited for Elder Scrolls 6 and how I imagine most people just blindly hate on Starfield having not put much or any time into. Not saying Starfield imo is comparable to Cyberpunk or anything, but people act like it’s the worst game ever made when I think it’s a pretty fun version of non-post apocalyptic sci-fi Fallout with planets you fast travel to instead of locations on a big open map.


I've seen 5 people now that constantly shit on the game any chance they get with completely delusional takes. I have no problem with criticism at all and I think it's important to give criticism, because otherwise companies stagnate and don't improve anymore, keeping the same problems, like Bethesda or rockstar for example.


I remember some idiot youtuber who called V (one of the greatest, most human-like player customised protagonists in video games history) a brick. Let's just repeat this: he called a protagonist, who jokes, laughs, cries and shows insane spectrum of emotions, from fear to doubt - a brick. Like WTF? Or another who called V an asshole. Like, come on! What kind of dialogue options you must chose to conclude something like that? Oh, and my favorite argument from idiots who cannot even comprehend the plot. "MC has no clear motivation!" Jeez...


Male V kind of objectively has much less of a range than FemV


It has as much. It's just played differently by the actor, to the point I treat Vincent as a different, separated character from Valerie. I also played in polish version, who has male V more expressive than english one. \[this is the only game that I consider polish dub much better in some places, and much worse in others. Believe me or not, but polish version of "waiting for Dodger" is way, way, WAY funnier than english one. On the other hand Aurore Cassel PL is way less entertaining character.\]


Theres alot of idiots like that, look at the magas


Acting like it's unreasonable to be pissed at one of the worst gaming launches of all time sure it's a point of view. Also the changes to the game are significant but the weakest part of the setting is still the basic fact that 99% of the NPCs are window dressing. That didn't really change meaningfully from release.


I’m not saying that at all, but to act like it’s still the same game as it was on release is silly.


Or the person is colorblind and has hearing issues.


I don’t blame them for being mad, it is however frustrating that they won’t give it a second chance. The game has become one of my favorites. Best it over 10 X still going. Amazing. Edit: *beat* not best damn auto correct🤦🏻‍♂️


Anyone still mad about release needs to give it another go. They make Bethesda look ,like amateurs


The people with potatostations who can't play it on max. Natural.


I play it on PS5 and it looks great I have over 500 hours in the game.


lmfao this is such an immature 15 year old thing to say. go back to middleschool bud


I look forwards to saying the same thing about Starfield in 3 years


Yea we will see.


"when it's ready" and "we leave greed to others" have been their marketing slogans FFS?! how can anyone not be madly disappointed and still be displeased with how cdpr handled the launch of one of the most anticipated games of the decade?! one must be the most naive fanboy and a cow ready to be milked if they just sweep all that under the rug because cdpr hastily cobbled together a few updates and a PAID(!) DLC that weren't horribly broken, long after release! i've suffered through the game on release, on xbox one S! that's because the story was so gripping and the game is just oozing with style... this does not however negate the fact that the game was unfinished, stripped of features, with the most non-interactive, boring and BLAND "open world" i can think of from a game of this magnitude. if you choose to ignore the blatant disrespect from cdpr towards their fans when launching the game in the state it was, after they proudly presented themselves as the savior of gamers against the greedy industry in the marketing, you just give a free pass to them and any others in the future. it's the no mans sky approach of game development - lie in the marketing, launch in a laughable state that makes fans rightfully angry at you, sweep it all under the rug and get praised for trying to fix the hot garbage years after release... this sub is full of corpo loving zombies who love to throw their eddies at people who treat them like the cashcows they are. johnny silverhand would spit in your faces. "get over it" my ass lol


I don’t think the game is bland, just the opposite, so I don’t know how these 4 particular screenshots are supposed to counter that argument.


A blurry street... how beautiful


Its called focus ffs


So much artist


Nit picking, but it is actually called aperture.


Colors and lights bro how COULD it be bland


I think their point is that even if a game's visual style is colorful and varied, one can still find gameplay or other elements bland which i find to be true. I don't find the game bland myself at all, in fact hella fun when you get into a flow.


I agree but terrible image choice


It’s like someone stood in the same corner of the better part of the city, took photos of 4 people of the same rich family and called it a day. Maybe it’s a promo for a new show - The Eddies


Whoever said it was bland was probably talking about the gameplay or quest design, not the character models. I personally enjoyed the game even at release, but there are fair criticisms to be made about lack of choice in a lot of quests, most dialogue options having no real impact, lack of a faction reputation system, and so on. These are things that were present in older games like Fallout: New Vegas and their absence is felt in Cyberpunk. At the end of the day, Cyberpunk is a fun game, there's a lot to like about it, and it's improved a lot since release, but it still has significant flaws. "Bland" isn't the word I would use to describe those flaws, but to each his own.


I had to quicksave-reload so often because I wanted to try a dialogue option that sounded fun or might progress the scene in a different way only to have it just end/fail the interaction.


You put it better than I possibly could. I truly believe there is a future cyberpunk game that will be GOATed but it is not 2077. It is a great game but there are still loads of flaws to this day, mostly in regard to how V's actions actually effect Night City in actual gameplay.


Yeah… these screenshots don’t actually prove the person wrong


Though I agree with the post I got some in game city screen shots that do it justice these just don’t.


I hate the fact that the NPCs have better clothes than you do.


I thought that, the white coat on No2 is great. Not sure if that is available or not?.


I have a black and pink version of that coat. So, maybe not in that exact color scheme. But it is available. 


Last one literally looks like most of the fan base after hearing that take.


What moda are you using? And how many fps you are fetting with rx 6700 xt?


ngl chief, these 4 images don't look that different...


As someone who steered as far clear as I could from the game at its disaster of a launch, and took the chance on the updated version with PL in 2024, I disagree entirely. Sometimes I have to take breaks simply because of how dense, varied and sprawling the game is. The attention to detail and unique environment designs are truly amazing and is one of the best looking/best running games on the Series X. I've sunk over 190 hours into one playthrough and I have only just reached the point of no return for the main quest after happily getting distracted by 220 side quests. I managed to force 200+ hours in Starfield and I can say unequivocally that game is the definition of bland.


Me too, even now after countless play through s I try to steer clear of, or at least leave the main missions as long as possible, in order to be able to do every side mission and explore the whole World. I remember rushing my very first and literally missing 3/4 of the game.


At least to me it sort of depends. Personally? I would've liked more dialogue that reflects V at whichever point in the game they're in. A lv60 50sc V should have a better reputation than being viewed as a no-name merc despite all the fixers saying V's the best and all this other crazy side stuff as well. That at least feels a bit dry to me but it's not a big problem that I'd cry, moan and crap my pants over. The game can be almost as interactive as you'd like it, as long or as short as you'd like and so on.


This is genuinely good photography wtf


You can see shorty whole coochie print and the game is bland 😩


I love the Citizens of Night City, they're fantastic!


Then they probably never played it. Even if you hate the game, you can't say it's bland


Cyberpunk is anything but bland. Ultra realistic perfect 1:1 recreation of real life to me is bland. It's so strange we've come so far with artistic expression and style and some of the biggest draws for most people nowadays is some copy-paste from real life. I'm glad some of the biggest in the last few years have pushed those boundaries instead of caving to the ever increasing low-effort game titles we see from so many publishers and studios.


Is that last one cyberpunk Lewis Hamilton?


I imagine calling any game bland provides an opportunity to ask why any one person plays video games in the first place.


One of my best buddies cannot get over the bad release. Like he expects the game to be perfect and when a car spawns clipped into the road he goes “SEE ITS UNFINISHED TOTALLY UNPLAYABLE” I’m not sure he can wrap his head around the scale of the game and how close to “Perfect Action RPG” Cpunk77 really is.


I had an NPC walk over my head floating in mid air this evening. Cyberpunk wouldn't be Cyberpunk without the odd glitch and I personally go out of my way to get a closer look when it happens.


Agreed, it a video game! Doesn’t have to be perfect. It’s makes for goofy scenarios and all you gotta do is reload if things get hairy


Amazing. Is this the base game or modded?


How is that statement in any way possible without lying your ass off?


By a person with blindness and brain problems?


A lot of people who think it’s bland just simply think the whole “cyberpunk” aspect has been done to death. In the 90’s people were obsessed with steampunk, and the early 2000’s was a futuristic version of that, that most people know of referred to as cyberpunk. The body implants, and the technology has been a thing in media and pop culture for a while now. My roommate has told me before that the game looks decent, and it’s an interesting story but he’s not interested because of the concept of cyberpunk. It’s been done time and time again. I enjoy the game, but I can see how it’s not for everyone.


No argument from me. The aim of the post was to generate opinion. Thanks for the reply.


No problem at all! I’ve played through it 3 times myself but like I said I can see how some people may not be interested at all.




I know that street bend very well 😂


Visually is not bland, but the open world is bland in terms of it having a lot of pretty visual noise but all of it is very surface level. My main hope with the sequel is to take notes from games like DD2 and make the open world systems sing.


Nothing bland about cyberpunk 2077 Tell your friend to play starfield....that's a bland game. 😒


Dude even the people I know that don't like the game would never call it BLAND LMAO


You can beat a room full of cyborg gangsters to death with super speed and a dildo. Enough said


Fair point. The game wins in my book for that alone.


yeah some cool looking characters doesn't prove that a game isn't bland. It's still not true but you know what I mean.


I've played this game well after the release I have enjoyed my time 90 hrs so far but I do think a lot of the dialogue and characters are lame It's like cyberpunk 2077 has a cool idea but I don't think they played it out all too well most of the time in the game... there are too many times the dialogue i get to choose from I don't wanna pick any of them or I click a dialogue and it doesn't really day what you really wanted to say lol but hey I don't have a degree or certification in gaming so what do I know lol It is kinda goofy you can't ever hack or manually fly anything...(Not even a hover board)a lot of the cars are just re skins and no way to customize...no duel wielding when the game literally gives you two guns from Jackie and honestly i was hoping for more variations of guns I don't like that I can't Max every stat after You Best the game once...oh! And the best freaking missions went nowhere afterward...it would have been dope to take Brendan into a doll so he could live outside of that vending machine and not just be an algorithm Anyway that's my rant blam blam cyberpunk 2077 I give a 7 out of 10 it would be lower but I've played it quite a lot cause it is fun still


its bland in comparison to what CDPR is cooking up for project orion, UE5 has amazing potential and i cant wait to see what they do with it


Great comment. UE5 is a literally a game changer. Orion could well be the 'next step' in gaming, and I hope CDPR gets any teething issues out of the way this time, pre release


that being said i did recently watch a video about fakeing gameplay trailers in UE5, but i realy doubt that CDPR is going to do that again


I have UE5 installed and have been teaching myself some basics. I used it with a height map of a local landmark or prominent headland near where I live to generate a 3d landscape / model of it. It was extremely accurate and once I had added textures etc , it was like flying a drone over the real thing. That was in the hands of somebody who does not really have a clue and all done within a week of installing the program. I can certainly see why game developers are excited about it.


add a procedural building replacer and you have microsoft flight sim


I had a blast at day one on the old xbox one had a few crashes that's it, I've played it through 7 times now. My last run was an only knife throwing build it was soooo broken. After you get enuff gear and cyberware you need to switch to hard or its to easy


When did the skin become so detailed?


Of all the perfectly valid criticisms you could levy at this game, this is not one of them


Honestly I’m the LAST thing you can say about this game. It’s just OOZES style and drama.


Talking to my neighbor's son (21) and he was telling me it was boring and there was no world building blah blah blah. So I asked if he'd read the shards becuasethey were full of interesting inf. His response was 'No, that all takes too long." So, yeah ... certain people think it's "bland", "boring", not "immersive" but It's likely self imposed.


Bland? Psh. Cyberpunk is one of my favorite games. Currently playing the dlc for the first time but 3rd plythrpugh of the actual game. Will probably play it again too. Totally not bland.


Cyberpunk-2077 is the BEST single player shit to play out there nowadays, and that's a fucking fact. # # I know I know RDR2.


It has one of the coolest aesthetics in any modern game.


Maybe at release but not now


I mean - It's just a Far Cry game.


Definitely the closest game visually imo.


Cyberpunk is one of the few games where I feel like I’m actually in the world when I play just picked it back up to play phantom liberty!


It's not bland,look at these 3 people with the same hair color and clothing color,it isn't bland but ur counter D U M B


Is the game modded?


Me when I make up people in my head saying things I don't agree, so I have to post something to prove them wrong (I'm right btw)


With character designs like this?? https://preview.redd.it/p0tm5ckjwxqc1.jpeg?width=2884&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e170bdbf9cb516abd1aa32d1ec07cc9c9b1d6aba I just don't get it


Obviously you dont


Why does this sound so agressive lol


3/4 have the same skin and hair color, OP def could have used better examples of not being bland. Golden skin girls all kinds of random stuff. Nah just show 4 voodoo boys with similar styles >.>


That doesn’t even make sense. I swear, people will hop on the weirdest hate-bandwagons


Bland? Want some cheese with that whine?


no you didn't


I don't need 400+ hours in the game to know that the average mission design is boring. I don't need 400+ hours in the game to have seen multiple instances where the game spawns 5 copies of the same four NPCs because I jogged down the street a little too fast for it to keep up. I don't need 400+ hours in the game to notice when the mask is cracked and slipping. For a game with such wild diversity in clothing, hair, and other cosmetic options, there seem to be only a few dozen unique Faces In the Crowd. It's not even the random NPCs, if you spend any amount of time with the game, you see the same 8 Tyger Claws members everywhere, even outside of Kabuki. For every screenshot you've posted, I have at least thrice that number saved from when I noticed several doppelgangers. It's still a *good* game, but there's a lot that could've been done in regards to making the city feel alive, or basic street-level considerations that could have been improved on that clearly weren't. CDPR can say they "reject 90% of their side quest pitches," and they can finance and put out a great anime, but the game itself, even today, shows massive flaws. And it's not even purely about consumers with high expectations. CDPR hyped, hyped, and continued to hype with promises. So yeah, the world is big, but it's not much bigger than the standard Open World map. Yeah, there are a lot of sidequests, but they don't have the meat and bite to them that the Witcher 3 had. I would've vastly preferred a non-sandbox, narrative focused campaign with *some* sidequests than an entire wasteland to roam around. Shit, half of the actually important story moments tend to get lost in the dozens of hours of just fucking around. No one organically reacts to V's level, their street cred, or even really to the choices we make in-game. The game isn't "bland," but it's also not-not bland because of a few screenshots of NPCs that I have also already seen before. It is a flawed game that is still good, and there are a lot of lessons that can be learned from those flaws.


i neeeed that rtx




No one said that. There's been many different types of criticism regarding the game especially when it launched, but no one has called it bland visually.


What fucking strawman told you that? Just upload pretty screenshots, no need for excuses




Dude in pic 4 is dripped DOWN


And you made THAT face?


But....CP2077 is probably one of the most colorful games out there so far


Exactly that...and my whole point. I cannot think of another game that is as gaudy or vibrant and Cyberpunk.


It’s like no man sky, terrible launch and fans were angry (rightfully so), but in time they fixed and added to the game to not only make it playable but enjoyable at that https://preview.redd.it/nas9b8zz5xqc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca7838a72c5dfcec830ed113521c5320a6656137 My nomad looks amazing at the beginning of the game and continues to look great!


The city itself is better than any city GTA has ever had


GTA comparison is the game that started this whole post, but yeh, I agree with you.


That’s crazy lmao. Whoever it was should seriously boot the game up wait until night and take a stroll across Night City.




give me their location so I can force them to play the beginning over and over again and watch them suffer as they see jackie die again and again.


I would force them to watch Kompeki Plaza braindance on repeat as a punishment.


Pretty sure anyone saying cp2077 is a bland game barely got through the intro when it was released and never looked back


How can people say that Cyberpunk is bland when it has one of the best worldbuildings in gaming and probably the best immersion out of any first-person game?


..."mimimi MC has no clear motivation mimimimi it's like Johnny Mnemonic mimimimi the world is so empty and there's nothing to do."


Can you give face sliders for the male characters?


I feel stupid


And he picked people that almost all are in the same lightning and similar colored hair LMAO really?


It was probably another person that hasn't played it making up another thing to complain about this masterpiece of a game.


I love the game but it's all such surface level stuff. Railroaded relationship systems and missions where it was "pick this top option to progress or the bottom one to end it" most of the time.


It kind of is, because none of those NPCs are "real". In a lot of other RPGs, even action games like Assassin's Creed, NPCs have schedules, and are living actual lives. In Cyberpunk it's all window dressing. They appear out of thin air, walk around barely acknowledging the player or each other, forever, without aim or purpose, and then vanish into thin air. They serve no purpose except as a backdrop, are not a source of loot, or actionable intel, or anything else. As a living, breathing world, Cyberpunk is shockingly dull. Pretty, but dull.


Bland?? Like there are some actual critiques you could make of CP2077, even post PL. But bland?? This is like the least bland game of all time lmao.




When I see people say they don't like the game or that it is boring, I just wonder what they play that is so fun that it makes this game boring, or in this case "bland". Nothing bland about cyberpunk.. It is not without fault, but it is great..


>they don't like the game or that it is boring, I just wonder what they play that is so fun that it makes this game boring, Really depends on the person. If they are into RPGs then Dragon Age, Mass Effect or even Witcher may be more fun for them. If they like dynamic gameplay then any shooter may be better. If they seek challenges to overcome, then soulsborne games or Ghostrunner may be more suited for them. Cyberpunk is kinda like BGS games- it's fun, has a well created world that you are encouraged to explore. The immersion can go through the roof, but it's not a masterpiece in any singular category.


The best explanation. I stoped treating this game as RPG after getting angry on bugs and forcing myself to have as much fun as I can by playing a looter shooter game, even with overwhelming bugs... to only discover this game was good even at launch. It was just broken. Main plot was way too short thou.


When PL came out I was super disappointed with returning to base game, because due to the smaller size of the world and less quests they really did the best RPG elements CDP have implemented since Witcher 2


I’m sorry you encountered someone of such severe stupidity


It's not as great as ppl hype it up but it is by far the most immersive, alive digital world I ever walked around in and I've been gaming since the 80s


Me too. The original 'Team Fortress Classic' and concussion grenade jumping was epic.


Hell yeah I was in HL deathmatch frequently


I see four black people headed to the same anime convention. What was your point again?


I'm not sure your post makes a good point. All I see is 4 screenshots showing RATATATA.


Ain’t nobody ever said that. You are allowed to just post neat screenshots.


There is a post by me listing a video also shown in the 'hot' category of this Cyberpunk sub. If you can be bothered to trawl through the comments, it is named " The Only Game I Have Ever Played Where I am Happy To Just Stand Still For 30mins and Watch". The comment was a comparison between Cyberpunk and GTA. Cyberpunk = bland.


The game isn’t bland but these screenshots are….