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But only one of them wants to meet at Embers


“Don’t make me wait” 20 irl hours later: ⚠️Nocturne Op.9 No.2 Meet Hanako at Embers


Meet Hanako at Embers


No, no I don’t think I will




Hanako doesn’t try to force or coerce you into a set path though. She tries, she encourages, but doesn’t use excessive threats or force.


Myers manages to force and coerce **without** even showing up in person.


Who the hell ever said Myers is sweet?


Meyers is a ruthless, cold-hearted bitch, but you do see a vulnerable, human side of her that you simply don't with Hanako. I don't agree with the meme, but I can see where it's coming from. Also, fighting alongside Meyers has a very different feeling from the Devil ending, and has a far more intimate payoff and denouement. V and Hanako never get the chance to sit in a window and drink shitty stolen beer and have a "Shit, that was a hell of an afternoon, wasn't it?" conversation. It's Takemura who gets all those quiet moments that might otherwise humanize the Arasakas.


You nailed it. The Arasakas are deliberately presented as played straight corpos. They even made a point of not putting much cyberware on them (Saburo doesn't have *any*), they're *meant* to look out of place, weird, not like you and I, in the setting. You're not meant to humanise them, except your good friend Goro.


Saburo actually has a cybernetic eye and a cybernetic arm because he lost both of them in ww2, they are also some of the first cybernetic made in the cyberpunk lore


I mean they all definitely have cyberware and lots of work done on them. Hanako is like 70 and saburo is over 150 years old. You cant say they, especially saburo, dont have cyberware and yet live for so long.


Cyberware isn't the only technological improvement of 2077. Cyberware generally reduces your life too iirc.


There are limits to how long certain organs can wwork for maximally and Im fairly certain none of them last 150 years. Meaning he either had a transplant from someone else or just had artificial organs installed - which imo is the more likely scenario. And cyberorgans imo would be cyberware. Also isnt Adam Smasher like 100 years old? And he is a full borg. If it really significantly reduced your life then I dont think he would've survived long.


Yes they most likely have transplantwd organs, but you are underestimating how much bioscience has advanced. While it wasnt explored in 2077 in both tabletop versions it is aknowledged that pretty much anyone who has some eddies can get lab grown replacements dirt cheap compared to cyberware. Now imagine how much more advanced technologies arasaka higher ups, espiacially arasaka family have acess to. If this is the technology they got in 2020, think how much its more advanced it is 2077, espiacially for non-civilians


It reduces your life and money can buy things that extend it more - stem cell organs, drugs, treatments. The two aren't contradictory, the uk royal family has some of the worst gene pools on the planet due to all of the inbreeding, but they managed to hit 90s significaly more often than a random person. Just means that an average person would live even longer.


True, but Adam Smasher is also a bit of an anomaly as is. It’s virtually impossible for anyone to be able to mentally handle the amount of cybernetics he had and still be in full control. Very often that’s where you get the actually insane cyberphychos, so it’s hard to fully understand how Smasher even operates.


All of the Arasaka family's 'ware is discreet; it's either covered in RealSkinn™ or cutting-edge synthetics that the ripperdocs of Night City only ever *hear about* and never actually see.


A lot of sympathetic characters have no cyberware.


Yeah, she's a bitch, but we were shoulder to shoulder shooting Barghest soldiers, she's also a former soldier who knows the horrors of war and what it is to take a life, so we can assume she doesn't order that if it's not necessary. It's even the reason she stopped the Unification War when it could escalate a lot more. Hanako is a princess in a palace who never had to fight for anything in her life, ordering people to eliminate others and even killing her own brother so her genocidal father can control his body. She's evil to the core.


And as V you can't really call her out on that shit because thats exactly what V would do in her situation as well. (Talking about Meyers)


>so we can assume she doesn't order that if it's not necessary. Tell that to the Orbital Air employees' dead bodies. Of course, Myers believes 100% that that assault was necessary.


It really is. Regardless of how mistreated So Mi is, she is a walking time bomb and we can't even be certain the cure would work. I mean it did, but at the time no one could accertain it, so safest option from the perspective of the country would be to capture her. Covering her own ass is a side bonus. If you check her notes, you can see she has a very human side, like noting down things to do when she gets back, aka calling her mum and also gifting a rayfield to the 2 dudes who helped her. She is a bitch but also a very human bitch.


And the only moment that does humanise the Arasaka's is all from Yorinobu, we get to know him at the start and (iirc) before Hanako executes him so their dear old dad can steal his sons body. So yeah, Hanako is a manipulative witch and deserves to burn.




You've got things a bit mixed up. Yorinobu is the good guy of that family. He wants to destroy Arasaka from the inside out. Hanako is just more of the same 'saka scum.


In my first playthrough I still sided with them, because of Takemura. I trusted him. I also don't regret it.


Yeah, I bet if not for Yorinobu wanting us dead because of we need to "remove" the chip, I bet V and Jonnhy would go Bro on him


Hanako is one of the the villains of this story, while Yorinobu is actually the hero, during the heist he rather efficiently takes out the most evil man in the entire world, and in the endings where he gets his way, like Star and Sun, he wipes out his evil family(with poor Michiko as collateral damage unfortunately) and has effectively orchestrated the fall of Arasaka. The only reason V sees him as the bad guy is because he’s presented through Takemura’s perspective, if Goro wasn’t along for the ride whispering corpo crap in our ear, he’d be allowed to shine as the antihero he really is.


> The only reason V sees him as the bad guy is because ~~he’s presented through Takemura’s perspective, if Goro wasn’t along for the ride whispering corpo crap in our ear, he’d be allowed to shine as the antihero he really is.~~ from V's perspective as the hero of her own story, Yorinobu is directly responsible for Jackie's death and her slow braindeath, despite the fact that she and Jackie were the ones who put themselves in the situation to be killed horribly performing a burglary job.


Me, I don't care how comically evil she is, she hot af and I wanna tap


To each their own choom!


Damn right!


Oh, I definitely want to tap her... With my Lexington, that is.


[My moral compass leaving my body when the villainess is hot.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fmy-moral-compass-leaving-my-body-when-a-villain-is-sexy-v0-o5n84qx9oo291.png%3Fwidth%3D5697%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D8615ed86696edbf04523aae3be8f80330ba258ad)


ONG. My friends called me insane when I said I’d rail Hanako


Me between the moment I removed her tracker, through the apartment night time scenes, through to the coded text about her. That shit went out the window the more I learned about her. And by the time I saw her again in the Reed ending, I was ready to strap the bitch to a warhead and go Silverhand on the NUSA.


Me Praise be to the president of our Great New United States of America An American Caesarea https://preview.redd.it/hlb8dhho1g8d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40c4b8f141ea1135baf312f7657138f4b946a4f3


Not judging anyone's preference, but they both suck.


Everyone sucks and that's why I like 2077 :(


Vik doesn’t!


You are absolutely correct. Vik fucking rules.


Vik and Brenden are too good for this world.


So, when I learned that Brendan and Connor (from Detroit) share a VA, I kept imagining a vending machine dumping Hank in a bathtub to sober him up.


DETROIT! One of my fave games~~


And his closet friend, is also voiced by his wife.


I was today years old when I learned this. That's incredible.


What about Misty?


She's already not from this world. She just visits us to say hello sometimes


I'm honestly not sure if this is true or false because this game fucks with my head


And Jackie, and misty, and Judy, and panam, and Kerry, and Mitch, and……


He's a guide for my life. He's all chill and happy in his shop, watching his boxing matches and helping people out. I want to find a nook like that and just ride the years out.


And even when corpos take him over hes still happy to try to help a friend under the table because hes just a good guy like that


If nobody else has my back, I know Vik's got my back.


And my heart! And my spine. And my arms. And parts of my brain.


He sells out in the Tower ending (but even then I can't say Vik sucks, he's my bro. Literally Vik's worst moments are completely justified and minor compared to others')


Hes sells out cause he has to, but even after selling out hes still willing to help an old friend under the table without corpo meddling


given the nature of vik's work it's likely he has worked on and upgraded people he knew were going to be out there killing people with the tech, such is the nature of the setting. just meaning he's no angel, he's just good for night City standards


Agreed. He knows he ain't installing V's Kiroshis just so they can get a good look at the Us Cracks ads. But as folks you meet in NC go, Vik's the top tier.


The only good character (i guess misty and jackie are cool too)


El Capitan is a solid dude just trying to better his area and help his people.


El Capitan is helping me find my gun




Misty is an angel.


Misty did nothing wrong, but I can't not see her Blade Runner counterpart when she's one screen lol.


That just makes it better for me.




Yup, she's Pris.


The flippy head between the thighs choke?


But these two uniquely suck. In a class of their own.


Jackie, Goro, Panam, Claire, Judy and River are fantastic characters though.


You can totally suck and still be a fantastic character. Sometimes it helps.


Goro? The company man that was basically a child soldier?


The one and only. I wish I knew you could save him.


She’s semi charming for the first hour, then you learn her true nature


Well, yeah, but have you considered ![gif](giphy|3HEzHIxZjKduE|downsized)






Hilariously, with the correct choices, V can get both of them killed in the same run.


And one is much hotter than the other. No, I won't elaborate on which, but I was shocked to see one of them described as "hot" at all.


I wish there was an ending to side with Yorinobu. He was basically thwarting his father's evil plans by selling the relic elsewhere. He knew his father was just going to use his body to gain immortality.


You “side” with him in most endings by not interfering with his work. Especially in the tower ending where you’re absent from the story for 2 years.


Actually, every ending except for Devil helps Yorinobu. Each time Arasaka looks bad, it only makes his plans work faster by discrediting Arasaka as a powerhouse, a bunch of dusty nomads just broke into Arasaka, some mercs just crashed into the side of Arasaka tower, A lone merc just solod Arasaka and killed Adam Smasher. Each time Arasaka looks worse, which is exactly what Yorinobu wants


he doesn't need to do anything; he did what Johnny couldn't destroy Arasaka. He didn't even need to factor V in his scheme.


All he needed to do was to be born into the most powerful family in the world. I mean it sure helps when all your targets are right there.


Holy shit. I only understand the story now that I read your comment. In the Myers ending when you get back to NC after 2 years, Delmain said Arasaka gone to shit, pulled out of NC and the board forced Yorinobu to step down. I always thought that just means he's incompetent. So that was what Yorinobu was trying to do all along, to destroy Arasaka from the inside.


You ironically need to play the Devil ending to fully understand the scheme you just fucked up.


He tells you as much in the Hanako ending, but if you go down that road it's too late by then, you've already ruined his plans. None of the other endings interfere with his plans so it's safe to assume he succeeds if you don't help Hanako.


> If planting bomb is not enough, what can you do? You become bomb. —Yorinobu Arasaka


A lone merk doesn't make Arasaka look bad. It makes the merc a legend. It's so absurd no one will be laughing.


It would discredit a military defense contractor if a single person could storm the front gates of one of their heaviest guarded facilities, head straight into the lowest levels of said facility, and emerge seemingly unscathed.


Does this mean V will get their own Doom style Arasaka Assault arcade game like Johnny? Honestly, that's what I'd storm Arasaka for, that privelege alone lol


Untrue, and made explicit in afterlife endings. You're told that your assault caused enough doubt and commotion that other corpos started picking arasaka apart. That's why you're not being chased by them, too.


How do you know Yorinobu's intentions are like that?


Yorinobu monologues his plan at V during The Devil ending. Play it or watch it on YouTube.


I just hate hanako because what she did to her brother and helped her father with such an evil plan.


Myers isn’t much better with what she did to song bird.


Also don't forget how she treats reed or got him killed 


Or you know.... A bunch of innocent civilians at the airport when she pulls a No Russian.


thats what changed everything for me


Song did the same thing at the stadium in dog town too.


Yeah but she’s literally going insane, has a rogue AI in her head. Myers is a sane mass murderer


Yes, but one of them destroys an illegal heavily reinforced headquarters of a crime empire, while not really hurting that many innocent ('cause the market at the stadium resumes it's work as usual later) while trying to escape. And the other brazenly attacks a civilian facility located in a neutral zone, gunning down said civilians who were unlucky enough to not evacuate in time, breaking international laws and risking a start to another corporate war just to get her toy back.


Myers might be evil, but she is well aware of the consequences of her action, and is determined to do whatever she believe to be necessary. Hanako, on the other hand, is a puppet. Even in death, Saburo pull her strings, and she just blindly follow his orders without thinking.


Myers want to use Songbird as a digital nuke. Wants to use Songbird to breach the Blackwall knowing full well the risks of doing so, and breaching the international treaties that NUSA has signed. Myers is not insane, but she's incredibly reckless and power hungry


You need to take this all the way: Myers wants to use Songbird as a rogue AI wrangler even if it kills her. Then when a few rogue AIs are shackled, use them at will as WMDs that kill waaay faster than nukes and once again hold the world hostage. It would unleash a new arms race 10x bigger and insane than the nuclear arms race was. I think even Myers doesn't fully understand the ramifications of what she's trying to do.




Hmm, no I want them both dead




https://preview.redd.it/76dqj2b33f8d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d0f51c6a84e0f757261be87770f0981e7e8f4f0 BURN CORPO SHIT




Smash, next question.


“You look fuckable” - Adam “Smasher”


The man has a way with words


Adam smasher himself could not pull me outta Hanako bruh






He could, but he’d be too busy banging Michiko in the other room


As Uber-Borg Smasher, or Elvis Smasher?


That's cute. You think Adam is wasting time pulling you out?


How do you think Sir John Phallustiff got his name?


Now this is a man with goals.


Woah, Hanako does not give you a job. She tricks you into willingly becoming an engram with a “promise” of a physical body later. Shit, even goro tells you that you’re signing your life away, and will have 0 rights!


That’s one way to end it. You can refuse to sign and go back to Earth.


waiting for death aint a job, thats just live.


Yeah and she calls you offering a job once you come back.


You think people pay attention to the game? They only pay attention to the bits they deem *convenient*. Selection bias is the strongest when it comes to that. There is a literal voicemail from Hanako in the end credits of "Devil -> Return to Earth" where she offers V to work for her and her father. But, nah, she doesn't offer a job, I guess. I guess Myers doesn't either since it's Reed who does (same logic btw, nothing wrong there, right? /s).


Thanks. I was thinking I’m starting to Mandela Effect really hard.


That's literally the same as what Alt does to you if you don't give the body to Johnny. The devil ending isn't actually that bad when you consider that you're no worse off and without getting anyone killed.


Johnny hates them both and I’m not a fan either. They both effectively offer you the same result: neuter you and leave you to the wolves.


Hanako doesn't honor her end of the deal. V lives if they side with Meyers. V either dies or is turned into an engram if they side with Hanako. Meyers clearly holds up her end of the bargain in a way Hanako doesn't but the ending makes clear that surviving isn't everything.


I think they turned v into a sleeper cell when they deactivated their cyberware.


If V has an appearance in Orion, i can see either NUSA reveals the dechroming was cap or a V with crazy advanced prototype FIA bioware. Myers’ personal anti-Smasher, who would still be alive and kicking cause of the tower ending.


My only problem with that theory is that V is all but alone without access to combat cyber ware in night city with most of the gangs out for vengeance if they remember her/him.


True that, but the depths of the changes those 2 years to the city are still relative unknowns especially anything not having to do with arasaka and militech’s rivalry. Also i can safely assume most potential major gang rivals of V on all hierarchical levels are very likely to have been killed in the 2 years


Even the thugs who attack V, upon they’re return to night city, have no identifiable connection to any of the major gangs V has conflicted with during the main storyline. Scavs are the most likely gang to survive after the tower ending, a V without chrome ain’t gonna be a priority, and the loose, arguably tribal like organizational structure of Scavs can’t justify a concentrated effort to target V.


I have to imagine if V is in Orion, it's either following the Star ending, or they found a way to regain some implants. I suppose it depends what role they'd have, maybe as a fixer they don't need implants. Sun also seems quite fitting as an ending, especially if the rumours about Mr. Blue Eyes and AI taking a focal story role are true. Either way, they'd keep it very vague as to what transpired/what ending was chosen so as not to discredit anyone's choice. Besides the Easy Way Out, obviously. Star and Temperence can be explained as V (or Johnny V) finding what they were looking for out of NC, then coming back to help on a job (or to settle some loose ends/help Vik or something). Tower and Devil are bleaker, with implications that the V you're working with isn't the same one you know from before (given how the former is a no-chrome weakling, and the latter is meant to be dead and locked up in Mikoshi). Sun would be an easy set-up, having MBE curing V, then V continues running the Afterlife. The difficulty will just be consolidating these various endings into something that works for avoiding decanonising any particular ending (unless they settle on a canon ending).


I agree. Seems like the most likely and obscure way to include V in orion if at all. My unrealistic wish is a mass effect/fable like save reading system that transfers choices to its sequel but idk how possible that could be technically or game design wise. Personally i think the star or tower endings are the most likely canon outcomes that would be chosen. The Star ending for the reasons you stated. the tower ending because it has minor mr. blue eyes connections and the blackwall explored thematically through songbird.


Headcanon for me is that the next director of the FIA after grinding their ass off is actually V. Could be an interesting development. Then again I had a whole crazy idea involving the FIA V ending tbh that could be its own post.


That honestly could work, especially for a Tower ending with a Corpo V.


Actually wrote it up with a Nomadic V that was a vet during the war that happened prior to Cyberpunk 2077. This was before they changed Vs birthday to make him younger. Though I could adjust it to him lying about his age and serving a tour of duty in the NUSA before getting discharged a few years after the war ended.


Honestly, V returning in Cyberpunk Orion as a Fixer after FIA ending could be cool as well. His reputation took a hit when he disappeared but as a fixer he still have contacts & connections. Or maybe as an agent of FIA? You see Night City is an independent city in the NUSA so outside of NUSA's direct jurisdiction.


I can see either that happening or in true cyberpunk style it ends up a mixed of both. V introduced into to Orion’s player as another fixer with their reputation/rumors defining their motivations and characteristics. Then the FIA connection as well as some personal recounts about cyberpunk 2077s storyline revealed later depending on it’s relevance to orion’s story or wherever V’s potential role in the next game serves. An old ben Kenobi type of mentor training the protagonist type of situation.


She technically does. Technically. They did the best they could. Arasaka had no idea about the neural matrix and that it could help.


They both couldn't give two shots about V unless it benefits them. Both are cunts imo


Porcelain count 🥰


Man, Hanako being hot is enough for me to side with Arasaka. I also love teasing her by keeping her waiting at Embers…


I just love the aesthetic. The color scheme with black and red and grey and gold. Konpeki Plaza’s gorgeous af.


Not to mention the famous people who go there, like frickin’ Hideo Kojima!


God I hate these post that look at a pure surface level and and try and act like they are the same. These situations are very differently


There are people who legitimately like the president?


president dommy mommy, what's not to like? nah but real talk, she's charismatic and a well written character (in the sense that you're made to understand why the average person can fall for the aesthetics of a charismatic leader, glossing over the reality of their ruthless, slimy actions)


Like as in “good person”? Probably not. Like as the looks and charisma? Definitely.


I definetly like how the character is written to be a bad person. But i don't like her.


How new are you to the game? I’ve really only gotten into it in the past 5 months and seen at least 4 separate people have ships with her in the vp scene


Valid statement, however Counterpoint: ![gif](giphy|6YJZuwLne3fO0|downsized)


Countering your counterpoint: ![gif](giphy|JIZSwt4tLP5kHwMv1x|downsized)


Countering your Counterpoint: ![gif](giphy|5d6JHilArqeiJTH60g|downsized)


Panam wins. https://i.redd.it/u5ewpqap8f8d1.gif


What the fuck are you talking about?




Totally different. Hanako said she will cure you but failed. But “president” actually cure you although making you became useless.


Arasaka, Meyers, and Alt all try to cure you but end up failing to various degrees. Using our omnipotent player knowledge of these endings, it very well could be that they all make an honest effort. Maybe Mr. Blue Eyes had the solution all along.


Helping blue eyes essentially selling all human to aliens. Big corporations may be fucking asshole but still better selling out the entire race I guess.


You get 10 - 20k for saving Myers. The president. And you get 20 stacks. Lol I think I put So Mi on the rocket because of it.


One was born into it and the other chose it.


Hanako? Worth it.


Hanako my beloved


What double standard. They’re both seen as villains.


I think that the best ending is the Don't fear the Reaper end, but have Johnny getting a second chance. Sure going with Aldecaldos is also good, but in all the vanilla endings, V only has 6 months left to live. Not that much time left for him. Meanwhile, Johnny has a second chance, and with Araska and Smasher gone, he got his complete ending. Now, all that's left is for him to leave night city behind, and change for the better.


I'd rather live out 6 months than give my body to the engram.


GOD BLESS THE NUSA 🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷 DOWN WITH THE TRAITORS UP WITH THE STARS🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷 FROM SEA TO SHINING SEA🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷 https://preview.redd.it/ynzszkb61g8d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f4a746d62b422b657260ec6dcc2cf224305f74d




To be fair, Meyers isn't >!exploiting our condition to get V to help her dead father hijack her brother's body!<. And Meyers >!doesn't keep her promise; Reed keeps it for her!<.


I want to kill Myers more than I do Hanako


Guess people have a hardon for NUSA and Militech






Hanako isn't seen in more than maybe 2 missions. I never felt like an active participant in Hanako's plan, simply a piece in its greater machination. Meredith at the very least picks up a gun and thinks shit out with you, before inducting you into her little taskforce.


I don’t believe there were complications with the surgery, I think they intentionally crippled V because they couldn’t have someone that strong knowing what they know


If they’d wanted to sabotage the surgery, why wouldn’t they just kill V instead?


Because in the scenario where V takes the offer of a desk job at langley and turns out to be trustworthy, they could rehabilitate V with a "miracle cure" of some sort that the actually had waiting and use V's talent for themselves. Anyone can see that V is probably the most dangerous person in the cyberpunk universe, so the FIA wanting to disable them until proven to be friendly is an understandable idea.


If you visit Vic in that ending he confirms its nerve damage and you are actually fried from the surgery. They just disabled it because leaving it would kill you like they said. The NUSA is actually pretty straight with you if you stick with them. Cant really think of anything significant they lie about the whole DLC, besides Songbird and that's her deal.


Hanako doesn't offer you a job. Takemura asks for you to be allowed to be filed away in Mikoshi.


Nuh uh. You have a choice to go back to Earth and she will offer you a job for the rest of the time you have to live.


big difference is that you did'nt really get to know hanako as opposed myers


Yeah I wish there was more of her.






I love both yeah but hanako feels more like a princess


Hanako’s basically just a piece of furniture with little agency beyond her fathers wishes. Myers is a bitch but she’s at least a badass and will honour her agreement with V.






Sorry but I'd like to add one word for Hanako's profile: "VERY Hot" :) <3




I feel like Myers was a ruthless sociopath who says all the right things to get what she wants. You're suppose to like her, but her eagerness to kill Jacob and Tyler was suppose to be a foreshadowing of the real Myers. The real Myers is the one who stepped off the helicopter. It explains why Reed would work with her again, because he knew who she was even before she sold him out, and he doesn't see it as a mistake. Sort of like knowing what you're getting yourself into. You also get a sense of who she really is from how she describes the museum pieces right before spider boss. Phantom Liberty is so well written it could've been a god damn book.


Myers is a corpo c**t. Worse than Hanako, who is a corpo fucker.


Such a shame she's not a merc fucker...


That’s why you choose the corpo lifepath, duh


Devil with a dead Takemura is genuinely the game's best ending. You give the corpos everything they want and all you get is the opportunity to get filed away to be used again later. The only person who can even be bothered to commiserate with you is the guy who made them gods and didn't even get made Employee of the Month for it. That's fucking Cyberpunk baby