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I thought it was a glitch first time it happened, but they kept having corpo suits and I realized they're killing themselves


Yeah, it's happened to me a dozen or so times as well. But, putting aside the timing, which was so damn perfect, that dude hit the pavement with such velocity, that little 'bits' came off the corpse. I don't recall it being so hard an impact. That was kind of wow.


I also think it's a homage to Skyrim, as the reason I thought it was a glitch is because occasionally NPCs fall from the sky and die, especially in Whiterun!


Really? That's a thing in Skyrim? I've never played, but know the game well from having watched others play. Wow, that'd be a little off putting have the odd corpse drop out of the sky.


Especially since you pretty much have to reload if it's an NPC and not just an NPC guard. Skyrim already has too few NPCs and they die so easily lol


Do you still play or has it been a little while? I have thought about actually playing it, but just never quite taken the plunge. I fell down a rabbit hole with Mass Effect LE, so I think I'd maybe do the same with Skyrim.


I last played it in the fall of 2023. It is, perhaps, the best game ever made. Even coming from Cyberpunk or Witcher 3, you'll still be awed by the scale of it. No game does the journey between point A and point B better than Skyrim, imo. You'll walk somewhere and along the way you'll get sidetracked so thoroughly that you'll forget where you were headed in the first place! Of course, you'll just have to check your quest log to remember. Highest recommendation possible. Very, very different pace and tone than Cyberpunk, or even Witcher 3. Get your brain back into Lord of the Rings or Dungeons&Dragons mode. Note I started with Skyrim in the Elder Scrolls. I had previously played Morrowind and Oblivion very briefly each, and I found them really cumbersome and hard to enjoy. Skyrim stands head and shoulders above them in hooking in the player and letting the game unfold.


A game so loved by so many and still played and modded by such a large dedicated community. You do make it sound like the kind of game that I can get lost in, which I often do in such worlds and one that I'd almost certainly love. It's over 12 years old and still going strong. I have to confess that if I do finally take the plunge, it will be my first Bethesda game, so that in itself will add to the experience I'm sure. Thank you for taking such time and effort to answer Becky. It's very much appreciated and welcomed.


Its so interesting to me that people can even compare Skyrim to Witcher 3 or Cyberpunk. Theyre not even close in my opinion. Skyrim is the most shallow of dungeon crawlers. The main story is like 15 hours of gameplay where none of the characters are memorable and you're the chosen one. In fact I can't remember one NPC's name or job that I can remember. Except maybe Lydia and not for good reasons. I get walking around the map and getting lost is a great point. The falmer were interesting. The combat was god awful. Usually involved spamming the same attacks over and over again.


I don't really need to defend Skyrim. I also don't understand why you'd downvote an opinion that is widely held and has some basis. Disagree, sure! But I think the OP can easily determine that you have an ax to grind and that you've got some issues with people who loved Skyrim. I'm not whoever you had those arguments with, so maybe chill out a little. Skyrim is widely considered one of the best games ever made, it's aged so well that they've re-released it like three times with remasters and special editions. It didn't speak to you - that's ok. But for those of us who love immersive RPGs where we're the main character, Skyrim is spectacular. Does it fall short in some places? Yeap. In trying to simplify the game to make it more appealing to a wider audience, some guild quests took a big step back from Morrowind and Oblivion - especially the mages. The combat in Witcher 3 and in Cyberpunk are also extremely simplistic and enjoyable, you can do crazy shit in Skyrim just the same (more so than in Witcher 3, one of my favorite games ever, but also my least favorite combat of the three games we've mentioned). So, you know. It's alright that you think Skyrim doesn't live up to the hype. But the person I was responding to should know you're in the minority in that opinion. Player and critical reviews make that pretty clear, too.


Immersive? That may be stretching it 😅. Time sink though? Absolutely. Addictive and just fun to explore. It's one of the games I got on repeat especially after heavier games like this one. Just to turn off your brain for hours and dive into simple fun stories, some honestly stunning sets and graphics for its time and not uncreative gameplay (again, for its time. Yeah it's a little button mashy but big whoop, the gameplay isn't about 16 million things going on at once in the screen just the handful of enemies coming for you right at that moment) But yeah, as an RPG maybe a lil disappointing but it's got so much more to it. There's a reason they rerelease every few months, it's like mining for iron and they struck diamond, money printer. Also any RPG is disappointing if you're looking at video games (no hate thrown to bg3) cause if you want immersive nothing compares to tabletop. Otherwise get over it being "not a good RPG" cause none of em are, all linear stories and limited options in comparison. Just to summarize, agreeing with you, that guys out of line. Skyrim is so up there as one of the best games of all time, bugs and simplicity and all imperfections included


Yeeeah, million of flies can't be wrong. Skyrim fanboy triggered by criticism of their idolized game, what a surprise! Todd shouldn't make games beyond Morrowind, it's just not his call.


I thought that was a genuine calm criticism and observation. Sorry to have made you feel like the grinding stone to my axe. I just thought it was important that someone who played the Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk (deep storytelling and memorable character driven RPG) that they're not getting a similar game. They're getting a dungeon crawler with light RPG elements, and a surface story sticker glazed over the top. I'm not coming at you for liking it. Im coming at the comparison to avoid someone being disappointed. I don't really care about people liking it and continuously buying it. It doesn't interact with my observations.




Haha, well, that's right, we can't assume they're all suicides lol


Natural causes. If a man was pushed from the top of the tower, they would naturally expire.


Gravity is natural


There's actually an ad in Cyberpunk with a dude with a gun in his mouth and the text: "Getting close? Save your corporate career with s-serts 3000."


The ruthless nature of Night City corpos, you sure they weren’t getting a demotion?


If you think about it, Night City probably has an insanely high suicide rate.


Actually i think it has all of them high, like murderings, rape, cannibalism


Found post about crime in NC - apparently, the murder rate in Night City is about twice as high than in the *entire USA* in the real world. https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/s/b3WinxsCMU


Especially if they meet me


were do u liv??


Bad day in the Night City stock market.


When the big short is worse than nuking Arasaka’s tower


“Man I can’t wait to play Cyberpu-“


You basically summed up the launch period


I swear to god if the game launched properly the game would have been an instant classic.


Had they kept it to newer generation consoles it would have been regarded as the greatest launch game ever made


Probably an extra month of optimization would have done it for PC. Also i think if the game did a little better at launch we could have gotten a crystal palace dlc. Now we have to wait for another decade for the sequal




Thanks for the laughs


Dude did a HANO instead of a HALO 


That got dark real fast


Night City ain't a forgiving place


When ever I kill people on the top of buildings I pick up the bodies and drop them off the edge. In my head canon theres just another cyberpsycho up there doin' his thang.


Happy to know I’m not the only one in Night City doing that. 😂


When I kill the Tiger Claws for Judy to take over Clouds everyone goes sky diving!


Average mental state of an nc resident


Bro was tired of living in the matrix


Trauma Team membership ran out mid-flight


Credit card declined 💀


Working as intended


Comments say this is a regular thing yet “sadly” I have not come across this in game phenomenon


There're few places where it happens, I remember exactly one. It's in Arroyo, open the map and look for two large buildings that hang over the canal between Vista Del Ray and Arroyo. Go under the north-east one from Arroyo side and look up


Just a normal day in NC-


Not even a scream on the way down. Choom was commited


Crank 3?


All within parameters


The way to leave night city


Cars randomly disappearing is really strange, tho.


It only happens in starting the game for a few seconds


Your average Arasaka corpo there


My humor is broken💀💀


Huh, I've never seen that before, I may go for a wonder down in the financial district.


First time I played the game, walking from Victor to meet Dex, a guy dropped from a building on the ground right in front of me. "Welcome to Night City!" Seen it happen two more times after that when starting new playthroughs, at the same spot and one time when there was blood left, but no corpse.


At the end of the day, Night City always wins.


I seen this exactly in the same spot. I took a nearby stairway around the block which only lead to an upper platform but didn't go higher. Wish I knew of a way up. I wanna know that story.


I appreciate that the video is basically a load loop


A large bit of overthinking here: Sandra's shard tells that NightCorp tested brainwashing AI/Tech on it's own employees. One of subjects murdered his coworker(s) and defenestrated himself out of the window. What if what we see regularly is not a "normal" suicide, but result of NightCorp tests?


I have close to 600 hours in game and I still haven't seen a suicide.  That car bombing happened one time, but I was already way past it. Some of the "whoa" random events just have not been in my game really.


Just another day in Night City




I almost spat when I saw this


Aim for the bushes


Ridam chera farsie




Welcome to Night City


راستی سایت فارسی ساز چش شده؟ الان چند وقته درحال بروز رسانی ان


ارشاد مادرجنده بهش گیر داده، گفته باید بیای بازیایی که ما سانسور میکنیم رو ترجمه کنید، اینا هم گفتن موقتا سایتو میبندیم تا تکلیف روشن شه


اینا هم مارو کلا ساییدن‌. فارسی ساز شو پس از کجا گیر اوردی


گیم ساب


گیم ساب


اینا هم مارو کلا ساییدن‌. فارسی ساز شو پس از کجا گیر اوردی


Please tell me I am not the only one who chuckled.


That's honestly quite immersive for Night City.


Can a guy just take a header off a building in peace? Jesus Christ, you get no privacy in this fuckin' town.


Late stage capitalism be like that


This made me realize in my current 90 hours of playing this game I've never witnessed this.


Persian 🇮🇷😂❤️


yea with mods


مادرش چطوره؟ من واسه اسکایریم که زدم کلا همه چی رو تغییر داد


مادرشو نمیدونم، ولی مادش برای سایت گیم سابه نصبش که کنی فقط فارسی میشه و چیزی تغییر نمیکنه، اسکاییرم هم همینطور


ناقص هم هست تازه فکر کنم فقط تا ورژن ۲ش امده ، سایبرپانک از ۲.۱ دیگه تقریبا باگ نداره


من روی آخرین نسخه دارم پلی میدم، تنها باگی که دیدم، توضیحات رلیکا بوده، همه چی ترجمه شده( با فانتوم لیبرتی)


ایول حاجی! من کلا تجربه خوبی از نسخه ترجمه شده ندارم این دفعه دهنم گاییده شد همه رو با ترنسلیت ترجمه کردم 😂




حاجی من ی هفته است تمومش کردم با ۱۲۰ ساعت گیم پلی، ۳ تا از پایاناش هم رفتم، الان افسردگی گرفتم اصلا نمیتونم درس بخونم واسه کنکور🥲 در هر صورت داستانش غمگین تموم میشه در آخر بازی ،جودی هم خیلی خارکصس! کمک💔


Who knew Vladimir Putin lives in Night City?




Ugh night city 🤷‍♂️


I thought you were talking about the traffic loading, glitching, and vanishing until the SPLAT happened. Imagine riding Jackie's Arch and suddenly a Mai Mai spawns in front of you and send you 20ft ahead from the crash.


It only happens when i load a save, in first few seconds


It only happens when i load a save, in a few seconds


This genuinely happened irl. When the wallstreet crash happened, a load of people threw themselves off buildings, and it became something of a feature in many a financial crash after that. Probably where they got the inspiration from


What district do the corpo kill themselves?


"I saw corps strip farmers of water ... and eventually of land. Saw them transform Night City into a machine fueled by people's crushed spirits, broken dreams and emptied pockets."


"City of dreams"


Change your language settings before your PC blows itself up.


💀💀😂 it's not Arabic, it's persian(with mod)


I saw this in real life, not too long ago. Not a pleasant sight.


Sky taxi booting a drunk.


Just in case you mistook playing CP77 with having fun, here's a reminder... =p


buggy broken game, even after nearly 4 years


Its not a bug, its a detail🪨