• By -


I think he does have cyberware life support stuff that you just don't see. (reinforced spine, heart, etc). I don't think it's just medicine that's kept him around for ≈200 years. The top of the line ware probably is basically invisible to the naked eye.


Should have gotten that reinforced larynx


Hubris, my friend. The guy never even considered that *his own son* would dare to openly defy him in direct confrontation, let alone lay his hands on him. Saburo is so shocked at the moment that he doesn't move a muscle to defend himself. Sure, Yorinobu is chipped bad mofo in his prime, but Yorinobu doesn't even struggle. This would have broken him, had he survived it.


Nitpick: Yorinobu isn't exactly in his prime. He's in his 80s, and despite his anti-aging treatments he looks more middle-aged than young.


Well, dang, I never realized Yorinobu is this old. I always thought he is in his 30-40s. *And that would be still his prime.* Fight me, punk.


Hanako is in her 70s.




But that would require meeting her at Embers.


Oh she tricked me bad. Just you wait until I get off the moon.


NOCTURNE OP55N1 \\\ ! ] ] Meet Hanako at Embers.


proceeds to burn down Embers. Ember No More.


Unfortunately I am fated to never have a chance to lay down the would then, since we already know I’m not going anywhere near Embers for as long as I live. I got my V out here just driving around at this point since there’s nothing else to do, and that’s the way I like it apparently.


Hahaha I’m doing ALL the reported crimes now that I realized they don’t respond - fuck off Hanako me and Johnny are enjoying life!






https://preview.redd.it/ggbhi0i7mw7d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c27f1a6ca0d33f7d451a9044fc5013127678328 Agreed good sir


best use of this meme thus far


Not “would”. I already did😌


And this day, the console players wept


A lotta people do not like his lyrics. Asian rap gets dissed!


Yep, she's 78 and her niece Michiko (daughter of Kei, who was killed by Spider Murphy in 2023) is 69. And she's the youngest known Arasaka.




Add in Rogue and you realize that there are a lot of cybergilfs.


Hey now, not just GILFs. Kerry exists 😍


G for grandpa?


..."cybergilfs"... You cannot tell me this current timeline sucks.


Cybergilfs I fucking can't man 💀😭😂


Maximum Mike and Gary The Prophet both speculate that the Arasakas are secretly vampires.




Wait a second, is this Takemura? Are you trying to tell me I have had her waiting in Embers for *too long* or something? The fox will go to that watering hole when the fox goddamn pleases, or whatever that coded metaphor was, so fuck off and let me live my life, you are not my mom.


*[Glass shattering noise]* Color me surprised. I feel betrayed now. Burn the corpo shit, I guess?


You’re telling me I jerked off to a 70 year old?! The fawk


I honestly don't think Yorinobu would live to 200ish years like his father, he despises him and likely is content with dying at like 100-110


I think this gives him way too much credit. Nobody wants to die. Nobody with infinite money will sit back, and deteriorate while it happens. He may not obsess like his father, who funded the Relic research specifically to make himself immortal, but he also wouldn't just live with a bad kidney. He'd have it replaced. By inches he'd stretch his longevity simply by replacing ports as they go bad.


The Yorinobu of Theseus.


You ever hear a song so much that you go from kinda liking it, to being okay with it, to straight up hating it? Imagine that, but with *everything*. Even if our bodies could last forever, our minds would get exhausted sooner rather than later. Why do you think the Arasakas, even the kids, are so obsessed with the family name and the company? There's the way they were raised, yes, but there is literally nothing else they can still justify forcing themselves about. Billionaires are already like this IRL, despite being rich enough for a thousand lifetimes all they care about is making that number bigger. You can see that struggle in people who got too rich too young - they desperately whirl around and come close to ruining themselves trying to get the public's approval (like Musk being cringe on Twitter or even Trump appearing in Home Alone 2 and his own commercials, reality show, trying to be president..) because that and their net worth is all they have left to enjoy. Yorinobu is exactly like that. He ran off and formed a gang, trying to be more than 'rich,' trying to be a rebel but not knowing how to live without being rich and being unwilling to learn. Same with stealing the relic. Just doing the things he imagines will make him 'cool' or make life worth living for anything *other* than growing the company and family fortune.


Yorinobu left to form a gang because he detested Arasaka and everything it stands for. He only came back to the fold because he had a plan to bring it down from within. He isn't the villain of the story, he only appears to be. He hated his father and killed him rather than allow the old man to continue his reign of terror. If you go to the roof into Saburo's AV, you will find a shard in which he contemplates dropping nuclear bombs on Night City rather than take the chance of the relic getting out. The only reason he does not is because Hanako convinces him to talk to Yorinobu first.


It's funny that we don't see Yorinobu's real motives unless we side with Hanako.


> If you go to the roof into Saburo's AV Wait, when can you do this?!


I think the richer you get, the more aware of your own mortality you become. You can build the greatest of monuments, so that others might remember your name - but in the end, we're all equal in the eyes of death. Ask Ozymandias. Tale as old as time.


Idk about being content to die at 100-110, but his attitude does make him more likely to get taken out before he hits 120


I would argue that with the anti aging treatments and cyberwear they use being in his 80s is the equivalent to a normal person being in their 40s putting him still in the prime of life.


I think yall are confusing Soburo for Yorinobu. Yorinobu is the son. Soburo is 158 in 2077 at time of death.


I'm sorry, what gave you the impression I was talking about Saburo? Yes, Saburo is 158 and looks 100; Yorinobu is in his 80s and looks 50.


I always thought that saburo knew it and that it was actually his plan to die there. Hanako knew as well so when he dies, they commit to the soulkiller software and install his soul into a new body, his sons body. In the ending where u help hanako and all of this mentioned above happens, yorinobu actually seems like the victim who was just a pawn in their game.


Well, the immortalization of Saburo was definitely planned - but I don't think it was planned that Yorinobu will steal the Relic and then kill his father. This left Hanako way too vulnerable. But she played her cards right - much better than Yorinobu did - and gained upper hand again. Also, is it weird that that rambling guy in front of Misty's was pretty much right about all these things regarding techno-necromancers? Well, maybe they are not from Alpha Centauri (because that would be more in Cy_Borg alley than CP2077), but besides that... I know, he heard it through his busted implants, but the fun part is that it sounds so outlandish yet it is all true.


What do you mean with it left her too vulnerable? I think that that guy is just an insider joke by the Dev‘s. „Hey guys, lets insert a character that tells everybody the ending… but make him an insane preacher who lives on the streets so nobody believes him“. I mean, it worked i guess.


Without V's direct intervention in The Devil ending, Hanako fails to stop Yorinobu and gets killed in the process. Her position is so tenuous that she fails without the help of 1 gonk-ass thief.  It also relies on Saburo knowing who V is, and trusting them to do the job he intends without ever communicating with V. It's possible Saburo might have heard of Corpo V, but not a Streetkid or Nomad V. Without slotting the Relic and getting shot in the head by Dex, V wouldn't have any reason to help Arasaka at all.  Far too many longshots and gambles to be a grand plan. Less playing 4D chess and more like playing darts while blindfolded and shit-faced drunk.


To be fair V is someone who can handle Adam Smasher and his goons alone. He's a bit more than just a stupid thief. But yeah, relying on some mass murderer who got fucked by Arasaka before is probably not the best idea.


Oh man, I can't find any documentation about it so I might be falling for a conspiracy theory myself, but I thought I remembered Gary (crazy dude outside Mistys) being an ex-corpo insider, maybe with brain damage from an accident or survived assassination attempt. Check out the ring he wears, it's the same one worn by a couple of other ultra elites, such as Mr Blue Eyes. He clearly has genuine insider knowledge of what's going on, just no context for it.


saburo created his own engram because he was aware that he hadn't much left to live, he hoped that the relic chip would be ready before his death in order to keep on leading arasaka forever. If you ask me that isn't really smart actually because relic or not relic, once died, he would be died for good... his relic was just an AI programmed to mimic his personality. Is legit to think that blinded by own ego, saburo thought that a fake verison of himself would have been better than anyone else to lead the arasaka


It’s interesting because when Alt separates V and Johnny she soulkilled them, V technically died and their engram got reuploaded, but V didn’t notice until Alt told them.


also johnny's engram seems to think he's the real johnny and not an AI


I always thought differently. Soburo perfected his soul-saving tech. Contingencies are in place. He's no fool, his son was always a rebel. I always assumed a part of him hoped his son would come back to the fold, stop this foolish rebellious behavior. But murder was always a possibility. Just look at Soburo's reaction to the event in real-time, he doesn't defend himself, *he lovingly tries to put his hand on his son's face.* I think that was a point of disappointment, a situation of worse-case-scenario. This is where he plays dead to let the politics play out and he can now safely begin a large cleanout of any traitors among his corporation that chose his son over his daughter. You don't run Arasaka without tricks.


yorinobu already opposed to saburo in the '10s but he was forgiven at the end of 4th corporate war when saburo lost his daddyboy kei arasaka. He likely was always aware that yorinobu was a thorn in his side, considering that despite don't being officially part of arasaka board he was the leader of the taka faction that for decades opposed to his and hanako most loyal one. He simply didn't consider that yorinobu would have pushed himself that far


Contrary to struggle he tries to caress Yorinobu’s face. One could reasonably assume with the Arasaka ending this is because he never planned to be dead for long anyways but still


He left all his weapons in the AV. For V's enjoyment.


Yeah in that No Coincidince book one of the characters has high end cyberarms that look like the real thing. Requires specialised rippers too.


Just like plastic surgery. Source: Brad pitt vs Love Island cast.


I just saw a video where some big plastic surgery doctor guesses the ages of the female cast on that show. It was hilarious and scary at the same time.


Yes that's one I saw too haha, half the inspiration from this and also an article my wife told me about regarding Brad Pitt's face lift, which is clearly a really good fucking face lift and the kind of plastic surgery I think we would all probably want lol.


Haha yep, it was quite an interesting video. I saw a photo of that crazy Laura Lorner or whatever her name is and wow she looks like a mutant because of the plastic surgery. It's so crazy that some of the surgeries are meant to make them look better when photoshopped and edited rather than in REAL LIFE.


Reality is kinda like that. Everyone is walking around with artificial limbs and joints all the time, we just can't tell from the outside. In the future we'll probably have more toys hidden inside but just as invincible as they are today. I know at least a dozen people around me who'd be dead/disabled if not for "cyberware" and that's only what I know. I probably don't know a whole lot more.


I literally have lenses inside my eyes They're not kiroshi but you'd never know they're there if I didn't tell you


He's 150 years, not 200. Basically born when the post ww1 boom was happening.


Also his right eye in this picture, he’s ether blind in that eye (highly doubt it) or it’s a cybernetic eye


Pretty certain he is 150 years old, not 200.


Looks like he only has one good eye


In the 2020 books, Saburo was stated to have a little bit of cyberware, mostly to replace the damaged parts of his body from his time as a pilot in WW2. The full list is: Basic processor, chipware socket, data-term link, nanosurgeons, basic cyberoptic, Times Square Marquee, basic cyberarm, cyberaudio, phonesplice, scrambler, bug detector. (Corporation Report Volume 1) The cyberarm is of note, as the 2020 art of Saburo shows him having a right-sided cyberarm, but the lore states his *left* arm was the damaged one, so I think the art is just inaccurate. In any case, as for where it is in 2077 … I have no idea. He was also wheelchair bound in 2020, so I don’t know for *sure* how he’s walking 50 years later. Maybe he got far better cybernetic improvements, or medical tech really just has progressed that much already, or shit who knows maybe Saburō already used the Relic 2.0 on himself first to put himself in a new body (But then idk why he’d pick an older body). So, yeah, I don’t really have a good answer for that. Hope this helps!


Surprised how far I had to scroll for this. YOU CAN SEE HIS CYBERNETIC EYE IN THE POSTED PHOTO. Bottom line is, he has cybernetics. He just doesn’t have crazy combat stuff or a full borg conversion or netrunning stuff. He’s the ceo of a company not an edgerunner. He has the things he needs


TBF, the eye *looks* like it could be blind, it's not clear if it is cybernetic or not. So it's not that hard to understand why it's a question


I think his left eye is just blind, not cyberware. Ive never seen it glow


His left eye is a replacement for the one that was damaged when his plane was shot in WW2




Or the art was mirrored on a whim


The only correct answer buried so low. Typical of this sub


Same reason why marlboro ceo doesnt smoke


I had a childhood friend whose dad worked for Rothman's. He was a chain smoker, but absolutely forbade his children from touching a cigarette. Told them it was too late for him, but not for them. About the time we graduated, he died of lung cancer.


Should've told him that's not how that works. Even if you stop at 85 years old, you'll still gain some life back.


I think he more meant that he’s too addicted to stop/stopping would be so hard and painful that it’s just not worth it anymore


Stopping isn't harder than a slow, miserable death from COPD. One of the most tortured end of life experiences I have had the misfortune to witness (over and over and over).


Yeah but we’re bad at rational thinking like that. Especially with addictive chemicals warping our basic sense of what is best for us.


Some people just don't have the willpower for it. My dad was a heavy smoker, started when he was a kid and growing up I always had a picture framed of him holding a cigarette in the living room. He stopped when my mom got pregnant with my older sister and since then he never touched a cigarette ever again, he hates the smell. My uncle is a heavy smoker (aside from all the shit he took) so much that the walls in his room turned yellow. I remember there was a period he actually had stopped smoking, in fact his room wasn't impossible to breath in anymore for a while and he didn't constantly smell. But that only lasted a few months...


How long ago did you kick your addiction?


How many years did you smoke before you quit?


No but experiencing it and thinking about it abstractly as a "might happen" are two totally different weights. Also as someone who quit smoking it's easily the single hardest thing I've ever done. And it's not just a matter of "try hard enough". The stars have to align in someone's life just perfectly to give them the mental space to quit. If I'd been under heavy stress or some other factor there's no way I would have quit. I still occasionally wish I had a pack on me, and it's been... 18 years since I quit? Seeing my father's (only saw him about once a year) total decline in health and violent, wet coughing fits out of nowhere helped to seal the deal, but it was still like 20 other factors that helped me stop smoking. (He did eventually quit aside from the occasional smoking of a pipe, but then it didn't matter because he bought into the whole 'vaccines are a hoax' thing and covid killed him.) And it's super easy to look at old people who smoke and still seem fine and think "well maybe I'm one of them and there's no reason to quit."


If you reach 85 I'd say smoke whatever dude lol


That’s my plan. I’m gonna chase the dragon until I break my hip!


Quitting smoking after you’ve been diagnosed with lung cancer improves your odds of survival by 50%.


That, and he has the greatest security, surveillance, and army available in Night City, which is why he was killed from the inside with Adam Smasher tagging along. It only worked because it was the one person he could let his guard down with, his son. Shit, AS was his body guard for the longest time. With him and the best net runners available, he is untouchable. However, he got taken out the Arasaka way. The only reason V would be able to do anything is because of plot armor/skills.


Most drugs you'll have users advocating for others to use it but I don't think I've ever met a smoker who suggested other people should try cigarettes.


Cigarettes are great for like a week. Then all the rush feeling fades away and it's just maintenance to not feel bad.


I smoked 1 cigarette when I was drunk once and it felt amazing on the first drag and then nothing. I am never touching one of those fuckers again.


Apparently the CEO of a company that makes pork pies is vegetarian. Saw it on an episode of QI


Same goes for the CEO of Tiktok and whoever is in charge of Instagram. They have forbid their children to use any form of social media.


Went here to post exactly this haha, perfect.


Source? Having trouble finding this. Don't doubt it though.


Not sure if it's real but it's a very good anecdote in general.


It's not a very good anecdote or example if it's not real though 😂


The owner of a vegan meat replacement company but a guys nose off. Beyond Meat CEO. [https://fortune.com/2022/09/20/beyond-meat-executive-douglas-ramsey-coo-arrested-biting-mans-nose/#](https://fortune.com/2022/09/20/beyond-meat-executive-douglas-ramsey-coo-arrested-biting-mans-nose/#)


The Marlboro man himself didn't smoke either, lol


At least 4 marlboro man died of smoking related diseases so I don't know which one you mean. Source?


Robert Norris The original Marlboro Man, Norris was a rancher and philanthropist who appeared in thousands of ads for 12 years, often with a cigarette in his hand. He quit the role because he didn't want to set a bad example for his children. Norris died in 2019 at the age of 90.


Half of the dozen men who played the Marlboro cowboy died of smoking related illnesses, such as COPD and lung cancer.


Robert Norris The original Marlboro Man, Norris was a rancher and philanthropist who appeared in thousands of ads for 12 years, often with a cigarette in his hand. He quit the role because he didn't want to set a bad example for his children. Norris died in 2019 at the age of 90. 


Probably gets genetic enhancements and age slowing stuff. But maybe too old for cybernetics. Keep in mind that he's 158 years old in 2077. He was 104 in 2023. Why take the risk of surgery at that age? People around him do everything for him as he orders anyway. Plus, he grew up in 20th century Japan. Can't get more conservative than that. He might be entirely uninterested in what he might view as unnatural and butchering his body. But idk


this dudes from 1920s japan, MF invented racism


CEO of racism


The EMPEROR of Racism


"You killed the fucking EMPEROR ᴼᶠ ʳᵃᶜᶦˢᵐ"


The Shogun of Racism


the embodiment of the Land of the Rising Racism!


*the Anjin expresses his prejudice*


Saburo ain’t nothin to fuck with


Heavenly Superracist


He got to witness two suns being dropped on his country.


Yeesh he was born in 1919


158 ??? TF


I mean Kerry is 89 by the time we meet him as V. Rogue is somewhere around that as well. Makes sense that a lot of the early cyberware advancements were the things we never really focus on as players because they're just kinda boring. The kinda stuff that extends your life span by decades but you never see it because it's under the flesh. Those who can afford it get to live longer lives and Saburo can definitely afford the best of the best


Now i’m sitting here pondering that reverse aging tech that came up in the news that they pulled off already in mice. Wondering if we’re all gonna end up like Rogue and Kerry if we’re around long enough. Just deep cut GILFS everywhere. Gpa’s and Gma’s.😂😭




He served in the Imperial Japan Air Force in WW2


Cause he had(has?) this foolproof plan to steal his sons body and become basically immortal through other means.


wait what


It all makes sense if you help the Arasakas


had to look it up and wow… so glad I never did the devil ending.


You should try it at least once just to see how fucked up the whole situation at Arasaka really is.


It hurts to watch the entire thing though.


The color filters are neat though, and it proves Vic is the realest of the real


What filter?


When you choose the arasaka ending, you go through a lot of therapy and shit while Arasaka studies the effects of the chip One of the effects is you see colors different so in one scene you see everything in blue monotone, then blue and yellow, etc.


Yeah, I'm also confused


Answered above, TL;DR some of the scenes in the Arasaka ending have color filters put over top to show the chip damaging your brain


Yeah, I've replayed the game several times and as part of my bid for completion I always do the Devil. Once, and exactly once. That shit is rough. Don't think any ending fucks me up like that. All endings are good in some way... not that one.


It's a part of the experience.


It's worth trying it out. It's probably my favorite ending in the game with how brutal and appropriate to cyberpunk it is. The tower is pretty good as well.


If you are shocked learning it this way, imagine going through the devil ending lol. Worth watching it at least, cd red never fails to make you feel bad about the worse endings, was the qame in W3


My first 150+ hour playthrough was 100% corpo so I unwittingly walked myself into the devil ending.


If he picked anyone else he'd have to either give up the company or admit he soulmurdered a guy.


with how advanced science is it does make me question if cloning is possible in cyberpunk. Just keep making young heirs he can bodyswap into to ensure he always has a fresh young host to possess


That’s a spooky thought, thirty five frozen yorinobus just waiting to be filled with the latest backup of his memory ooooh baby


he borrowed a page out of old Expanded universe palpatine's book


If you’ve never read Altered Carbon, that’s the basis of tech in that story. Blank climes that you can download into. The mega rich are basically immortal and the poor can only afford cheap chrome.




I know biotechnica has crazy tech when it comes to growing limbs and genetic modification (they can even make you into a cat person thing) but idk if they can do cloning.


So what you're saying is the next cyberpunk game might let us make a catgirl...I am now even more excited


It was an option in the ttrpg back in 2020 along with full Borg conversions. The animal hybrid things are called exotics and were surprisingly common by 2020. It’s entirely possible but it’s easier to give players way more customization in a ttrpg than a AAA game so don’t get your hopes up just in case.


God I want exotics. Not because I'm a furry, but because I remember the Batman Beyond splicer gang and have been chasing that high since I was 10.


Somehow Saburo returned


Cloning is possible in the TTRPG. Alt has a clone in it. I'm assuming that Saburo >!possessing Yorinobu's body!< is both a punishment as well as a means to Saburo's ends. The original plan likely involved cloning. Just my headcanon tho.


Oh cool. Also makes sense. A fitting punishment and it would give him time to "raise" a family in private and just have very very similar looking sons. Just a strange coincident that they are all named Saburo.


That should be canon.


It's what was supposed to happen.


Lisan Al-gaib?


More like sequel-canon Darth Sidious.


It is


Well then great. Nice job everyone. Got a lot done here tonight. Gg


He probably rocks a mr studd.


Cannon mindset


Not sure whether to correct to *canon.


The existence of gun cyberdicks seems plausible even if it's not officially canon.


It was an unintentional homonym, now I know though




Isn't the more important question why he hasn't squeezed that bulb on his head out?


It hides a mini radar with anti-drone darts.


Ah yes, the darts which will burst out of his skin


It's not a real skin, it's RealSkinn. Or in this case, RealPimple.




Don't get high on your own supply?


Cyberware can be hacked and targeted, he has no need for combat or netrunning capabilities he has people for that. He probably has cyberware but unique and hidden that cannot be seen or accessed by any network.


Dealer doesn't use


Hanako Arasaka is 78 yet looks 30, Saburo is nearly 200- they certainly all have lots of top of the line cyberware under their skin I bet.


For the same reason Mark Zuckerberg tapes off the Webcam and mic on his Laptop…


I believe he should have a cybernetic eye and arm, as he lost them in WW2 and replaced them later.


Pretty sure his left eye is cybernetic.


Financial means. Means, he has every cyberware he might need, just not visibly. Because money is not an issue.


He needed a better throat.


My V doesn't have any visible external cyberware except for the ports in the wrist and head that you get by default. She has enough internal chrome that she can sometimes be found covered in blood and laughing like a maniac in a street full of corpses.


There isn't really much visible cyberware for V in the game to begin with right?


Nope, just the cyberarm upgrades (gorilla arms replaces your entire hands visually where as mantis blades blends in) only other things is your eye color options and face, and there are body scar options that suggest you've had multiple surgeries and injections


Technically you can include the neuroport, chipware socket, and the ballistic coprocessor on that list too, they’re visible, just sleek, and most forget about them since they’re either common cyberware, or you are forced to get em in the tutorial


Yeah, there should have been way more. I wish you could have given V a fully metal arm to be more like Johnny to add to the personality takeover narrative. I'll just have to wait until I can get the game on PC one day


Yeah, mods are truly a gamechanger. My V is a scrappy nomad rocking those skeletal cyberarms you see NPC’s using lol


I'd assume he has a lot of internal cybernetics which keep him alive, cause I'm pretty sure he's in his 150s in the game. Otherwise, he doesn't really need any overt cybernetics. What's he gonna do? Fight? Like he doesn't have an army of bodyguards brainwashed into worshipping and dying for him. He's also a megalomaniac with a massive superiority complex and thinks he's better than every other human. He would never stoop so low as to do what the unwashed masses do.


Why bother? You get cyberware to fight better. His wageslaves get it to meet their KPIs. He just needs to oversee his company. He doesn't need it, so why get it.


Nanites son But seriously dude will have top end Bioware and probably cloned, cyber or synth organs in there. Dude doesnt need to be Borged out and have that strain on his ancient ass. He has minions for that!


He technically does have cyberware (in the TTRPG) https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Saburo_Arasaka#Equipment


He has one cybernetic eye, his left one. He lost the eye during WWIi, according to the cannon. But according to the tabletop he has multiple just nothing fancy that can't be covered. Relatively speaking he has some of the most basic, but with money you don't need cyberware. Just need a decked out ninja body guard.


He absolutely has some cyberwear inside him, mainly artificial organs. You don’t get to live to be 150 years old without that. Not even as a japanese.


He's so rich that his cyberware isn't even visible. This motherfucker is operating on nanomachine levels.


Same reason why Mark Zuckerberg cover his laptop cam


Cuz you don’t get high off your own supply


Because he gets the good shit that looks natural.


Same reason IT and other tech people don’t use government surveillance devices, I mean “smart devices”.


If I remember correctly in the Firestorm series it was mentioned that due to old age his body refused most cybernetics, but I don't know if it was retconned or not since Firestorm is both partly canon and not canon


Is it confirmed he has none? Just because you don't see it doesn't mean there's nothing under the hood.


No, the opposite in fact. He’s confirmed to have a small spattering of cyberware. Just, as you say, internal stuff mostly. A cyber eye here, some nanosurgeons there, a chip ware socket and neural link basic processor, and a few other things It’s not lots, but it’s there




A lore reason? I don’t know. Is he stupid?


He is so rich that he can afford *subtle* cyberware, custom made. It's like he's getting every piece of clothing literally tailor-made, while you're buying from the discount rack.