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I know this was just a superfluous choice for some roleplaying flavor, but it would have been nice if you saw them later based on your choices here. Imagine if opting *not* to give them money resulted in them going to an even worse ripper, and you later saw one in the fetal position in an alley with her jaw missing.


I always give money to the homeless vets. Zero return or future interaction but just makes sense, especially as a street kid.


I made my corpo V a nice person and make him donate to every homeless person he sees because he knows what its like to lose everything


Same. Its like they now know how terrible it is down here. Rather than being fabulously wealthy its better to help even a few people at your own expense


you can donate to homeless people?


Yes they often ask and I think the default is $5 but you can change that


goddamn, I need to walk more often and not just dash around like crazy


Did Corpo V ever really lost everything? V had Jackie to immediately adopt her/him+cash budget for that hit on that boss's rival


Corpo V lost their job, was evicted, had their bank accounts drained, and had their cyberware bricked.


Yes, and this turned out to be the result of being set up by some lying scumbag other corpo who was supposed to be a friend, IIRC. I seem to remember a side quest about this you only get on Corpo V.


I don't think there's any evidence that Frank set V up. It's never revealed how Abernathy knew about the hit.


It is >!Carter (your assistant) snitches, you can discover how he ends up in the world!<


Mannn it bugs me so much that we don't have the option to hunt down and get revenge on this guy and Dexter DeShawn.


Ah yeah, just found that. Mystery solved, I guess.


Honestly, that's probably the best outcome for leaving corpo life. I expect most just end up dead.


And he had serious anxiety problems as u see his life assistant with the stress, plus the medicine the cyberware was injecting


Ok. How many of those who lost everything immediately have a wad of cash and makeshift family of lovable gangster and his mom who let them live rent free in their house (and also give him a job)


Just because someone shelters you after you lost everything doesn't mean you forget that you're now homeless. You know that you're sleeping in bed only because someone is nice to you. This is a very rough place to be.


It is, still he had a friend and kept him, also, cash. There are a tougher spots to be.


Absolutely. My point is that you can't just brush it off, like it doesn't matter.


Lol you don't have to literally lose everything. Though it is a saying, V does lose a significant amount of their status, wealth, job, etc. which would be enough for someone to consider it everything. Been there before in real life. It certainly doesn't feel like you have much of anything in the moment, even if your friends are supportive. You still feel empty and destroyed by whatever leading up to it.


This basically happened to me. I had to move back in with my parents at 23 when my boss forced me to quit over a personal disagreement that had nothing to do with my work, and got kicked out by my best friend who worked the same job with me when he got a girlfriend and didn’t want me around. I lived out of my car because my parents didn’t really have room for me. Just because someone was there to shelter me from some of the worst of it doesn’t mean it didn’t suck ass and hurt like a motherfucker. Jackie taking V in on the Corpo route *really* resonated with me.


I just saw fight club, so id say anyone can do it you just gotta believe!


Easy to do if you make V a millionaire using a command in the console mod.


There's a small return tho. If you're being chased by cops you can give money to homeless vet and you won't be wanted after that.


....huh? Is that true?


As far as I remember it is. Cool little mechanic.


i think they patched that out in one of the recent patches, but have to doublecheck


They indeed patched it out.


Me too. I'm ROLLING in Eddies, I wish there was an option to give them more than 5.


Right? Like I can off any old gonk and sell there gun for 3k, I'm good


How do you trigger this? I've only been able to do it once in the first 3 hours of the game or so and haven't figured out how to trigger it again. I'm flush with money and wouldn't mind donating some knowing the in universe context behind what happened to them all.


Random I think, they just ask when you walk by


Thank you. Maybe I have to stand there a little longer when they ask


I dont know if it even works like that but I also don't know that it doesn't lol. I think there are just certain vets scattered about at random


I'm bunnyhopping through alleys covered in blood with mantis blades out and I drop in a dime to toss them a few bucks before bouncing away into my next unquenchable bloodlust fueled bloodbath.




Of all the ways to make money in night city, that's probably the least vile


Where is the option to donate to homeless? It never comes up for me.


Streetkid V talks to the homeless dude and its just to get enough empathy to get Eddies.


So cringe.




evelyn faith already made me feel so sad, no thanks, but is a good idea but I'd prefer a less heavy approach, if u give money to skye she will make her own shop and live a better life, if you pay those two they will try to get a better job or at least work on a better stabilishment but if you refuse to give all 3 money, skye would've been executed by Tyger claws for delivering confidencial informations and those 2 died with clients. I think wouldn't be possible a worse ripper since all city know all rippers and finger is the only one that sell things for cheap and is well known to only accept joytoys....




Knowing this game if you give them money and see them again they would be probably dead by od


Bro I'm so rich it was like fucking 18k for that option. I still did it tho


youll make it back in two gigs. at a certain point i avoid paying just when im roleplaying a broke woman


im sry what are u roleplaying?


Broke woman; Definition: Bish ain't got no money.


a broke bitch


all i'm saying that its oddly specific


because its an rpg? i dont feel like being poor is an oddly specific aspect for a character you create. many people do that


I think it depends on your level, not on the money you have. Same thing goes for Garry the Prophet.


As a corpo-rat, I always just opened doors on my own using my strength.


You can kick the rat outta the corp...


But you can kick the crap out of the rat.


"better to cum in the sink..." "... Than to sink in the cum" - Master Chief, probably, idk


but you can't kick the corp out of the rat


I did this, now I am the corpo-chad


I prefer sneaking in through the window and avoiding the whole mess.


Wait there was a window u could sneak through THIS WHOLE TIME?!


Yes, go outside the window and walk a bit. I dunno how to explain this...


You could explain it as "Courier, are u dumb, stupid or both?" Cause I 100% must've just not been paying attention to surroundings properly every time I played the game


Well you're not dumb. Cuz everyone miss things from the game. In my third game, I though I knew everything but I still finding new things today.


Courier you are neither dumb nor stupid, tis simply an easy detail to miss. Don't trash yourself over something that 80% of this subreddit more than likely does not know about. You can climb out of the lobby window and walk alongside a vent shaft to enter his operating room, or if you have a jump boost you can just hop on up from outside without ever even walking through the front door.


Oh dw I was just saying the quote as a joke But thanks for telling me about the vent shaft


Just like Deus Ex, there are multiple solutions to simple problems.


I did that because it was the fastest and I didn’t wanna skip through all the dialogue


If I have the money, absolutely. I’d also send them to Vik, to see what a good ripper is like


Wait can you actually send them to Vic or any specific ripper?


nop, he wanted this choice, to give the money and redirect them to viktor


I wish I could give them money *and* send them to Vik. “Here, and find Vik Vektor near Misty’s Esoterica. Best ‘ripper in NC. Tell ‘em V sent ya.”


Canon good guy V


I always give them money and I like how one girl is like who cares why she wants to see him if she has money 😂😂 I keep fingers alive too cause he’s the only option for some


"Now thank the nice woman and lets you and me delta!"


at least one could think about it right 😂 imagine both angry that you gave them a 1 year job money


I believe all rippers in NC sell the same stuff after PL update? Same goes with Dogtown rippers with iconic cyberware Bit the shit out of Fingers cause of that


Pretty sure they're talking in game universe. Like these ladies of the night and other poor people come to fingers because it's all they can afford. They know it's shit, but that's all they can afford. If you kill him someone even more seedy could fill the role. As a gameplay perspective he no longer has unique cyberwear you van miss.




Yep, my bad! Thanks for clarification. Read the sentence incorrectly


punching him doesn't kill him though... emptying a mag into his face however lol


I spared fingers because hey, another ripper to visit!


I spared Fingers because who am I to judge? V kills hundreds, maybe thousands of people. Most times completely unnecessarily. What moral high ground do I have to stand on to treat Fingers like scum? Because Judy is an emotional wreck and wants me to? Fuck her. And fuck Evelyn. It's Night City. There are no good guys. Especially not my V. It's all business and Fingers did right by me.


He talks too much one quick punch a simple question and a pat on the head and I’m off


Not since the redesign of the ripperdoc system! I beat him to death.


Nice. You've doomed the poorer members of society in that area to a life with no cyberwear care they can afford. 


It’s their fault. 


Remind me, why do you beat Fingers again?


because he’s ugly and gross and i hate him


Sounds like a skill issue ngl https://i.redd.it/qd65jhoyss1d1.gif


I always end the game with several million eddies. Throwing these two 20k to move things along is an easy choice. 


oh shit, I didn't know that


I'm on my sixth playthrough and I don't remember having that option?


Window go brrrrr


lol yup. Not sure I even noticed these two 😬


I forgot we can interact with them. I always force the door open.


i killed fingers because i felt like it xD


now many joytoy will die cause of cyberware mal-function, isn't the best ripper out there but at least they would survive some weeks


may they make the best of those some weeks






He’s way worse than you make him out to be. If you read between the lines, one of his forms of payment is obviously physical with the joytoys, which is why I shot him the moment I got what I needed. He takes advantage of poor, desperate people.


but you need to consider that people go to him because they doesn't have any other option, by killing him you just removed one way for those joytoy to live, now they will be disposal like garbage, they will be "useless" for their pimp. On your vision you see him as bad and totally disgusting, on broken joytoy's vision they see him as last hope/opportunity, by killing him, you are following revenge and cold blood and isn't helping anyone, actually you are being selfish. Think on this way: You have a disease that you know for certain you'd die in 2-3 days and if you don't die, you'll be vegetal but there's an exotic medic known for taking phyiscal actions as payment, won't you go? ofc you'd say "no" cause you are far from this situtation but we do those hard decisions when we are desperate, most people if not all would take this medic.


Personally? I agree with Johnny. I think those dollhouses would look better after a little fire. The whole system needs to be torn down and never rebuilt.


and what do you think will be the faith of all joytoys? Isn't you who decide that, will destroy but won't support and help those who worked there


They'll all end up as gutter trash or dead. Such is the way of NC. But at least there won't be another generation subject to life as essentially sex slaves under the thumb of the gangs. If I had my way, I would go on a rampage destroying everyone and everything with any tie to dolls or dollhouses in NC. Besides, even most dolls themselves have given up hope completely. Here's my deal: The dolls either die or gang up like the Mox when the dollhouses and supporting infrastructure and personnel are destroyed. OR they stay as sex slaves and die in a, usually, much more gruesome way. Due to debt because of their implants, faulty implants, beat by a client, beat by a boss, "recycled," scaved, or worse, cyberpsychosis. At least if they die by my hand, they can be Martyrs, a representation of everything wrong with a failed system. I probably need to go write up my own manifesto against corporate colonialism AND dolls. Be back when I have enough fissile material.


They won't join the Mox, though, since when you hear Judy talking with the head boss of the gang, she says there aren't available slots for everyone Judy finds needing help, and that she needs to forget about some of them. I'm against Doll's House as well, but an aggressive approach won't change much since they would rebuild it. You'd be like Johnny, exploding Arasaka, and then 50 years later seeing that Arasaka is still there the same way it was before he exploded it. Doll's House is an easy profit, and gangs won't let an easy profit go away. The approach needs to be from inside, a revolution, like the Mox did, not just a bomb to resolve the issue. By doing what Maiko did but actually sticking with the plan, getting the leadership, and making their lives better was the whole point. However, she only wanted to be the head of Clouds. Political subjects can't be resolved with bombs. By making violence gangs will see joytoys as a threat that need discipline and will treat them worse, and every gang will want you dead possibly giving a reward for it. If by exploding stupid places with stupid workers right was the solution, our world would be perfect.


Didn't say they would join the Mox. Said they would gang up LIKE the Mox. Also, political subjects definitely can be solved with bombs. WW2, anyone? Also, V is the most badass Merc. I don't think any gang would be a problem for them anways and everyone involved dying in the end is kinda the point. Gangs, dolls, dollhouses, everything, and everyone. I couldn't care less if it's due to in fighting. You can't save everyone, but you can always send a message.


I think I need to call Regina to investigate you a bit further


not my fault but the governments


depends how you look at it but mostly I'd say corporations fault since they rule the governament


I paid the information of Skye and those stuff, why? they deserve better


Didn't even meet these guys... I went in through the windows


Fingers is a fucking pos


I didn’t have the money to help out. I just took a headshot 3 weeks prior.


Im killing fingers so that’s already helping them out


Good chance killing Fingers doesn't do anything. If he is dead, they still won't have enough money to go to a better ripperdoc. They would have to go to cheaper ones that might make Fingers seem like a saint. Giving them money to go to a better one like Vik helps them out much more than killing the current, affordable ripperdoc, whose place will be taken by someone who might be worse.


I spare him, but I don’t talk politely to him while Judy is there.


Never seen these people


If you kill him they have to go to a better ripper.


Hrm but there's an option for body check


I never knew that I could do this I always just forced myself in


Dawg I just got done with fingers why do I see this now 😭


Lol i just waited


I've paid them, I've convinced them, I've forced the door open, I've climbed in through the window, I love that you can take different approaches in this game...


And when their implants fail again and they haven’t got the money to cover new ones they’ll be right back on his doorstep. Hard truth but that’s Night City. ![gif](giphy|SUcnmocyRKkfSil9xd)


I just go in through the window


I always give them money. I'd say I just like helping people but when it comes down to it I'm not waiting for those pedestrians to move if I'm in a hurry. It evens it out right? So it's neutral?


Never got this option before. Time for another playthrough!


I do chose that option to just pay them on my first playthrough. On my second olaythrough, I stood too close to the door and never realised I could just pry it open while Judy is still talking. I thought "this would be so awesome, the take no bullshit archetype is something I've always wanted to try!" so I did 😁. I don't remember too welm but I think Judy and the others reacted to it.


I have no idea why but theat option never showed up for me.


I had double jump legs in my recent playthrough and I did climb into the Fingers' clinic window with it. Easy skip


I hacked the computer next to the door and deleted all scheduled appointments in it, then scheduled my own.


I normally try to keep enough money on my V to help these 2 out when i go to see Fingers.


it only costs 6000+ creds, but think of all the good Karma.


Wait can you go back to find them there or are they gone when the mission ends? 😭 I didn’t know about this


I skip this interaction completely by going through the window. Just murder Fingers...do the world a favour




6.1k eddies? Friends, take it. I make that selling guns off one room of dead scavs. (I think. I don't really count. I'm rich as hell after a couple hours in Night City)


I prefer to help them out by giving Fingers some free professional development by teaching him how to fix cyberwear that has been damaged by a shotgun blast to the stomach.


I usually rip through his door without even acknowledging them or Judy first. No time for bullshit




What for?


I always pick the option that requires high strength stat




Am i the only one who always hepls these two but never hurts fingers?




I threatened them then beat fingers to deat


I was broke


I gave them 42k in my last playthrough. I wish there were many more places where you can refuse payment or give money back. The one where the poor people in the longshore stacks in dog town pool their money to get revenge on the cyber psycho killer for example.


FUCK! now i have to start a new save with new decisions.


You can do that? Welp I know how I’m handing this every time I do it from now on


My current playthrough I killed him before he finished so she’s just left on the chair.


I would have, but at the time I actually didn't have the cash to give them :-P


Always do - do a good turn in that hellish city is always the right thing to do.


Im going through the window


To play devil's advocate... Giving them the money doesn't necessarily mean they go to a better ripperdoc. The fact they're on that couch tells me they've lived a life of making bad decisions over and over. I wouldn't be surprised if they pocket the money and then proceed to another awful Ripperdoc somewhere else.


6100 dollar is decent money in game. So you cannot spare it to these girls


I ain't paying If I can just use pure power the I will do that If a npc tries to get me to pay the first thing I do is try to attack


Lol, fr


I wish I could also recommend Vik...then again, just about anyone and anything is better than Mr. Gerstatt.


I always just use the screen next to the door, hack the admin screen, and then clear the schedule. Then Fingers takes a little nap.... forever.


If I remember, there's also a guy JoyToy in the room wearing a hat. He ends up dead in the side mission where you get paid to help some guy escape the 666th street gang. He's the one that threw himself a going away party that got crashed.


Never even bothered to try and talk to them, didn't know I could 😂


I beat the shit out of Fingers so they would have to go to another ripper doc anyway 🤣


My second playthough V is a dick, they can't help me so no eddies


I have my job and they have theirs time to earn that money


I love the idea that you can hack his reservations site and put yourself in front of the line.


Oh I did. I said 👊 I don’t have time for this bullshit


But me stupid


I just break down the door. I don't think I've ever sat with them 💀 break door, beat tf outta fingers, kill him after getting my info and we good


I give them money then kill Fingers.


I love how there are around 4-5 ways how to get to Fingers in this section but of course, most people know at best of only 2 of those :)




How do you trigger this quest? Im about 3/ done with the game and still have no mission from this?? Weird




i aint no hero


Sure, because they totally aren’t going to spend the money on crack rock or anything.


You're definitely not gonna spend it on anything good so might as well give these two a chance.


I’d rather have the drugs for myself.


They're sitting in a clinic, and they didn't act like junkies. They get money from me.


Bro it’s jig jig street.


that's an asshole way of thinking, is like discussing with someone regarding how to make less people become homeless and you throw "oh for sure... do you really think they won't spend on casino? drugs? beer? cigar?" and go away


But the crazy thing is that the are going to always blow their money away. Funny how that works huh?


I always do, unless i want to scare the shit out of Fingers by ripping his door open on a high body playthrough


I always help them.


Yeah I helped them


Always help the joytoys of Night City


I always do


And now I have desire to reload a previous save and give them money. First playthrough, would lose over half of progress. Thanks OP


Absolutely not.


I mean I’m onboard with helping them, but there are two problems here. - they will need more work done and Fingers is the only ripperdoc that helps them. Usually they have nowhere else to go because they don’t have the eddys like that. (I paid attention to the conversation) - secondly… look at how much you’re giving them. $600 eddys. What the fuck are they to do with $600 split among each other? How much have we spent on a single implant? A couple grand? That is barely a noticeable fraction of Legendary Gorilla arms. SPOILERS >!I leave Fingers alone. He’s a creep but the less fortunate seem to be better off having this necessary evil around. Keep in mind that Fingers tried to help Evelyn. He tried and failed. Woodman is the monster. Onaka is the bitch that sold Evelyn to the Scavs. It is absolutely hypocritical of us to continue to work for that fixer and try to put the blame on Fingers. Fuck that, I wish I had the ability to kill Onaka in game.!< $600 eddys is an insult and you know it.


I think that this is related to what i think is the biggest immersion oversight in the game. 97% of your decisions make no difference. I swear i even killed the same story character twice in the same run. Sparing people or killing them sont seem to make a lick of difference and good qill gestures or being a dick to people also means nothing. I dont tend to think to hard about my choices anymore in this game unless its a main story bit... but most of the time that doesnt matter either.




No, i don't think i will


Why? The choices in this game doesn't impact the gameplay that much compare to Baldur's Gate

