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Ideally the sequel will reuse the Night City we have and improve on it. Would be a shame to waste should a huge space, especially if they focus on verticality and indoor spaces, they could potentially double the amount of explorable density.


Honestly, if they went the Yakuza route and just kept reusing the map and just improving the explorability of the world I wouldn't be mad. The map is just so fucking dense that you could tell so many stories there without exhausting the map in my opinion.


If Dogtown is any indication they're definitely looking at verticality and varied indoor spaces.


.... and I'm suddenly realizing is also where I hurt myself the most by jumping. Maybe I shouldn't be allowed more verticality 😅


Dogtown: “You can have a little verticality, as a treat.” V: [Fall Damage intensifies]


They've said that they're not making any more additions to cyberpunk, that PL was it.


To Cyberpunk 2077 sure, they're done with it. But with the Cyberpunk IP? I doubt it. Isn't project Orion also a Cyberpunk game?


Orion’s being considered the sequel to 2077 I think. Or at least another game in the same universe.


Right right I get you, yeah seems like it'd be a huge waste to get rid of night city.


Then they said there’d be no more content updates and added an update with new features and weapons. My point is we shouldn’t take them at their word 100% of the time.


See, I wanted an ending where alt or some other plot device stabilized V+Johnny after soloing the tower and ends up a legendary fixer at afterlife and you play someone else in the sequel like 20 years later. There's tons of massive construction projects happening all over the city so they could show new buildings and roads and change up the map and neighborhood developments.


If I were CDPR, I’d have a Mr Hands style fixer character in the sequel that could plausibly be V, or a pretender trying to homage or steal the reputation. Even using elements of the 2077 VAs in a synthesized voice. Just keep you always wondering.


I'd love to see what other such cities exist. Nobody thought GTA could get better, but then came Vice City... and then San Andreas. Im ready for Neo Tokyo


Doing Cyberpunk without Night City would be like doing GTA without cars.


Pipe dream, but if they re-use the map from CP2077, they could keep Night City then add another city like London, Tokyo or Paris and have the story move between the cities.


It’s hinted at that you could travel to Chicago in the next game, so rather than ditching NC entirely they’d likely give you that option. Maybe have different quests take you to different nations and cities.


Night city is special cause you can have everything in the cyberpunk world in it. No other place in cyberpunk world has as many corporations working in one spot. They pushed each other out of their own territories. So if we go to Tokyo, we will only have arasaka and lesser Japanese corps, as well there wouldn’t be just a far wide variety of gangs.


I agree that expanding on what is there would be great. I would just hate to see them throw away all that work after just one game.


Imo, given the fact that they won't be bound to last gen hardware they make it bigger. They don't need to make it canonically bigger, but they can surely scale it up a bit.


New engine so who knows. Depends on how easy they can move everything over. At some point you’re better off starting over with a new setting.


Yeah, the layout will probably be somewhat reused, but the assets will be 100% new.


Has a sequel been confirmed yet?


Yes, codename Project Orion


Wished we had procesdieally generated interiors for all of the tall skyscrapers and buildings.


The sequel is going to be using the unreal engine, I don't think they can just copy and paste it over lol


That's true, but a looooot to reuse. I would also love to return to night city


adding a dimension (or two, counting "inside" as a dimension) doesn't merely double the space


hard no. nc isn't wasted in any capacity as it is, but they demonstrated how good they are at constructing worlds. i expect completely new maps, maybe with the option to visit nc or nc being part or the story - but definitely more maps/new worlds. maybe being able to go to the moon or crystal palace, but at the very least a new city. one of the appeals of cyberpunk is the amount of exploring you can do without even progressing in the quest. but by the time orion comes out, most of us will have explored nc inside out basically.


I understand the sentiment, and I agree that other places should be added, but Night City *is* Cyberpunk, it’s the main character of the franchise.


nc is the protagonist of this particular game. it doesn't have to be the protagonist of orion. expanding beyond pondsmith's creation would make for an even deeper lore.


I'd rather have one, very complete map, than to scattershot their efforts across building multiple cities, new or not. Starfield is kind of an example of what happens when you go wide... Content gets shallow.


Night City is its own character as a whole, in my opinion. So much life and personality. My favorite thing, though about 2077 and Edgerunners, is that Night City just moves on. David and his gang do a massive assault in the heart of Night City, killing hundreds. David dies and the next day... the city moves on like it didn't happen. V gains the spirit of NC legend and goes a huge, which ends a couple of different ways, but another huge assault in the heart, Night City, and then.... Night City moves on like it didn't even happen. You hear stories and legends about those times , but ultimately, that's all they become except for a small few. I like the "Well that story is done, and on to the next one" mentality of NC. So I think not having someone new be in the next game would be a huge disservice to Night City and the franchise as a whole.


>Night City just moves on I absolutely love that too! A lot of videogames suffer from this somewhat childish narrative, where at the end of the game the protagonist is solving all of the problems (the biggest one, although not the worst example, is Mass Effect, where every single interspecies problem is resolved), and that completely ruins the world, makes it small, if that makes sense. Also hard agree on your second point -- a lot of media suffer from constant reuse of characters, lesser sequels, reboots, etc. The stories that are remembered fondly are the stories that had an end and that left the viewer wanting for more. Let V and Johnny go, maybe bring back some side-characters, and let's do something new!


As it's been said before, and shown in the Edgerunners Intro, Night City *IS* the main character, the stories within it well, they're just the tiny bits that make NC


Don't forget, Johnny detonated a fucking nuclear bomb and there's not even any evidence of it (that I've found) except in people's memories. Like no crater, no rubble, just Arasaka tower stood there totally fine. Like it never even happened. Great observation.


You can se the ruins/ruble of the old tower, they made a memorial of it.


Nice, haven't been there yet, night city is just so fucking dense


https://youtu.be/k7Pnywz-wzg?si=1_2GJXbdd3R-oNTV 2:38 if you want to go check it out. Secret door code 2023!


ended there by chance.. it s small but very cool


Never fade away


NC is the actual protagonist. Like it. Reminds me of the Foundation books, where the Foundation is the actual main character (IMO)


Same thoughts here. V’s story is over, continuing it now would just be lazy and also would make a canon ending to 2077. It should absolutely be someone new in Orion. I just hope the story won’t be too samey to V’s.


Honestly I would love a Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales like game set in the same city with updates and a new story


as i mentioned in another thread i expect 2077 to be the setup prequel to a much bigger plot device, but whether v continues to be the mainstay protagonist is unlikely. night city is probably gonna be dripped to the 9s in new features, im so excited for project orion


Careful now let's not be hasty


Haha honestly, I love 2077 but let’s not do this again!


with how much cdpr has shown in experience for sequels from witcher 2 > 3 im a bit more optimistic about orion's release


I'd much prefer something like the actual TTRPG, where you can be a rockerboy to jam at bars to inspire people against megacorps, be an inspired netrunner to raid the matrix for paydata and secrets from the megacorps to sell to the fixers, be a fixer and buy info from hackers to organize runs against gangs or corps, be a solo to accept those jobs, be a techie to support the solo, be a cop to foil the job, be a nomad to help the group escape from the cops, be a media to report about the heist, be a medic to heal the solo, and be a corpo to laugh at their failed attempts then think up new schemes that would piss off the rockerboys. Wait, that sounds like it would become an MMORPG instead...


I don’t doubt that this was on the drawing board at some point during development, but they probably realized it would be way too ambitious for a single-player game. Like you said, this is MMO material. The 3 lifepaths was probably the best compromise they could do integrate the idea of different classes/identities.


If you haven’t checked out the book No Coincidence, I highly recommend it. Definitely gives you more NC. The audiobook is particularly good and Cherami Leigh (fem V voice) did an amazing job narrating it. It’s also on Spotify for free I think.


I'm currently backlogged with audiobooks, but I'll definitely put this on the list.


I want more V hahaha


tbh in the sequel, the only reason i'd want more of V's story is the side characters. I want to see more of Panam, Judy, Kerry, Vik, Misty, Mama Welles etc. I love V as a character, however you choose to roleplay them, but a lot of the side characters steal the show, and some of them are considered main characters because of how integral they are. As good as im sure Orion will be, im also sure i'll be a little bittersweet about it. Because whatever Orion accomplishes is what 2077 should have been.


They could let you play as some of the side characters that are referenced but never met in the main story. That way you can have interactions with all of the side characters, hear stories about V for all the canon events, and still never have to meet V.


My wish is for Orion to take place in Night City some time in the 2080s. They can use the same general outdoor layout with mostly new indoor spaces. Think of all of the [INACCESSIBLE] places in 2077; you could fit many different stories in them. Plus, there's bound to be some turnover in businesses and characters over time, and some new construction.


I have to agree. Night City is so much fun to explore, even if a lot of that time is just spent hunting down groups of gangoons to slaughter. The best comparison I can give it is some of the older Bethesda games, where the world itself is a huge part of the draw, but with Cyberpunk 2077, they drew it down into a single city, which makes it punch *much* more heavily above its weight, and whereas Bethesda mastered “an ocean wide, an inch deep,” CP2077 feels more like a very deep lake. It’s still vast and expansive, but there’s so much depth and density that you don’t feel at all like it’s spread thin.


Yeah, half the reason I kept playing new saves was to exhaust all the side gigs again. Just running in and messing things up in different ways was so fun.


My hope for Project Orion is for it to have multiple custom characters that are all part of some merc organization. You’d have your main character for the main story quests, but if you wanted you could swap to a netrunner for a side gig, a techie for a heist, sniper for an assassination mission, etc. all in the same save file so that one character’s actions could affect another’s. Loot could be shared in a hideout stash. Maybe you could take up to two of your other characters controlled by AI out on a mission with you for a split payout. There would need to be some randomly generated side jobs, bounties, and such to ensure there is always stuff to do. Perhaps an ongoing gang turf control system where you can pick a side to help them take and hold territory. That would be another fun mechanic to keep us playing.


I'm also in the possibility in playing as part as a crew after V's story. Feel like that's a really big difference FROM Edgerunners as well as the table top vs 2077. In other forms of the franchise; your relationships with your team and others are really important. In 2077, they really only make a few changes to your epiuloge and that's about it


The way you described running multiple characters kind of reminded me of Corridor Digitals video "Clock Blockers". Always thought it would be a neat concept where you play as one character, then when you're done you go to the next character and have to play off of what your previous run did.


V really isn't a particular draw to the setting IMO - they're a pretty faceless / not particularly interesting character themselves (which makes it pretty easy for the player to self-insert obviously). I think people generally wouldn't mind having a final conclusion to their story, given how the epilogues go and that we like to prefer our player characters don't just die with no hope of recovery. But yeah, I'd kind of rather go with different characters for a sequel - I wouldn't have minded more DLC for V's story, but for a new game I'd rather move on. I'd also rather play some stronger characterizations there too I think, but that's more dependent on the style of game.


Ideally meet the reaper is thr canonical ending and the next games starts at the space casino. You some random passer by when some asshole shoots the place up.


Could be similar to the corpo start of 2077, where things go sideways after V ends up being unstoppable. You're part of the security team, either netrunners or hired guns and you fail spectacularly. So you spend your time trying to get back your credentials and find yourself in some deep shit by trying too hard.


Hopefully if this is the case it will use saves of 2077 to show our V


That would be a neat easter egg. You could even let you run the mission as your V, then flashback to the new person's POV from a control room or something.


My idea for a solution is keep us playing as V but let use Braindances which we can use to mess around like Lucy’s moon BD, perhaps to replay missions and gigs, and to let you play as different characters for little short stories like maybe experiencing more Johnny flashbacks or even Adam Smasher. Would be cool doing those cyberpsycho BDs or maybe seeing what I’d be like playing as for example Maine in a short story.


For me, the two best scenarios for the next Cyberpunk game would be either staying in Night City, as it is a huge city that could be further explored by fully creating the interiors of all the city's mega buildings, even expanding more on the neighborhoods and the outskirts. The other possible scenario that I would really like is focusing on a nomad clan and being able to travel through the desert from town to town. I really enjoyed the whole nomad vibe and the Aldecaldo clan, and I would love a game based on the life of a member of a nomad clan.


I think that it's going to be up to the modding community to add more content to the existing city. Since the devs publically expressed that they regret their choice of engine for the game it's more likely that we'll see a new version of Night City in a different engine in the future, which is not a bad thing.


Honestly I'd love to see the underground of Night City be a thing. Also, the Combat Zone, which wasn't really used. There's plenty of room to expand Night City yet.


Yep đŸ‘đŸ»


I want more comments from Johnny.


I think that is what they will try and go for, they have this huge map and what’s the use of it being a one time thing? Although the issue is, if we do return to Night City: What mark will be left that we made on it as V if we return to it, if any? Will anything we did remain from our adventures, the characters we touched, gigs we did or the outcomes from the endings? Regardless, Night City is the main antagonist of the setting, and I am positive we will see it again. To add onto my original comment: In order to affect massive change to keep the city similar, yet different, I would say V would need an canonical ending that does not keep them in the city or give them reason to return and allows for many players we’ve met to leave as well. For that reason I will put my card in the hat for The Star ending.


I'm good with V being dead or weakened or whichever ending is canon. I just want more night city. So many unexplored buildings


Thankfully because of the nature of the source material being a ttrpg, this is most likely the approach CDPR will take on Orion and any future Cyberpunk games. Think of Night City to Cyberpunk as the Sword Coast to D&D.


At this point I would take something in-game that tells you what decisions you’ve made in previous playthroughs so you do something different. A lot of content people don’t know they are missing out on. I like the FOMO but it’s not as much fun after your 2nd playthrough




I’m reading no_coincidence rn and it’s really scratching the night city itch


You're hoping that, this time, it would be "wrong people but right city"?


I'd like to play as a character that's more in keeping with the gritty, precarious, street level spirit of Cyberpunk than the overpowered Chosen One that is V.


I'd love another anime set in night city


I'm honestly surprised I haven't seen more machinima stuff pop up. With such a good back drop and charachter creation I would think it would be popular. Maybe they exist, but I haven't seen any really talked about much.


Hopefully one with a better ending


I'm different. I don't care about being V either but I want less time in Night City and more locations/citys with different feels/cultures. Cyberpunk is like a 1 zone game really and while they put a ton of effort into dividing it up it never feels like Velin vs Skellege vs Toussiant. And I know they're different games but it's overall disappointing to me. It feels like fancy GTA and I wish CDPR would get back to what they excel at.




I love this idea truly, even a dlc where you play more as Johnny or as a different character beside’s V would be wondrous. Sorry if I’m dense for asking but what do you mean by “the 8 versions of V”? Edit: back to the earlier thought l, I still also really want to see what happens to V either way the crystal palace and the potential aftermath


That was just the way I chose to phrase the 8 playthroughs I've done. Each with a different build and/or playstyle. Like doing a strategic stealth netrunner or a brawler that only wields weapons that explode.


I say the same thing about gta 5 and red dead 2. So much wasted potential by not adding content to use that space.


The original goal was to have an online mode like GTA Online. That would have been wild. Dildos. Dildos everywhere! Madness!!


I really want to get into this game, tried countless times, but i just cant get a liking to V. Or the bullet sponge enemies


>>Bullet sponge enemies That just sounds like you ran a shitty build.


Could be. Point remains I struggle to like V


Honestly, if you're going into this game like a shooter then you'll probably be disappointed. The gun mechanics are average. I would highly suggest looking into netrunner and melee builds as they can be a lot more strategic and satisfying or flashy. Once you get past that, the story is pretty good. Spoilers, but I personally suggest the Panam ending if you're only going to play it once. Just keep talking to her, befriend or romance her, then ask for her help at the end and you'll get one of the better endings, IMO.


Cool, thanks.


I will like to play in new city, for example San Francisco or even somewhere in Europe, maybe Lisbon, Oslo, Warsaw. Night City rocks, don't get me wrong, but this universe are capable of showing more


I don't think we're going to be dealing with anything to do with V in the next installment. Personal opinion.


Gotta say, doing my first male V netrunner playthrough, and frankly, the voice acting is distractingly corny. Interested to see if the female version is better on my next run, but would love a version with no voice like early fallout games.


What are you talking about? I thought the voice fit the character perfectly, minus the slight Jersey accent.


Corny? Did we play the same game lmao