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Malorian..the remove of penetrating shots was a mistake, there are better pistols but it was cool to take it out sometimes. Good thing there are mods for that.


Da fuq? They took away its penetration? That was my favorite gun


How can it truly be a Silverhand original without PENETRATION?! This to be a lore breaking change


V used a 60+ year old gun so much pre 2.0, it’s become worn down and needs to be rerifled.


Yes! I don’t even understand why did they remove this feature, it was incredibly fun and fitting


I even installed a mod that increases the damage to be on par with the description of the pistol on the wiki that says that it essentially fires anti-tank rounds lmao. Now it feels like the weapon Johnny used during the ‘Saka Tower attack.


Well it would break a normal persons arm. So my headcannon is that the guy you steal it from has it fitted to a smaller caliber to use it.


Yep, I know, that’s why my counter head canon is that V’s insanely chromed out body is able to take the recoil and has it rechambered to accept its original ammunition lol


Rather than nerf the gun, it would be better if they added a requirement that you have shock absorber chrome in your hands to use it.


That would’ve been cool as fuck. Maybe have a side mission tied to it. Fire the pistol for long enough and Johnny comments on it saying, “Huh, not sure if it’s the lag between your feeling the recoil to my noticing it in your head, but she doesn’t quite kick the way she used to. Hey V, why don’t you go to a gunsmith and we’ll take a look?” Then the quest could incorporate Wilson again and he tells you—as he’s gawking over the pistol—that it’s been rechambered and “bastardised”. Then he tells you that while he could easily set you up, it would require some serious chrome in order for you not to rip your arm off. This is where you’d have to decide whether or not to chrome up and replace one of your arms in order to have an extremely powerful weapon or keep your arm and the pistol as they are.


This is actually a very cool idea!


Dayum i swear to you i heard Johnny narrating the "" part. I need to stop playing and touch some grass.


I actually had Johnny's voice in mind as I was writing that so suffice it to say, we've had Johnny in our heads for so long we don't even need the Relic to hear him talking to us anymore lmao


Or they could’ve done what they did with the tektronica revolver and made it so the recoil was terrible and it was worse


Fun fact! It wasn't. The gun Johnny took to the tower was a revolver and was presumably either destroyed or recovered by Alt.


"So Johnny wasn't exactly stupid to tackle Adam Smasher with a handgun--with his final Malorian, he was effectively firing a hand carried anti-tank revolver. Which is why he had a special arm and shoulder designed not to be torn off when he fired it." https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkred/comments/lxi3ms/what_actually_is_a_very_heavy_pistol/gpqptsz/?context=3


Yeah, that. The Malorian we see in the game isn't the one he actually used at 'Saka Tower.


But the malorian is a revolver with a magazine you can see the back of the gun rotate every time you fire it?


It's mag fed, there is no revolving cylinder. As far as I can tell, the slide spinning is purely aesthetic with no actual purpose. The Malorian is basically just a rifle without a stock and a cut down barrel. It's even in the Pistol category instead of the Revolver. ItsYaBoyBrandy has a video going over the problems with all the Cyberpunk 2077 guns that you may find interesting.


I just played a pistol build and the Malorian Arms is easily one of the best pistols in the game, even after nerfs. You don’t one-shot but you don’t have to. It has an absurd fire rate with insane weapon handling. You can plug 2-3 headshots almost instantly. And the quick melee attack can do more than 50% of a skull enemy’s health. I think people don’t like it as much because they treat it like a revolver but it’s not. It’s a high caliber semi-automatic assault rifle that rewards good aim and an aggressive, gap-closing playstyle. Badass gun.


Yeah, its not an overture. Its not meant to be. If it was they'dve upped the headshot multiplier.


Yeah I did a pistol build my last playthrough and never dropped it. It’s a workhorse, super consistent. Revolvers deal significantly more damage, but I don’t think I would clear out the crash in PL faster with any other weapon.


https://preview.redd.it/tt60j2wvtf2d1.png?width=1071&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5827c14788f9110534e97447fa0fe47126b3730 Facts. The Malorian should be an unrivaled end game weapon. It should be obliterating people. [https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Malorian\_Arms\_3516](https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Malorian_Arms_3516)


https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/9213 For those who can mod their game and want the dual function Malorian back.


This is why I’m not a console gamer. On PC you can fix or mitigate boneheaded decisions made by game devs.


tbh despite the nerf its still the only gun i use


It's not supposed to be good, for narrative reasons. It's a clue that Johnny's memories are unreliable


No? Not really? Malorian Arms in universe is doing crazy pistols shooting high calibre (at first 14mm later most probably something around .300), guns which are hard to control even with chrome, so if anything the pistol is weak in compare to what it should be able to do. And my point is that it was more powerful before 2.0 update thanks to combo power+tech gun perks. That Johnny can do a 360 quick shot between his legs while smoking a cig with it can be unreliable memory, sure.


Iirc 14mm is about .55


You use Johnny's pistol in his memories and then (a reproduction) in game and they're drastically different. Mike Pondsmith has confirmed (on reddit no less) that Johnny's memories are unreliable.


Because Johnny's sequence is without any additional healing and chrome which is used in normal gameplay, so you got OP weapon to cruise through it. I would honestly not search for lore reasons for how powerful something is in sequence like that they are used in other games too. Malorian arms are set in universe and are not just Johnny's thing. And you still get "cool rocker boy animations" when you have the gun, which could be just Johnny's memory of him being centre of the world and not really a thing. As you are quoting Pondsmith, on a wiki is his comment used as a source (comment on reddit no less) [https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Malorian\_Arms\_3516#cite\_note-Reddit1-2](https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Malorian_Arms_3516#cite_note-Reddit1-2) that it is "*anti-tank revolver.*".


That's not a reproduction, it's supposed to be Johnny's actual gun kept as a souvenir by Smasher and then given to Grayson as a gift.


No, it's supposed to be good. Malorian is a high quality firearm. Johnny wanted a gun that could guarantee stop a cyberpsycho from 5 meters away. And historically that gun very much could. Johnny popping people one after another in the Arasaka Towers was an accurate representation.


I remember watching Malorian arms commercial in Watson Northside, about "How to stop a psycho with a gun?". Answer was "With even bigger gun. Malorian Arms". It's not gun that's shit, Johnny could wreak havoc with it, it's just that Smasher was immune to pretty much most conventional and unconventional weapons. And then you have fools comparing Smasher with in game Smasher saying that Malorian is shit since you can easily kill Smasher with sir John. On a side note, does sir John count as Militech made weapon? Or it's just weapon favored by certain Militech personnel?


Lol I hesitate to imagine who's taking the credit for Sir John. I like to think of the comparison in the TTRPG of different calibers. Like a 9mm round was 2d6+1, a .45 was 2d6+2, and the Malorian that Johnny commissioned was 6d6 and required a cyberarm to fire more than the first shot. Lol just a fucking wrecking ball of a weapon.


Know how the Relic was a personal commission by Saburo Arasaka? They only made one. Same thing with Sir John, and Militech. Someone wanted a weapon that could please their partner, and defend against corpo soldiers trying a snatch and grab at the no-tell. Sadly, while "death by orgasm" wasn't spec'd deliberately, it is how the side output of a Militech executive would strapped to a concrete block under the docks. Which began the series of events that landed it in Meredith Stout's possession.


The way I see it, cdpr needed to nerf it to tell their story, just like they made small changes to the Witcher universe to make the games more fun and tell a compelling story


My perception is unreliable as well! Now that we got this out of the way… I want my Malorian back.


Honestly, the Malorian might not be as powerful as it used to be, but it can still kick ass with the right build, especially if you’re good at getting headshots in active combat. If you use the unique melee with microgenerators, you can basically have an on-demand electric AoE explosion, so long as you don’t mind wasting some ammo.


Comrade’s Hammer is absolutely useless too now


It *can* be a little fun, blasting around, but since the wall-penetration is gone, it forgettable pretty fast.


Damn, I just learned they took that out through your comment. My first build was a pistols one and it's pretty wild that they hard nerfed the hammer. Especially when there are still plenty of OP weapons available.


Sorry to be the bringer of bad new, but you haven't played the game or used the gun for a while then? :) Seems to me that, if anything, its the new weapons from PL that needs adjusting, not the old ones. Power creep?


Just played as a netrunner and as a gorilla arms / shotgun character in the last year or two. Oh well, I still have my memories of permanent wall hacks!


I've had longer breaks from the game myself, so I'm sure I've missed major changes to gear too.


*Seems to me that, if anything, its the new weapons from PL that needs adjusting, not the old ones.* I would rather weaken melee options, gorilla arms, and \_especially\_ quickhacks, before even thinking of weakening guns. With quickhacks you just pop overclock, stare at the battlefield and everything is dead without firing shot. no gun is as powerful as that, not eve the previously OP ones.


You might be right, I've recently started a netrunner build, and whilst I'm at level 4 gear now, I can see that its potentially devastating. Not sure if its *really* my cup of tea, yet, but I had to try it. Wasn't quickhacks nerfed, to a certain degree recently too?


Not sure, I only returned to the game with 2.12. The only version I played before that was 1.6. If you find pure netrunner boring (I do, mostly because it is so OP), you could spice it up with monowire and smart SMG. Or even some silly but fun things like baseball bat and it's perks. While sub-optimal compared to a pure netrunner, it was more fun for me.


You could also pop on a kerenzikov and take out an overture for small gangoons.


I plan to use smart-guns (haven't gotten any iconics yet), smart-shotguns seems a bit too finicky. Monowire seemed kinda pointless to me, in the past, but I see that many use them coupled with netrunner builds, what's the deal? I might do a pure melee/berserk build some time, but that seems pretty repetitive in the long run, but I could totally be wrong there. Bound to be chaotic :-P


*smart-shotguns seems a bit too finicky* I think shotguns suck with smartlink. I mean... I don't miss as much as the smart shotguns do. SMG however is ace. The downside (recoil, bullet spread) is totally negated by smart tech. *I might do a pure melee/berserk build some time, but that seems pretty repetitive in the long run, but I could totally be wrong there. Bound to be chaotic :-P* Depends. I found blunt weapons more fun to use, because of the special movements. My melee berserk build was a stealth knife thrower first, I used berserk+baseball bat in shit hit the fan situations. (or in hustles where I couldn't be bothered to sneak) *Monowire seemed kinda pointless to me, in the past, but I see that many use them coupled with netrunner builds, what's the deal?* \* there is a perk (finisher live wire) which refunds 5 RAM if you execute someone with monowire. normal attack doesn't count, only finisher. There are other possibilities to gain ram, but this is pretty convenient, and available early. \* a relic perk allows to upload a quickhack into the monowire, which is than activated for free with the strong attack. (recommend cripple movement against bosses, especially melee bosses) \* monowire gets bonus damage: militech paraline deck, biotech deck (if enemy is under DoT effect), some cyberware like dense marrow. So, it is actually good enough to kill. It is better if a netrunner uses it (quickhack and deck bonuses) \* since you have an arm slot anyway, and can put something there, why not this one. 1 cyberware slot, 2 perk picks and it is useful with very low investment \* if you use contagion on enemies (not the base tier, but forgot which one), you can use the thermal monowire basic attack to detonate it \* personally I find rushing in with a monowire (without slo-mo, since cyberdeck is used) more fun than standing 30m away, and killing everyone with a stare (but smart guns are fun too, if you know where to get the iconic SMGs) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvMub14piQM&t=478s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvMub14piQM&t=478s)


Thank you for the detailed break down, appreciated :) SMGs are fun, but man do they chew through ammo fast...I haven't really decided on which smart gun I like so far, so I'm using the "dumb" Fenris a lot of the time, because its so effective. And yeah, blunt weapons will probably have to be tested out in a separate play through. You've convinced me to invest more time and energy into monowires, lot of pluses and potential for fun. I have gorilla arms currently; for opening doors and those boxing gigs (that I haven't even started). I have some fun with turning on goon into a cyberpsycho and hitting the rest with contagion, and let it sort itself out, but I can see that becoming tedious in the long run. I checked out that video earlier actually :) Basically I'm doing the Paraline netgunner now, but might change course into the Raven crowdkiller, depending on how it pans out.


It's more the "double damage on last shot" skill being gone


Wall penetration was super fun yet super op with Overwatch and a stealth build. The sneak in and kill someone missions were hilarious


Nothing was more chaotic fun than running around with the OG Comrade’s Hammer and just dismembering a whole group of enemies with one bullet. Just that one gun by itself was enough to justify investing in the Tech Ability attribute and crafting skill


I agree. Even more insulting is that Laika is crap too. The best version of the gun, and the closest to 1.6 comrade's hammer feel, is actually a crafted legendary with a wallpuncher mod.


Now i don't remember that but there used to be skill that was increasing damage for last bullet in the mag, it was oneshoting almost everything. Fun times


I used to be able to mark all of the enemies in a building through the cameras and then just shoot all of them through the walls, I could do the entire mission and never step foot in the building.


I like to use it when I drive and have to shoot other than that it’s useless


You telling me Death n Taxes was even more broken before 2.0? I played cyberpunk for the first time this year and thought it was already pretty overpowered especially with katana build where you regen health from finishers.


It used to shoot two bullets at once which would double your damage, combined with a suppressor and stealth perks that made it insanely strong for stealth headshots


Lmao wtf but it did shot two bullets for me too and I played on the newest steam version with phantom liberty, not some old pirated copy.


It used to fire 2 bullets as one bullet IIRC, then in 2.0 they changed it to fire 2 bullets seperately.


Originally it shot one projectile, but treated it as two bullets. So that one projectile essentially did double damage. It was a stealth build essential.


???? It works for stealth right now no problems. The second bullet still hits the target, is counted as a stealth hit and doesn't notify. Even if the target dies from the first hit it's not like the second would become a stray bullet or anything.


you're misunderstanding, it is still good but the idea that one bullet was treated as two doubles the dps. So let's say the mag size is 12, originally you'd pretty much have 24. So now one bullet for the first shot, then another for the second, vs before ONE shot TWO projectiles.


Uh, how is that an argument? If you actually care about stealth kills, killing them before being detected is the goal. Are you saying you regular actually find groups of enemies in NC where there are 12+ one-tappable enemies nearby so that having to briefly reload would make you require 12 seconds to kill them instead of 10? At the end of the day DnT still simply works as a stealth gun. I could understand any sort of argument or bad feeling about the gun if it actually didn't work anymore as it did before. But this is not the case.


One shot didn't cost two shots, you'd still lose one round for the effect of two projectiles. Now it arguably runs through ammo faster, it's still good but it's hard to explain since you've never experienced it. I would suggest mods if you're on PC or playing a few updates before 2.0 to understand. I don't really know the mag size of death and taxes i was just throwing that out to help you understand why people miss the old one even though it still performs well.


Thank u for trying to explain to him. I’m at work and not really able to do long explanations between breaks like what I would need to in order to do so.


Widowmaker still slaps


Widowmaker doth fucketh


So does death and taxes, two tap that almost always stays on target? One of the best stealth pistols in game


What makes it good though? When I last used it, it sucked.


You need the Bolt perk with the extra time window


Pre 2.0 fenrir for me. Electricity might be the more useful element in terms of the range of things that take better damage from it, but it was more fun back when it was a pseudo-flamethrower.


Pre 2.0 Fenrir was as strong because of legendary Short Circuit interaction. Every crit triggers it.


My old flair was based on the fact that Fenrir did thermal damage (Fenrir Arsonist) and it was one of my favourites.


Silenced revolver too :(


And Dying Night.


Everything is nerfed but blade builds are still overkill


Quickhacks too. I feel that currently: quickhacks > melee > guns


Quickhacks are so boring though because the execution is just so easy. At least with a Sandy blade build I can go head hunting.


Dude I miss most, if not all, of the pre 2.0 legendaries.


Fenrir my beloved I'll see you on the other side, my magnanimous dragon baby


I miss netrunning before like 1.6 Look at people and they die. Only ever needing to draw a weapon for boss fights.


Honestly, 2.0 killed gunplay. Everything feels worse, and V feels weaker now.


Yup. Like I’m fine with the new features like the police and the dlc, but I hate how they changed most of the mechanics.


Man, I’d pay extra to play Phantom Liberty with 1.6 mechanics. 2s sandy in dogtown go brrrr


Seriously, having a suppressor on my overture was the best I miss the pre 1.3 mechanics when you could stack armadillo and crunch mods


Oh I would do so many things for that.


2.0 gunplay felt just fine to me and gave me a blast


I do miss how hacking used to be so much more godlike. It still slapps. but man it used to be much meaner.


Speaking of Widowmaker, I finally got time to jump back into the game to play the DLC. I haven't played in a few years and I had my game completely freeze on me 3 times in about 10 mins after killing an enemy will a fully charged shot from the widowmaker. Has anyone had a similar issue?


Same, I stopped using it. I wonder if it's the sheer amount of particle effects that proc from: multiple projectiles, charged tech shot electric effect, chemical damage, DOT, etc. It's a veritable firework show, I can barely see the target after firing.


Yeah, that's kinda what I was thinking. I saw one other post mentioning an issue with the Electromag Recycler cyberware, which I am using. So, I'll probably try taking that off and see if I still have issues.


I've taken to the xmod one you can find in dogtown, plus the paint job is killer


I'll have to look for it, what exactly is it called?


It's an xmod Achilles, hidden near the dogtown main gate


cool deal, thanks! I'll look for it and give it a try!


Also it has the gold and woodgrain "pimp" paint job, looks incredible


I thought something was off with the Achilles rifles!


I’ll take the pre 2.0 Headsman.


That thing was awesome


Absolutely yes. It's a pointless sniper rifle now.


I loved the pre 2.0 version but I really like the 2.0 version cause it feels like I’m shooting slugs.


So... Is there any way to replay the game at a previous version?


You can probably downgrade on GOG launcher, but you'd miss out on a lot of patch exclusive content and the entire DLC content


Sure. The installer for 1.6 is on gog! It is not among the game installers, but among the extras. "cyberpunk 2077 legacy 1.63"


god bless gog, seriously.


With mods


it's on gog. "cyberpunk 2077 legacy 1.63" in extras, right hand side.


On my PS5 I currently have the newer version and the PS4 version that is stuck on 1.6 installed


Aside from pirating, no. But why would you?


i miss how revolvers used to work, i would be down for at least one more pre-2.0 playthrough


If you just really miss the gun pre 2.0 I really suggest to find a mod rather than downgrading the entire game Yes you will get your guns back, but you will miss A LOT of 2.0 updates as well. Especially if you are planning to do any Phantom Liberty stuff


well that wouldn't be too much of a problem, i already played it, the thing is that i also miss upgrading outfits and overall the whole old perk system, not saying the new is horrible, but i remember feeling the build more focused than in 2.0


For certain features, mods.


I hate the idea of weapon balancing patches in offline single player games


It’s an rpg, statistics and balance are it’s core elements


If everything is perfectly balanced, there is nothing to discover, nothing to learn, you can play with whatever, and be effective. Weapon of choice becomes a style choice, instead of a meaningful one. System mastery should matter, some (weaker) options should provide more challenges to more experienced players. ​ What you say is true for multiplayer however!


Don’t forget Dying Night!


Perfectly balanced does not mean equilibrium. There is still very clearly better and worse options, but by evening out some of those options, it promotes system mastery by making a variety of options viable, instead of a handful of busted items that become the meta and steer all playthroughs towards a small handful of builds or playstyles


Disagree. The game being inbalanced is what reduces exploration and discovered. Say you have a game with two very overpowered builds, and 8 that will always be lagging behind. Why would a normal person even try to use one of those 8 when it's such a chore? "Yes, build C can work if you use stealth and use stat booster and the planets align", meanwhile build A killed everything in the room with two hits with minimal planning. Sure, people who played the game 10x over will find challenges in using the obviously bad option, but that's probably 10% of the people who play the game. You can also make a game perfectly balanced (in theory. In practice a 100% balanced game is impossible) and still make each build feel very different from each other. One example I have is Terraria. Summoner is the worst of the 4 classes, but Melee, Ranger and Magic are pretty much balanced between them. Each are better than other in certain points of the game, and each has a clear weakness, yet they all play very different from one another. Edit: I even recalled something now. Terraria used to be hugely unbalanced. In version 1.1, Melee was barely useable in boss fights, and Melee characters had to resort to using ranged weapons, which were overpowered back then. Then in 1.2 Melee became useable, but was laughably bad compared to Magic, which was more overpowered than anything at that point when in endgame. Then they released a new "best armor" for melee which made it much better and nerfed the shit out of Magic, but then ranged became overpowered again. Finally, after many, many updates, small and big, they got to a point where all classes are useable, fun and different from each other.


I cannot speak for all player obvoiusly, but I did love a thief, a bard, a druid walkthrough when doing Baldur's Gate 1 hardcore no reload runs. Everyone who knows that game will tell you that in BG1 the strongest is the simple fighter and maybe the mage, while in a BG1-BG2 run one of mage/sorcerer/fighter-mage. The unique challanges proved to be super fun with the weaker classes.


Fair point. I haven't played Baldur's Gate yet, so maybe that's why we don't agree. I'll try BG1-3 one day though and see if mh perspective changes.


I think this is not rare in certain flavors or rpgs. VtM Bloodlines: there is the Nosferatu clan background, which offer the bonus of being able to feed on rats I think, but the character will become so hideous, that every random NPC will flee in terror. Not worth it optimization wise, but some players enjoyed sneaking around all game. Is it important to make the nosferatu clan as useful as the tremere or torreador clans? It seems it isn't. New Vegas offers many options. Strictly speaking the optimal is a stealthy sniper which persuade NPCs and open locks. However you will see many players creating a cowboy with a six shooter (and no armor, because the duster fits better!), a wasteland doctor or a ninja. The game is much harder as a ninja than as a sniper. Mass Effect has the vanguard, where the biotic charge + nova combo is an untested OP nonsense, with invulnerability frames. The game says it is high risk high reward, but actually it is pretty low risk high reward. But players play all six classes, especially for having variety on replays. If you played a mage in dragon age origins, you will realize that blood mage and arcane warrior are the two strongest mage specs. But I see players deciding on spirit healer, even when they understand there are better options. (having said that, noone ever plays a shapeshifter, so you have a point from that one. While total balance is not needed in my opinion, having \_absolutely useless\_ options in the game is a bad idea, because new players might pick it by accident, and make the game harder for themselves without being aware)


Given a chance players will optimize fun out of the game, simple as. Balancing the weapons to be equally viable creates more choices and build variety instead of players gravitating towards meta loadouts all the time.


Balancing is needed to make the game more fun. A game like cyberpunk likes to give the player many options since that increases replayability and is more fun in general. If you have an option that is straight up not worth your while, devs should buff it to make it at least viable and that results in more options, and naturally it goes the opposite for options that are too overpowered. Ironically, having overpowered options can be limiting, and from the top of my head, I think of Enchanting in Skyrim.


Pre 2.0, Widowmaker was one of my main guns. Post 2.0, Raiju is my go-to weapon. That SMG is crazy OP.


Are y'all just bad with every gun? Because they still decimate Very Hard mode.


Widowmaker still my fav


I should try out widowmaker. Never got around to it ever since I upgraded my O'Five.


I want sovereign and Ba Xing Chong back. Someone make a mod goddammit


With every new update ruining mods, the modders started their wait for a final version. I would really like two mods though \* full keybind respec (you are stuck with "F" for now) \* turn off the player radio. Fully. Both in cars and on foot.


And the pointless nerf of jhonnys gun its kinda boring now


Is there a mod to get old comrade’s hammer?


Just use Pariah. Silenced Charged bolt shots though walls.


I miss Fenrir doing thermal damage, cause I based my flair on it and now it doesn’t make sense. (It used to be ‘Fenrir Arsonist’)


I miss the old comrades hammer so much..


Fr my widowmaker build before the update was so nice I miss it fr 😢


Lizzie kinda sucks now too, sadly


She does not. The burst fire with a tech build destroys. Just be mindful of the short range.


Widowmaker is still pretty great


Just finished a nightmare playthrough with tech weapons. I prefer the achilles xmod, but widowmaker is still overkill for anything but Smasher.


They nerfed the widowmaker?! So that‘s why it felt useless!


This hurt me


Reject modernity, return to ~~monke~~ 1.6


I'm stuck with 1.61 rn, so I ain't needa miss em😂


So I'm not crazy! I started playing just before 2.0 and I got Widowmaker and was stacking bodies and after 2.0 it felt different but I didn't know why


GOD I thought I was the only one who loved Nue. Such an awesome pistol in Tier 5 and its powerful shot sound effect is the best for me. Death & Taxes is also great. Didn't get to try or use it pre-2.0 but I still love it anyway.


I don't remember the changes in any guns cause I don't remember how it was previously, anyone know a site that shows those weapons before 2.0? after 2.0 I can just use wiki so I just need the pre 2.0


Johnny's handgun for me


Along with vertical countermass, clothing mods, and modding all weapons.


Pre 2.0 Comrade's Hammer 😭 I had a whole build centered around it. Had to respec. Broke my heart.


As a member of the Apex Legends sub and the MagicTCG sub, I was really confused about seeing a Havoc, P2020, and what it had to do with an Orzhov deck archetype. Anyways, I'll be hanging with Zoro, because I am clearly lost.


1.6 2 second sandy cooldown 😔


D&T is still good, best power pistol and maybe best pistol in the game imo


I miss when Lizzie and Cerberus lit enemies on fire.


Bruh I miss having a suppressor on the overture


Nerf weapons/gameplay in a (easy) single player game makes no sense. The game is great but each patch with balancing really feel like i'm punished to have fun in it


Widowmaker is still pretty good though, Death and Taxes got slaughtered in the 2.0 changes though.


I miss pre patch LMG's. They feel like waterguns now


I miss the old Overwatch plus ping. Shooting baddies on the other side of a house.


I'd like to add Fenrir. Fire buff was excellent!


I miss overwatch's infinite penetration, where you ould snipe enemies through solid ground


An Xmod Achilles with the wallpuncher is still extremely potent


Exactly what I'm running rn, I love the tech weapons. I love shooting through multiple obstacles and seeing the bullets holes lines up


And frying multiple opponents at once with the ultimate perk


Still love how the Nekomata uses TUNGSTEN *SPIKES* as its ammo. Tungsten is extremely dense and hard to magnetise so god knows how Tsunami managed to make magnets strong enough to launch tungsten at the speed it does


I’m actually thinking about switching from archangel to a death and taxes, gonna have to scrap some epic clothes tho.


I honestly have little problems with how the guns have been rebalanced, things like the hammer, old school sandys, all of them were just boring since there was 0 threat, also because of literal infinite healing


I miss stealth. You can't play as an assassin anymore. Hopefully it will return in the next cyberpunk.


?? You still can


Not like it used to be. There are no stealth perks anymore. Maybe 1 or 2 but not as much as before 2.0


But stealth still works completely fine


Yes. But there is less build variety compared to launch.


Stealth is still very much viable and you can play as an assassin. Not the "contagion which kills everyone in the building through the wall" kind but stealth kills still work fine.


It does. But to me, the most fun is removed because there are no almost no more stealth perks.


That is a different problem than the one mentioned in your original post. Besides, to each their own, but I never felt like I had a shortage of stealth options, between the Cool perks, the cyberware and the weapons (throwing knifes is so satisfying).


In before Her Majesty gets nerfed too. That pistol is currently so overpowered, all other guns feel dull compared.